JDNO% N1LE PUBLIC LIBRARY 6960 lAYTON NILES IL £064B Court upholds legality Nues, Des Plaines receive fuel tax share of Borg School sale Illinoismunicipalitieshavecated monthly to the varions mu- been allotted $15,956,749 asnicipatities in Illinois for their byLindaA.Burns their share pfmotor fuel tax paidstreets and highways. Themonies A complaint filed against thecnitConrtlastweek. ruled the school board has a eightinto the State Treasury duringallocated arecomputedon the ba- Disict7O school board for dccc- To the disappointment of theto sell the school and propertySeptember, according to the 11h-sis olpopulation. liction ofduty concerning its de-Save Borg Association, the resi-around it. The SBA liadhoped bycois Dparisasent of Transporla- cision to sell Borg School wasdents' group who filed the cons-proving no feasibility or demo-don. Des Plaines received $89,734 turneddown in Cook County CNt-plaint, Judge Arthur L. Dunne Continued on Page 35 Motor fuel tax funds are allo-andNitm received$49,203. 911, bond, Nues clerk referendum on ballot 41 JIir Village of Nues School iLû!JIt! 81e:1e;omi::d elections 25 VOL. 33, NO.21,THE B5JGLE,THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 5989 per copy Tun sdav Hynes School buyer Schocl board elections, nor-Plaines, Skokie, Park Ridgeand From the mally non-partiras holing eventsGlenview. to seek rezoning Diserict 6Alan Raffel is chal- . experience greater interest duelengingincumbents Joan Futter- £et}huitt by Sheilyallackete to taxpayer concern about fman-man, Steve Huta, Norman Pad- cml manageflient and schoo nos and Steve Rivemon for this The Skokie developer who bid A group or resloenis, casung Buglebits sales. school district, which fares a ; fortheHynes scheol, 9000 Belle-themselves "Citizens Against the Local electors will be choosing$1.7 million deficit in the next fort Ave., Morton Grove, mustSate ofHynm' hadsought aspre-unsteRs for Oakton Communityfiscal year. Nickfllaseis athcowbackto apply for the manning he seeks -ventthesalethronghlegalmeans, abygonepolidoaleta. College. and high school dis- Board President Futterman, fromR-2 to R-3 within 30 deys,but failed. The sale will net thetrins 207 and 2t9 as well as forwho lives in unincorporated Des Last week he appointed according to district Superinlen-school district $2 million and re-elementary school disuictsinPlaines, is a legal secretary who dentDr. Harry Trumfio. Monday, Continued on Page 35 Niles,MortonGrove,Des Continued on Page 35 boardTom Bondi to the village Oct. 30, David Kate, a partner in to fill the seat formerly firm. Bernard held by Ang Marcheschi. lt the purebasing was reported Tom and Ginger Katz and Company, Skokie said the firm has not yet applied to the evisoin hearàde.. Troiani were the candidates VullageofMortonGrove,butwill fortheopening. coiifoñntolega1requirements ;' - The disleictdl school boaedon We called Nick and asked Oct. 26 approved the sale of him if ethnic background was filling the Hynes to the Katz company, thus a qualification for clearing one of the feral require- post. He told me while he was menos in the strongly contested surewewouldthiuksuch atar- sale. BoardPresidentJutly Koch- tic was old-fashioned and out man and Secretary Karen Rowell of sync with 1989 politics, he signed foe theBoard admitted he bends toward this type of politics. Pölice open We became aware of Nicks thinking when he appointed gaflg hotline Andyt'rzybylo tothe board re- byNancyKeranhiflas eeuU)'.HisAllAmerican Area Task Force police m board now includes trustees of Niles, Des Flaioes, Mt. Prospect, Irish Italian and Polish bark- Gleeview, Wheeling and Elk ground. And don't forget the Grove Village have officially sexist side of the board. Nick opened their telephooe hotlme, also has one tOken woman headquarteredinNiles, where est- trustee. izens can report suspected street gangartivities.According to llelieVeitorn0NiCkPteVi Commander William S. Reid of oasly had one Jewish seat on Nues, the phone number, 647- the board. Yeats ago, Ed Ber- 2333 is mannedJ4 hours aday. kowsky was Nues token Jew The six departsoenls began on the boardand when Ed left sharing gang intelligence cachee town, Abe Salmanmoved onto this year andnset Oct. 25 to form the boarAbe is now Nues the gang intelligence unit, calhng villagemanaget itoperationKneckout. 'Knockout" refers to the opera- In the year 1989, Nick's lion's goal of curbing the forma- thinking is abit unbelievable. lion of organized street gangs in the collar suburbs outside Chica- Photo by Mary Hannah go. The co-op and-gang unitis There is no way Ginger taking a pro-arMe stance asward Johnathun (left) and Andrew Leiter of NAos show off their devil costumes as theyprepared ContinuedOn Page 34 , ,e!e3,5 ,o,sporcigipqsIilgsparlçQiplricti-1aliçwgenpar.atie. PAGE 2 THEBUGLE,THURSDAY,NOVEMBER2, 1989 TBE BUGLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER2, 1909 P :' /1989/ MEMBER Tik Nn,tho Ittinni. A ttr I1.ti:glr' N.w.p.prn G Association E A n Indepeonde'ut Corn DavId Itonser-Editur & Publisher - - - m uniiv-Ne'ivapoprEstablishedin ¡957 DIano Mille '-Director of Advortlslt.g 3 Mark Kraj ckl-Predttrllnu Manager Veteran rècails Bürma ROad trek 8746 N. Shermer Road, Nues. IIIintri60648 Buh Besser-CIty Editor 966-3900-1-4 Marilyn VrhunrloCopy Editor with World Wa i Firemen visit Move to consolidate state police service Packing mules along hazard-Force... a long penétration taskthoughtthejourney impossible, oes maunlain passes no widerforceunitincluding the 124th and Leipzig's military career began than a city sidewalk...nearly im-475 Infrautnies, 612th and 613th June 19, 1944, wheu he was in- Nues school penetrablejungle grawth and ele-Pack Artillery, 49th Portable Sur- darted into the Army at Ft. Sheri- phant grasseight feet tall...daysgiraI Hospital and three packdan. After being sworn in, corn- Staté policepian of scorching hot leeks and frostytroops."