UTSA LIB SER ,,01 UTSA LIB SIR SPEC CO, NOV 0 6 1991 BOXED CD 'fving the University of Texas at San Antonio Community 531S . «3 P3A7' Inside A&E ^Bf ]^^^3PI^ ^^^^Q Goldie lays an egg -page 4 J Volume 14 Number 9* (P UTSA clarifies harrassment policies By Colleen Consevage plainant and the accused be assured? According to Ihe EEOC, sexual ha­ hears of an incident, he or she is encour­ can be scheduled for interested student offending parly Ihat he or she will be Sitaff Writer and rassment includes "Unwelcome sexual aged to contact the Office of die Vice groups. subject to university .sanctions if Ihe •How can complaints be followed up advances, requests for sexual favors and President for Administration and Plan­ When a complaint is filed, the Ad­ behavior is nni riirhcd mav be appropri­ UTSA is taking steps to clarify its effectively? odier verbal or physical conduct of a ning, which hears Equal Employment ministration and Planning Office inves­ ate. Separation of Ihe parties is sug­ policies on sexual hara.ssment and in­ Whitson agrees that the ambiguity sexual nature when: Opportunity (EEO) complaints.. tigates the allegation confidentially. gested as a first step, if possible." crease faculty and staff awareness of the surrounding the issue of sexual harass­ 1) submission to such conduct is made "Sometimes the person who thinks The facts and supporting evidence The policy al.so stales Ihal if informal university's procedures for handling ment might be confusing for some UTSA either explicitly or implicitly a term or that he or she has been harassed will go are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. efforts fail, "disciplinary procedures sexual harassment complaints. Semi­ faculty, staff and administrators. condition of an individual's employ­ loan instructor orpeer. It is dial person's The AP office works closely widi the oudined for faculty in Scciion 2.13, for nars are planned to instruct personnel on "It's important that Uiey (UTS A per­ ment, responsibility (Ihe one who hears of a UT Office of the General Council in non-facully staff in Section 3.3, and for the guidelines for employee behavior sonnel) know what it is and how it is 2) submission to or rejection of such complaint) to report il lo us." says Austin which gives them legal and pro­ students in the In.slitulional Rules on and the proper steps to take when harass­ defined by die Equal Employment Op­ conduct by an individual is used as Ihe Whitson. cedural advice. Student Services and activities may be ment is reported. portunity Commission (EEOC) and the basis for employment decisions affect­ Workshops are planned for faculty, Whitman feels that, in Ihe wake ofthe initiated." "I think everyone has been sensitized courts so that they are confident in their ing such individual or staff and administrators to further define, Thomas-Hill confrontation, it is impor­ "Wc do have (sexual harassment) to the issue of sexual harassment." says own interactions with students, faculty 3) such conduct has purpose or effect sexual harassment and clarify what be­ tant lo know Ihat complaints will not be complaints from time to lime which we Dr. Linda Whitson, UTSA's vice presi­ and other staff," she said. of unreasonably interfering with an haviors constitute harassment. The ignored or treated lighUy. "Wc seri­ investigate and (then) lake the appropri­ dent for administration and planning, UTSA's policy against sexual ha­ individual's work performance or creat­ workshops are part of a process to estab­ ously do investigate and take appropri­ ate action." .says Whiison. "I have not referring to the Clarence Thomas/Anita rassment and intimidation is explained ing an intimidating, hostile or aggres­ lish a"comprehensive faculty program," ate action," she says. noticed a substantial increase in com­ Hill confrontation. in the Handbook of Operational Proce­ sive working environment," says Whitson. The informal action that may be taken plaints at this point." According The controversial hearings raised dures and in the faculty handbook. Ac­ Section 703 of Title Vllg of the Civil The workshops will be geared to­ depends upon the facts covered in Ihe lo Wilson, the instance of complaints questions such as: cording to Wilson, diis policy was re­ Rights Act. ward defining .sexual harassment, and complaint. The Sexual Harassment received is about equal from both stu­ •What constitutes harassment? cendy revised to "make clear how to If a person (faculty or student) has a discussing how lo handle a sexual ha­ Policy of Ihe University of Texas al San dents and staff. ""How can confidentiality of th^com- handle complaints." complaint of sexual harassment, or even rassment complaint. Special workshops Anionio slates, "Verbal warnings lo Ihe New club Thinks' Greek By George Catyaza will help foster citizenship. Staff Writer Moraine says that the significance