Page 1 of 4 UNITED STATES CURLING ASSOCIATION Board of Directors Meeting July 28, 2016 Teleconference Approved October 15, 2016 Call to Order Chair Rich Lepping calls the meeting to order at 12:02 p.m. CDT. 1. Roll call Present– Matt Gamboa, Jeff Hannon, Mark Hartman, Joel Leneker, Rich Lepping, Catharine Persinger, Doug Potter, Courtney Schmidt, Sean Silver, Chris Sjue, Scott Stevinson, Nick Wellen, Craig Brown, Allison Pottinger, Doug Pottinger, Bill Stopera, Jennifer Stannard, Hawley MacLean, Beau Welling. Absent– Cyndee Johnson, Jessica Schultz. A quorum constitutes 11 members, 19 are present, we have a quorum. Non-Board– Committee Members– Kent Beadle, Russ Lemcke, Cassie Potter, Leland Rich, Mark Swandby, Monica Walker. Staff/Non-Board Executives– Terry Davis, Michael Dellemann, Tom Doherty, Christy Hering, Victor Huebner, Simone LaMarche, Gordon Maclean (recording), Kim Nawyn, Rick Patzke. 2. Appointment of Parliamentarian The Chair welcomes new members Mark Hartman, Joel Leneker, Jessica Schultz and Bill Stopera, and appoints Jeff Hannon as Parliamentarian. 3. Addition/changes to Agenda The Chair calls for additions and/or changes to the Agenda, none are requested. 4. Discussion and approval of Meeting Minutes A. Board Meeting, April 23, 2016 B. Executive Committee Meeting, July 18, 2016– Question raised regarding the need to approve the actions of the executive committee. C. Motion to accept minutes as written by Wellen, Sjue seconds. Motion carries on a unanimous voice vote. 5. Reports to the Board: A. Chair i. WCF Sweeping Summit and USCA Communications– a. There has been quite a bit of information put out regarding the “Sweeping Summit.” A report has been sent out, and recommendations have been made. An interpretation is needed on how to best communicate this information, and what will be expected of members regarding club and bonspiel play. b. We will wait until September for final WCF vote of approval before acting on aspects of what has been published. ii. Athlete/Team of the Year Awards– USCA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes- July 28, 2016 Page 2 of 4 a. Athlete Recognition Committee put forward the following as their recommendations for the Athletes and Team of the Year Award: • Female Athlete of the Year– Cory Christiansen • Male Athlete of the Year– Korey Dropkin • Team of the Year– John Shuster Team, including John Shuster, Tyler George, Matt Hamilton and John Landsteiner. b. Motion to accept the committee’s recommendation by Hartman, second by Stannard. Motion carries on a unanimous voice vote. iii. Diversity and Inclusion Committee Policy Recommendations a. The chair reviewed the procedure that has brought both of these policy recommendations to this point. The chair has discussed the proposed policies with many of the board members for potential points of compromise. b. Transgender Policy– A short discussion of the current version was followed by a proposed modification. Objections were raised that the entire vetting process was based on the original proposal which did not include the modification. Chair suggests that the original proposal be voted on with the new clause to be discussed later. Motion to adopt the Transgender Policy by Silver, second by Stannard. DISCUSSION– Policy provides facilities guidance for clubs but these are not a requirement. Chair suggests clarification that the motion under consideration is for the version as recommended by the Diversity and Inclusion Committee. Silver supports the clarification. Motion carries on a unanimous voice vote. Proposed additional language will be discussed at the October board meeting. c. Stick Delivery Policy– Chair indicates that the policy was vetted and feedback obtained from member states/regions and clubs. As indicated in their meeting minutes of July 18, the Executive Committee could not support the current version. The Chair noted that there are aspects that if changed could bring on director support. Confusion regarding the delivery location garnered concern. Feedback from senior curlers holds greatest concern. Motion by Potter to refer the Policy back to the Diversity and Inclusion Committee for further consideration, second by Stannard. Chair requests a rollcall vote. Board voted 16-3 in favor of the motion to refer policy back to committee. iv. The Chair mentioned that he, the CEO and the Minnesota Curling Association President Kathy Busch had been in meetings with the Chaska Curling Club regarding USCA membership. B. CEO Report (Full report on file in Dropbox) i. Looking Ahead: Communications, High Performance, Revenue Development, Growth & Development, Operations (full report in Dropbox)– ii. Communications– a. There have been less than 500 downloads of the new mobile app. Collection of Director profiles is proceeding. b. The 2015 Annual Report is printed and posted online, it is available to directors on demand, creation of the 2016 Annual Report has begun. USCA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes- July 28, 2016 Page 3 of 4 c. Met with several member organizations including the Wausau CC, the GNCC and the