• NEWARK POST NEWARK POST. NEWARK. DEL.. FEBRUARY 16.1916 NUMBER 4 K \Newark Boy On T~e .Defenle HONOR THE MEMORY CHANGES AT FARMERS' State Board Of A y In an official bulletlll Issued by OF WASHINGTON TRUST COMPANY Education REAL SERVICE Ii headquarters, United States Ma- Meets OF SONG rine Corps, Washington, appears Townspeople Invited To At the monthly meeting of the Mr. Jaquctte Presents Resig­ State Board of Education held in the name of H. Raymond Mercer Attend sdale of this place, as having qualified nation Dover last Friday, State Commis- Everybody Joins in the Chorus I from a: an expelt rifleman in that in­ E~erYOJ~e ~n the community is The resignation of Mr. David sioner of Education Wagner was 0' Praise )llided tel'esting branch of the Govel'll- cor~lall~ 1I1vlted to attend the ex- Jaquette, as bookkeeper at the authorized to accept a proffered 'J near ' ment service. e~'clses 111 honor of .Washington's ' Farmers' Trust Company of New­ membership in the social centre The M. E. Church was crowded d with I Th e yo ung man, who is a son of birthday, to be held 111 the college ark has been accepted by the di­ committee of the Southern Con­ last Sunday evening with an audi­ bum- IN]r . Hanna Colison. Cleveland oratory next Tuesday afternoon, rectors of the bank. Mr. Jaquette ference for Education and Indus­ ence assembled in honor of the visit of Dr. Geibel and MI'. Mack, I' load- , Ave., Newark, enlisted in the February 22nd, at three o'clock. has held the position about fif­ try. red. A nited States Madne Corps at its About seventy-five children from teen years. His resignation will In response to inquiries, it was well-known leaders of evangelis­ ailroad Baltimore recruiting station on the Newark schools will form a Italee effect March first. No suc­ learned that next year the High tic song. Owing to the continu­ ne was July 29, 1914, and is now serving chorus, singing patriotic songs. cessor, it is understood, will be Schools at Felton, Harrington, ance of the evangelistic meetings ,engel's Ion board the U. S. S. Texas, a first Speakers of the afternoon will be named at once. To meet the pre­ Middletown and Newark will put in Washington, where Dr. Geibel con- line battleship. As the Texas goes Judge Henry C. Conrad, of sent condition, however, there has a four year, or 20-unit high school has been engaged for the last few their cruising o'er the seven seas, ready Georgetown; Mr. C. W. Bush of bee'n a reassignmt:nt of duties course in operation. From present weeks, the blind mu sician was un­ able to be present. Along with .1' DOC- ] fo r a fight or a frolic, it is good Wilmington, Carlton D. Pepper, among the present officials of the reports there will be 11 high :al phy- to know that a former Newark student of Delaware College. bank. H. E. Vinsinger remains as schools in the state. his apologies, however, Dr. Geibel cene of boy stands on her quarterdeck It is hoped the audience will be cashier, George Murray as teller sent the promise that he would County school superintendents' come some time in the near fu­ prepared to prove to the world, representative of the entire com- and real estate officer. Miss Dora reports show seven schools with ture. the ac- should the occasion arise, that munity. Law, stenogra.pher, has been pro­ an enrollment of 45 in Sussex railroad the American gunner is still the moted to the position of book­ county, six in New Castle county Mr. Mack took charge of the service which was entirely one of \ : peer of them all. Valentine Social Enjoyed keeper and clerk. and two in Kent county. County ,ed and school commissioners are being so ng, and convinced the big audi­ A valentine social for the jun­ ence that the reputation for won­ several Leave For New Home ior members of the Sunday School Petit Jurors For March Il'sked to relieve these overcrowd­ ed conditions wherever possible. derful leadership which preceded t~a~~aJ~ Dr. J. J . Taubenhaus left Mon- was held in the lecture room of The first petit jury panel for him, had been in no wise exag­ . 