.»-»•• De6n»t« *. Definite Bring v0Hitmi&e Definite Bring: Definite THE W LEADER Orders THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY 1-TH1KTV-SIXTH YEAR—NO. 15 WESTF1ELU. NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY. JJECEMHEE 16. 32 Pages—S Cent* YULETIDE PROGRAMS BUILDING FOUR WESTFIELD PEOPLE IXMAS CELEBRATION IN INCREASE IN SALARIES IN WESTFIELD CHURCHES FOR WESTFIELD TRUST HURT i KRRY COLLISION] FIRSTJflE. CBU8CB Directors Authorize Officers IPamc Reigns When Ferry'Big Christmas Tree and Exer- OF THREE TOWN OFFICERS to Proceed With Plans i Boat Filled With Home- ! cises in All Departments of Churches Very Attractively Decorated With For Erection Comers is Rammed ; the Church and School Town Council Sets Hearing for December 28th Bowers, Wreaths and Holly The Board of Directors of The Tin- Firsi M. K. Churfli uudilonum Residents of Upper Prospect Street Westfield Trust Company at. the reg-IHIT BY FREIGHT STEAMER nnd pulpit platform will be in the For Christmas ular meeting- Monday night, authoriz- i Ijist eveiiin*" as the 5.1ft boat from hands of many volunteer workers lnu' Request Improvements ed the officers to proceed with the this week and next Sunday the con- plans for the erection of a new home. i Liberty street was bringing comtmi- Iters home in WestfieM and surround- frreRafion will, it is expected, worship \ EXCEPTIONAL FINE MUSICAL PROGRAMS The estimated cost of the new amid streamers of red and green and structure is $260,000. Delom- and i ing towns, u collision occurred in NEW TRAFFIC LIGHTS ARE COMMEND© Aldrich, of New York City, have been I which nine persons were injured, a plentitudc of (lowers, while at one The churches and Sunday Schools will he sung by the Younpr People's selected as the architects. The gen-I four of whom Were from Westfield. side of the pulpit platform will be a Chorus under the direction of Mr. I They were; hu(?e decorattnl fversrreen Christmus At the rt'ttular meeting of tho town Plan nnd Art Communion, approving jijve arranged the following jwo- eral contract has been approved and i-ouiK'il held hist Monday night mjns to be given in celebration of Donald R, Belcher, who will also be work on the new building will bo Miss Enumi Hutt-hings, of Elm tree, Kurnumnted by ti silver star. of the map of the Short Hills Bmi [the Christmas season. Much time at the organ. A croup of children 'struct, suffering from shook but no There will bv H myriad of electric itmeiidftient-* to the ordiny.nei'B reltit- Estate Company. A i-'unrnnnication started very soon. iiiK to the inm'twing of the •Milaries are 6 een ta ten ma will appear in Christmas Pantoniinc, I internal injuries. lidhts and the tree will lie lighted for from Herbert C. MeVoy recommend- I and '• h* *" ' *-° ke this The building will occupy the pres- of the town oflicere were introduced, iiiK the appropriation of ? 1,000 J»« [the best Christmas Reason Westfield and an address on the Christmas : Mis* Agnes Gilsou, 54t) I'ark street, the evening service. There will be a ent site of The Westfield trust Com- ; Westfield; fracture of shoulder and and passed on first rending. A hear- Mead nf $500 for the improvement has ever had and we hope as many as theme will be delivered by an invited pany and the lot directly in the rear, special program of Christmus music speakp». The evening church service < contusions of back. i ii(f lias been set for Monday, Decem- of the Mathias Clark Memorial Park, can will attend these services. whit'h has been acquired on a Jong 1 by the quartet, with (>i-|,'»!iis-l iicorpre Charles Maycoek, 115 Westfield ber 2 nth. The nfKcero affected by wan rf<v-rred to the finance commit- will bt nmitted. term lease. Kec-vil at the bit; »rt;an. tee. A "ommunkntion from I>r, B, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH i i avenue, Westfield, abrasions of right. the amendments ure: The town at- It is estimated that) the new build- torney, who will receive $12,000; the C. Snvoyv, M. t)., eonjrratulsting the At the Baptist Church next Sun-1 PRESBYTERIAN j knee and left le-r. On Tuesdiiy evening next the trnffl(' committee on the installation 1 ing will be ready for occupancy on : F- A. Walker, 41K Westfield avt- church school department*, from the ussiatont town t<ngincer, »nd tho ay, December 20th, Christmas sen - j The following will be tin; Chrisl- clcrt of the |)iirch*iB!ii(j hoard. of the new traffic lights, was read. Ijefs wli be held both morning and j mas program of the services in the or about January 1, JD27, and will i IUK% Westfield; lacerated face anil juniors up, wili have their ChristnuiH br (me story in height. The moat ! leg. which will conliiie him to liis celebration in the rhapcl, whit'h will Attorney John Winims, represent* evening, with sermons on the Christ- i Presbyterian Church on Sunday: A petition WOB received from tho theme by the pastor, Rev. Ed-j Morning Worship—II o'clock modern equipment, is to In. installed. j home for at least several days. be appropriately dmiruted. Siipl. inK .John l!