North Lanarkshire Council Planning Applications for consideration of Planning and Development Committee Committee Date : 20fhOctober 2010 Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved 1 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE 20th October 2010 Page Application Applicant Develo pme nt/Si te Recommendation No No 5 09/0101 9/MIN Antonine Property Importation of Inert Material Refuse (P) Group for lnfill and the Formation of a 2 Metre High Bund. Former Peat Works Cumbernauld Road Moodiesburn 11 10/00312/FUL Arva Ltd Construction of Residential Grant (P) Development (12 Flats) Beacon Inn Kilsyth Road Queenzieburn Glasgow 19 10/0065O/FUL North Lanarkshire Formation of Cemetery, Grant Council Associated Pavilion with Waiting Room and Accommodation for Cemetery Workers, Access Roads, Car Park and Landscaping Site Adjacent To Bothwellhaugh Road Bellshill 29 10/007OO/FUL North Lanarkshire Formation of Woodchipping Grant Council Plant and Associated Works Land Adjacent To Water Works Building Strathclyde Country Park 366 Hamilton Road Motherwell 38 10/00854/MIN Highway Management Upfilling of Land in Grant Construction (M80) Connection with Adjacent Motorway Works (partly in retrospect) Site To West Of Drumsack Farm Blacklands Road Auchinloch 2 45 10/00893/FUL Mr Stuart Chapman Erection of Detached Refuse Dwellinghouse Request for Site Visit Land North Of Junction At And Hearing Wishaw High Road And Swinstie Road Cleland 51 10/00943/FUL Viridor Waste a) Construction of Waste Grant Management Limited Processing Building b) Reorganisation of Internal Site Arrangements including New Weighbridge and Weighbridge Office c) Formation of Storage Areas for Recoverable Materials and d) Environmental Improvements Viridor Waste Management Langmuir Way Bargeddie 59 10/00982/FUL Mr Tom Pedlar Construction of Two Storey Grant Detached Dwellinghouse Land At Former Carisbrooke Day Centre 6 Commonhead Avenue Thrashbush Airdrie 66 10/00985/FUL Persimmon Homes Siting of a Temporary Sales Grant West Scotland Cabin with Associated Access Road and Parking Land West Of Bo'ness Road Holytown 73 10/01031/AMD Dawn Group Ltd Amendment to Approved Grant Residential Layout and Dwellinghouse Types (Part Site, Plots 1-47) (Incorporating increase in Dwellinghouse Numbers) Former Barrwood Quarry Stirling Road Kilsyth 3 82 10/01042/FUL North Lanarkshire Construction of 24 Industrial Grant Council Units Comprising Two Buildings, Associated Roads & Car Parking Former 16 Netherdale Road Netherton Industrial Estate W ishaw 91 10/01045/FUL North Lanarkshire Change of Use from Public Grant Council Footpath to Private Garden Ground and Erection of Two, Two Metre High Fences (retrospective) Footpath East Of 12 Westray Wynd Newmains Wishaw 09/0101 9/MIN - If planning permission is granted, a decision notice should not be issued until a S75 Legal Agreement is concluded in relation to a restoration bond. 10/00312/FUL - If planning permission is granted, a decision notice should not be issued until a S75 Legal Agreement is concluded in relation to Affordable Housing. 4 Application No: Proposed Development: N/09/01019/MIN Import of Inert Material for lnfill and the Formation of a 2 Metre High Bund. Site Address: Former Peat Works Cumbernauld Road Moodiesburn Date Registered: 3rd March 2010 Applicant: Agent: Antonine Property Group N/A Antonine View 2A Broomhill Road Bonnybridge FK4 2AN Application Level: Contrary to Development Plan: Local Application No Ward: Representations: 005 Strathkelvin No letters of representation received. William Hogg, Joseph Shaw, Brian Wallace, Frances McGlinchey, Recommendation: Refuse Reasoned Justification: It is considered that the proposal will have a negative effect on a Site Important for Nature Conservation. It is therefore recommended that the application be refused. 5 NK19/0101B/MIN Antonine Propelty Group Former Peat Works Cumbernauld Road Moodiesburn 6 Reason for Refusal:- 1 The proposed infill will have a negative impact on a Site Important for Nature Conservation and is therefore contrary to policies ENV 13(B) (Nature Conservation) and ENV 32 (Landfill and Waste Disposal) of the Northern Corridor Local Plan 2005. 2 Approval of this development would set an undesirable precedent for other infill developments which would adversely affect Sites of importance for Nature Conservation. NOTE TO COMMITTEE: If the Committee is minded to grant the application, the planning permission should not be issued until an agreement under Section 75 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 has been concluded with the applicant in respect of a restoration bond. Backaround Papers: Representation Letters No letters of representation received. Consultation Responses: Scottish Environment Protection Agency e-memorandum received 26'h March 2010. Transport Scotland letter received 26'h March 2010 Green Space Service Memorandum received 2gthMarch and 2gthJune 2010. Protective Services Memorandum received 24'h March 2010 Contact Information: Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Mr Gordon Arthur at 01 236 61 6475 Report Date: 7thOctober 