June 10, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E873 Beau was a gifted lawyer who was twice HONORING ANDREW MCLEAN Jewish Community Center as a pillar of reli- elected attorney general in the state of Dela- gious and moral teachings in the Fourth Con- ware and served his country in the National HON. SAM GRAVES gressional District of California, and I am hon- Guard in Iraq. But more than that, he was a OF MISSOURI ored to share in this occasion. I thank members of Chabad for their contin- devoted son, a loving husband, and a caring IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES father. ued positive impact on the Placer County JOE and his boys lived through great per- Wednesday, June 10, 2015 community, and I am proud to stand with them sonal tragedy with the loss of his wife, Neilia, Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I in celebration. and daughter, Naomi. They have an unbreak- proudly pause to recognize Andrew McLean. f able bond. And they, along with the rest of the Andrew is a very special young man who has RECOGNIZING LISA PURCELL FOR family, have found the greatest joy in spending exemplified the finest qualities of citizenship HER OUTSTANDING COMMIT- time together. No one who has come in con- and leadership by taking an active part in the MENT TO THE BUFFALO COMMU- tact with the Biden family can miss the deep Boy Scouts of America, Troop 362, and earn- NITY love and devotion they have for one another. ing the most prestigious award of Eagle Scout. I had the privilege of getting to know Beau Andrew has been very active with his troop, better during the Obama-Biden reelection participating in many scout activities. Over the HON. BRIAN HIGGINS campaign. We were together on several occa- many years Andrew has been involved with OF NEW YORK sions, including in the immediate aftermath of scouting, he has not only earned numerous IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Biden-Ryan debate. A very proud son was merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- Wednesday, June 10, 2015 beaming about his dad’s stellar performance. ily, peers, and community. Most notably, An- Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I stand before In that moment, you could see Beau’s com- drew has earned the rank of Warrior in the you today to recognize and honor Mrs. Lisa petitive spirit fuse with his devotion to his dad. Tribe of Mic-O-Say and became a Brother- Purcell for her work in the Buffalo community. I extend my deepest sympathies to my hood Member in the Order of the Arrow. An- Mrs. Purcell has dedicated her time to aiding friends JOE and Jill, to Beau’s wife, Hallie, and drew has also contributed to his community various charity organizations in the Buffalo their two children, his siblings, Hunter and through his Eagle Scout project. Andrew com- area. Ashley, and the entire Biden family. I hope pleted a garden around a statue of Mary at As the founder of the Ryan Purcell Founda- that they can take comfort in the love they Little Sisters of the Poor, an elder care facility tion, Mrs. Purcell has organized the annual share and the knowledge that they do not in Kansas City, Missouri. Purcell Memorial 5K race. The Foundation is walk alone in their grief. We have lost Beau Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in dedicated to her son Ryan Purcell who was far too soon, but his memory lives on until we commending Andrew McLean for his accom- killed in a hit and run accident in October of meet again. plishments with the Boy Scouts of America 2011. The Foundation is committed to hon- f and for his efforts put forth in achieving the oring the life and memory of Ryan Purcell and highest distinction of Eagle Scout. IN RECOGNITION OF DR. PENNY raises funds to give to scholarships to high REDDELL f school students in the Buffalo area. RECOGNIZING CHABAD JEWISH Mrs. Purcell has also been a large supporter HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS COMMUNITY CENTER OF PLACER of the Mount Mercy Academy 5K race as well COUNTY as their scholarship program. Mount Mercy OF TEXAS Academy has been educating the young IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES women of Western New York for over 110 Wednesday, June 10, 2015 HON. TOM McCLINTOCK years. Their Alumnae have grown to over OF CALIFORNIA Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to 10,000 members, 70% of whom still live and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honor Dr. Penny Reddell upon her retirement work in Western New York. Mrs. Purcell is after 38 years of exemplary public service. Wednesday, June 10, 2015 married to Dr. Peter Purcell D.D.S. and has five children as well as three grandchildren. She earned her first of many degrees at Ste- Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Mr. Speaker, thank you for allowing me a phen