January 17, 20l<J li v;ingch urch. org THE LIVINGCHURCH AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY SUPPORTING CATH<0LIC ANGLICANISM "Of all the diversionsof life, there is none so proper to fill up its empty spaces as the reading of useful and entertaining authors." Joseph Addison - English essayist, poet , politician (1672 - 1719) The Living Church Lent Book Issue February 21, 2010 • An excellent source to introduce new titles for Lent reading • Dedicated expressly for publishers and authors looking to promote new releases • Target parishioners and leading clergy who can make major purchasing decisions and can influence your sales • Reach more than 8,000 TLC readers in print & Online • Insightful stories and reviews • Color advertising available Closing: January 15 Artwork Due: January 20 THE LIVING CHURCH CONTACT:Tom Parker, Ad Manager (414) 27 6-5420 ext. 16 [email protected] www .livingchurch.org on the "' Fr. Wattson in 1902, when he served as rector of St. John 's, vOVer Kingston , N.Y. Fnars of the Atone ment photos THE IIVING CHURCH this week January 17, 2010 news 4 Christian Unity Resource Available 4 Archbishop Preaches on Relationships 5 Central Florida May Endorse Covenant essay 6 Father Paul Wattson and the Quest for Church Unity BY PATRICK J. HAYES • guest column 11 Finding Visible Unity catholic voices 12 The Covenant and the Fullness of Time BY PETER CARRELL other departments 13 Sunday's Readings 14 People & Places THE LIVINGCHURCH magazine is published by the Living Church Foundation, Inc. The historic mission of the Living Church Foundation is to promote and support Catholic Anglicanism within the Episcopal Church. JANUAR.Y1 7. 2010 · THE LIVING CHU RCH 3 news Christian Unity Resource Available Archbishop 2010 Theme: "You Are Witnesses of These Things" Preaches A 40-page document is available fan1e of its theolo gians and church on Relationships from the World Council of leaders also enco uraged this choice. In a series of public remarks , Churches for celebrating the Week Scottish Protestant churches were including his Christmas Eve sem1on of Prayer for Christian Unity on Jan . also particularly active in mission and brief reflections for Vatican 18-25. and had a reputation for paying Radio, the Archbishop of Canterbury The document is prepared and attention to local cultures ." has stressed healthy dependence on published jointly by the Pontifical A centenary conferenc e, "Edin­ God and openness to other people. Council for Promoting Christian burgh 2010: Witnessing to Christ Both them es appear regularly in Unity and the World Counc il of Today," is scheduled for June 2-6. the archbishop's leadership style and Churches' Commission on Faith and "During the 2010 Week of Prayer in his messages to Anglicans, such as Order. for Christian Unity we are invited to his reflections on the Anglican Com­ The Pontifical Council has made follow the whol e of chapt er 24 of munion Covenant. the same mate1ial available on its Luke's gospel," the document said in In his two-minute remarks for Vati­ website, but has asked Roman explaining this year's them e. can Radio, Archbishop Rowan Catholics to "contact the Ecumeni­ "Whether it be the te1Tified women Williams drew from the account in cal Commission of your Bishops ' at the tomb, the two discouraged Luke 2 of angels proclaiming good Conference or the Synod in your disciples on the road to Emmaus or news to shepherds about the birth of country in order to obtain a copy of the eleven disciples overtaken by Jesus. the text adapted for your local con­ doubt and fear , all who toget her "This is a story that's good news for text." encounter the Risen Ch.list are sent everyone," the archbis hop said. "If The theme of this year's celebra­ on mission: 'You are witness of it's a story for everyone, it can't be a tion is "You Are Witnesses of These thes e things.' This mission of the story of winners and losers, insiders Things," which is bas ed on the Church is given by Christ and can­ and outsiders, us and them. Really words of tl1e resurrect ed Christ to not be appropriated by anyone. It is taking the Christmas story on board his disciples (Luke 24:48). the community of thos e who have is to go beyond all that , to let go of Mr. Andrew Barr of the Scottish been recon ciled with God and in this compulsive human habit of Episcopal Church, and other Scot­ God, and who can witne ss to the thinking of everything in terms of tish Christians, helped prepar e the truth of the power of salvation in conflicts that someone wins and initial texts for the celebrations. Jes us Christ. someone loses, or cyompetitions in This year's material commemorates "We sense that Mary Magdalene, which we have to get the better of the Edinburgh Mission Conference Peter or the two Enuna us disciples them. Somehow, we