. f Lr Arthur Viscount Dungannon, in Councj 1,. to. 'aflmv during the present- wan, Jalnes Viscount Lifford. ,and for sb£- months after the ratification oSca Henry Welbore Viscount Cltfdeu. definitive '(treaty o.f "peace^ fhe importation alid Thomas Viscount Cremorae. exportation of certain -goods 'and commodities, Hayes Viscount Doncraile. in neutral ships, .into acid from His Majesty'.s Thomas Viscount Northland. territories in the. West Indies and.Continent-.of Henry Viscount Arburton. South America," it was enacted, thatvfram.,ajid Corn\vallis Viscqunt Hawarden. •after1 the passing of the said Act>it shoul Charles John Viscount Mount) oy^ be lawful for His Majesty, Hfc Dili's, i Hugh Viscount Carleton. sors, bya'udwitk the advice of Hi^and Richard Viscount Bantry. Council,-to permit, or to authorise the Governors Henry Stanley Viscount Monck. of .the said isJrands and territories,, .in such mauuei' John Viscount Kilwarden. and under such restrictions as to His Majesty, by Cornelius Viscount Lismore. and -with.the. advjce of ?His Privy Council, should Robert Viscount Lorton. seem fit,; to permit, whei\the necessity of the case John Baron Kinsale. should-appear to His Majesty, with the adv.ke of Randal Baron Dunsany. Flis Privy' Council, .to"require 'ft, from time-*to Thomas Baron Lquth. time during the present war., and for six months Richard Baron Cahir. after the ratificatiqu of a definitive treaty of peace, Andrew Thomas Lord Blaney. the importation ivito, and the exportation from, Francis Seymour Baron Comvay and Kil- any island in the West Indies (in which description lultagh. the Bahama Islands, and tbe Rennuda lor ,;Soter John Baron Carbery. ' Islands, arc included), or ttny; lands or territories on Matthew Baron Aylmer. the Continent of South America; to His Majesty Henry Baron Mulgrave. belonging,, of any such articles; goods, and com- Charles George Baron Arclen. modities as should be mentioned in such Order jpf Robert Tilson Baron Musketry. • His Majesty in Council; in any ships or vessels John Baker Baron Sheffield, belonging to the subjects of any State in amity William Baron Riversdale. with His Majesty, In such .nranner as rHis,.Ma- Richard Baron Sunderlin. jesty, His heirs, and successors, by and 'with James Cad field Bavon KUmaine. the advice aforesaid,, should, direct; provided' such Valentine Baron Cloncurry. 'ships,or vessels should du'ly";terifer into, rcjpo/t1, and George Baron Calktn. deliver .their rcsp*ectitte c'ar.go'e's,1' apd, reload1 'at'Tsucli Sampson Baron Eardley. ports only, where regular :custoin-h,ouSes 'fefioidd Luke Baron Clonbrock. have'been established :'•'!* :'' - - ' ''-''"•* Richard Baron Waterpark. And whereas the'said;A*ct has' been continued by George Augustus Baron Rancliffe. ail Act, pas'sed ill -the"p\e$ent?sessidh of farli'ainen't, Warner William Baron Rossinore. until the'ekpiradon of six .month's after'the^coji- George Baron Keith. clusip'n of the present-libskilftits: / .' ]'.'"•'*•' William Baron Hotham. And whereas itk ^pp^aV^,, at'ptesfent; to Be'"ri6ce^- James Baron Tyrawley. sary to permit, for' a' limited time1, the ffiijVoTfation Charles Henry Baron Castlecoote. into, and exportation from'tlie1 islands and'tevrjfories Clot worthy Baron Langford. of His Majesty in the West Indies (m'clnditicifthbBa- Lodge Baron Frankfort. hania Islands',''and' the Bermuda or Soiiier Islands), Richard Baron Adare. and the lands^ and "territories on"tlie Continent of Thomas Baron Ventry. • Sotith America, to Ilis Majesty belonging, 'o^ 'cer- William J3aron Ennismore. tain articles,1 goods, and comihoclities'Tierein^fter Henry Baron Dimally. mentioned, in any ships or vessels bcldn'ging 't» John Baron Tara. the subjects of any state in aniity with His Ma- Maurice Baron Hartland. jesty 5 His Royal Highness the Prince Regent is John Baron Clanmovris. thereupon pleased,' in the name ami on the behalf William Baron Radstock. of His Majesty, and by and with tt»e-adv^6e of His .John Baron NorbWy. • Majesty's Privy Co'uncil, to order; and doth hereby Frederick Baron JA'shtown. order, that the Governors. and Lieutenant-Go- John Barorr Rendlesham. vernors of His'Majesty's islands \ and colonies in William Bavon Castlemaine. the West Indies (in which description the". Bahama • Tho. Bourcluer, Islands and the'.Bermuda or Somer Islands are Clerk Crown, Ireland, pro. temp. included), and of any lands or territories On the Continent of South America, ..to Mrs Majesty be- T the Court at Carlton-House, the- 16th of longing, and each •a'nd ievery fsucli Governors and A December 1814, - . '' Lieutenant-Governors!, shall. ^hc.;authorised, :and PRESENT, they, and .''each arut every'of. them'^ 'aVe hereby His Royal Highness the PRINCE REGENT in authorised to permit, for six*: mointhsi ffrom the Council • . date hereof, in any ships <br! vessels 'belojiging so 1 the subjects of awy1 State 'in' ato?ty^with: 'His Ma- 'HEREAS byan^Act, made ami passed in jesty, the importation'-r;intd the said.islands, co^ the forty-sixth .year of His Majesty's reign, lonies, lamls, andi'terijito-nes^respjeoti-velyi! of corn, -jntituled " An^ct for authorising His Majesty> meal, . flour, bran, ..biscuit, pulse, rice..
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