21468 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 15 December 20, 2011 RESOLUTION HIGHLIGHTING AC- tion’s seniors aged 65 and over who have HONORING THE MEN AND WOMEN TIONS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF proven themselves exemplarily in the areas of IN OUR ARMED SERVICES ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Community Involvement, Creativity, Good Neighbor, Love of Learning, New Beginnings HON. ANN MARIE BUERKLE HON. MIKE COFFMAN and Vitality. Sgt. Cheeks has proven himself OF NEW YORK OF COLORADO to be a role model of his community. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES After having been honorably discharged Tuesday, December 20, 2011 Tuesday, December 20, 2011 from the military it was later discovered that Ms. BUERKLE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, I Sgt. Cheeks had contracted Agent Orange remember and pay tribute to our men and come to the floor today to introduce a resolu- and developed post-traumatic stress syn- women in uniform during this holiday season. tion highlighting the actions taken by the Gov- drome. Nevertheless, Sgt. Cheeks persevered While we must always remember those who ernment of Antigua and Barbuda, in the oper- and began actively assisting the people of make the ultimate sacrifice for our country, it ation of their financial and judicial systems, Canton with searches for employment and is especially important to remember them as that are manifestly contrary to the public policy with formulating and sponsoring extracurricular we celebrate this holiday season. What should of the United States. activities for the youth of Canton. He also be a time of joy, will be a difficult time for This resolution asks that all further direct or served as a volunteer crossing guard for Holy many families who are dealing with the loss of indirect aid or assistance, including assistance Child Jesus School in Canton for more than a loved one who has died in service to our derived from Federal funds, by the United 25 years. Nation. States Government to the Government of Anti- Two families in my own district are coping gua and Barbuda should be suspended until In 1975, Sgt. Cheeks took his 18 years of with the tragic loss of their loved ones this the Government of Antigua and Barbuda pro- experience in coaching little league baseball in year. Marine Corporal Kyle Schneider of vides complete redress of the violations by the military and sponsored a little league Phoenix, New York was killed by an impro- their government against the rights of Amer- baseball team in Madison County (MS). He vised explosive device while serving in ican citizens. also took the discipline and resourcefulness Helmand province, Afghanistan. He is survived Antigua and Barbuda should give full co- learned in the United States military to orga- by his parents, Richard and Lorie Schneider, operation in investigating the Stanford Finan- nize both Boy and Girl Scouts’ troops in Can- his brother Kevin, and his fiance´e Theresa cial Group fraud, and should agree to be ton, Mississippi. Lynn Dodge. bound by U.S. courts that adjudicate claims Chief Warrant Officer Brad Gaudet, a native arising from the Stanford fraud. Sergeant Cheeks’ commitment to individual of my colleague Mr. GOHMERT’s district, was The resolution also asks the Government of and community wealth building was the driving killed in Afghanistan after his helicopter Antigua and Barbuda to fulfill its obligations re- force behind much of his pledge to serving the crashed near Kabul. He is survived by his wife lating to the expropriation of the Half Moon citizens of Canton. To that end, he served as Ginny, of Liverpool, New York, and two young Bay Resort, which was owned by a group of the Chairman of the Madison County Union for daughters. U.S. citizens. Progress, a private organization that helps citi- In this season of giving we must remember I ask for its swift passage. zens seek and secure employment; he served not only those who have fallen, but also the f on the Board of Directors for the Canton families they have left behind. In addition to remembering those we have RECOGNIZING RETIRED FIRST Housing Authority, an organization in which he currently still serves as a chief advisor; he lost, we must continue to honor those who SERGEANT LANDRES CHEEKS currently serve. We must remember that there FOR HIS DEDICATION AND SERV- served on the G.A. Carmichael Family Health Center’s Board of Trustees and Madison Gen- are soldiers who will spend their Christmas in ICE TO COMMUNITY AND COUN- a war zone fighting for our freedom; soldiers eral Hospital’s Board of Trustees. Sgt. Cheeks TRY who have not seen their families for months. has also been the Utility Commissioner for the We must also remember veterans at this HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON City of Canton for three years in addition to holiday time. While their service is over, the OF MISSISSIPPI volunteering with the Full Gospel Fellowship debt of gratitude we owe to them for their sac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Church under the direction of Pastor Toni rifice should never be forgotten. Brooks to serve hot meals to senior citizens at Tuesday, December 20, 2011 Christmas is an important time to stop and their homes once a week. He graciously took pay tribute to our men and women in our Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- care of the personal needs of several senior armed services. We are privileged to live in er, I would like to take this opportunity to rec- citizens and hosted a talk show twice per the greatest nation in the history of the world ognize the many accomplishments of Retired month at WONG radio station that addresses because of their service and sacrifice. First Sergeant Landres Cheeks of Canton, various issues within the community. f Mississippi. First Sergeant Cheeks is a true patriot of our country and served as an inte- Not only is Sgt. Cheeks committed to eco- RECOGNIZING ERIC FOSS gral part of his community for more than 60 nomic equality and bettering the community, years. He dedicated his life, after serving our but he is also committed to civic engagement HON. KEVIN YODER and involvement. He currently sits on the country for three decades, to giving back to OF KANSAS Voter Registration committee and serves as the people of Canton. His mission to economi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cally empower, inspire and motivate the peo- the Chairman of the Membership Committee ple of Canton is one of great resolve. for the Canton Branch of the National Associa- Tuesday, December 20, 2011 Sergeant Cheeks served in the United tion for the Advancement of Colored People Mr. YODER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ac- States Army Medical Corps for 30 years par- (NAACP). Even with all this on his plate, Sgt. knowledge the hard work of Eric Foss, my leg- ticipating in World War II (Germany and Cheeks still made time to own and manage islative assistant. France) and the Vietnam War. He is a deco- Winn-n-Cheeks Grocery Store for over twenty Eric has worked in my office since I came rated serviceman, having received the Na- years after retiring from the Army. Sergeant to Congress and is leaving Washington, D.C. tional Defense Medal, Army Commendation Cheeks has been a pillar in his community to return to Kansas. He has been a valued Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnam Cam- more than half a century and has served our and reliable member of my staff, and it has paign Medal, Army of Occupational Medal of country honorably; I cannot find anyone nobler been my honor to work with him as we serve Germany, Bronze Star Medal, World War II the great people of the State of Kansas. or better suited to have a federal building Victory Medal, American Campaign Medal, Eric is a proud Jayhawk, and a graduate of named in their honor. and 9th Good Service Conduct Medal. In 2001 the University of Kansas and KU law. He has he was awarded the Blue Cross Blue Shield Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me been a great source of information in my of- Ageless Hero Award. This honor is given in in recognizing First Sergeant Landres Cheeks fice, and my entire staff and I are sad to see celebration of the spirit and vitality of our Na- for his dedication to serving others. Eric leave. We wish him the best of luck in his VerDate Sep 11 2014 15:41 Jun 09, 2016 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR11\E20DE1.000 E20DE1 ehiers on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD December 20, 2011 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 15 21469 future endeavors in Kansas, and know Eric A TRIBUTE TO THE LIFE OF A TRIBUTE HONORING THE LIFE will do great things. DAVID LOWRY WIDELL OF EVELYN HAUSNER LAUDER We thank Eric for his service to the 3rd Dis- trict of Kansas. HON. JIM COSTA f HON. ANNA G. ESHOO OF CALIFORNIA RECOGNIZING REALTOR ASSOCIA- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA TION OF GREATER FORT LAU- Tuesday, December 20, 2011 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DERDALE Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today with Tuesday, December 20, 2011 HON. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ my colleagues Mr. THOMPSON, Mr. FARR, Mr. Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to OF FLORIDA MILLER, Mr. GARAMENDI, and Mr. CARDOZA to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pay tribute to the life of David Lowry Widell honor the life and extraordinary accomplish- who recently passed away at the age of 44.
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