, ,» SECOND SECTION ~>, REPORT OF' FIRST TRiENNIAL,CONGRESS HELD'AT CAMBRIDGE (ENGlAND) JULY 1926 'I' " \.:•• ~ ON THE SUBJECT OF ",;', FUNDAMENTAL RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN ALL SECTIONS OF THE IN DU ST ~IAL ,COM MUN)TY , Ii", Dhananjayanoo Gadgil Libl1lr) IImllllllll~lll~nll~llm . GlPE-PUNE-024262 This Report has been .prlnted by the linn of "De Eendracbt". Scbiedam. tiol\and. where the p,rinclple of cooperation between workers (Including mana\:ement) and customers Is given practical ellect. Capital Is Intended to serve Labour and fts remnneratlon is hmlted to 6% or 7~. An further prollt goeS to the workers and to the customers, who possess 99% of the .:5hares. The business has been established since 1897 and its affairs are , ... conducted to th~ entire satisfaction of all concerned. R E·P··OR- ." - . T" OF FIRST TRIENNIAL CONGRESS' HELD AT CAMBRIDGE (ENGLAND) JULY 1928 . ~. j, ON THE SUBJECT OF ' '" . .,. ... : ..... FUNDAMENT AL 'RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN:: ALL SECTIONS OF THE IN D U S",:.R I, A L COM M U. N I·r y IN' TWO SECTIONS, .... SEC TJ 0 N If . ..--~ ~ CON T.A I N I N G THE, CAMBRIDGE PROCEEDINGS' TO BE OBTAINED FROM :THE SECRETARIAT 01" TIiE AssocIATION JAVASTRAAT 66, THE HAGU'E, HOLLAND . - PRICE HfI. '.SO POST FREE ' . • .. • FPR~~EMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION PRICE HfI. z.so POST FREE I j j j j j j j j j j j X : ,g/f!' ~ j F<J.L j 2LtL62... j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j J INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY AND IMPROVEMENT OF HUMAN RELATIONS AND CONDITIONS IN INDUSTRY PROGRAM~E I 9 2 8 CONGRESS HELD AT OlRTON COLLBGB. CAMBRIDGE. ENGUoND. fROM ,UNE 27TH (eVENING) TO . JULY lRD (MORNING) SUBJECT PUND ... MENT ... L REL ... TIONSHIPS BETWEEN ALL SI!CTIONS OP THe INDUSTRIAL COMMUNITY Wl!DNl!SDAY. ' ....7th. 20.30 RecepUOD and Social Evening. THURSDAY. JIlftt 28th. Prom 9.-- US Opening of CODgress -ad Report by Seculuie.. P ..... U5 - 10.tS Reporters' (in minutu .delead. to the ftpoftaOQ their ItOQlltrfe:So alrudy lubmiut:d. P..... IUS - 11.- Rtlt Po,;od. -.l P ..... 11.- - 12.45 Reporters' Ovt miautu (~Dtinutd). P ..... 16.30 - 17.30 uctuf'$ 'The Collective Idu.": • ccmsider.~ of :Xpiriau:e ia setkiDi. a.ruiDeDI M1WH.D groups ill iDdustry; " . ~ Speake•• ne RL H.... Lord Askwith K.c.B..· til the: Chair. Mr. C. H. vu der Leeaw. PIO.. 17.30 - 11.30 Disc....... _. "'. ..-... FRIDAY. JUt 2ItL P ..... 9.--10.- lAdQft:: '"Grolllll • IadusU'y"; their ori;":~ ~ista ~ actlYitia. ... ' , 1"-' "'.l.. ~~, "1.'. • Speaker: Dt. C. Delisle B1II"8S ,J.i:..:. <- I. the Choir. M" Gto Cod.....,. • .- P .... 10.- :.... 10.15 .- seCRIIT... RI ... T LR.I. j ... V... STR ...... T 116. THE H ... GUe. HOLL ... ND Prom 10.45 - U_ Rest Per1'ocl. Prom 11.- - 12.