QUOTE “ When firmness is suffi­ 25r cient, rashness is un­ per ropy necessary.” —Napoleon th e te m CHELSEA. MICHIGAN. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1986 ONE HUNDRED-SIXTEENTH YEAR—No. 22 Sfcmibarb24 Pages This Week Lengthy Ballot Faces Voters Tuesday, Nov. 4 In General Election Once again the time of year is Carl D. Pursell, Republican can- Miller and Gumecindo, Demo­ here during which registered crats; Barbara Dumouchellc and voters in Washtenaw county and * 8 0 - R obert C arr, incum ­ Patricia A. Hartnagle, Repub­ their counterparts scattered bent, seeks another term in the lican candidates; Robert E. through the SO states make a 6th congressional district He is Tisch, the candidate backed by trip to the polls to cast a ballot opposed by Republican James Tisch Independent Citizens; four listing their choices to fill a host Dunn. independent candidates, John A. of political offices, most of these Republican candidate for state G reen, Kline, R obert C. for a tw o-year period. Denise senator in Michigan’s 18th dis­ MacDonald and David A. Weid- As a citizen of the one of the few trict Dale J. Apley, Jr., is making n e r. countries in the world where a strong bid to unseat incumbent - Two members wifi be selected leaders are still elected to office state senator Lana Pollack. by voters for the University of by the people, secret ballot re­ One of the hotted races In M ichigan B o ard of R egents. mains a procedure available to western Washtenaw county is the Seeking the regent positions all caring citizens—do pay atten­ one in the 52nd legislative are Democrats Paul Brown and tion to this great and rare d istric t James L. Waters, as well as privilege I M argaret O’Connor, incumbent Republicans Gary Frank and Many voters will express their Republican candidate, and Dem­ Cynthia Haidostian Hudgins. choices by casting an absentee ocratic candidate Donald E. Michigan State University ballot, a privilege extended Shelton, who has served as Board of Trustees will gam er two senior citizens and those who wifi m ayor of Saline, both seek the of­ successful candidates to serve be at locations other than their fice of state representative in the s terms tram the Held of can­ regular polling places during 52nd d is tr ic t didates which includes: Joel I. regular hours of the election date. Both O’Connor a n d Shelton a re Ferguson and Barbara J. Saw­ Before beginning the balloting well-known in the district and yer, Democrats, and Dolores M. process, voters are urged to ask have considerable policit&i sup­ Cook and Cyril Gregoricka, for instruction, given freely and FIRST SN LINE TO VOTE in Chelsea High scaoors mock elec­ D.:ug vjirough die entire process, Sylvaa township loaned voting porters. Republican candidates. with good nature by election of­ tions Monday morning is senior Tucker Lee. Junior and senior stands and computer card punch boards. Simulating the duties of Two openings exist on the state Four candidates seek positions township voting officials are Angie Alvarez, left, and Trisha Mattoff. ficials at any of the polling governm ent classes learned how to vote In a g eneral election by rnn- board of education. Seeking to on the Wayne State University places, to avoid confusion, serve on the board are Annette (Continued on page six) The ballot is lengthy, and voters should use ail the assistance available. In Michigan, voters wifi be Health Insurance choosing a partnership team, governor-lieutenant governor, to . guide the complex ship of state Brings Deficit in during th e n ext tw o y ears. Republican challengers Wil­ liam Lucas and Colleen Engier oppose Incumbent Democratic School Budget candidates James J. Blanchard and M artha W. Griffiths, vying Due largely to an unanticipated together, we thought Blue Cross for th e top s ta te offices. 13 percent rise in the cost of would rise about eight percent On the Workers League ticket, health' insurance, the Chelsea but when we talked to Blue Cross Martin McLaughlin and Alva A. School D iitr ic t now a n ticip ates a officials, they didn’t think it Crivena seek the offices of govern $44,212 deficit fo r th e 1385417 Would rise that much,” Mills nor-andheutenaiAgovemar.