No State /Party Name of the Speaker Mobile Office Landline Residence

No State /Party Name of the Speaker Mobile Office Landline Residence

No State /Party Name of the Mobile Office Landline Residence E-mail Secretary Leislative Contact Office Address Secretary Contact Speaker Landline Assembly numbers D/o Numbers Parliamentar y Affairs 1. Andhra Sh. Kodela Siva 09848005923 0863-2450066 0863-2381900 kodeladr@gmil. Sh. Vijay Raju 08978500668 9490804674 K. 0863-2449161 Pradesh Prasada Rao 0863- 0863-2381950 com (M) PA to Secretary Sh. Satyanarayan 09848128419 2450077(Fax) 08647-222337 Vijay Raju a Rao, DS Ksnrao.alpa@g 0863-2449252 0863-2450014 0863-2450006 Legislative Sh. M. A. 08977309714 0863-2450044 0866-2974044 ma.shariff1955 ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- ---do--- Council Shariff Chairman 08125259999 Legislative Council 2. Arunachal Shri P.N. 09436040015 0360-2214226 0360-2214234 norbumla@gma Kago Habung 09436041829 A Mossang, 09436059193 Pradesh Thongdok 0360-2214227 Secretry incharge 0360-2214221 JS No landline fax 0360-2214238 Mr Sur 9402275679 3. Assam Shri Hitendra 09954006502 0361-2310152 Legislative- Sh. Mrigendra 09431617392 Assam Legislative 0361-2262225 Nath Goswami [email protected] Kumar Deka Assembly Secretariat 0361- Building 2262225(F) 4. Bihar Shri Vijay 09534099997 0612-2217856 0612-2215232 secretarybvs@g Sh.Bateshwar 09431012736 0612-2217840 Sh.Rajiv 09430284376 Kumar Nath Paydey 0612-2215401 Kumar 0612-2215027 Chaudhary, [email protected] Speaker, Bihar vkumarchy@gm om Rajiv1764@ Legislative Assembly Legislative Mohd. Haroon 09431250157 0612-2215245 0612-2215986 dyc.blc@gmail. Sh. Vinod Kumar 09472829389 0612-2215667 Sh.Chaitany 09162073236 Council Rashid, 09431832039 com [email protected] Prasad 0612-2217616 Chairman, Bihar Haroonrashid11 Pad.bih@nic. Legislative [email protected] in Council No State /Party Name of the Mobile Office Landline Residence E-mail Secretary Leislative Contact Office Address Secretary Contact Speaker Landline Assembly numbers D/o Numbers Parliamentar y Affairs 5. Chhattisgar Sh. Charan Das 09810768610 0771-2331028 0771-2331028 secycgvs@redif Sh. Dinesh 9827007898 h Mahant Harneder Sharma 09424201111 Singh Gosain Residence Cum PS to Speaker) Office 6. Delhi Sh. Ram Niwas 09311058007 011-23890140 011-23914828 spr.dvs- Shri Valmurgan 011-23890109 S.G. Sharma 9717566688 01123890468 Goel 09654358007 011-23890150 [email protected] 011-23890007 Deputy Secretary mla.shahdra- 9350552412 [email protected] [email protected] 7. Goa Dr. Pramod 09765599920 0832- 0832-2367777 Drpramodsawan Sh. Nilkanth 0832-2410917 Law 0832-2419417 Savant 2414205 [email protected] Subhedar 0832-2493261 Secretary 2493201 09763363896 Chokha Ram Mob:- 2493302 Garg 9650469955 8. Gujrat Sh. Rajendra 09825060302 23222024 079-23259684 speaker@gujara Shri D.M. Patel 9978406149 Gujrat Vidhan Sabha Sh. D. M. Trivedi 079-23253017 079-23253076 Sachivalya Gandhi Patel looks 23253017 Nagar after Gujarat 382010 Parliamentar y Affairs 9. Haryana Sh. Kanwar Pal 09416023666 0172-2740030 0172-2740534 Kanwarpal666 Shri Rajender 0172-2740785 0172-2790123 Sh. Nitin 0172-2743506 (Sh. Sukhbir Kumar Nandal 09478402919 