of the club does not stop diere. He feels The Political Thinkers Society, that the club will promote normative UTSA's newest student group, intends inquiry, a mediod of formalizing and to bring a breadi of fresh, intellectual air analyzing argument, thereby filling a to the campus. void in the curriculum offerings of the The club's founder, political science university. major David Moraine, said die club has One of the critical factors in die suc­ been formed to give "students and fac­ cess of die discussions, says Moraine, is ulty a chance to meet in open forum and Ihe bringing together of people widi discuss current issues." opposing views. Moraine emphasizes In order to promote the sharing of Ihat diose who choose to attend should ideas, the structure of the club is based be able to defend their views as well as dn die Greek tradition of open forum not be offended when those views are debate. attacked. The club's sponsor, pohtical science The club meets Monday nights from professor. Dr. John Bauer was surprised 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in HB, 3.01.06. and pleased when approached with the Those interested are encouraged to at­ idea for the club. Bauer maintains that tend. Upcoming topics willbepostedon the open discussk)n of political issues fliers throughout the campus. UTSA'S four-member team of chrll engineering students won first place In the third annual bridge-bullding contest held Oct. 5 on South Padre Island. In the contest, sponsored by the Texas Region of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the UTSA team assembled Its 20 foot, 191 International Week focuses pound steel bridge in three minutes and seven seconds, while competing against nine other college teams from Texas, New Mexico and Mexico, in addition to the timed event, bridges were also Judged on the weight to strength ratio, aesthetics and the cost of manufacture. on multicultural awareness UTSA's winning bridge, designed by civil engineering student Ron Larsen, was fabricated during the school year. Team members are Jay Scanlon, Joe Welch, Jim Jerglns and Dennis Ford. Other universities who participated In the bridge building contest included UT Austin, the By Jerry Garza Week was to display memos and pam­ Unhrerstty of Houston, UT Arlington, Texas A&M, Texas A&l, Texas Tech, Prairie View A&M, New Mexico State and Monterrey Tech. ContrttHtUng Writer phlets that deaf with human rights lo­ In an effort to heighten awareness cally and globally. and understanding of diverse cultures. Sunday, Oct. 20. a classical piano Amnesty Inlemational, in conjunctkin concert was given by Dr. Valeri widi the Multicultural Affairs Office Grokhovski, an international celebrity (MAO), sponsored the International and native of die Soviet Union. Awareness Week. Monday, die highlight was on local Is Via handicapped? During die week ofOct. 20-25, An.. concerns. AI displayed information on By Colleen Consevage Staff Writer "A lot of people need to be aware that the white ...handlcapped passengers may wait over two hours before a VIAtrans Only a small percentage of disabled population Is not the only population." students and staff are using VIAU'ans service to and from UTSA. Passengers vehicle arrives. When the customer must reach a destination by a certain complain of long wails and lack of com­ munication, but VIA representatives .say -Ann Robinson, director of the the service does not need improving and time, he or she must call 24 hours in advance. VIAtrans then decides multi-cultural affairs office cite a lack of information about services as the cause of customer discontent. when to pick the passenger up... VIAtrans is a service of the VIA Metropolitan Transit Authority for Robinson, director of the multi-cultural the maltreabnent of refugees along the handicapped people, providing curb to affairs office, and Michael Jon Crow, Texas/Mexican border. Other informa­ curb service to Ihose who are unable to vice and unreasonably long waits for a sengers. According lo Delwiler, quarter of total revenue is generated for director of UTSA's Amnesty Interna­ tion on display focused on the nation­ use the standard VIA transportation sys­ ride." Flinders cites another complaint VIAtrans makes four trips daily, one lo this public entity by fares. The rest, tional (Al) group, coordinated a series wide effort to ban die death penalty. tem. But some UTSA studenis com­ from a VlAu-ans customer who "has ihrec iimes per week. according lo Delwiler. comes from Sec­ of activities including a classical piano Throughout the rest of the week. AI plain Ihat the servke does not meet ttieir gone in lo call VIA lo check on the ride, But handicapped passengers may wail tion Nine grant money from the Urban concol. a bake sale and a dinner. exhibited informatk>n on the atrocities needs.
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