- school year, according to asste- said.. “So we plugged in five percent. , Candidates for the office of t*ct superintendent Fred Mills. But later w egot thc shocker that -Michigan secretary of '■ state in- The school bosrd amended the dude Democratic incumbent Rich­ budget at Its regular Monday, It w ould g o u p 13^ percent” T h e in cre a se will co st $65,695, ard K. Austin, wter is chal­ OeL 20 m eeting. lenged by Republican Weldon O. T he o rig in al b udget adopted in Mills said. He said most of the rest of the increase will come Yeager and Brian Wright, Inde­ June called for revenues of pendent c andidate. $8,189,831 a n d expenditures of from the purchase of two school Frank J. Kelley seeks to extend $3,168,423, b u ses a t a p p ro x im ately $64,000. his service as Michigan attorney Mills said the, increase in The amended budget calls for Tevenues came from reimburse­ general. Republican Robert H. a n ticip ated revenues of $8,233,519 m ent program s from the state for Cleland and Max Dean, Indepen­ an d e xpenditures of $8,277,731. dent candidate also seek the of­ handicapped students and incom­ ing transfers. fice. Mills said the deficit would be made up by the district’s fund “We’re in good financial LEARNING ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM first hand, plication process to voting for their preferred candidates on com­ For the 2nd district congres­ equity, which has a $69-5,742 shape,” Mills said. Chelsea High school Junior and senior government classes had a puter punch-out cards. Efin Aldrich, deputy Sylvan township clerk, sional seat, Democrat Dean balance. “My guess is that we’ll come chance to participate In a mock state election on Monday morning to 'collected the ballots in Jim Becbtelhelmer’s class. Baker is opposing incumbent > “When we first put the budget out about even for the year.” their classrooms. They ran through everything from the voting ap­ H a l l o w e e n C ouncil A pproves P l a n P a r t y S e t F o r E ngineering W ork F o r F r i d a y Plans are in high gear for Chelsea’s annual Halloween celebration this Friday night, O n First D D A P roject featuring the traditional party hosted by the Kiwanis Club of Chelsea. , Chelsea Village Council said Johnson & Roy, the company of duplication of work. The street The evening kicks off with the yes to a recommendation by the whose work figured heavily tote work would extend a block east annual community “Trick or Downtown Development Authori­ the Chelsea Revitalization an d w est of M ain St. Treat," from 4-6 p.m. Children, ty to spend approxim ately $9,100 S trateg y docum ent. Fahmer said the engineering m an y of th em w ith th eir p arents, on engineering plans for the Fahmer said that it’s likely plans wifi be a winter project for will go door-to-door and hold out group’s first downtown beautification work would be un­ him, but it was not known when th e ir b ags fo r treats. beautification project. taken at the same time as street actual construction work could Immediately afterward, the The council approved the work already planned by the. begin. K iw anis Club w ill have its annual measure, 4-1, at group’s regular village, as that would cut out a lot (Continued on page six) meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 21. party in the Municipal Parking Trustee Richard Steele voted Lot, beginning with the judging of against it, and trustee Stephanie costumes. Three prizes will be Kanten was not present. awarded in each age group, for The project would involve the United Way both “best looking,” or “most intersection of Middle and Main original.” First prize is $3, sec­ Sts. and would be tied into a ma­ ond prize is $2, and third prize is jor street project the village was $1; already considering, according to Age brackets are 3-and-under, -l?fv “4 Assistant Village Manager Lee Hits 53% Going 4-5 y ears, 6-7 y ears, 8-9 y ears, F ah m er. 10-11 years and 12-and-over. THE HAUNTING NIGHT IS NEAR for these U nited M ethodist c h u rch on P a r k S t. T he haunted The DDA proposal, presented Chelsea Lumber Co. plans to gboulish souls who will be part of the Lioness bouse, along with a fun house, will be open from to the council by M ark Heydlauff, donate the use of a flat bed truck Club’s Haunted House to the basement of the First 7-9 p j n . on T h ursday a n d 7-10 p.m , on F riday. DDA chairman, called for using for master of ceremonies Bill approximately 100 hours of To Final Week Rademacher to introduce each of Fahmer's time on the project, the winners. Lioness Club Haunts Chelsea w orth approxim ately $1,800.
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