his second wife, the violinist Nelly Söregi soprano solo, and organ, is based on the with approximately 100 faculty members Wunderlich, in 2004. He is survived by tune Nettleton, with a new text that and 500 students. Its more than 4,000 three daughters and a stepson. celebrates the cycles of life and spirit (15 graduates work in Russia and in many Wunderlich’s early study was with his pp., softbound 8½ x 11). For informa- countries around the world. The Allen father and the local church organist. At tion: 805/682-5727; Fruhauf Music Pub- organ was installed in the newly dedicat- the age of sixteen, he was admitted to the lications, P.O. Box 22043, Santa Barbara, ed Great Hall of the conservatory. The Academy of Music in Leipzig, where he CA 93121-2043; <[email protected]>; three-manual console was fi nished to was the youngest student. While he was <www.frumuspub.net>. match the stage’s fl oor and shell, which studying with Karl Straube and Johann forms a tightly joined wooden chamber. Nepomuk David, his lifelong interest in Hal Leonard Books has published The organ also provides modern mu- the music of Max Reger began. Despite Microphones & Mixers ($39.99) by Bill sical sounds through Vista NavigatorTM. growing up and living in the tumultu- Gibson. The book is an updated sec- Other electronic musical instruments ous time between the First and Second ond edition of Book 1 in the 6-book Hal can also be fed into the organ’s audio World Wars, he held prestigious posi- Leonard Recording Method series and system by the external Expanded Audio tions and became well known for his includes a DVD ROM and online me- Capabilities (EACTM) system. This sys- many recitals and improvisations. Since dia. As the fi rst book in the series, Mi- tem enables electronic keyboards, exter- he was trapped in the East, his career crophones & Mixers covers the fi rst steps nal audio mixing consoles, guitars, and could not advance until he was able to of the recording process. Topics include electronic drums to be amplifi ed into escape in 1958 with his wife and daugh- how professional microphones work, the concert hall through the organ’s am- ters. He took the position of music direc- which to choose and why (plus accepted plifi ers and speakers. For information: tor at St. Jacobi in Hamburg, where he techniques for using them), understand- <www.allenorgan.com>. oversaw the reconstruction of the well- ing the signal path from mics to mixers known Arp Schnitger organ, which had and how to operate these tools to capture been removed during the war. For many excellent recordings, as well as explana- years he was also Professor of Organ and tions of the most up-to-date tools and Improvisation at the Hamburg College techniques involved in using dynamics Goulding & Wood case elevation for the of Music, where he met his second wife. and effects processors. Gibson augments Episcopal Church of the Good Shep- As he began to concertize throughout his text with diagrams, product photos, herd, Lexington, Kentucky the world, including several tours with graphs, and charts; 296 pages, 8.5″ x 11″, his choir, the Kantorei St. Jacobi, his paperback, with DVD and online me- elements and reinforce the Gothic detail fame grew exponentially. In the United dia, $39.99, ISBN 978-1-4584-0296-7; present throughout the church. States alone he made twenty-six tours. <www.halleonardbooks.com>. Tonally, the organ offers a wide variety Students came from all over the world To see a video overview of the entire of accompaniment colors useful in play- to study with him—many to study the Hal Leonard Recording Method, visit ing the Anglican choral service. Each di- works of Max Reger, as Wunderlich was <http://youtu.be/2fRIurScQ2E>. vision is built upon an 8′ Diapason of dif- one of the few musicians who was in a fering color and dynamic. The 8′ Open direct line of succession with Reger. Pape Verlag Berlin announces that Diapason in the Antiphonal organ is Wunderlich leaves quite an extensive Wolfram Hackel from Dresden and Uwe paired with a Diapason Celeste. Two solo body of organ works, as well as choral Pape are working on a dictionary of or- reeds will crown the ensemble: a heavy music. He remained active as a recitalist gan builders in Saxony with more than Tuba enclosed in the Choir division and until his 91st year, when he decided not 1,700 entries. This is the second volume a brass-resonator Horizontal Trumpet Viscount, All Saints’ Anglican Church to play any more. (See “Heinz Wunder- of Lexikon norddeutscher Orgelbauer; framing the west wall’s lancet window. lich at 90,” by Jay Zoller, The Diapason, volume 1 was “Thueringen.” The book The mobile four-manual console dis- Schmidt Piano and Organ Service April 2009, pp. 19–21; “80th Birthday will be published in July. For informa- playing further