FAO Country Profiles survey 1. When was the last time you visited the FAO Country Profiles Portal? Response Response Percent Count Today 38.2% 84 Last week 15.0% 33 One month ago 16.8% 37 Six months ago 6.4% 14 More than one year 7.3% 16 I don’t know 16.4% 36 answered question 220 skipped question 3 2. How often do you visit the FAO Country Profiles Portal? Response Response Percent Count Daily 6.5% 14 Weekly 17.6% 38 Monthly 18.1% 39 Once/twice per quarter 17.1% 37 Once/twice per year 9.3% 20 I don’t know 11.1% 24 This is my first visit. 20.4% 44 answered question 216 skipped question 7 1 of 14 3. What are the three (3) types of information that you find most useful on the Portal. Rating Response First Second Third Average Count Country offices contacts 52.5% (32) 26.2% (16) 21.3% (13) 6.62 61 Country codes and names 24.0% (6) 60.0% (15) 16.0% (4) 6.16 25 FAO members and flags 25.0% (4) 43.8% (7) 31.3% (5) 5.88 16 Low Income Food Deficit Countries 25.7% (9) 48.6% (17) 25.7% (9) 6.00 35 Maps 14.0% (6) 44.2% (19) 41.9% (18) 5.44 43 News/events 23.4% (11) 31.9% (15) 44.7% (21) 5.57 47 Publications 26.7% (20) 45.3% (34) 28.0% (21) 5.97 75 Statistics 53.6% (67) 27.2% (34) 19.2% (24) 6.69 125 Thematic country profiles 37.8% (34) 20.0% (18) 42.2% (38) 5.91 90 Others 12.5% (3) 12.5% (3) 75.0% (18) 4.75 24 answered question 196 skipped question 27 4. How user-friendly do you find the Portal? Response Response Percent Count Very user-friendly 14.6% 27 User-friendly 52.4% 97 Somewhat user-friendly 18.9% 35 Not user-friendly 5.9% 11 N/A 8.1% 15 answered question 185 skipped question 38 2 of 14 5. For each type of information below, how would you rate the overall information coverage on the Portal’s country pages? Very Very Rating Response Good Poor N/A good poor Average Count 27.8% 55.6% 9.3% Thematic profiles 2.5% (4) 4.9% (8) 7.04 162 (45) (90) (15) 23.7% 55.3% 11.8% 7.2% Maps 2.0% (3) 6.87 152 (36) (84) (18) (11) 32.5% 44.6% 15.7% Statistics 1.8% (3) 5.4% (9) 6.91 166 (54) (74) (26) 31.5% 45.1% 13.6% 7.4% Publications 2.5% (4) 6.93 162 (51) (73) (22) (12) 23.9% 49.1% 11.3% 13.2% News/events 2.5% (4) 6.86 159 (38) (78) (18) (21) answered question 174 skipped question 49 6. Please provide any comments you have about the Portal. Response Count 39 answered question 39 skipped question 184 3 of 14 7. The following features may be added to the Portal in the future. Please rate the importance of each feature for your work. Very Somewhat Not Rating Response Important N/A important important important Average Count 43.2% 43.9% 1.5% More thematic profiles 9.1% (12) 2.3% (3) 5.48 132 (57) (58) (2) 39.0% 40.7% 0.8% More maps 18.7% (23) 0.8% (1) 5.16 123 (48) (50) (1) 56.6% 33.1% 0.7% More statistics 9.7% (14) 0.0% (0) 6.08 145 (82) (48) (1) 37.9% 33.3% 