M init-ed More hearings have been scheduled by the state casino commission to Study the infiltration of racketeers in the juicy business of hauling.suckers to the gambling wheels. When the casinos were proposed every thinking police authority predicted they would prove an open invitation to the criminal ele­ ment. And the mobsters, as predicted, speedily accepted New Jersey’s hospi­ (ffoim iicrcicil T f f e a i t e r tality. A lot of them seemed to mistake the then Gov. Byrne’s edict “Mobsters, keep out," was part of the invitation. and SOI TH-BLKCLN KK\ IKW 1-et the hearings continue. Kidding the casinos of crime is about as effective as VOL. 63 NO. 29 **■ — THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 19X5 , 25 cents draining the Passaic Kiver with a _____________________ ._________ SubK-ripUoB M M I'ubhthrd Wr*+J> sieve. Favor Lyndhurst for recovery plant The Bergen County Utilities Au­ However, the Corps of Engineers Ridgefield. There a storm of protest began a series of talks and letters Zammit also declared Belle­ thority has been instructed by the We have pointed out over and over said that Guida’s letter made it greeted the action. The community with the Army Corps of Engineers mead has been ordered to clear the Army Corps ot Engineers to re­ again the Lyndhurst site is the most clear there was an alternative site. which already houses the huge Pub­ fill off the wetlands and to restore consider its rejection of the Lyn­ Basing his fight on the need for practicable for the resource re TTierefore. the BCIJA was told to go lic Service generating plant, said the five acres to its original condi­ dhurst site for the proposed Re­ preserving the wetlands, Guida at­ covery plant With just a little engi­ back to the drawing board and ex­ that it would not stand for having tacked the plan to place the re­ tion. source Recovery Plant. plain why the Lyndhurst site was neering in skill an access road to the recovery, plant. covery plant in Ridgefield At the The decisions of the Sports Au­ In a letter to Mayor Jam es not a viable alternative. the Lyndhurst acreage can be built The plant, which would cost over same time he called attention to the thority are not only a victory for Guida. John Zammit. chief of the This would take the 1.000 trucks that Ciuida has led the fight to induce $300 million, would incinerate 3.000 fact Bellemead Corp had covered Lyndhurst. said Guida. hut they engineers operating division, said rumble along Valley Brook Ave e\ the construction of the recovery tons of garbage daily over five acres of wetlands without are a victory for the entire state At Guida’s letter pointing out the Lyn­ cry day out of our township and out plant in Lyndhurst For a time it Public Affairs Commissioner permission. He also attacked the a time when the public is aroused dhurst site could be used without <>t the residential areas of all the seemed certain that the plant would Ix h iis L. Stellato and Public Works plan of the New Jersey Sports and over the way precious wetlands violation of the meadows' wetlands communities The trucks would be be built in Lyndhurst Commissioner Evelyn Pezzolla Exposition Authority to cover over have been disappearing, we. m one The BCIJA. backed by the routed from the New Jersey Turn mounted opposition to the plan 11 acres of wetlands to build a park of the most critical areas m the Hackensack Meadowlands Develop­ pike into the Lyndhurst site The commission majority, in­ The HMDC. after wavering on ing lot for the Meadowlands Arena nation, have been watching how the ment Commission, chose a site in I think the Army Corps of Engi­ cluding Guida. Finance Director the subject, suddenly voted to rec­ Guida got action on all three wetlands in the rm adows have been Ridgefield where over 15 acres of neers is acting on the behalf of all of John Gagliardi and Public Safety ommend Ridgefield as the site counts. abused wetlands would have to be de­ us and I want to thank the corps for Director Ronald Bogle adopted a Lyndhurst would receive about "It was for this reason I took up stroyed to accommodate the re­ the kind attention it has given our resolution urging the construction $3 million for its land, over $1 mil­ In a long letter to Guida. Zammit the fight to preserve the wetlands covery plant plea of the plant in Lyndhurst. At the lion a year in fees for the plant and pointed out the corps was telling the Zammit's letter said that the same time 35 acres on the eastern would not be taxed for its garbage BCUA to reconsider