- pletingphysicalexamsand nights huddled under a single After dipping their fatigues in issued his uniform, Leipzig and / Aemy-issue waol blanket...andtyphus dip and donning canvasother Chicagoans wrre sent to Ft. learning lo take care ofyonr bestleggings to protect against theRiley, Kansas. friend, yanr horse, before yourdreaded typhus mite and preva- "Upon arrival, the Army did a ove toMaine North owa nerd. These thoughts andlent leeches, the men ofthr 124thstrange thing,' Leipzig recalled. others all areetched in the memo-began their journey across the 'They asked us if we wanted to Illinois State Police, l3ittricteredattheNov. 6board meeting. ly ofNorlhwest Side resident JoeBurmese countryside, penetrar-ride horses or take tank and ar- Legion TItrer, will move to the forstier A -spokmman for the illinois Leipzig, a member of the lasting behind Japanese tines andmoredtraiuing. I chose the horses sets parade Maine North high school, 1131SsateFoticesaidthemoveof Dia- U.S. Cavalry loops. damaging enemy supplies, roads since I hadatways liked the cuvut- N. DeeRd,Dm Plaines as a resultIrict Theee headquarters to the Ameeibeeofthe l24tbcavaleyand troops. ry, and being from the city t had The annual Morton Graveof the school's sale to a suburbanMaine North facility is meant to assigned to the China-Burma- Leipzig, whoservedas a medic only seen horses at riding stables Anlerican Legion Post #134 pa-developmeut company. Lazing-consolidate its criminal investi- India (C-B-I) war theater duringwith the cavalry unit, loaded upand pulling milk wagons. Funny rade and memorial salute to theton lDevelopmcutCorporation, ofgatious work and ro give a full the height of fighting in Worldhit mule, Red, for a fateful andthing is, even being in the caval- veterans will take place Suuday,Arlington Heights, paid $5.75range ofpolice service out of that WarlI, Leipeig and other cavalryhistoricjoarney through rice pad-'y, I still hadtodoabt of walking Now 5, at 1 p.m. with step offmillion forthe school, then resolddivision. members went ou to make theirdirs, over hills and moantaius, to get in shape for whatwe would from the Legion parking lot atitto the State of Illinois, State troopers provide initiai mark iii history both as decoraledacross heidgelrssrivers and down have to accomptish in Bunna" ill4oDempster, The transaction, conveying therespome to any ceinte in a stare- heroes and as the final mountednanow mountain trails where The cavalry recruits learned to Ail our invited to line theapproximately 24 arms adjacentwidejurisdiction as well as traffic fighting unit. even the stightest brush against atake care of their horses before streets if they are not able toto the school tofrenington Devel-coutrolon areaenpresswaya. Dia- "After basic training of horsecanyOr wall could mean thr lossseeing to their own needs. They manch. opmeut Coeporation,wilt beBicI Three presnntty occupies the cavalry and mule packing in theof both mute and supplies overlearned to ride bareback by jump- Parade mute will be Oempstercompleted when eezossiug is ap-second floor of the illinois De- summer of 1944, I joined thethe edge. Night time bivouacsing onto the horses hack and to Austin; south ou Austin to theproved by the Cook CountyparimentofToansportation facili- 124th in India te walk across themeant first aid action for Leipzigswinging one leg to the other library ou Lipcoln Avenue whereBoard. The maslerwill be consid- Continued on Page 34 conntryofButmafromthe borderand other medics treating troop- side...somethiug Leipzig says is ceremonies will be held at the of India to the old Burma Road,ers with blisters and feet proa-not as may as itmay sound. Basic DoughboyStatote. - creadag aroad block so the Japa-tems resuttiug from the rigorousrifle training and instruction in Village and Legion officials nese could not go back up thejourney. -otherfirearrns were included. wilt participate in services there Oakton awards road or send supplies and troops In 3t days the unit trekked te October, the group was sent with the post houor guard, their into China," recalled the retieedmore than 280 mites, leadingto Ft. fled, Cal. for additional rifle squad, saluting the deceased. cavalryman and former printer,pack mules and horses overtraining including bayonet ia- When the parade reforms, it six scholarships now working security at Resur-7,800-foot mountains and mala- StructiOn. - Continued on Page 34 rection Medical Center.
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