Primary Types of Hymenoptera

Primary Types of Hymenoptera

Primary types of Hymenoptera Find below a list of the primary types in the collection, created by James Wiley in 2007. An updated version will be published soon. PAMPHILIIDAE Acantholyda (Itycorsia) floridana Harold N. Greenbaum 1975 THE FLORIDA ENTOMOLOGIST, VOL. 58 (1): 45-52 (47) Holotype (Female) (P); FLORIDA, Alachua Co., Gainesville W. of Station Farm 3, May 1914, taken from chinquepin/ 197/ Tenthredinidae NOTE: U.S.N.M. Type #75290 ARGIDAE Ptenus apulatus Harold N. Greenbaum 1974 THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST, VOL. 50 (4): 423-425 (423) Holotype (Female) (P); Molino Basin Sta., Catalina Mts., ARIZ., 4600', ix-3-1965/ Collector. L. & C.W. O'Brien NOTE: dissected BRACONIDAE Acrobela dalhousiensis Vineeta Sharma 1978 ORIENTAL INSECTS, VOL. 12 (1): 123-132 (127) Holotype (Male) (P.); INDIA: H.P.: Dalhousie, 2132m, 22.ix.1971, Sukhdev coll., No. J.D. 158. (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) NOTE: Now placed in the genus Dapsilarthra, subgenus Mesocrina Agathis aequoreticulata Shama Bhat & Virendra K. Gupta 1977 ORIENTAL INSECTS MONOGRAPH NO. 6: 1-353 (116) Holotype (Female) (P.); SABAH: Mt. Kinabulu: Kamborangah, 2133.60m, 29.v.1929, H. M. Pendlebury (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) NOTE: Damaged forewing in gelatin cap on pin. Agathis flava Shama Bhat & Virendra K. Gupta 1977 ORIENTAL INSECTS MONOGRAPH NO. 6: 1-353 (117) Holotype (Female) (P.); INDIA: TAMIL NADU: Anamalai Hills, Cinchona, 1066.80m, iv.1956, P. S. Nathan (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Agathis hyalinis Shama Bhat & Virendra K. Gupta 1977 ORIENTAL INSECTS MONOGRAPH NO. 6: 1-353 (130) Holotype (Female) (P.); INDIA: HIMACHAL PRADESH: Simla Hills, Narkanda, 2700m,, Girish Chandra, No. G23. Allotype (Male) (P.); same locality & collector as the Holotype,, G25. (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Agathis indica Shama Bhat & Virendra K. Gupta 1977 ORIENTAL INSECTS MONOGRAPH NO. 6: 1-353 (154) Holotype (Male) (P.); INDIA: ASSAM: Rangapara, Charduar Forest, 30.iv.1966, D. T. Tikar, No. T225 (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Agathis sabahensis Shama Bhat & V.K. Gupta 1977 ORIENTAL INSECTS MONOGRAPH NO. 6: 1-353 (111) Holotype (Female) (P.); SABAH: Bettotan, near Sandakan, 15.viii.1927, C.B.K. and H.M.P. (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Alabagrus elatoscutum Michael J. Sharkey 1988 BULLETIN OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), ENTOMOLOGY SERIES, VOL. 57 (2): 311-437 (366) Holotype (Female) (P); ECUADOR: Napo Province, Limoncocha, on Rio Napo, 1-V-1974, Boyce A. Drummond, III, Malaise Trap Alabagrus waorani Michael J. Sharkey 1988 BULLETIN OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), ENTOMOLOGY SERIES, VOL. 57 (2): 311-437 (412) Holotype (Female) (P); ECUADOR: Napo Province, Limoncocha, on Rio Napo, 25-VI-1974, Boyce A. Drummond, III, Malaise Trap Alysia nigriae Vineeta Sharma 1978 ORIENTAL INSECTS, VOL. 12 (1): 123-132 (129) Holotype ( Female) (P.); INDIA: MAHARASHTRA: Pratapgad, 3000', 15.xi.1965, D.T. Tikar, No. T12. (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) NOTE: