Springpoit B!ade~y Springport, Miah. WARMER Parily cloudy, not so cold 'tonight; low tonlgh t middlo 20's Thursday l partly cloudy and warmor, high In Winner of 5 rna; or newspaper exccllcm'Ce awards in 7964 tho high 40's, *· Volume No. 106, No. 13 3 Sections - 28 Pages Wednesday, March 31, 1965 10~ per copy I We'll Be Drinl{ing Chlorine State Claims Water Is Contaminated Mason's water supply is in ing was 8,9 and at the city danger. Slate health department garage the reading was 15 while officials notified Mason councl.l­ a sampllng taken at U1e cornel· m en' Saturday that there is con­ of Cedar ancl Columbia carne up tamination in the city water sys­ with a zero reading, tem. The chlorination of Mason's On orders from the healU1 de­ water supply may not be per­ partment the Pari( street well manent, according to Mayor Gil­ was shut clown. Other steps or­ son Pearsall. Once the system dered by the state agency were is rid of contamination and the the immediate chlorination of the source of contamination is found complete city system tod!siniect a.nd rectified, the problem may the entire system and the flush­ be solved, he pointed out. ing out of dead end water lines, Councilmen have realized that Health officl.als have been leary there is a water problem and tests of the shallow wells in the Mason are underway right now as a system for some time, claiming preliminary to developing a deep Rubinoff and Violin that the possibility was present well on the north edge o£ town. for contaminated water to get into Drillers are down' 250 with a the system, test well. Last week the regularly sche­ Cost of i:hlorlnatlon of the Bool\:ed for Mason duled check of city water sam­ water supply Isn't going to be Rubinoff and his violin wlll reigning famlly of Russia until ples confirmed the fears. a problem, When councllmen or­ present a public concert at Ma­ the revolution, It disappeared At the Park street well the dered equipment for the fluorifl son high school auditorium Thurs. during that time of stress but bacteriological reading hit 39, dation equipment last year they day, May 27, at 8:1D p.m. The. turned up later in ParLs in the At the Cedar Street school 2 selected a dual purpose type unusual musical event is a pro­ possession of a former Husslan samplings also hit 39, .At the which would allow the chlor!da­ ject of the Mason Kiwanis club Prince who had taken the val­ hospital thesampllnghit 15twice. tlon to be done without the addi­ and proceeds from the concert uable instrument with him when At the Baptist church the read- tion of added equipment. will be used for youth activities. he fled the country, Rubin off and his violin--a $1001 The violin bears the elabor­ 000 Stradivarius made in 17 31-­ ately engraved and bejeweled coat present concerts throughout the of arms of U1e Romanoff famlly City Council Races country 9 months of the year. as well as the identlflcatlon mark Born In Russia, he played a of Stradlvari and the date" SPRING OFFICIALLY ARRIVED a week ago, but cold and snow miniature violin at age 5, At The instrument is of a deep Spring 14 he was a graduate of the brownish-red lustre, perfectly didn't let up for the occasion. This week, however 1 is a different Take Voter Spotlight Warsaw Conservatory, Victor formed and developed in all its story. The Sycamore has shed its ice and bubbles forth with a seeming Herbert's early recognition of intricate detail in a manner rep­ Has Monday is election time again mediate board of education. The his talents helped to launch him resentative of the best work of uncontrollable urge to tell the world that spring is really here. This in Mason and throughout Ingham ceiling on the millage would be on his career. John Phillp Sousa. the master, picture was taken looking north towards the Ash street bridge. county, placed at 18 mllls 1f the pro­ first introduced him to school Rubinoff purchased this fam­ Sprung Most of the interest centers posal passes" assemb!Jes, Wlll Hogers inspired ous Stradivarius from the Wur­ ··~··,··~······ on city races but there is a The approval of this measure !tim, not only to play for stu­ lltzer collection in New York ,: ~ ' county-wide proposition awaiting would eliminate the annual has­ dents, but to lecture as well. in 1928, .....- ... ......:~-·.;;,... :--.: ./. ... ~· the decision of the voters. There sle be for e the apportionment The magnificent vtolin of Rub­ Included in the program Rub­ ··~ .; . !noff Is one of U1e most pre­ lnoff wlll present to the Mason ............ ', :....... are also several local propo­ board by school districts and sitions for the voters to decide. the county over splitting the cious instruments in the world: audience wlll be Dance of the In Mason 6 candidates are a vallable 15 mills, a Stradivarius which is insured Peasant, Clair de Lune, Hora trying for the 3 council seats Lansing and East Lansing for $100,000. Staccato, Warsaw Concerto, Fly up for grabs, voters are selecting city offl·' The RomanoffStra(livarlus was Me to the Moon, Jalousie, Pol­ Concessi an Openings Those seeking the posts are: cials and Lansing voters have made in 1731 by Antonio Stra­ onaise, When Day is Done, Fld­ ;"~sor\ Pearsall, 8-year cotm­ another annexation dP.clsion to divari in Cremona, Italy, In time dlin' the Fiddle, Ah Sweet My­ History mobile To Visit All persons interested in hav­ Budget cil veteran who has served 2 make on a piece of land in the instrument passea into the stery of Life and Square Dance Ing a concession during centen­ terms as mayor, He is a Lan­ W 1n d s o r township in E at on hands of the R.omanoff's, the Fidd!l.n'. nial week are invited to a meet­ sing junior high school teacher county. In addition there are 2 ing with the concession commit­ Will Stop at Mason and Is a former teacher and charter change propos a! s, a tee at 7:30 Friday evening, Ap­ Airing coach at Mason. bonding Issue, school board can-· rll 9, at the centennial head­ Two Brothers of the Brush valued at over $501000, has been Nels Ferriby, former council­ dictates, a school !JOnding issue qual·ters. and 2 Belles will act as hosts developed entirely through the man, who Is a long-time Mason and other proposals. Ticliets Availahle for and hostesses for a museum­ cooperation of numerous Mich­ Is Set resident. He is a salesman. East LaDS!ng· has a local prop­ on-wheels, the Michigan Histor­ Igan businesses and industries, John Hamlin, Mason fireman osition calling for chang·ing the ical commissions' new History­ who contributed all of the equip­ Tuesday night is budget hear­ and postal clerk.. Hamlin is a charter and the compensation mobile, which wlll be coming to ment and supplies. Fourteen of Libraries Mason high school product, for serving on the city council, Tiger Game Caravan Ingham county for a brief visit the state's finest museums coop­ ing night for the city of Mason. The proposed budget, which has Howard Oesterle, life - long on April 6 through April 81 10 erated in the preparation of the 1D Mason resident who taught school Arrangements for a caravan of buses have a.m. to 6 p.m. It will be on dis­ chronologically arranged dis­ been open for publlc inspection To Receive at the city hall, will face the in Mason before going to Leslie, been made to transpo.rt a Mason centennial play at the former AI Rice bulld­ plays which illustrate the color­ He 1s currently a school prin­ ing on s. Jefferson in Mason ful story of Michigan's develop­ test of a public hearing and jr''' ::,,;,;:::'''''''!'· cipal in the Leslle school system. delegation to a Detroit Tigers baseball game to remind our citizens of their ment from prehistoric times to then be turned over to the coun­ Trust Grant cil for final approval, Thom.lS Miller, a physician Michigan heritage, the present, wlih offices in Mason and a ~\~ Dick Morris has a rep- ( on May 29. Tickets which wtll include trans­ The Historymoblle, which is Although several other states It Is probable that the out­ going city councll will adopt the member of the staff of Mason ::: utatlon of tl1rowlng a hard :;:; portation to and from the game and reserved presently eperatesimllar travel­ Public libraries of Lansing, General hospital, :;:; and fast bowling ball hut ;:;: ing exhibits, the Michigan unit East Lansin1·; and Mason ilave budget Tuesday night or on the seats at the game are available from Bob following Monday night before the Vaughn Snook, Mason high ;:;: Sunday night he lost Ills :::: is the first in the country to been named by the Ingham County school couDSellor and teacher ::;: steam. He wound up and :;:; feature such an extensive co­ Medical Society to benefit from new city council forms and t.al\es Jones, Deadline for buying tickets is Satur­ over after the April 5 election. and former coach, who has been :;:; fired his fast one and came :;:: Stub bert operative display according to the money collected during the a resident of Mason for several ::;: up with a wierd split but ::;: day, April 24, The Tigers are scheduled to Solan Weeks, director of the oral pollo Immunizations last The proposed budget calls for years. :::: a second look bugged Ills :;:; play the Cleveland Indians in an afternoon Michigan Historical commission s11ring.
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