Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1983 Daily Egyptian 1983 11-7-1983 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 07, 1983 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1983 Volume 69, Issue 56 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, November 07, 1983." (Nov 1983). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1983 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1983 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Homecomers enjoy Dogs' day By John Scbrag The day's official act:vities Staff Writer Ix.~an at 9:30 a.m. as the Homecoming parade headed The official name of out along South Illinois Avenue. Homecoming '83 was "Return The caravan started at Main of the Alumni," but it might as Street and prc.ceeded to McAn­ well have been "How 'bout drew Stadium, where a few them Dawgs?" tailgate parties were already "'ootball fever dominated this underway. year's homecOming festivities The parade had the usual and the Saluki's c1ifi-hanging array of clowns, Sh.."iners, (''ub victory Saturday afterlloon Scouts, Girl Scouts, baton before a record attendance of twirlers, cheerleaders, pompon 16,600 fans appropriately squads, bands, bands and more capped a weekend of activities. bands. More than 20 Southern Illinois high school and grade school bands, from Tamms to Flora, See Homecoming marched their way down the Strip. in pictures. The sm Marching Salukis led the way, blasting out the sm PageS Fight Song to the shouts of "We're NO.1" and "How 'bout them Dawgs!" AJumni and students were treated to an evening of free bl:!':o'!:eJ',::s:hew:e:~~r~~i entertainment Friday, courtesy the parade's grand marshal, of the Student Programming Gus Bode, whose words of Council. SPC sponsored shows wisdom have appeared on the Out-sized bands and bollering fans told the Homecoming 1983 story at I\fcAndrew Stadium. by "Northwind," a three-piece front pages 'J! the Daily jazz ensemble froo California, Egyptian for 28 years. nity, for its depiction of an made by the Delta Chi frater- fraternity took third place with and "Laughing Stock," a three­ Several groups entt'!"ed floats airborne Saluki shooting down nity and the Alpha Gamma their float, ",hich proclhimed man improvisational comedy in the parade and a panel of an Illinois Redbird, while Delta sorority, which also that "Redbirds are Deadbirds" troupe from Chicago. judges awarded first place "Welcoming Alumni from all portrayed a Redbird being shot and showed a Saluki chewing ~~ But Saturday it was all Saluki honors to AJpha Eta Rho, an Galaxies." down. football madness. international aviation frater- Second place went til a float, The . Sigma Tau Gamma See HOMECOMERS, Page 3 {jus 'Daily ~~ Nuclear waste 'Egyptian bill may give "\\ ~~\-~~ Southern Illinois University . ...;-- ~~ Monday, November 7,1983, Vol. 69, No. 56 state lone site Gus says every Dog bas its day. J 10 but not many bave in a row. By Karen Torry leadi::g candidate to host a Staff Writer dump-site. One amendment made by a Donow proDlotion, Affinnative The General Assembly has Senate committee mandates approved legislation allowi~g that public hearings be held in Illinois to share a disposal sIte any state designated to host a for low-level radioactive waste dump site and calls for host Action plan on F -Senate slate with other Midwest states, but states to open a public access document room containing all By chan~es made to the bill may Pbillip Fiorini and 1982 after the English top two officers when Mary to compact-related materials. Staff Writer Department and the College of Helen Gasser and Richard force Illinois go it alone. Liberal Arts recommended not Hayes were reassigned last Some lawmakers fear that Another amendment directs amendments made to the bill, t~ecompact commission, which The Faculty Senate is ex­ to prOI!lote him. His promotion summer within the University. which calls for a regior.!!! would administer the pected to address allegations of became effective in August. Eames, a philosophy solution for low-level nuclear agreement, to adopt treatment, "extraordinary, preferential Gregory, a mathematics professor, said that some waste disposal, may endanger it storage and disposal methods to treatment" that may have professor, said that he would campus groups feel they don't because the changes are not minimize the amount of waste occurred in the promotion of like to hear from Guyon and have "a voice of their own," she included in legislation passed requiring shallow land burial. Senate President Herbert Donow whether tt.... promotion said. by five other states. The same amendment Donow to professor. followed proper procedures. "It's unfortunate, because the Federal law turns respon­ requires a dump-site operator The senate's November The senate is also expected to people making the decisions sibiHy for low-level waste to bold