NEWSLETTER November 2018 Volume 5, Issue 10 November news...! Mitchell Diary Hello, and welcome to our last edion for 2018! Dates.. My how the year has flown. Our year is quic ly MONDAY NOV 19th, drawing to a close, and we only have one 7:30pm MEETING & evening meeng and a social gathering le# on AGM. Guest Speaker: our calendar (See right & below). Glenn James— Our usual, no fuss, as brief as possible AGM will “Spidentify” precede our ,ovember Guest Spea er THURSDAY presentaon, and a noce including a formal DECEMBER 6TH - nominaon form can be found on the bac From 5:30pm page. -illing all our commi.ee posions is vital onwards. to the connuance of the group, and we Banksia spinulosa “ Candles” PRE-CHRISTMAS SOCIAL - welcome new commi.ee members with open Photo: Jo & Paul Liddy BYO BBQ/PICNIC arms. Please give 0oining our friendly crew (Details below left) consideraon if you can. 1here are many ways Contribuons to our newsle.er both RSVP to: to help with eeping our group running, and large and small are always very welcome! Ian: 0438 270 248 commi.ee roles are generally easy and don2t Please send contribuons in by Monday MONDAY FEB 18th, have to be me consuming, plus 3you2ll ma e -ebruary 4th, 2019, Email to5 2019 7:30pm great friends! If you can help out, contact Ian wa.legum=southernphone.com.au or MEETING - regarding nominaons5 Ph 0438 280 248 or post to PO Bo: 381 Pyalong Vic 3521. Guest Speaker: To be advised Email5 [email protected] Happy gardening & very best wishes for Our ne:t newsle.er will be issued on or within a the coming -esve & ,ew Aear season. MONDAY MAR 18th, few days of Monday -ebruary 11th, 2019. 2019 7:30pm Cheers unl 2019! Beanine MEETING - Guest Speaker: To be advised Inside this issue: Pre-Christmas Social... MONDAY APRIL 15th, 2019 7:30pm November & General Pg 2 MEETING - Meeting Information Guest Speaker: To be To top off our 2018, the committee is organising advised Membership Pg 2 a social get together... All members are invited Gardens for Wildlife Pg 2 to join us at a BYO BBQ Picnic Dinner. news Where: 395 Camerons Creek Road, October Meeting Pg 3 Sugarloaf Creek. Report - Faunascaping When: Thursday December 6th, from 5:30pm Your Garden onwards (allows for time to wander in the Eucalyptus melliodora - Pg 11 garden). Yellow Box What to bring: BYO BBQ/picnic foods & drink Expo Report Pg 12 to share. Please also bring your own picnicware Reminders, APS Vic Pg 13 – Plates, cups, cutlery etc. A barbeque will be Diary Dates etc... available & there is a swimming pool on site, Committee & Contact Pg 13 which, guests will be welcome to use. Information AGM Notice/ Pg 14 RSVP to Ian: Ph 0438 270 248 Nomination form Email: [email protected] P a g e 2 APS MITCHELL NEWSLETTER November 2018 Gardens for Wildlife news... By Barbara Moss Hello Everyone, Ron Litjens spoke on Faunascaping your garden at the October APS Mitchell meeting. It was a thought provoking and inspiring talk. You can read more about it elsewhere in this newsletter. There is a new publication being launched at Kuranga Nursery on December 1 – ‘Habitat’. The book is about wildlife friendly gardening. You can read more about it here: https://gardensforwildlifevictoria.com/2018/11/07/habitat-a-new-wildlife-gardening -book/ . There are many other interesting books and articles to read under the publications page on the same website. How did you get on with the Aussie Backyard Bird Count – held in late October? More than 2.6 million birds were counted around Australia – it was a terrific result. More details will be released once Birdlife Australia have a chance to analyse the data. You can always participate next year. Other citizen science projects happening in November are: Frog ID week, which is run by the Australian Museum. For more details see here: https://www.frogid.net.au/ Wild Pollinator count: https:// wildpollinatorcount.com/ Gardens for Wildlife are having a break from the Wallan market over the hotter months, but will be back in Autumn (weather depending). We will be at the Kilmore Show on December 1. Keep a watch on the APS website and the Gardens for Wildlife – Mitchell Facebook page for further updates MEET NGS ARE HELD ON THE 3rd MONDA, O- THE MONTH November Meeting– Monday 19th 7:30pm… .