F. Austin State University in to congratulate the Chabad Jewish Community few moments to honor and recognize Mrs. Nacogdoches. From there, she went onto the Center of Placer County on the momentous Lisa Purcell. I ask that my colleagues join me University of Texas at Tyler to obtain her mas- occasion of completing its Community Torah. in congratulating Mrs. Purcell on an accom- ter’s degree before finally earning her doc- Led by Rabbi Yossi Korik, Chabad Jewish plished history of giving to charitable organiza- torate from Baylor University. Community Center opened in 2005 to educate tions, and to commend her for the exemplary Dr. Reddell began her education career as and support the local Jewish community and work she has done to enrich the communities a teacher and has capably served in multiple inspire people from all walks of life. of Western New York. capacities including diagnostician, assistant As part of this effort, the Chabad of Placer principal, principal, gifted and talented pro- County commissioned a professional scribe in f gram consultant, and adjunct college pro- Israel to write a Torah scroll in the traditional CONNECTING HOUSTON AND fessor. She is retiring from Lewisville ISD as method, which dates back thousands of years. TAIPEI the Associate Superintendent for Learning and The Torah contains the Five Books of Teaching, a position she has held for the last Moses and is the most precious article in Jew- HON. PETE OLSON six years. Her areas of responsibilities have ish life. Its guidance provides a strong founda- OF TEXAS included: Strategic Design implementation, tion for morals in today’s global society. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Curriculum and Instruction, Special Education, In October of 2014, members of the Jewish Early Childhood, Literacy Intervention, Pro- community gathered with rabbis and public Wednesday, June 10, 2015 gram Evaluation, District Grant Writing, Gifted leaders in Placer County to witness the first Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and Talented, Advanced Academics, Assess- letters of the Torah being inscribed. This celebrate a new connection between Taipei, ment and Accountability and Federal Pro- weekend, many months after the project’s in- Taiwan and Houston, Texas. Beginning on grams, ESL, Dual Language, Bilingual, and ception, the same community will once again June 19th, 2015 a new direct flight will con- World Languages. Dr. Reddell’s leadership gather—this time to celebrate the scroll’s com- nect these cities and allow Houstonians to has had a positive and profound impact on all pletion. travel to Taiwan and Asia more easily. This the programs that she has overseen. This tremendous accomplishment will be new opportunity will also promote business As Dr. Reddell retires, her commitment and celebrated on Sunday, June 14, 2015, with a and tourism, which means economic benefits hard work on behalf of the students and fac- festive parade. The Torah will travel down for both Texas and Taiwan. ulty of Lewisville ISD will be greatly missed. Douglas Boulevard under a Chuppah, led by a The United States and Taiwan already enjoy After almost four decades as an educator and local marching band. a robust economic partnership. Taiwan is our administrator, Dr. Reddell retires as a profes- Mr. Speaker, George Washington stated in 10th largest trading partner. Our bilateral trade sional beloved by her colleagues and leaves his Farewell Address: ‘‘of all the dispositions amounts to more than $67 billion in 2014. I an indelible mark to be emulated. It is a privi- and habits which lead to political prosperity, am confident this important relationship will lege to honor such an esteemed constituent in religion and morality are indispensable sup- continue to thrive and will continue to support the U.S. House of Representatives. ports.’’ We are fortunate to have the Chabad our close friend and ally. VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:27 Jun 11, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JN8.023 E10JNPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E874 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 10, 2015 REUNIFICATION OF CYPRUS burden remains on the Government to prove alliance. As we celebrate the 70th anniversary that the artifact in question is illicit. While of the liberation of Korea from Imperial Japan, HON. TED POE protecting Syrian cultural artifacts from I will continue working to help promote peace looting is important, it is also important and stability on the Korean Peninsula—in OF TEXAS that we stay true to our own values. Our tra- hopes that the two Koreas will be reunified in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dition of due process requires that the Gov- ernment meet its burden of proof before pri- my lifetime.
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