1.5% More publications 21.2% (28) 6.1% (8) 4.86 132 (50) (44) (2) 27.8% 32.5% 1.6% More news/events 32.5% (41) 5.6% (7) 4.24 126 (35) (41) (2) More Non-FAO data (other UN 24.8% 41.4% 0.8% 24.1% (32) 9.0% (12) 4.15 133 agencies) (33) (55) (1) More Non-FAO data (other 22.7% 39.4% 2.3% 25.8% (34) 9.8% (13) 4.00 132 international organizations) (30) (52) (3) More Non-FAO data (wikipedia, 12.9% 28.2% 25.8% 1.6% 31.5% (39) 2.84 124 news papers) (16) (35) (32) (2) More multimedia resources (photos, 19.0% 37.3% 18.3% 0.0% 25.4% (32) 3.52 126 videos, etc) (24) (47) (23) (0) Interface available in other 19.5% 26.6% 20.3% 3.9% 29.7% (38) 3.35 128 languages (25) (34) (26) (5) 19.2% 28.0% 17.6% 6.4% More content in other languages 28.8% (36) 3.45 125 (24) (35) (22) (8) Add functionality allowing to 12.6% 32.3% 19.7% 5.5% contribute or revise the content of 29.9% (38) 3.07 127 (16) (41) (25) (7) the profiles Add functionality to compare data 40.9% 33.6% 2.2% 17.5% (24) 5.8% (8) 5.07 137 from different countries (56) (46) (3) Add functionality to aggregate 37.8% 41.5% 1.5% 16.3% (22) 3.0% (4) 5.08 135 country data at regional level (51) (56) (2) Include functionality to 43.2% 28.8% 0.8% export/download the country 18.9% (25) 8.3% (11) 5.02 132 (57) (38) (1) profiles in other formats Include functionality to save a 35.3% 26.3% 12.8% 3.0% 22.6% (30) 4.47 133 profile (47) (35) (17) (4) 4 of 14 answered question 155 skipped question 68 8. Please describe any features or data that you would like to be included in the Portal. Response Count 25 answered question 25 skipped question 198 9. What is your age? Response Response Percent Count <15 0.6% 1 15-25 12.3% 19 26-35 27.9% 43 36-45 27.3% 42 46-55 20.8% 32 56-65 10.4% 16 >65 0.6% 1 answered question 154 skipped question 69 10. Are you male or female? Response Response Percent Count Female 41.8% 64 Male 58.2% 89 answered question 153 skipped question 70 5 of 14 11. In which country do you live? (Select a country from the pull down list) Response Response Percent Count Afghanistan 0.7% 1 Albania 0.0% 0 Algeria 0.0% 0 Andorra 0.0% 0 Angola 0.0% 0 Antigua and Barbuda 0.0% 0 Argentina 0.0% 0 Armenia 0.0% 0 Australia 2.7% 4 Austria 0.7% 1 Azerbaijan 0.0% 0 Bahamas 0.0% 0 Bahrain 0.0% 0 Bangladesh 0.7% 1 Barbados 0.0% 0 Belarus 0.0% 0 Belgium 0.7% 1 Belize 0.7% 1 Benin 0.7% 1 Bhutan 0.0% 0 Bolivia 0.0% 0 Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.7% 1 Botswana 0.0% 0 Brazil 1.4% 2 Bulgaria 0.7% 1 Burkina Faso 1.4% 2 6 of 14 Burundi 0.0% 0 Cambodia 0.7% 1 Cameroon 0.0% 0 Canada 1.4% 2 Cape Verde 0.0% 0 Central African Rep 0.0% 0 Chad 0.0% 0 Chile 1.4% 2 China 4.1% 6 Colombia 1.4% 2 Comoros 0.0% 0 Congo 0.0% 0 Cook Islands 0.0% 0 Costa Rica 0.0% 0 Croatia 0.7% 1 Cuba 0.7% 1 Cyprus 0.0% 0 Czech Rep 1.4% 2 Côte