ihe Ridgefield Corps of Engineers was informed perimeter of the township was disposal, a cost that is mounting decision. At the sam e time he that there was no site other than made available for the plant rapidly every year pointed out the Sports Authority has A n historic letter that of Ridgefield that could meet However, a recommendation by When it appeared the Lyndhurst been told to prove that it needs the the requirements for the plant the HMDC was for the plant to go to site would be overlooked Guida wetlands for the parking lot John Zammit, chief of the Army Corps ot Kngineers operating division, has, in a letter to Mayor Guida. reinforced the corps* efforts to protect the wetlands in F r i e n d s the meadows. In his letter he has proposed that the Bergen County Utilities Authority reconsider its decision to place a resource recovery plant in Ridgefield instead t o h o l d of in Lyndhurst. The letter in full: Dear Mayor Guida e v e p a r t y formed the Sports Authority that a This letter is m regard to your Department ot the Army permit recent telephone conversations with would be required for this work A The Friends of the Lyndhurst Mr Joseph Seebode of my staff copy of this letter is enclosed lor lib rary will sponsor a Valentine's regarding wetland losses in the your information Vou will note that Eve party to meet - and join - the State of New Jersey 1 will com this letter discourages the filling <>t Friends' on Wednesday evening ment on the status ol three wetlands lor the construction or n February 13th at 8 p.m A program specific projects to which you have non-water dependent activity ipark about "Historic Lyndhurst' will be reiterated concern, all located mg facilities) and mandatorily re­ a highlight of the evening as well as within the Hackensack quires the Sports Authority to prove a tour of the library. Everyone is Meadowlands. this project is the only practicable welcome1 The Bellemead Corporation, m alternative The movie Foreign Correspon­ violation of federal law. tilled in 5 2 Finally, we have recently re­ dent" will be screened at the li­ acres of wetlands adjacent to ceived a permit application for the brary on Thursday. February 7th at Bern's Creek during 1983 In No­ filling of wetlands within the A N E W F A C E , la Lyndhurst Town Hall a new tax Fellini, the deputy tax collector. Appointment of the 7 p.m. Upcoming movies during vember 1983 my staff issued a cease Hackensack Meadowlands tor the collector has taken over. Appointed by Finance new collector means that the tax office is 100 February include I M arried a and desist order to the Corporation construction ot a Resource Re­ Director M at Gagliardi, Phyllis J. Griffiths as­ percent manned by women. Witch". "The Adventures of Sher­ After meeting with the I S At­ covery Project We have in the past sumed her past Monday. At her side it Eileen lock Holmes' . and "Brief En­ torney in January 1984 it was discouraged the siting of this facil­ counter Admission is free agreed that Bellemead should apply ity, however the applicant has re­ iterated this Mte as being the onh Tuesday Afternoon Crafts will for an after-the-fact permit to legal­ ize the subject fill Recently, after feature free crocheting instruction practicable alternative In light ot proceeding through the public in­ T h ird assistant for H . S. on February 19th. Please bring your concern tor wetland preserva­ terest review process and eval­ yarn and a crochet hook On Tues­ tion and the tact that you have Creation of a third assistant prin- uating the environmental impacts and Richard DiLascip, board presi­ reduction of $119,000 in the amuo! day. February 26th. the project will made avilable an upland site not cipalship for the high school is being of this application, it was de dent whose term s expire will seek budget be a St. Patrick's Day pixie A one requiring major site alterations. 1 ufged upon the Board of Education termined that the issuance ot a De­ will be contacting the Bergen Coun­ three-year terms After the defeat of the school dollar pre-registration fee is re­ by one fraction of members partment of the Army permit was ty Utilities Authority in the near According to reports Mrs budget by a narrow margin in the quired for this project An addi­ The job would go to James Car- not in the general public interest future to request they coordinate Bortone would be elected president last election the two boards met to tional small charge for materials rino.
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