GLCA. iii. High Performance Program– a. The USOC has increased funding by $180,000 compared to last year based on their belief in the direction of our HPP, their confidence in the staff and leadership and the commitment we have shown in moving to a policy driven governance structure. b. There is still need for a Junior Coach. c. Preseason camp for 6 adult teams has taken place in Colorado Springs; Juniors’ will be held there in August. d. The USOC is no longer supporting the World University Games. We will not be contracting with BTI Events to send a team to the 2017 Winter Games. BTI Events has contracted directly with a men’s team to represent the U.S. e. Increased investment in youth development. f. Mixed doubles selection procedures finished. iv. Revenue Development– a. A Revenue Development committee has been formed. Initial ideas for revenue growth are being explored. b. Meetings with several potential sponsors (some Canadian based) have taken place. New/renewed sponsors include Jet Ice, Brakebush Brothers, and The Pin People. c. We have launched a partnership with the online fundraising platform RallyMe. d. Curling night in America 2017 will be staged in Duluth, December 1-3, 2016. v. Growth and Development– a. Work continues on development of our Sports Education program. The “American Development Model” will have developmental plans and pathways for a variety of curler, coach, instructor and official goals. b. Youth Development– The Kids Curl program is ready, with initial distribution to a limited number of pilot clubs. Curling in the Gym has had a number of requests for equipment. c. Ice Technician Development– Level II course was held at Tri-City CC, in Wisconsin Rapids. Level I course this coming weekend. d. The Members’ Assembly will take place in Tempe, Arizona October 13- 16, 2016. Registration and final schedule will be available soon. vi. Operations Administrative Assistant Simone LaMarche is now spending half of her time each week on bookkeeping. The USCA staff is putting effort into looking at ways to increase in-house use of technology and external financial services. With the support of a special USOC grant, the CEO has contracted with Team 8 Assessments to assist with staff performance evaluation and development. vii. Brief discussion of the Tempe, Arizona Member’ Assembly schedule. Stopera provided updates on the junior teams and expressed concern regarding the coaching situation with the junior team’s vis-a-vis volunteer coaching. CEO indicates that there is $40,000 in total funding for the four junior development USCA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes- July 28, 2016 Page 4 of 4 teams at this time, and this is an area of focus for fundraising. Stopera indicated that $40,000 was required for each team. C. Secretary (Maclean)– Wished to note the following organizational name changes: The North Dakota Curling Association is now the Dakota Territory Curling Association and the Oval CC in Utah is now the Salt City CC. He also expressed thanks to those who have already returned their Conflict of Interest Disclosure statements and noted that a reminder will go out to those who have not sent that in. D. Treasurer (Huebner)– Indicated that the current year end projection for FY-2016 was an excess of $72,000 revenue versus a budgeted excess of $19,000. The June 30, 2016 Balance Sheet showed a cash position of approximately $617,000. E. Audit/Finance Committee (Silver) i. FY2016 Year End Projections– Full financial report on file. ii. FY17 USCA Budget Proposal– a. Silver commends staff for a smooth budgeting process. b. Budget proposes $20,000 deficit. Policy provides for a budgeted deficit when there is a strategic need, this year mostly due to the creation of the new youth program. The viewpoint is that we are investing surplus from the prior year into programming for the upcoming year. c. Audit/Finance Committee recommending approval of the budget as presented. Silver so moves, Schmidt seconds. Patzke reviews the highlights in the budget compared to last year. Chair expresses support in spite of deficit. Unanimous approval on voice vote. 6. Reports to Board by Standing Committees: A. Nominating/Governance (Rich)– i. Independent Directors– The “At-Large Director” as described in our By-Laws will be Persinger. She was approved by all parties characterized in the definition of that position. B. Ethics (Shalhoub)– No report. 7. Other Reports: A. Athletes Advisory Council (Pottinger/Pottinger)– Report on file; nothing else to report. B. USOC USCA Representatives (Patzke/Pottinger)– Report on file; nothing else to report. C. USWCA (Stannard)– As Fundraising Co-chair there is a reminder of Director donation obligation. As USWCA representative there is no report. D. Human Resources (Sjue)– No report. E. Judicial (Beadle)– No report. F. World Curling Federation (Rich, Stannard, Swandby, Welling)– Report on file. Swandby indicates that the agenda for the upcoming WCF meeting is now in Dropbox, and expresses belief that the published Sweeping Policy will pass.
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