d'Ivoire 0.0% 0 Dem People's Rep of Korea 0.0% 0 Dem Rep of the Congo 2.0% 3 Denmark 0.7% 1 Djibouti 0.0% 0 Dominica 0.0% 0 Dominican Rep 0.7% 1 Ecuador 0.0% 0 Egypt 1.4% 2 El Salvador 0.0% 0 7 of 14 Equatorial Guinea 0.0% 0 Eritrea 0.0% 0 Estonia 0.0% 0 Ethiopia 0.7% 1 Fiji 0.0% 0 Finland 0.0% 0 France 2.0% 3 Gabon 1.4% 2 Gambia 0.7% 1 Georgia 0.7% 1 Germany 2.0% 3 Ghana 0.0% 0 Greece 0.0% 0 Grenada 0.0% 0 Guatemala 0.0% 0 Guinea 0.0% 0 Guinea-Bissau 0.0% 0 Guyana 0.0% 0 Haiti 0.7% 1 Honduras 0.0% 0 Hungary 2.0% 3 Iceland 0.0% 0 India 3.4% 5 Indonesia 2.0% 3 Iran (Islamic Rep of) 0.0% 0 Iraq 0.0% 0 Ireland 0.0% 0 Israel 0.0% 0 Italy 19.0% 28 8 of 14 Jamaica 1.4% 2 Japan 0.7% 1 Jordan 0.0% 0 Kazakhstan 0.0% 0 Kenya 0.7% 1 Kiribati 0.0% 0 Kuwait 0.0% 0 Kyrgyzstan 0.0% 0 Lao People's Dem Rep 0.7% 1 Latvia 0.0% 0 Lebanon 1.4% 2 Lesotho 0.7% 1 Liberia 0.0% 0 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 0.0% 0 Lithuania 0.0% 0 Luxembourg 0.0% 0 Madagascar 0.0% 0 Malawi 0.0% 0 Malaysia 0.0% 0 Maldives 0.0% 0 Mali 0.0% 0 Malta 0.0% 0 Marshall Islands 0.0% 0 Mauritania 0.0% 0 Mauritius 0.0% 0 Mexico 0.7% 1 Micronesia (Fed States of) 0.0% 0 Monaco 0.0% 0 9 of 14 Mongolia 0.7% 1 Montenegro 0.0% 0 Morocco 0.0% 0 Mozambique 1.4% 2 Myanmar 0.0% 0 Namibia 0.0% 0 Nauru 0.0% 0 Nepal 0.0% 0 Netherlands 2.0% 3 New Zealand 0.7% 1 Nicaragua 1.4% 2 Niger 0.7% 1 Nigeria 1.4% 2 Niue 0.0% 0 Norway 0.0% 0 Oman 0.0% 0 Pakistan 1.4% 2 Palau 0.0% 0 Panama 0.0% 0 Papua New Guinea 0.7% 1 Paraguay 0.0% 0 Peru 0.0% 0 Philippines 2.0% 3 Poland 0.0% 0 Portugal 0.7% 1 Qatar 0.0% 0 Rep of Korea 1.4% 2 Rep of Moldova 0.0% 0 10 of 14 Romania 1.4% 2 Russian Federation 0.0% 0 Rwanda 0.0% 0 Saint Kitts and Nevis 0.0% 0 Saint Lucia 0.0% 0 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0.0% 0 Samoa 0.0% 0 San Marino 0.0% 0 Sao Tome and Principe 0.0% 0 Saudi Arabia 0.0% 0 Senegal 0.7% 1 Serbia 0.7% 1 Seychelles 0.0% 0 Sierra Leone 0.0% 0 Slovakia 0.0% 0 Slovenia 0.0% 0 Solomon Islands 0.0% 0 Somalia 0.0% 0 South Africa 0.0% 0 Spain 0.7% 1 Sri Lanka 0.0% 0 Sudan 0.0% 0 Suriname 0.0% 0 Swaziland 0.7% 1 Sweden 0.0% 0 Switzerland 0.0% 0 Syrian Arab Rep 0.0% 0 TFYR of Macedonia 0.7% 1 Tajikistan 0.0% 0 11 of 14 Thailand 0.0% 0 Timor-Leste 0.0% 0 Togo 0.0% 0 Tonga 0.0% 0 Trinidad and Tobago 0.7% 1 Tunisia 0.0% 0 Turkey 2.0% 3 Turkmenistan 0.0% 0 Tuvalu 0.0% 0 Uganda 0.7% 1 Ukraine 0.7% 1 United Arab Emirates 0.0% 0 United Kingdom 2.7% 4 United Rep of Tanzania 0.7% 1 United States of America 4.1% 6 Uruguay 0.7% 1 Uzbekistan 0.0% 0 Vanuatu 0.0% 0 Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep of) 0.0% 0 Viet Nam 0.0% 0 Yemen 0.0% 0 Zambia 0.7% 1 Zimbabwe 0.0% 0 answered question 147 skipped question 76 12 of 14 12.
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