A Biosteres sp. according to R. Wharton 1984 Apanteles namkumense Virendra K. Gupta 1957 INDIAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY, VOL. 19 (PART II): 101-106 (101) Holotype (Female) (P.); INDIA: RANCHI: Namkum, 10.viii.1949, Gupta coll. Allotype (Male) (P.); same locality as holotype, 1.viii.1949, Gupta coll. (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Apanteles ricini Satya Prakash Bhatnagar (1948) (1950) INDIAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY, VOL. 10 (PART II): 133-203 (175) Holotype (Female) (P.); INDIA: Travancore, Pallam, Bhatnagar. Allotype (Male) (P.); INDIA: New Delhi, Bhatnagar. (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Aspilota bengalensis Shama Bhat 1979 ORIENTAL INSECTS, VOL. 13 (3-4): 365-381 (372) Holotype (Female) (P.); INDIA: WEST BENGAL: Kalimpong, 1225m, S. Biswas, No. B 32a. Allotype (Male) (P.); INDIA: WEST BENGAL: Darjeeling, Rangiroon, 1904.20m, 26.v.1966, D. Ram, No. 190 (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Aspilota bhutanensis Shama Bhat 1979 ORIENTAL INSECTS, VOL. 13 (3-4): 365-381 (370) Holotype (Female) (P.); BHUTAN: THIMPU, 2940m,, S. Biswas, No. B 38a. Allotype (Male) (P.); same data as holotype. (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Aspilota bovefemora Shama Bhat 1979 ORIENTAL INSECTS, VOL. 13 (3-4): 365-381 (376) Holotype (Female) (P.); INDIA: HIMACHAL PRADECH: Ahla, 2286m, 8.viii.1971, J.K. Jonathan, No. JD 31 (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Aspilota brunneus Shama Bhat 1979 ORIENTAL INSECTS, VOL. 13 (3-4): 365-381 (375) Holotype (Female) (P.); INDIA: WEST BENGAL: Kalimpong, Deleo Hill, 2352m,, S. Biswas, No. B 34a. Allotype (Male) (P.); INDIA: WEST BENGAL: Ghoom, 2285m, 28.iv.1974, M.L. Gupta, No. M 171 (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Aspilota cubitalaris Vineeta Sharma 1978 ORIENTAL INSECTS, VOL. 12 (1): 123-132 (123) Holotype (Male) (P.); INDIA: H.P.: Kalatop, 2488m, 18.viii.1971, J.K. Jonathan, Coll. No. J.D. 53 (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Aspilota himachali Shama Bhat 1979 ORIENTAL INSECTS, VOL. 13 (3-4): 365-381 (371) Holotype (Female) (P.); INDIA: HIMACHAL PRADESH: Ahla, 2286m, 10.viii.1971, Tulsi, No. JD 36. Allotype (Male) (P.); same locality as holotype, 23.ix.1971, S. Dev, No. JD 162. (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Aspilota indica Shama Bhat 1979 ORIENTAL INSECTS, VOL. 13 (3-4): 365-381 (374) Holotype (Female) (P.); INDIA: HIMACHAL PRADESH: Dalhousie, Ahla, 2286m, 14-25.v.1971, Mani & Party, No. 1-1. (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Aspilota longiflagellata Shama Bhat 1979 ORIENTAL INSECTS, VOL. 13 (3-4): 365-381 (377) Holotype (Male) (P.); INDIA: HIMACHAL PRADESH, Kalatop, 2438m, 4.x.1971, A.K. Gulati, No. JD 201 (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Aspilota magna Shama Bhat 1979 ORIENTAL INSECTS, VOL. 13 (3-4); 365-381 (379) Holotype (Femala) (P.); INDIA: HIMACHAL PRADESH: Ahla, 2286m, 11.x.1971, D. Ram, No. JD 220 (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Aspilota marshi Shama Bhat 1979 ORIENTAL INSECTS, VOL. 13 (3-4): 365-381 (369) Holotype (Female) (P.); INDIA: WEST BENGAL: Kalimpong, 1230m,, S. Biswas, No. B 22a Allotype (Male) (P.); same locality as holotype, 1270m,, G. Singh, No. B 17c. (Transferred from V.K Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Aspilota minuta Shama Bhat 1979 OREINTAL INSECTS, VOL. 13 (3-4): 365-381 (368) Holotype (Female) (P.); INDIA: HIMACHAL PRADESH, Ahla: 2286m, 18.vii-3.viii.1971, Malaise Trap No. I. Allotype (Male) (P.); same locality as holotype, 2.ix.1974, A.K. Gulati, No. JD 92. (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Aspilota nigra Shama Bhat 1979 ORIENTAL INSECTS, VOL. 13 (3-4): 365-381 (378) Holotype (Female) (P.); INDIA: WEST BENGAL: Darjeeling, 1901m, 21.v.1976, S. Biswas, No. 20 Allotype (Male) (P.); same locality as holotype, 2176m, 27.iv.1974, M.L. Gupta, No. M 170. (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Aspilota sandaraca Shama Bhat 1979 ORIENTAL INSECTS, VOL. 13 (3-4): 365-381 (378) Holotype (Female) (P.); INDIA: HIMACHAL PRADESH: Dalhousie, 27.viii.1971, S. Dev, No. JD 52. (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Aspilota sikkimensis Shama Bhat 1979 ORIENTAL INSECTS, VOL. 13 (3-4): 365-381 (373) Holotype (Female) (P.); INDIA: SIKKIM: Gangtok, 1871m, 6.v.1974, M.L. Gupta, No. M 180. Allotype (Male) (P.); same data as holotype. (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Baeognatha marshi Shama Bhat & Virendra K. Gupta 1977 ORIENTAL INSECTS MONOGRAPH NO. 6: 1-353 (92) Holotype (Female) (P.); SABAH: Bettotan near Sandakan, 15.viii.1927 (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Baeognatha relativa Shama Bhat & Virendra K. Gupta 1977 ORIENTAL INSECTS MONOGRAPH NO. 6: 1-353 (91) Allotype (Male) (P.); INDIA: ANDHRA PRADESH: Nagaram, 23.xii.1965, D.T. Tikar, No. T143 (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Balcemena malayensis Shama Bhat & Virendra K. Gupta 1977 ORIENTAL INSECTS MONOGRAPH NO. 6: 1-353 (182) Holotype (Female) (P.); MALAYSIA: MALAY PENINSULA: Langkawi Is., West Coast, 21.iv.1928, H.M. Pendlebury. (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Braunsia latisocreata latisocreata Shama Bhat & Virendra K. Gupta 1977 ORIENTAL INSECTS MONOGRAPH NO. 6: 1-353 (76) Holotype (Female) (P.); INDIA: HIMACHAL PRADESH: Dalhousie, 2132m, 15.viii.1972, A.K. Gulati, No. 431 Allotype (Male) (P.); INDIA: HIMACHAL PRADESH: Kalatop, 2488m, 30.vii.1971, D. Ram, No. M 106 (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Camptothlipsis gossypiella Virendra K. Gupta & Shama Bhat 1977 ORIENTAL INSECTS MONOGRAPH NO. 6: 1-353 (82) Holotype (Female) (P.); INDIA: BIHAR: Ranchi, Namkum, 15.iii.1939 (caught in cotton store), S.N. Gupta. Allotype (Male) (P.); same data as Holotype (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) NOTE: Camptothlipsis is a synonym of Bassus Cratospila bhutanensis Shama Bhat 1980 REICHENBACHIA, VOL. 18 (8): 67-71 (70) Holotype (P.); BHUTAN: THIMPU, 2940m,, S. Biswas, No. B38a. (Transferred from V.K. Gupta Collection to F.S.C.A.) Cratospila curvabilis Shama Bhat 1980 REICHENBACHIA, 18(8): 67-71 (69) Holotype (P.); INDIA: HIMACHAL PRADESH, Kalatop, 2438m, 20.vii.1971, M.

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