Sees Direct Saigbn-Cang Talks SEE STORY BELOW Clearing, Cold THEDAEY HOME Rain ending, becoming cold- er today. Cloudy, windy and Bed Bulk, Freehold cold tonight and tomorrow. 7 Branch 7 FINAL , (See Detalln, Pa» 3) Monmouth County9* Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 126 RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1968 20 PAGES TEN CENTS Bucher Tells of North Korean'Terror SEOUL (AP)— North Ko- jected to "the most concen- States. But It was thought he was signing it only to free couldn't see allowing any south of the demilitarized walked across a con- rea freed the surviving 82 trated form of terror here they might leave tomor- the ship's crew, a procedure more people to be slaugh- zone where Bucher gave his crete bridge into the southern crewmen of the U.S. intelli- that I've ever seen or row. ' to which the North Koreans tered or killing the entire interview. half of the demilitarized zone gence ship Pueblo today, and dreamed is possible." The spokesman said there agreed. i crew for.no reason." As the helicopters landed, at 11:30 a.m. Korean time. they were being given medi- Bucher said about half his were no immediate plans to Bucher also told his news Four men were wounded an Army band played "Cali- They carried with them a cal checkups at a hospital crew were beaten badly last let the men talk to their fam- conference that at no time when the Pueblo was cap- fornia Here I Come," and coffin containing the re- near Seoul before flying to week and that many of them ilies by telephone from Ko- did the Pueblo sail within 13 tured, and one later died. medics hustled the men into mains of Fireman Duane H. rejoin their families in San still had blackened eyes and rea. miles of North Korea, let The Pueblo, a former Ar- the hospital building. Hodges, 22, of Creswell, Ore., Diego, Calif. bruised ribs. To win the release of the alone inside the 12-mile lim- my cargo ship equipped with A jet transport was waiting the crew member who died Among those released was Bucher 'added that men after 11 months of cap- it set by the North Korean advanced electronic detection at Osan Air Base for the in North Korea after being Paul David Brusnahan, com- he thought many in his crew tivity, a U.S. representative government: equipment, remained in flight to Honolulu and San wounded during the ship's munications technician 2C, were in "very bad- physical at the armistice hut in Pan- "The day we were captured North Korea. The Commu- Diego. capture off Wonsan by four son of Mr. and Mrs. John condition" from malnutrition. munjom signed a statement we were some 15 to 16 miles nists said it had been con- The government was flying Communist gunboats on Jan. W, Brusnahan, 6 Hickman "The bruises and that sort of apologizing for "the grave from /shore when the North fiscated and would not be re- the families of many of the 23. Drive, Hamilton Township, thing are going to heal up acts of espionage committed , Korean ships showed up and turned. men to San Diego for a Bucher came first over the Christmas reunion, but ques- N. J., near Trenton. • very quickly," he said. by the U.S. ship . after began their harassment tac- Army helicopters, each car- bridge, accompanied as far having intruded into the ter- tics," he said. rying 10 crewmen, took the tioning of the crewmen may The Pueblo's skipper, May Leave Tomorrow - as the boundary line at the Cmdr. Lloyd M. Bucher, told A U.S. military spokesman ritorial waters of the Demo- 'Nothing But Slaughter' men to the U.S. 121st Evacu- continue for weeks after that. a news conference that he in Seoul said he did not know cratic People's Republic of "I surrendered the ship be- ation Hospital at Ascom City, Light Snow Falls U.N. Command side by about and his men in the two weeks how soon the Pueblo men Korea." But first he repudi- cause it was nothing but a 10 miles outside Seoul, from A light snow was falling eight North Korean observ- before their release were sub- would leave for the United ated the statement and said slaughter out there and I a U.S. advance base just as Bucher and his men ers. Apollo 8's Hurtling Deeper Into 'Wonderland' of Space SPACE CENTER, Houston about 34,500 miles from the Force Maj. William A. An- trip toward the moon at But the braking effect of (AP) — The daring explorers moon. ders that they have passed earth escape speed of 24,196 the engine firing will prevent of Apollo 8 hurtled deeper in- The tug of the moon will through a gravity "barrier" in