1' tr~in day for his new home in Texas, the Presbyteri'an Church last the March term of the county gerated. Mr. Mack was satisfied 'ork left where he has been made head of Friday evening. The guests un­ CO UTts to report on Monday, Students Rehearse with nothing less than everyone's wound a large cobweb, being re­ March sixth, includes the follow­ and was I the department of Plant Pathol­ For Shaksperean Play singing. Again and again he It lost ogy and Physiology, at the State warded for their efforts by heart ing from the rural representa­ would repeat a chorus until, as accident College, Texas. The new posi- favors at the end of the strings. tive districts of the county: Individual rehearsals of the he declared, ninety-nine per cent, it was tion represents a decided ad­ Games followed after which re­ Sixth-Henry M. Perkins, S. caste for Twelfth Night, which is at least, sang. Toward the close vancement in his chosen field. freshments of lemonade and gin­ Rodmond Smith. to be presented by stude'nts of the of the service Mr. Mack called for .1. as pas- Mrs. Ta!lbenhaus and son left ger cakes were served. S eve nth-William J. King, dual colleges on April 28, have all of the men to come to the rom St. Newark 'a week ago. Many friends Sam u elM. Cranston, Alfred been held since the mid-year ex­ front 0 f the church, where aminations. Dr. Sypherd and left Bal- I of the family in Newark extend Elocutionist To Entertain Whitman. grouped, their voices blended in a catching I good wishes. Eighth-Horace S. Dennison. Professor Pohl are coaching each more satisfying effect. The male The Young Ladies' Mission Ninth-William H. Bland, Otto person individually in prepara­ ----- Circle of the Presbyterian Church choruses, without orchestra or or­ D. Thomas. tion for the first general rehearsal gan were especially pleasing and : on the Selbyville Swept By Fire will give an entertainment in the Tenth-William F. Blackburn, which will take p'lace within a train ex­ lecture room on Thursday even­ effective. The entire service was One of the most serious fires John B. Hance. week or ten days. As this is the a wonderful illustration of the he wreck ever known in lower Sussex, ing, February twenty-fourth. Miss Eleventh-Thomas Laws, El­ first attempt that has been made hich was Ethel Windle, elocutionist, will be possibilities of community sing­ raged in Selbyville on Sunday. bert G. Potter. at Delaware College to give a ing under able leadership. The e fl!\mes The fire began in the building oc­ the entertainer of the evening. Twelfth-Thomas E. Sadler, Sha\<sperean play, those in charge nd it was There will also be a musical pro­ whole community is indebted to cupied by the Long BJ·os. restau­ Arthur W .Holt. are making every attempt to make Mr. Hastings, leader of the M. E. IS hurt. rant, moving picture theatre and gram and ice cream, cake, and Thirteenth-Wa I tel' Beaston, it successful. The members of the candy will be for sale. choir, for the treat he has given dwelling, situated on the south John E. Ginns. caste fit in well with their pr.rts, us. It is to be hoped Dr. Geibel side of the street. Because of the Fourteenth-John B. CoIlins, so no trouble is anticipated in will not be permitted to overlook Ig Room high wind the fire was soon com- Mid-Winter Carnival Friday W. Fennimore. training each man. his promised visit. the New- municated to the north side, Ladies of St. John's R. C. Fifteenth-Harry J. Staats, been pre- s:-"eeping, to building-I" Church have completed arrange­ o~ ~oth I Henry F. Woodkeeper. Students' Loan Fund Reaches Baraca Class To with the ISides of the street. Te? bUlld1l1gs ments for the annual mid-winter $190 I Literary were bur~ed, all of whl~h were of carnival to be held in the Armory A men's social will be held in ,5. It has frame. With the exceptIOn of the next Friday evening. Admission Added Attraction At Armory With the donation by the Wash­ ington Heights New Century Club the lecture room of the Presby­ current is- BaltmlOre Trust Company. The is by tickets which are for sale by The new Armory building at lition Miss loss .is estimated at $51,700, while members of the congregation. of twenty-five dollars annually to terian Church next Friday even­ the corner of Delaware avenue the Student Loan Fund of the ding Room the 1I1surance amounts to $33,000. and A·cademy street, figures more ing, uder the auspices of the Ba­ pular Me- Seven families lost their homes. Women's College, the fund h'as Women And Children and more in the social life of reached $190. This fund, when raca Class. A pleasing program , much ap- The fire was fina'lIy controlled by In Deaperate Need Newark. During the last month, is being arranged for the evening. a bucket brigade, and the Har­ completed, is to be loaned to " social affairs of types so varied worthy students, who will pay a e Newark rington Fire Department.
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