whatzup WEB SIGHTS ART & MUSEUMS SNICKERZ COMEDY BAR JUNK YARD BAND WWW .SNICKERZCOMEDYCLUB .BIZ WWW .THEJUNKYARDBAND .NET ARTLINK WOODLAND LOUNGE KILLNANCY WWW ARTLINKFW COM The End of Summer . WWW .WOODLANDLOUNGEFORTWAYNE .COM WWW .KILLNANCY .COM FOELLINGER-FREIMANN BOtaniCAL CONSERVatORY WRIGLEY FIELDS BAR & GRILL KILL THE RABBIT Opening This Week- WWW .BOTANICALCONSERVATORY .ORG WWW .WRIGLEYFIELDBARANDGRILL .COM WWW .KTRROCKS .COM end: With the summertime FORT WAYNE MUSEUM OF ART LEFT LANE CRUISER competition finally slow- ScreenTime WWW .FWMOA .ORG DISC JOCKEYS/KARAOKE WWW .MYSPACE .COM /LEFTLANECRUISER ing a bit, four new films are NORTHSIDE GALLERIES AMERICAN IDOL KARAOKE LOOSE CHANGE GREG W. LOCKE WWW .NORTHSIDEGALLERIES .COM WWW .FACEBOOK .COM /AMERICALIDOLKARAOKE WWW .LOOSECHANGEROCKS .COM set to see wide distribution CINEMA SWING TIME KARAOKE ENTErtainMENT MOSER WOODS this week, none of which WWW .SWINGTIMEKARAOKE .COM WWW .MOSERWOODS .COM feeling too much like huge sell- Avenger, selling $13.5 million FORT waYNE CINEMA CENTER MIKE MOSES ers. First is 30 Minutes or Less, a and $13 million, respectively, in WWW .CINEMACENTER .ORG MEDIA HTTP ://MIKEMOSESPRESENTS .COM Ruben Fleisher (Adventureland) the U.S. CapAm has already sold DINING & NIGHTLIFE FORT waYNE MUSIC THE PARTY BOAT BAND $143 million in tickets over its first WWW .FORTWAYNEMUSIC .COM WWW .PARTYBOATBAND .COM adventure comedy starring Jesse 3 RIVERS CO-OP LOCL.NET PINK DROYD Eisenberg, Aziz Ansari and Danny 17 days in the U.S. ($246 million WWW .3RIVERSFOOD .COOP WWW .LOCL .NET HTTP ://PINKDROYD .COM McBride. It will be funny and prob- worldwide). AFTER DARK WBYR 98.9 THE BEAR RAQ THE RIVERS BELLY DANCE ALLIANCE ably kinda dumb and predictable. ScreenRant: Most folks, stud- WWW .MYSPACE .COM /AFTERDARKFW WWW .989THEBEAR .COM WWW .JORDANAANDFRIENDS .COM Final Destination ies say, pick the movies they watch THE ALLEY SPORTS BAR Franchise flick WHATZUP REMNANTS 5 due to three things: (1) advertising WWW .PROBOWLWEST .COM WWW .WHATZUP .COM WWW .REMNANTSBAND .COM , directed by Steven Quale, opens, BEAMER’S SPORTS GRILL WXKE ROCK 104 RENEGADE as does Tate Taylor drama The and acclaim; (2) actors starring in WWW .MYBEAMERS .COM WWW .ROCK 104RADIO .COM WWW .FTW -RENEGADE .COM Help, starring Emma Stone, Bryce the film; and (3) the story/style of CALHOUN STREET SOUPS, SALADS & SPIRITS ROSEMARY GatES Dallas Howard, Sissy Spacek and the film depicted in the trailer or WWW .MYSPACE .COM /CALHOUNSOUPSSALADSSPIRITS MUSIC SERVICES & SUPPLIES WWW .ROSEMARYGATES .COM Viola Davis. The flick, based on clips seen on TV. There’s also, of CHAMPIONS SPORTS BAR DIGITRACKS SLIP KITTY Kathryn Stockett’s novel of the course, buzz to consider. Cineph- WWW .CHAMPIONSFORTWAYNE .COM WWW .DIGITRACKSRECORDING .COM WWW .MYSPACE .COM /SLIPKITTYBAND iles, while every bit as aware of CHECKERZ BAR & GRILL FORT WAYNE MUSICIANS ASSOCIATION THE SUM MORZ same name, looks good enough WWW .CHECKERZBAR .COM HTTP ://FWMA .US WWW .SUMMORZ .COM and will probably see quite a bit these factors as casual moviego- CLUB PARADISE