2010 7 APPLICATION NO. N/O9/01019/MIN REPORT 1. Site DescriDtion 1.1 This application is for the importation of inert materials for the infill and adaptation of an area of land for agricultural grazing. The site was formerly used for peat extraction (Moodiesburn peat workings). The entire area is designated as a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (Moodiesburn Moss SINC). The site is triangular in shape and forms the northern and western edge of peat workings. Beyond the peat workings is an un worked area consisting of moss habitat with a relic area of heath / mire vegetation. The application site covers 2 acres. The site is bounded to the north by the A80 Trunk Road. Sporadic fly tipping and substantial unauthorised deposits of material have occurred to the north and west of the site. 2. ProDosed Development 2.1 This application is for the importation of inert material for infill of land and formation of a 2 metre high bund. Works are intended to improve the area covering the former peat works for grazing. It is stated that there will be a related separation and wetting of the adjacent moss for its enhancement. The site is connected to the A80 Trunk Road. 3. Amlicant’s Sumortina Information 3.1 The applicant has submitted a protected species assessment, an outline conservation management plan and a supporting statement of intended works. 4. Site Historv 0 None relevant. 5. DeveloDment Plan 5.1 There are no strategic implications and this application is therefore considered in relation to Northern Corridor Local Plan 2005 Policy ENV 13(B) (Nature Conservation). Policy ENV 32 (Landfill and Waste Disposal) also applies. 6. Consultations 6.1 A summary of comments from consultees is as follows: SEPA has no objections. Scottish Government Trunk Roads Authority has no objections and has provided comments relating to a revised site access. Greenspace Service has provided comments expressing concern that certain aspects of the proposal, including the bunds, could be detrimental to the long term health of the SINC. Protective Services has no objection. 7. ReDresentations 7.1 Following notification procedure no letters of representation were received. 8. Plannina Assessment 8.1 Section 25 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 requires that planning decisions must be made in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. 8 8.2 DeveloDment Plan Northern Corridor Local Plan 2005: In policy terms the site is covered by policy ENV 13(B) (Nature Conservation). ENV32 (Landfill and Waste Disposal) is considered relevant. 8.3 Policy ENV 13(B) sets out the guiding principles for protecting the Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) status of the area. The policy states that there will be a presumption against developments that could adversely affect a SINC. Where development is approved which could affect a SINC, the Council will seek to preserve, as far as possible, the site’s ecological interest and to provide for replacement habitats or features where damage is unavoidable. This particular application represents a mineral infill development, albeit with the applicant’s intention to assist in the rewetting of the SINC. It is also intended as a measure to eventually bring an area of land back into agricultural production as grazing land. 8.4 The applicant proposes to import infill material, excavate trenches and form clay bunds adjacent to the northern and western boundary of the moss in order to prevent water running out of the moss as it does at present. Notwithstanding the above there is concern that the proposed clay bunding around the infill site will result in pooling of water against the bunding to the detriment of the entire bog area. As such the development has the potential to harm an ecologically sensitive area and is therefore considered to be contrary to policy ENV 13(B). 8.5 In considering proposals for landfill, policy ENV32 (Landfill and Waste Disposal) balances benefits to the location against the impact of any proposal on the environment and amenity of the area. The policy makes specific reference to the need to protect Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation. The applicant has not satisfied the requirements outlined in this policy and the proposal is considered contrary to policy ENV32. 8.6 Other Material Considerations - Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan. The Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan is a material consideration. This site is designated as NBE1 A3 (Site of Importance for Nature Conservation). This policy seeks to protect the natural environment and concurs with the adopted local plan. It is considered that the proposals adverse effect on the character and ecology of the surrounding area means that it is contrary to this policy. This is as discussed in paragraph 8.4 above. 8.7 Schedule of Works /Methodology: The applicant estimates that the infill and construction of clay bunds will involve the movement of some 17000 tons of material from external sources to the site.
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