carved details in the cabi- of Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, has in- Tribute—Heinz Wunderlich,” by David tion: <www.pape-verlag.de>. netry will provide comprehensive control stalled a custom Viscount Model Unico Burton Brown, The Diapason, April systems for the instrument. Organists will CL-6 and a Schmidt Classique custom- 1999, p. 18; “Heinz Wunderlich at 74,” The Royal School of Church Music be able to select modes whereby Gener- built organ sound system at All Saints’ by David Burton Brown, The Diapa- (RSCM) has published Gospel Colours al toe studs can control Swell divisional Anglican Church, Waterloo, Ontario. son, April 1994, p. 6; and “The Published Volume 1, a collection of short organ pistons and Pedal divisional toe studs Organist and choral director is Maryl Organ Works of Heinz Wunderlich,” by pieces that refl ect the reading of the can control Great and Pedal divisional Sinkens. The two-manual organ con- David Burton Brown, The Diapason, Gospel. They have been composed by pistons together. Increasing the organ’s sole features Viscount’s patented “Pipe April 1994, pp. 12–13.) Martin How who, for many years, was a palette, Great stops will couple to the Modelling Technology.” The dedication —Jay Zoller senior member of the RSCM staff. fourth manual in two groups, principal concert was played November 5, 2011 Gospel Colours contains fourteen chorus and color stops. These capabili- by Alison Clark, organist at St. Andrew’s short pieces, each titled to refl ect differ- ties supplement other typical controls, Anglican Church in Kitchener, Ontario. ent moods and occasions, ranging from such as Great/Choir manual transfer, PAS Audio/Video of Cambridge provid- Here & There “Comfort/Pity in Sorrow” to “Majesty.” normal inter- and intra-manual couplers, ed video production for the evening. For Apart from “Light shines through,” all and multi-level capture memory. information: pieces are short and can be played fol- Organist and choirmaster John Linker <www.schmidtpianoandorgan.com>. Darcey Press (www.darceypress. lowing the reading of the Gospel. One and organ committee chair Joseph Jones com) announces a call for hymn tunes. or two, such as “Wedding in Cana” and worked closely with team members of For its next project, Darcey Press “Good Shepherd,” contain fl eeting refer- Goulding & Wood in planning the tonal needs a number of singable, harmo- ences to appropriate well-known tunes. design and control systems. The church nized, congregation-friendly tunes to set For information: <www.rscm.com>. is embarking on signifi cant modifi cations Harpsichord News some public domain (Isaac Watts) texts. to the room, including creating one of by Larry Palmer Contact Adrienne Tindall (a.tindall@ Goulding & Wood Organ Builders the chancel chambers from unused stor- comcast.net) if you are interested in help- announces a new contract for their Opus age space. Construction of the organ at ing. Include a brief description of your 50 at the Episcopal Church of the Good the Goulding & Wood shop in Indianap- János Sebestyén (1931–2012) background, and perhaps a PDF fi le of Shepherd in Lexington, Kentucky. The olis will occupy most of 2012, with instal- by Robert Tifft a harmonized hymn tune you have writ- new organ, comprising 48 stops and 57 lation planned for early 2013. There were many sides to János ten. Darcey Press will pay 10% royalties, ranks, will speak from twin chambers in More information and work progress Sebestyén. Few people, even among his divided pro rata, to composers. Copy- the chancel and twin cases standing on photos can be seen at friends, knew them all or were aware of right clearance should be confi rmed on the west wall of the nave. <www.gouldingandwood.com> and his many accomplishments. To record all tunes. The church features a wealth of ar- <www.goodshepherdlex.org>. collectors he was an enigmatic fi gure chitectural details, including extensive whose name appeared on often-obscure Fruhauf Music Publications an- carved details. The reredos features a recordings. In Hungary, concert audi- nounces the release of a new choral sculptural tableau of the Last Supper, ences knew him from decades of per- composition for the spring season. Sing and Tudor roses adorn the choir stalls. formances on harpsichord and organ. The Waters, a verse anthem for SATB, The organ casework will pick up on these For others he was a familiar presence on radio and television. His students often knew him only as their professor. I was privileged to experience fi rst-hand his work in all these areas. János Sebestyén was born in Buda- pest on March 2, 1931. Both parents We are pleased to unveil the design for were musicians—his father Sándor a cellist and mother Rózsi a pianist.
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