miles per hour, has slowed the flyby and inject Apollo 8 to uncharted regions of space increase Apollo 8's speed, and space. gradually like an automobile into an orbit which the astro- today, racing toward a cli- the three astronauts will Borman, in fact, plans to be coasting uphill to slightly nauts are to fly for 20 hours mactic moment when they sweep toward their historic asleep, and Lovell and An- more than 2,200 m.p.h. on Christmas Eve and early are" captured by the gravity lunar orbit. A burst from ders are to be stowing their , The moon's gravity increas- Christmas Day. field of the moon, their their spaceship engine at camera after completing a es this over a period of sev- Few Anxious Moments Christmas Eve target. 5:01 a.m. yesterday will swing second television show from eral hours to almost 5,800 There were a few anxious That moment, when man them into orbit just 69 miles Apollo 8. m.p.h. If allowed to continue moments yesterday, second fpr the first time will be in above the surface. The area is called the at this speed, Borman, Lovell day of the mission, that the the gravity grasp of another There will be no physical "equigravisphere," where the and Anders would hook once astronauts might have to be heavenly body, comes at 3;?9 .change.to.alert Air Force Col. pull of earth's gravity and around the backside with suf- called back — or, at best, p.m. today when Apollo 8 is Frank Borman, Navy Capt. that'of the moon are equal. ficient velocity to swing back make only a quick flyaround 202,700 miles from earth and James A. Lovell Jr., aM Air Apollo 8, which started -the toward earth. of the moon and come home. The problem was illness re- RELEASED CREWMEN — Members of the USS Pueblo crew are escorted tjyMPs. ported by all three crewmen. upon their arrival at the U. S. Army 121 st- Evacuation Hospital at Ascom City, 10 .•Borman was in the worst miles west of Seoul, Monday, Korean time. ' (AP Radiophoto) condition, suffering from what he diagnosed as a "24-hour Cong Talks Seen Possible flu, nitestinal flu." The spacecraft commander BULLETIN Shortly after the broadcast, recognize this claim, consid- and his American opposite, said he vomited, had diar- PAWS (AP) - The Viet Hanoi's chief negotiator, Xu ering the Viet Cong and its Cyrus R. Vance. Vance is in rhea, chills and headaches Christmas Present Song today rejected the idea Thuy, told a Paris rally the political arm tools of Hanoi. Washington this week for during the early morning £eace conference can only get As a result the start, of ex- of direct talks with the South talks with President Johnson, hours yesterday. But after Vietnamese government ad- off the ground "when a gov- panded peace talks 'has •resting he reported he was vanced by Vice President ernment has been set up in bogged down in a deadlock and no U.S.-North Vietnamese much better. Nguyen Cao Ky. Saigon which really wants to over such status symbols as meetings have been scheduled Lovell and Anders both said For Folks at Home negotiate with the National the shape of the conference over Christmas. , they weren't feeling up to PARIS (AP) — Vice Presi- Liberation Front." table. Some Communist sources par. Doctors were worried By ASSOCIATED PRESS ful! To God be the glory!" said Mrs. Wail- dent Nguyen Cao Ky of South The NLF claims to be the said there is so little time left they would contract Borman's "It's about as good a Christmas pres- ey S. Anderson of Waycross, Ga. The procedural issues ent as you can get," said the father of CPO "Santa Claus has certainly been good Vietnam raised the prospect sole representative of the have been discussed at meet- to the Johnson administration malady, and the mission con- of direct Saigon-Viet Cong there is no longer much point Ralph D. Bouden, one of the 82 surviving to us this year," said Genevieve M. Ster- South Vietnamese people and trol center considered short- ling. But Mrs. Sterling said her 3-year-old talks as a Christmas lull set- demands equal negotiating ings between tiie deputy in trying to get the four-party ening the mission. crewmen of the U.S. intelligence ship Pueb- tled on the negotiations in chief of the North Vietnamese lo, who were freed today from 11 months in son Billy was more excited about the snow status at the enlarged peace talks started before President- Plan is Shuffled outside their Stratford, Conn., home than Paris. i talks. Saigon has refused to delegation, Col.
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