<\5 Symposium' 'The Contributioll of the SoCial Sdmcu.to ludustrlal RelatlonshIps" " In the Chair: Miss MarY van Kleeck. Splt.ken: Sociology and Economics: Dt. Pried. Wunderlich,,\, Psychology, Dr. C. S. Myers. C.B.E.. P.R.S. The Interrelated Sciences: Mr. V. BraDford MA . Three su........... ROlUId Tabl. Sessiooa.. The subjects are fakm from: A Education and Training for all Groups in lad~. B. Personnel aad Employment Management. C. Researoo in Industrial Rel.tioas. Prom 16.30 - 18.30 First Round Table Semions: . A. I. "Is the Workers' Job the Centre of his We a. a Humaa BeIag7" Chairman: to be aDaounced later. Opener of Discussion: Mr. Spencer Miller. B. I. "Leadetship in IndusUy and the ChoIce of E.ecutfvea" Chairman: Major L. Urwick. O.B.B .• M.e. Opener of DiscUS;Sion: Mr. R. M. Olzeodam. SAnJRDAY, JUDe 30th. From 9.- - 1030 To be announced Jater. 'Prom 10.30 _ 10.<\5 Rest Period.. ...d 10.<\5 - 12.<\5 Second Round Table Sessions• A II. 'The Nature of the EducatioDaI TraJning to EquIp Poremea and Supervisors", ChaIrman: Mr. George Cadbury. Opener of DlKlWion: to be announced later. B. II. ':PolIcies in Bmployment and Discharge". Chairman: ~iss L C. Odmcrantz. Open~ ~( DisctWlon: frau Dr. K. Gaebel. C. I. 'What "are·'·tbe -Prob1tm4 of Method ill Research fa IndUSlrjaJ Relati"oDs1'~ Chaipuan: Dr. Ot~ lJpmama. Opener of DisclWloD.:. Dr. G. Mdes. P .... 15.30 - i6.30 General Meeting of I.R.I. members.. Prom 16.30 - 17.~ Res' Period (lor T ..i: l'rom'17~ - 18.30 ConUnuaUon of General Muting. Prom 20.30 - 22.- Public Lcctun:: "PuhlIc OpinJon and lnduRrial Relatiou" Speakers; Miss I<ersUn Heaidgren. Mr. Paul U. Kellogg. 10 the Chair: Mr. t. H. vaa du Lcc:uw. SUNDAY, r.l, ,lit. .fiolll 9.-- 9.30 OrgllD Recltal. ,Fro ... ".45 ..... 10,i5 Third Round Table Sessions. A. III. "1'10, . RelaUo ..hip. of'. Industry to eon'cmp;,rary CivJllza.ttoo" _. Chairman: Dame A4eJalde AndertoJi. Opener of Diacuwon: Mr. Spencer MilIt!'. iI. III: "Th, Po... CoordlnaUoo mould take. De' tht PIau of PerlOftne:l Work lD the Ol'9lUlisatloo·~. Chairman: to be: announced later. OpltD.e~ ~of ~isc.uSSjOD: Miss EU9~ Lfea. C. II. "What are the Most PressiDg Problems RequklDg Reseercfl in the Immediate Future?" Chairmanz Prof. T. H: Pear MA.. B.Sc. Opener 01 DlscUJOlon, ·Dr. H. M. Veroon MA. P ..... 10.45 - 11.­ RHt Period. Prom 11.- - 12.30 ConUnuatioD of Round Table: Seulons. MONDAY J.I, 2Iut. From 9.- - 10.- Preae:atatiOIl at Plenary Seaaltta of Reports fram the: Round 7abJe Dlsc:u.uions. Prom 10.- - 10.45 General DIKusslon: ·'Relatlonshlp' within the industrial J!.ata.. bllumtnt", . Chairman: to be announctcl later. Openers 01 Dlscuulon, Mr. Goo'll' Cadbu.y. Mr. R. M. PoL Herr B. Lnbbe. Herr H. Man II.A. Prom 10.45 - II~ Ru'l'orlod. Prom 11.- - 12.45 Continuation of above. From 16.30 . Seeood General Meeting oI1.Rl. M ......... (BltcUon 01 Ollleen). Pro.. ao.I5 Lecture: "RestatemltD.t of VaJuu ad EmboclIae:Dt cd Tmaatlve. Colldusiou". In 'he Chair. In"""ing Prulden'. Speake .. : Miss Mary van JCl.eeck. PORMIIt.A'I1ON . OP 1'OSSI8I.8 ilrA'l'I!I.IBNlS IIXPRBSSlNG 'I1IB' IDEAS OP 'nIB 0lNGRESS. ,\'.~ . " SPBAkER.S, ,,;. Rt.'~ I.Om..mvm. tc.B.. t- .... V1CTOIt BRANPORD II.A.. _._ '-; •. C Dl!IJSLB BURNS M.A,. ,..... .............. 0 ........- .... MlaICl!RSTlN~ llilvcnlty _ aI GIaagov." -";'" :- . .r.... __ ... _• , .. _ . _ to Stoc:khole., SwtdIa. ,~. '. It;. ~!f~-=000., .......... ~ -.,- ... .......,-- ~':::Y;::'y~ .,.,..,..Dopt. .. ~ ___ •• OIAAUlS S. MYERS CJIl!" P.R.S. _ .. 110...- '--.. --.