need to believe of 1910. will not witness in the same way," that the love of God, turned into flesh "The official delegates of Protes­ the docum ent added. "Yet it will be and blood in this baby in the stable, is tant mission societies from the dif­ the victory of Jesus over death that big enough, spacious enough, for any ferent branche s of Protestantism all will place at the heart of their wit­ and every human being, so that when and Anglicanism , joined by an ness. The personal enco unter with we look at another perso n, our first Orthodox guest , met during the the risen One has radically changed thought should be, 'They're welcome summer of 1910 in the Scottish cap­ their lives and in its uniqueness for in the stable. They're welcome in the ital," said a background article in the eac h one of them one thing place where God lives.' " document . "In 1910 the Scottish becomes imperativ e: 'You are wit­ In his Christmas Eve sermon, ecclesial landscape was beginning nesses of these things.' Their stmy preached at Canterbury Cathedral, to diversify and the Roman Catholic will accentuate different things, the archb ishop contrasted depend­ and Episcopal Churches once more sometimes diss ent may arise ence on God with modern culture's enjoyed a more importan t role. between them about what faithful­ emphasi s on independence and Edinburgh was chosen as the place ness to Christ requires, and yet all pride. for the meeting because of its intel­ will work to announce the Good "Relationship is the new thing at lectual and cultural vitality. The News." 4 TIIE LIVIN G Cl/ URCH· IANUARY 17, 2010 DEDIC.A.TEDTOSTAINED GLASSEXCELLENCE Christmas, the new possibility of and respond to the dependence of FORMORE TilAN A being related to Goel as Jesus was others. Perhaps by God's grace we CENTURYROHLFS and is," he said. "But here's the catch shall learn in this way how to create & THEPAYNE and the challenge. To come into this a society in which real dependence is gl01ious future is to learn how to be ce lebrated and safeguarded, not STIJDIOHAVE dependent on God. And that word regarded with emba rrassment or BEENCREATING tends to have a chilly feel for us, abused by the powerful and greedy," & CONSERVING especially us who a.re proudJy inde­ he said. STAINEDGLASS pendent mod erns. We speak of "God has spoke n through a Son. 'depend ent' characters with pity and He has called us all to become chil­ WINDOWS concern; we think of 'dependency' dren at the cradle of the Son, the WORLDWIDE. on drugs and alcoho l; we worry Word made flesh, so that we may about the 'dependent' mindset that grow into a glory that even the angels FORMO REI NFORMATION& LITERATURE wonder at. To all who accept him he PLEASEWRfl'E, FAX, PHONE OR E-MAJL TO: can be created by handout s to the gives power and auth01ity to become destitut e. In other words, we think of children of Goel, learning and grow­ RohIrs StudioInc. dep enden cy as something passive ing into endless life and joy." 783 South.3rd . Ave. and less than free. MountVernon , NYI 0550 PAX- 914-699-7091 "One of the worst effects of this ----- --~ - 800-969-4106 culture of impatience and pride is , OS o,.. what it does to those who a.re most Central Florida "ol .,_~ BE SURETO obviously dependent - the elderly, : ' ; VISITO UR WEBSITE those with physical or psychological May Endorse ~ it · ~ www.Rohlfstudio.com challenges and disabilities, and, of 0 ,; : ~~ ;:.: ' :~:,. e-mail: [email protected] course, children ," the archbishop Covenant Traditional•Contemporary • Restorations said. "We send out the message that if you're not standing on your own The Diocese of Centra l Florida's 8~tid D~l two feet and if you need regular sup­ annua l convention will have an port, you're an anomaly. We'll look opportunity in late January to affirm CHOIR after you (with a bit of a sigh), but the now-completed Anglican Com­ frankly it's not ideal. And in the case mwuon Covenant. CHAIR of children, we shall do ow-level best In a letter to members of the dio­ to turn you into active little con­ cese, the Rt. Rev. John W. Howe sw11ers and performers as soon as urged delegates to support the we can. We shall test you relentlessly Covenant by voting for a resolution in schools , we shall bombard you by the Rev. Eric Tw-ner. with adve1tising, often highly sexual­ A list distributed by the Episcopal ized adve1tising, we shall worry you Church Center mentions eight dioce­ about your prospects and skills from ses that have scheduled conventions the word go; we shall do all we can to in January: Central Florida, Florida, make childhood a brief and rather Newark, North Carolina, Southwest­ regrettable stage on the way to the ern Virginia, Tennessee, Virginia and real thing - which is 'independence,' Washington.
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