MONDAY, MAY 13, 1974 WASHINGTON, D.C. Volume 39 N Number 93 ~ E 0 Pages 17087-17206 U- PART I W HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS ISSUE This listing does not affect the legal status oof any document published In this Issue. Detailed table of contents appears Inside. PHIYSICIAN SHORTAGE-HEWI proposal to award scholarships to medical students, comments by 5-29-74- 17106 YOUTH EMPLOYMENT--CSC amends pay rate for summer aides, effective 5-1-74 17096 STUDENT LOANS-HW authorizes special allowance 'rate; effective 6-12-74 ... ................ 17104 TEACHER CORPS CONTINUATION INSERVICE PROJECT- HEW announces final date for receipt of applications; W closing 6-14-74.17115 FARM LOANS-Agniculture Department establishes inter- est rates, effective 5-13-74.__ ___ 17114 Jo FLOOD INSURANCE-Farmers Home Administration regu- lation requiring coverage for designated areas, effective 5-13-74 -.. 17093 PESTICIDES-USDA regulation concerning use on Na- tional Forest System lands; effective 5-15-74- 17102 '-a w u RAIL SERVICE-ICC evaluation of DoT report - -17147 - - (Continued Inside) PART II: SUMMER PROGRAM FOR ECONOMICALLY DIS- ADVANTAGED YOUTH-Labor Department pre- scribes guidelines for Implementation; effective 6-12, comments by 6-30-74 - 17181- PART III: LOW RENT PUBLIC HOUSING-HUD Issues reg- ulations regarding existing housing; effective 5-13-74 17185 PART IV: WASTE TREATMENIT PLANS-EPA approrves grants for development and Implementation, comments by 6-27-74 - 17201 27o. V3--t. I- 1 reminders I (t e items in this list were editorially compiled as an aid to FPamL Rmz=ra users. Inclusion or exclusion from this list has no egal significance. Since this list Is Intended as a reminder, it does not include effective dates that occur within 14 days of publication.) Rules Going Into Effect Today This list Includes only rules that were pub- lished in the FEDE-AL REGisT after Octo- ber 1, 1972. page no. and date HEW/Office of Education-Emergency School Aid; eligibility for funds. 13268; 4-12-74 / _ Published daily, Monday through Friday (no publication on Saturdays, Sundays, or on offial Federal 0 holidays). by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives ancl Records Sorvico, General Services C SO Administration, Washington, D.C. 20408, under the Federal Register Act (49 Stab. 500, as amended, 44 U.S.O., Ch. 15) aid the regulations of the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (1 OMI Oh. I). Distribution U) 1,3. is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Ofcte, Washington, D.O. 20403. 0 The FDERAL REGISTER provides a uniform system for making available to the public regulations and legal notices lIsued by Federal agencies. These Include Presidential proclamations and Executive orders and Federal agency documonto having general applicability and legal effect, documents required to be published by Act of Congress And other Federal a-Onoy documents of public interest. I The F=EEAL REGSTER will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage,ofor $5.00 per month or 045 per year, payable in advance. The charge for Individual copies is 75 cents for each issue, or 75 cents for each group of pages as actually bound. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing OMco, Washington, D.C. 20402. There a~e no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the F=== REeGs=ap. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL 39, NO. 93-MONDAY, MAY 13, 1974 HIGHLIGHTS--Contlinued MEETINGS- Dataphone Digital Service Meeting, 5-21-74 .17126 Civil Rights Commission: Utah State Advisory Com- mittee, 5-23-74.-_ 17119 HEW. National Advisory Mental Health Council, 6-10, 6-11, and 6-12-74.__ 17115 Maryland State Advisory Committee, 5-16-74.- 17119 National Endowment for the Humanities: National Oklahoma State Advisory Committee, 5-17-74.... 17119 Council on the Humanities Advisory Committee, 5-23 Commission on Revision of the Federal Court Appellate and -2-4. .. ........ 17137 System, 5-20-74_. 17119119...... DoD: Defense Intelligence Agency Scientific Advisory Treasury Department: Comptroller of the Currency's Committee, 5-31-74. .. 17112 Regional Advisory Committee on Banking Policies and FCC: Cable Television Technical Advisory Committee Practices of the Second National Bank Region, 5-17 Panel 7, 5-16-74 ---- 17126 and 5-18-74_ _ ..____ 17112 -contents AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE Structure and internal operat- ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COUNCIL Proposed Rules ing procedure 17119 Notices Limitations of handling: COMPTROLLER OFTHE CURRENCY Environmental impact state- Cherries grown in certain Notices ments; statements received... 17119 States ------------------- 17105 Meetings: FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Regional Advisory Committee Rules See also Agricultural Marketing on Banking Policies and Prac- National flood -insurance; flood Service;. Farmers Home Admin-, tices of the Second National and mudslde prone areas--_ 17093 Bank Region ........ 