~Pta Dr. fRIEDA WUNDERUCH. Sc:IiItNtIkrtrI .... Zdlallrtft: -s.t.Ia 1Iruil_ Ard:b lIr V~............ ~ Ba:IIa. 7· OPENERS OP Mr. GEORGE CADBURY. Managing Director. Mum. Cadbury 8roa. Liel. DISCUSSION: Boumvlllt BIrmingham, England. Mr. R. M. FOX. AUlhor 01 '''The Trlumphanl Machine", Ireland. r"J'8U Or. K. GAEBEL. Obn-(~gltrungmlt In dC'l' Adcwtlltull fOt Arbelc.vtr­ mllliung und Arbtll~oJtn"trmch"rung. Berlln.Frkdl'nau.. Miss EUGENIA UES. DlT«IOI' of Planmn;. Mus.... R. H. Maey & Co. Inc:. Ntw York. Hm" Eo LUBSR. WC'l'kltugdrrh~ VCII"fJIUtllJ'f d,. Grsamsbelritbtrlltu drt Siemfll$-Schuckftt A.-G. Btrlin, H,n H. MARS B.A .. Arlmnt. ArbeltswlJlftlKhaftllrhtll Refrrl'lt dtr Kammer flit A,beit,r uud Angulfilit. WI"" Dr. GEORGE H. MlLES. Assisiaol OirtctGt. NaCionaJ lrutitul, 01 Industrial PsychoJogy, London. Mr. SPENCER MILLER. SHmary of the Worbr. Educ:atfoa &rnau of Amrrl~lI. New Yotk. Mr. R. M. OLZENDAM, Staff R',plTRntaliVf al Ih, lnlmlallonal Labour Omce (Kontvll. 01 Industrial Rrl.1tiom CouTllC'lor.. Inc. oJ N,. York. Mr. H. PAUWELS. Staflalre GiDfral, ConftdtratiOD. du Syndlc:atl ChHU,n. de Belgiqu" Btuxrllrs. ~~. ~NON M.A .. lnv,llfp. lot th, Industrial faHgue R,.rc:1t CHAIRMENI Oeme ADELAIDE ANDERSON. Pormb'ly Ptindpal Woman Inapector qf Factori,s. Gt. Brilaln. Author oE "'HlIlDllnity ud Labour in ChIna". Mr. C H. VAN DER LEEUW.?ann" M_.. De Erwa cit WrcL J. vaa NrUc. RoItrrdam,HoJlaDd. Ht'1T Dr. 0Tl'0 LlPMANN. Dinkier des WtlIutI IGr ~ P'yc:holotlL Ikrllo. Miss L. C ODENCRANTZ. 0irt'C1er Jotat EmploymUI Burau lar the DIsabled. Nrw York. Prof. T. H. PEAR·M.A., 8Sc. Profeuor of Paychology. Unlver.uy 01 MaacbnCft. Engbnwl Major L URWICK OB.E.. MA. Hon. Gen. SeCftaty ~mttlt Rt'I... rclt G-oupa. Londoa ••nd'Orpnl~ag. Srcr,tar)'. MCIIls. ROWDtrH & Co. Lrd. York. CON(;RI!SS HOSf!!SS, MIss O. A. CADBURY. Managhlg Director, Musts. ~ BroIl. LkI. BoutmriD,. 8Jn:nklpm, England, HOft, Trt'Ull'a' of lb, I.R.l HON:- SECREl'ARY: Mill M. L PLEDDERUS. GEN, SECRETARYI MiA B. 8. VOYSEY 8.A. NOTI!S LANGUAGES, Th" procfl'dksgI of eM Coogre ... will be coMlIClt'd 111 Ittr EagUab. Prmc:h a:wI ~ a.ogaagn. translalionJ bring araogrd fCll" ac:c:ordIog ro the aeedI. MEALTIMES, El!:Ctpl whb'e announced oIhctw!#. lht.. will k .. 101Jc,ws: Buaklasi &-a.iS ~ LuIKb 1.- • Tn t.- ~ DIaaG" 7_ Vlsn'S TO PAcroRIES . AND JNS1TI'U11ONS: =:!!n~:rrln;;tI: c:;,,:!:gw~t~.~I~=~::dl~=--ro b1te1U\~ OF INFORMATION. wh,.te M'II S. M. Bev&ngtoD will attttld daLly brfWffG 8.JO and 9.-, boIb morrtlJJlJ and ""filing. BXCURSIONSI Arrangcmml. haVt bffn rnade for dally vIIIts hi the CoIIqet; aod ocher pIaca of IrUtrl'sl in th, ntlghbourbood. tdl~-;t!d J~y ~;~erllhM&:~ ~cM: 7.=)~~~)~ reluro 19.30. For all parrlculars conct'l'nmg tM d;)tly and the Sunday uc:uruons, appJicatton ahoutd be madt to w &re.u 01 Itlforlllauoo _bkh will abo aaappIy parUc:wan a. 10 OIIIDIi>us sennett. turt' 01 tars. boars. t'k. Por all Information "g.. t,Jlng po5f. Itl'gtaFb and trltpbonr. applk8uOD IbouScI be ... 10 the: Coodtrgr oi th, CoIJrvt BANK 6 TRAVELLING> A rrpreSftllalivt frOlll lJoyd, &nJr: Lid. wiD an"nd al GfrfOJl Co~ GIl rwo ahrrnoons.
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