Yadav Kaushik) [email protected] 10. Himachal Dr. Rajeev 9816829999 0177-2658164 0177-2658147 Rajeevbindal.hp Sh. Yashpal 0177-2656424 ( Sh. Yashpal Sharma Sh. Suresh 0177-2621196 Pradesh Bindal Sharma O ) himself looks after Bhardwaj 9418383400 Parliamentary Affairs Minister Parliamentar y Affairs 11. Jammu & Assembly Dissolved Kashmir 12. Jharkhand Mr. Dinesh 09431116277 0651-2440400 0651-2281884 dineshoraon62 Sh. Mahendra (O) 0651- 7B-Ratnapriya Apt., Madhukar 09431356698 Oraon Prasad 2440200, (R) Singh More, Latma Bhardwaj 0651-2902773, Road, Hatia, Ranchi JS Law Office Mob- 0651-2441185 09430355707 Secy- No State /Party Name of the Mobile Office Landline Residence E-mail Secretary Leislative Contact Office Address Secretary Contact Speaker Landline Assembly numbers D/o Numbers Parliamentar y Affairs jhvidhansabha @jharkhandm 13. Karnataka Sh. K.R. 09845155080 080-22251009 080-25350220 kanadanrameshk M.K. Vishalakshi (O)080- Karnataka Legislative K 080-22254445 Ramesh Kumar [email protected] 22250702 Assembly Secretariat Dwarkanath m (R )080- Vidhan Soudha Babu 9449986859 Speakerkar2018 23154730 Bangalore Karnataka - Secy (M) 560233 Parliamentar 9448108798 y Affairs Legislative Pratap Chander 09448012500 080-22033325 09480211246 Chairmanklc.uh Council Shetti 080-22258575 Legislative ----------------------------------------------------------do---------------------------------------------------------- Council 14. Kerala P. Shree 09447799330 0471-2305830 0471-2513014 speaker@niyam Sh. V.K. Babu (O) 0471- Kalleli Puthan Veedu, Dr. B. Ashok 0471-2333028 Ramakrishnan Prakash 2305834 Poomthoppu Ward, 09446366777 sreedyfi@gmail. (R ) 0471- Alappuzha-6 com 2512156 (M)094006679 72 Email- secretary@niy amashabha.nic .in 15. Madhya Sh. N P 09425008886 OSD K.K Not yet shifted np.prajapati@m Sh. Awadhesh (O)0755- E-115/19, Shivaji 0755-2441675 Pradesh Prajapati Tiwari 0755-2440402 Pratap Singh 2440212 Nagar, Bhopal(MP)- 0755-2761037 9340775651 0755-2400694 (0 )0755- 462016 Deputy 2523006 Additional 0755-2523001 Secretary to (R) 0755- Secretary Parl. Speaker Sh. 2440410 Affairs. Harish.shrivas@ 9425012971 0755-2441102 mpvidhansabha Email- ap.singh@mpv 8435478586 idhansabha.nic .in No State /Party Name of the Mobile Office Landline Residence E-mail Secretary Leislative Contact Office Address Secretary Contact Speaker Landline Assembly numbers D/o Numbers Parliamentar y Affairs 16. Maharashtra Haribhau Bagde 9422205644, 022-22023101 Sh. Mandar Aurangabad Sh.Jitendra Bhole 022-22026693 Maharashtra Sh.Jitendra 022-22026693 (O) PA to Speaker Residence 022-22028217 Legislature Secretariat Bhole 022-22028217 9921007801 9420760446, 0240-2331130 M:- Vidhan bhavan M:-9819258223 9819258223 Backbay Reclamation 022-23632748 bagadeharibhau Vidhan Bhavan Marg Nariman Point 022- 23635688 Mumbai 400032 Legislative Ram Raje Naik 09850883388 022-22024086 23676632 Chairmanmls5 council Nimbalkar 022-22027373 73 --------------------------------------------------------------------do------------------------------------------------ 17. Manipur Yumnam 09863314001 0385-2422586, 0385-2450458 mungyamba@g Ramani Devi 9774267961 Khemchand 0385-2410452 Singh 18. Meghalaya