(jrrc;*i of NewftrU, a I Tin- "Crunfonl" one of the I'en- llup-li I). Miiydoh' will be in eliurfre. residents of upper Prospect Rtreet, elothine: peddler, nuute application to | James Holden, and special pro- j Organ preludes Grand Choeur, The officials feel that this step 1ms requesting improvement- in that NOC- I been needed for some time as the ex-I trnl Itnilnmd ferries WHS rammed by Tile exercises will consist of the- siriK- sell merchandise in this town. Ap- , of Christmas music by the | Faulkes; opening hyr-u, "0 Come, tion of the sideWJilliK and rond. Sev- tdiention was referred to the police ti quartet, Under the direction | All Ye Faithful"; anthem, "Three pansion of the Trust Company has - n irin^htrr while em-mite In Jersey in^ of Christinas hymns nnd carols and tin1 lunch liked custom of other eral of the residents apjieured in nmt license (•nminU.t«n vith power Thmnas M. JoneB, organist and I Wise Shepherds," Foster; soprano out-grown the present quarters. iCity. The "I'rani'ord" is one of flic to acl. larsrest bouts of the Central (!<>in- years will be followed in Ihc distri- support of the petition. The matter oir director, j solo, "Kejoice Greatly." (Messiah) was referred tu the eonimiltpn on Morning Service—10:30 o'clock j Handel; sermon, "The Birth of ; pnuy iiml at tlu- hour wns biadcd with bution of books us prizes by Mr. The Wntehuiiit Construction Com- Theodore {'lass tu such nf the pupils roads. The ordinance tn open n new twny were awarded the contract to Organ Prelude, "The Holy Night," Christ—A Confirmation of God's ;, coinmuter.s returning from business. WEN'S GLEE CLUB r v as have had u perfect attendance street to be known us Ludlow place place ji sewer in Carlton road, und ilhidley Buck; Doxology; Invocation; Promises to Men"; anthem, "O Sing ! riit llranfon! slowed up Id let u tiitf I pass with a tow Koing slowly up river. during the yejir or wild have missed WHS hiid nvpr until the next meeting, OrNAto & Kuiliiu) were given the IResponsive reading, "The Magnifi- to Cod," (Noel) Gounod; closing SHOWS PROGRESS but one session- Mr. CIHH.- will muke an was (IIKO the nrdinanco to improve contract to improve Culeman placo. :st"; Gloria Patri, H. W. Grestores; hymn, "0 Little Town of Bethle- i Then it directed its course to pass n lulls td the school, After that the Mayor William Bewd named Theo- iiistcrn of II passenger liner proceed- a .icction of llynlip avenue and the iScripture reading, "The Shepherd hem"; organ poRtludc, Messiah, Han- | assembly will 1K> entertained by report of the assessors. On (he rec- dore A. Ludwig us n member of the land the Angels," St. Luke; soprano del. Next Rehearsal Monday Even- ing in the opposite direction. The Harry (-, While, Director »f Welfare Bnnrd of Adjuntmcnt to fill the un« liner swun^ by, disclosing n freight ommendation (if Councilman Ran- (solo, "Quickly the Nijjht is Falling," Evening Warship—8 o'Clock ing, December 14, at of the Edison Maclza Works nl Har- dolph of the road rommiUeo the map expired term of Paul Q, Oliver, who Mrs. Robert S. Purvis, J. Maunder; Organ prelude, "Shepherd's Lay," steamer directly in the Clranford's rison, N. J. Mr, White was tin en- id | path. Whistles shrieked, followed hy or the Short Hills, Wwsth'eld nnd JAtithem, "Glory to God in the High- Wagner; opening hymn, "Angels Members Home tertainer in thf American Expedi- Scotch l'luiiiK Company wns ap- Thi! tronaurflt- reported H balance est," J. Maunder; hymn, "Holy From the Realms of Glory"; anthem, j ahirm sirens. The freighter struck tionary Force in France Hiirinp the the ferrybonl on the stnrboiii'd bow proved; the company to furnish the on hiind of $ZZ,2CZM; the tax col- Night," J. Mohr; Offertory; sermon, "The Night Song of Bethlehem," Regular meeting of the Westfield Kreiit war, and he will impersonate town engineer with two block print* lector that he hnd received taxes J'The World's First Christmas Serv- Buck; baritone solo, "It Came Upon Men'B Glee Club was held at the crnshing into the men's compartments the different, clmniotors in "A Christ- above the water line. As the freight- of the nuip. amountim? to $200,288.81, and costs §ice"; hymn, "Adeste Fidelis," Anon- the Midnight Clear," Speaks; sermon, home of Edward A.
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