maximum liability in­ meeting will be at 1 p.m. address a resolution asking the have no one to check with to ask disposal over to the states surance and ensures that all Tuesday in the Mississippi administration to consider whether there are shoes that beginning in 1986 and urges states shipping waste to the site Room of the Student Center. hiring a chief and assistant are pinching," Eames said. them to form regional groups, will share financiai liability in m a letter drafted by senate afflmlative action officer. The The deadline for applicants with at least one site for siilrage case of an accident. The change member John Gregory, Donow University is conducting a was Oct. 15, but the group of waste generated within each specifies that location of dump­ ,was asked to step down from his '!lational search for a chief of- received permission from SItes will rotate among the 'position until the questions fieer. President Albert Somit to seek rer~:'Midwest Interstate Low­ , states every 20 years. raised about is promotion are Elizabeth Eames, a member resoonses on how the structure Level Radioactive Waste A third amendment requires answered. of a faculty group that drafted of the office should correlate Compact, already ratified by that the regional management Vice President for Academic the proposal, said Sunday that if with the qualifications listed in indiana, Iowa, Michigan and plan, which would determine Affairs John Guyon, who ap­ the affirmative action officer the job application. Those Minnesota, calls for all states to how a dump-site is operated, proved of the promotion, said did all me things listed in the job responses are due Nov. 15. pass identical legislation in provide alternative disposal last week that he was com­ description, "it would take at Eames said that the input order to join the compact. methods to shallow land burial :ortable with the procedure least two." shows that the applicants' Illinois, the fourth largest and deep injection wells. followe-J. The office, which oversees the qualifications "should be generator of low-level waste in Dono", an English professor, University's hi,rin~ policies ~or 'See ACTION, Page 3 the nation, is considered the See WASTE, Page 3 med grievances in 1980, 1981 women and n:.monties, lost Its By Palrick WilHams "The pro,iect is such that it insurance comparues will not Staff Writer should not be turned down," he reimburse for the use of the said. facility. Plans by Carbondale Maroney said he questions the Maroney said because Car­ Memorial Hospital to build an legality of the plannin, board's bondale Clinic decided to go outpatient surgical center fell reasoning in denYlDg the ahead with its facility without Hospital surgical one vote short of approval by hr.spital application, though he certification, ''we could not the Illinois Health -raciiitit;:i; .....ould not specify why. really present competition" to Planning Board. Carbondale Clinic, whose the clinic's proposal. center fails to get The hospital received six of application for a certificate of Sixty percent of the surgery seven votes needed to get a need for a surgical center was done in Carbondale is done at "certificate of need" from the also to be '.::onsidered this Memorial Hospital, and board. Certification is required month, had earlier notified the Maroney said he didn't think the board certification to get a state license for the board it intended to construct board properly considered hew facility. its center regardless of cer­ the area would be served by the Memorial administrator tification, Maroney said. eUnic's surgi-center. George Maroney said he will Since the clinic is a private The board had voted 5-4 an recommend that the hospital facility, it does not require state intect to deny the hospital's board consider appealing the Iicensmg to build its center, denial in court. although without licensing some See HOSPITAL, Page 3 Residents' cooperation urged News Roundup-- Israel vows retribution for attacks JERUSALEM (AI') - Israel on Sunday began burying its .by A~y ~ Grenada lDanhunt dead from the terrorist bombing in southern Lebanon and ST. GEORGE'S, Grenada announced last week by Telephones nationwide began vowed to "strike back sevenfold" in retribution for any more (AP) - U.S. Army choppers President Reagan, according to working Sunday but circuits attacks. dropped hiUldreds of leaflets William Wheeler, the east quickly overloaded in the crush Israel accused LIte Syrians of helping engineer the blast that over northern and central Caribbean director for the of foreign reporteno trying to killed 28 Israelis and 32 Lebanese and Palestinians Friday at Grenada on Sunday urging Agency for International can offices and Grenadians an Israeli military headquarters in the southern Lebanese city residents to cooperate in Development.
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