17112 istration; Forest Service. Notices Notices CUSTOMS SERVICE Insured business and industrial Flue-Cured Tobacco Advisory Proposed Rules loans; interest rates_____ 17114 Committee; determination --- 17114 Shipments of books; Invoice re- FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION ALCOHOL, DRUG ABUSE, AND MENTAL quirement- 17105 HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Rules Notices DEFENSE DEPARTMENT Airworthiness directives: Meetings: Notices Avco Lycomin .-.. 17097 National Advisory Mental Meetings: Beech __ __ 17097 Health CounciL ------ 17115 Defense Intelligence Agency Control zone-_ --....... 17097 Scientific Advisory Commit- RNAV routes ............ 17093 CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD tee 17112 Restricted area; correction .. 17097 Notices Transition area, correction-.... 17093 Hearings,etc.: DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL Proposed Rules BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Certain U.S. and Canadian air Contrbl zone and transition areas carriers _____- 17116 Rules (5 documents) ..... 1.7103 17109 Eastern Air Lines and Ozark Air General license GTDR; revision- 17098 Lines 17118 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS Frontier Airlines, Inc ........ 17118 EDUCATION OFFICE COMMISSION CIVIL RIGHTS COMMISSION Rules Notices Notices Administrative and fiscal require- Common carrier services informa- Meetings: ments; corrections ........------ 17104 tion; domestic public radio serv- Aryland State Advisory Com- Low interest student loans; spe- ices applications accepted for mittee -- 17119 clal allowances- 17104 filing 17124 Oklahoma State Advisory Com- Notices Meetings: mittee ------------------- 17119 Teacher Corps continuation In- Cable Television Technical Ad- Utah State Advisory Com- service projects; closing date for visory Committee, Panel 7.- 17126 mittee ------------- -----17119 receipt of applications-...... 17115 Dataphone Digital Service___ 17126 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Hearings,etc.: Rules ENVIIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WAVV Commun cations, Inc. Excepted service; temporary sum- Rules and Avalon Broadcastin- Co. 17126 mer aid positions ------------ 17096 Areawide waste treatment grants; FEDERAL POWER COMMISS!OI'N interim regulations_...... 17201 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT Proposed Rules See Domestic and International Proposed Rules Puerto Rico; approval Electric rate schedules; fhed rate Business Administration; Na- of compil- contract provisions; correction. 17111 tional Oceanic and Atmospheric amce schedules------------- 17109 Notices Administration. Notices COMMISSION ON REVISION OF THE Receipt of applications for pesti- Authorization to sell natural gas; FEDERAL COURT APPELLATE SYSTEM cide registration; data to be applications for certificates, considered in support abandonment of service and Notices of appli- petitions to amend certificates-- 17127 Meetings: cations ------ 17123 Appellate system structural (Continued o. next page) changes; hearing ----------- 17119 17089 FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL 39, NO. 93-MONDAY, MAY 13, 1974 17090, CONTENTS Hearings, etc.: HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Opera guidelines; 1976 fiscal year 17144 DEPARTMENT Aikman Brothers (2 docu- NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ments) ------------- 17127, 17128 Rules HUMANITIES Central Kansas Power Company Housing assistance payments pro- Notices Inc --------------------- 17128 gram; procedures and deter- Chattanooga Gas Co ---------- 17136 ---------------- 17185 Meetings: minations National Council on the Hu- Cities Service Gas Co -------- 17128 Notices Columbia Gas Transmission manities Advisory Commit- Policy De- Corp-------------------- 17129 Assistant Secretary for tee ----------------------- 17137 velopment and Research; desig,- Columbia Gulf Transmission NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC Co ---------------------- 17129 nation and delegation of au- thority -------------------- 17115 ADMINISTRATION Consolidated Gas Supply Corp. Notices --- and North Penn Gas Co 17130 INDIAN AFFAIRS BUREAU Issuance of marine mammal per- Continental Oil Co ----------- 17130 Notices Delmarva Power & Light Co___ 17131 mits: Aberdeen Area Office, Aberdeen, Homosassa Springs, Inc ------ 17114 Hydrocarbon Development Sea World, Inc --------------- 17114 Corp -------------------- 17131 S. Dak.; change of address --- 17112 Kilroy Properties Inc -------- 17131 INTERIOR DEPARTMEiT PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Lone Star Gas Co ----------- 17132 Proposed Rules River Transmission - See also Indian Affairs Bureau; Mississippi Land Management Bureau; Physician shortage area; scholar- Corp 17132 -------------------- Mines Bureau; Reclamation Bu- Natural Gas Pipeline Company ship grants ------------------ 11106 reau. of America (2 documents)--- 17132, RECLAMATION
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