Dr. Donkupar 09856011111 0364-2227743 donkuparroy@g Sh. Andrew Simon (O)0364- Meghalaya Legislative Sh. W. 0364-2226422 Roy 2224268 Assembly, Mahatma Khyllep 9863028845 09436104815 PS:- (M) Gandhi Road, Shilong, Secy parl Aff 09612907523 Meghalaya Email- andrewsimons [email protected] 19. Mizoram Sh. Lalrinliana 09436142657 0389-2326250 0389-2325655 Lalrinliana.sailo Sh. S.R. Zokhuma 9436142507 Mrs. Marli 0389-2324512 Sailo 0389-2325789 Vankunj 0389- rinasailo@gmail 0389-2322250 Secretary 2328030 fax .com secymla@gma Law/Parl. Aff. 20. Nagaland Sh. Vikho-O- 9436000086/ 0370-2271510 speaker- Benjamin Newmai (O)0370- 09436804691 Sh. 9856070278 Yhoshu 7628082652 0370-2271514 [email protected] 2271507 Ms. Naro, PA to Motsuthung (O)0370- Secretary Lotha 2271510 (f) 0370- Secy 2271512 Parliamentar (M) y Affairs 09436061197 Email- nagalandassem No State /Party Name of the Mobile Office Landline Residence E-mail Secretary Leislative Contact Office Address Secretary Contact Speaker Landline Assembly numbers D/o Numbers Parliamentar y Affairs bly2008@yah 21. Odisha Shri Pradip 09437040324 0674-2536904 0674-2390393 speakerolanew Shri Amiya Kumar 0674-2536852 Odisha Legislative Sh. 0674-2536742 Kumar Amat Assembly Resi cum Sarangi Assembly, Sashikanta Chamber office Bhubaneswar Mishra Mob. Principle 09338100131 Secretary Law 22. Puducherry SHRI V. 9443260363 0413-2334461 0413-2227622 2232201 Shri Vincent Rayar 0413— Legislative Assembly Shri Vincent 0413—2334462 VAITGHILING 2338373 2334462 Secretariat, Rayar 09944808799 AM 09944808799 Puducherry Secy is looking Parl. Affairs 23. Punjab Sh. Rana K. P. 9815600106 0172-2740372, 0172-2740372 speakerpla@ Smt. Shashi 0172-2740786 Punjab Legislative Sh. Kap 0172-2742803 Singh 0172-2740842 Lakhanpal Mishra 9855007640 Assembly, Sinha 0172- 2697160 Chandigarh 2740611 9910443000 9888314300 24. Rajasthan Dr. C.P. Joshi 9829066778 0141-2744321 0141-2521666 rajassembly@ni Shri Dinesh Kumar 0141-2744326 Rajasthan Vidhan 0141-2227531 Sh. Jain 9460062635 Sabha, Jaipur Mahaveer Speaker- 09414251528 rajassembly@ni Prasad Sharma 2227916 Fax 25. Sikkim Shri K.N. Rai 9434022777 3592-203652 sikkimspeaker@ Shri L.M. Pradhan 3592-203654 Sikkim Legislative Sh. R.K. 9434063526 (O) 9832039800 Assembly Purukaystha 03592-205191 PS Meghraj 281474 R Guru 8967324545 26. Tamil Nadu P. Dhanapal 9952497272 044-25673909 044-24621229 [email protected] Thiru. K. Office Secretary Tamil Nadu Mr. Poo 044-25672920 AIADMK (off) SRINIVASAN, 044-25672611 Legislative Assembly Valingam 044-25678956 / 25670271 - Fort St. Georg Law 09500155655 (Fax) Extn.105 Secretariat Chennai Secretary Fax: 044- 600009 No State /Party Name of the Mobile Office Landline Residence E-mail Secretary Leislative Contact Office Address Secretary Contact Speaker Landline Assembly numbers D/o Numbers Parliamentar y Affairs 25678956 Joint 044-25672849 PA 9941862686 Secretary Mr. Suresh. Law Residence - 044- 25593377 A S 09444040894 assemblysecret Pasupathy [email protected] assembly@tn. PA’s Name: Sh. Ganesh 27. Telangana Pocharam 09440401527 040-23233829; 040-23317007 Speaker.tla@gm Narsimha Charyulu 040-23232072,

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