-ebruary to November0 unless otherwise advised One of our own APS Mitchell membersCGlenn Bames will be 1ommencing 2330 pm in the ta ing the floor at our ,ovember meeng to present on 4ohn Taylor Room, 6ilmore DSpidenfy E. Glenn Bames comes from a bac ground or wildlife Library, Sydney Street, where his grandfather wor ed at Melbourne Foo for 46 years. After finishing his studies in biological science he found himself 6ilmore 7ic 3284 following his grandfather2s footsteps specialising in reptiles and Entry :2.00 Gold 1oin invertebrates. Hor ing at various places notably Herribee Guest Speaker Open Iange Foo, Australia Foo and Melbourne Sealife Aquarium his passion for all types of wildlife grew. Door Prizes Happy to wrangle Australia2s most dangerous and venomous Resident spider - to be Plant Sales sna es and 0ump on the bac of a 15ft Saltwater Crocodile he identified? Perhaps an was always afraid of one thing.... Spiders... 1hrough education Orb Weaver species? -erlizer Sales and determination he fought to overcome his fears. ,ow 15 Photo: J Petts .APS Mitchell Slow Release years later Glenn houses many spiders including one of the ferliser :5.00 per 500g0 worlds deadliest. Come and learn about common 8-legged arachnids and see how Use of the APS Mitchell free they wor with some of Australia2s most beautiful array of native plants. Library .See Pauline0 He have an addional treat for a.endees at our ,ovember meeng5 There will be some Mitre 10 15% off vouchers available for collecon at the meeng. Supper & 1hat As always, the presentaon will be followed by our Door PriLe plant raMe, the flower 7 S TORS 7ER, AEL1OME specimen table (remember to bring something along from your garden) and conclude with supper & chat. Members & Visitors are encouraged to bring along e:hibits for our DShow & 1ellE Memberships ... -lower Specimen 1able -or all membership enquiries, informaon and forms and please contact Please label plants Chrisne Cram5 Ph5 5893 8280 or Email to the a.enon of the Membership ONcer at5 [email protected] Alternavely, membership informaon, forms and contact informaon can be found at our website5 www.apsmitchell.org.au APS MITCHELL NEWSLETTER November 2018 P a g e 3 October Meeting Report...Faunascaping Your Garden By Jeanine Petts It was great to see 21 people come along for our mid spring meeng. Mi e had brought along a great selecon of plants for sale as well, which, gave us Orst pic of the range of plants that were to be brought along to the Spring Plant E:po. ,orbert opened the meeng by advising the agenda for the evening would be5 -irst our guest spea er, followed by Mi e with a brief spot of informaon on nave Pea -lowers, and Ian would also provide a li.le informaon on our upcoming Spring Plant E:po & Sale. Moving swi#ly into introducing our guest spea er, Ion Pit0ens, ,orbert menoned that Ion has had a career in science, holds a PhD in ,uclear Physics, has wor ed for Koda in process improvement and is now running his own business in the Oeld of process improvement. Ion is also an environmentalist and currently the chair person of three diRerent Pandcare groups5 Strath Cree Pandcare Group, Aea Iiver Pandcare Group and the Aea Hetlands Commi.ee of Management. Before handing the floor over to Ion, ,orbert also made menon that our Gardens for Hildlife program has now reached the 50 members mar , and is APS Mitchell2s biggest iniave. Ion began his presentaon by than ing our group for the invitaon to spea , and stang he is Dnot a gardenerE, so the tal would be Dfauna-centricE. Ion went on to say that he has wor ed with Euroa Arboretum and Cathy Olive to set up their Garden for Hildlife pro0ect. D-aunascapingE is a word made up by Ion, and he has been told that if you use new a word with DauthorityE, if it catches on and people li e and connue using it, it may well end up in the O:ford Diconary. Ion 0o ed that he would be using DfaunascapingE with authority tonight and went on to as 5 Hhy would you want to DfaunascapeE your gardenS Some reasons might be that you5 Hish to increase bio-diversity Are a latent Loo eeper Pi e frogs Pi e birds Pi e seeing a variety of fauna A further queson to thin about is5 Hhat do you mean by gardenS A T Acre, a Bush Bloc , a 15acre lot, or a balcony garden etc. Gardens come in all diRerent siLes, types and situaons. Ion has a 29acre bush bloc in -lowerdale, and 14 years ago started DfaunascapingE by wor ing from a list of DGaLe.ed HeedsE, focusing on removing 1 weed species per year. In 2009, the Blac Saturday BushOres went through the property and in the process, also illed out the remaining weed species on the property. 2 years ago, Ion also purchased a 4acre abandoned factory site in the Aea township. 1he 4acre plot was a grassy site with a few trees and weeds including Agapanthus and Prunus species, etc.
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