SWEEtwatER SOUND TEAYS VEIN of attention for its subject matter. ers, often have a different set of WWW .CLUBPARADISEROCKS .COM WWW .SWEETWATER .COM WWW .TEAYSVEIN .COM If it weren’t for the involvement criteria. First, actors and direc- COLUMBIA STREET WEST WOODEN NICKEL MUSIC STORE UNLIKELY ALIBI of producers Chris Columbus and tors matter very much. Especially WWW .COLUMBIASTREETWEST .COM WWW .WOODENNICKELMUSICFORTWAYNE .COM WWW .MYSPACE .COM /UNLIKELYALIBI DEER PARK IRISH PUB URBAN LEGEND Mark Radcliffe, I’d have written directors. Then there are writers, WWW .DEERPARKPUB .COM PERFORMERS WWW .1URBANLEGEND .COM the film off long ago, as I came to producers and studios to consider. DUTY’S BUCKETS SPORTS PUB & GRUB WHATSHESAID know the director, Tate, as a me- And, probably most importantly WWW .BUCKETSSPORTS .COM 89/90 WWW .8990MUSIC .COM WWW .MYSPACE .COM /WHATSHESAIDBAND diocre face actor who once upon a (though they’ll never admit it), DUTY’S UPTOWN BAR & GRILL WWW .DUTYSUPTOWN .COM ALLAN & ASHCRAFT SPORTS & RECREATION time directed an F-minus piece of there are the reviews. The most se- WWW .ALLANANDASHCRAFT .COM FIREFLY COFFEE HOUSE FORT WAYNE DERBY GIRLS trash called Pretty Ugly People. rious cinephiles consider all these WWW .FIREFLYCOFFEEHOUSEFW .COM AUTOVATOR WWW .AUTOVATOR .COM WWW .FWDERBYGIRLS .COM Tops at the Box: Director things and more. And when I say THE GIN MILL Rupert Wyatt’s Planet of the Apes more, I mean editors and cinema- WWW .GINMILLLOUNGE .COM BACKWATER THEATER & DANCE WWW .BACKWATERBAND .NET prequel, Rise of the Planet of the tographers. We at the ScreenTime KAYSAN’S 5TH DOWN BAR & GRILL BIFF & THE CRUISERS FIRST PRESBYTERIAN THEATER Apes, opened big last weekend, offices very often find ourselves WWW .KAYSANS 5THDOWN .COM WWW .FIRSTPRES -FW .ORG /~THEATER /HOME .HTM WWW .BIFFANDTHECRUISERSBAND .COM bringing in $54 million in the U.S. watching movies we wouldn’t LATCH STRING BAR & GRILL FORT WAYNE BALLET WWW .MYSPACE .COM /LATCHSTRING BONAFIDE WWW .ROBBIEVANDHEIDI .COM WWW .FORTWAYNEBALLET .ORG over its first three days and an ad- otherwise watch simply because MAD ANTHONY BREWING CO. FORT WAYNE CIVIC THEatrE ditional $24 million abroad. Star- of who held the camera. Trust us, WWW .MADBREW .COM MIKE CONLEY WWW .MIKECONLEY .NET WWW .FWCIVIC.ORG ring James Franco, John Lithgow, it matters. It really matters. While NORTH STAR BAR & GRILL DASH RIP ROCK BAND FORT WAYNE DANCE COLLECTIVE Freida Pinto and Brian Cox, this we’re not going to go into deep de- HTTP ://SITES .GOOGLE .COM /SITE /NORTHSTARBAR 2 WWW .FWDC .ORG WWW .MYSPACE .COM /DASHRIPROCKBAND future blockbuster is getting great tail about our all-time favorite cin- PEANUTS FOOD & SPIRITS IPFW DEPT. OF THEATRE WWW .MYSPACE .COM /PEANUTSWINGS DOWNSTAIT WWW .MYSPACE .COM /DOWNSTAIT WWW .IPFW .EDU /THEATRE reviews and will thus, unfortunate- ematographers, we will list a few PHILMORE ON BROADWAY JAM THEATRICALS ly, probably have a sequel in pre- to get you geeks and future geeks WWW .PHILMOREONBROADWAY .COM THE FREAK BROTHERS WWW .FREAKBROTHERSONLINE .COM WWW .FWEMBASSYTHEATRE .ORG /EVENTS _BROADWAY .HTM production before the end of the started. First off is Christopher PIERe’s ENTErtainMENT CENTER WWW .ITSTHEPARTY .COM TIM HARRINGTON BAND VENUES year. We didn’t see the movie this Doyle who has shot many of the WWW .MYSPACE .COM /TIMHARRINGTONBAND weekend, instead opting for a sec- most beautiful movies of the last SHOWGIRL III ALLEN CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY WWW .SHOWGIRL 3.NET THE JAENICKE CONSORT INC. 30 or so years, including Hero, In WWW .JCONSORT .COM WWW .ACPL .LIB .IN.US ond viewing of Terrence Malick’s C2G MUSIC HALL beautiful, poignant fifth film, The the Mood for Love, The Limits of WWW .C2GMUSICHALL .COM Tree of Life. We’ll check out Apes Control and Chungking Express. WEBSIGHTS listings, including links at www.whatzup.com EMBASSY THEATRE eventually, though not with baited Also brilliant is Roger Deakins, are a valued-added service provided at no additional cost to WWW .FWEMBASSYTHEATRE .ORG breath – and not before a third who many know for his nine Oscar FORT WAYNE PARKS & REC. DEPT. Tree nominations and 11 collaborations contracted whatzup advertisers. WWW .FORTWAYNEPARKS .ORG viewing of . Why not? C’mon, FORT WAYNE PHILHARMONIC those apes look like the straight-up with the Coen Brothers. Other For information on this and other whatzup advertising WWW .FORTWAYNEPHILHARMONIC .COM cheese sauce. movies shot by Deakins include PIERe’s ENTErtainMENT CENTER More From the Box: Tak- A Beautiful Mind, Sid and Nan- programs, call 260-691-3188 or e-mail WWW .ITSTHEPARTY .COM ing the No. 2 spot last weekend, cy, The Shawshank Redemption, [email protected]. unfortunately, was The Smurfs, Jarhead and more. A few more selling another $21 million in tick- cinematographers with bodies of ets, upping its 10-day total to $76 work worth looking into: Janusz million in the U.S. and $130 mil- Kaminski, Sven Nykvist, Robert lion worldwide. Reviews are about Richardson, Tak Fujimoto, Nestor as bad as they come for this one. Almendros, Wally Pfister, Vilmos Taking the No. 3 spot last week- Zsigmond, Emmanuel Lubezki, end was Jon Favreau’s Cowboys & Michael Ballhaus and Robert Yeo- Aliens, an under-performing wan- man. nabe blockbuster starring Harrison New to Home Video: Com- Ford and Daniel Craig. The film ing out on DVD and Blu-ray this brought in $16 million over the coming Tuesday, August 16: Jane weekend, upping it’s 10-day do- Eyre, Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. mestic total to $67 million – still a Evil, Meet Monica Velour, Priest, far cry from becoming a profitable Something Borrowed, That’s What movie. Rounding out the Top 5 I Am, The Bang Bang Club, The were newbie comedy The Change- Ward, The Grace Card and The Up, starring Ryan Reynolds and Conspirator. Holy mediocrity! Jason Bateman, and comic book flick Captain America: The First [email protected] 26 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- www.whatzup.com ---------------------------------------------------------------- August 11, ’11.
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