• 218 MORVAL. ·CORNWALL. (KELLY's Trenode, built in 1872, in memory of the Rev. James parted by the vicar, )Irs. Cocks & Major M. \Yynell­ Buller Kitson, late vicar; average attendance, 38; the ~\Iayow; Miss Benrietta A. Sims, mistress school is 2 miles distant from the other school & the church, & is also used as a school chapel, being sup- Sand Place Station; the guard of train issues tickets Marked thus * receive- their letters *Collings Matthew·, farmer, Polgover Lean Nicholas, shoe make~ through'Hessenfrd.St.GermansR.,S.O. *Collings John, butcher, \>YidegateJ *Mitchell Edward, farmer, Trenode *Boucher Alfre-d Richard J.P. Trenean *CoLings Thomas, farmer, Tregastic Olver John, farmer, "\Yringworthy "Collings Joseph, Sandplaces Couch .Alfr€d, shopkeeper, Sand place Olver Thomas Hemy,farmer & butchr. Dunn Rev. Hubert Epaphrodittis B . .!.. *Dam~ Isaac, farmer, Bray Tregarland (curate), ~Iorval cottag-e Ed~cumbe Richa.rd, coal & manure *Paul ~Iary Jane (Miss), shopk€eper, Glencross Rev. Ernest Hy. M. A. The merchant; all kmds manures st~cked Wide-gate Vicarage at Sandplace, & a~e-nt Royal F1re & *Pearce Samuel, shoe maker,"\Videgate *Sneyd )!Ts. Bray house Life & Ocean Accidents Corporation, Reading Room (Thomas Webber R.N. 'Tremavne- )lrs. H. H. Morval house Sand place sec) lYebbe~ Thomas RN *Gilbard John, farmer, Vintenvanes Roberts George,assistant land steward · Hamley 1-Yillia.m, farmer, Dowland Sansom Jn. Hawken, school master & CO!DIERCIAL. Harding Robert & Thomas, carpenters, assistant overseer 11-Best Geoqre, farmer & miller (water), Torwell *Sansom 1-Yilliam, farmer, Lydcott · Joaps mill Harding Charles, farmer, Holland *Searle Edward, blacksmith *Best Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Trenode Harding Geo. shopkeeper, Tregarland Searle1 William, farrier 'Bishop & PeteT, crushers of bones,lime *Ha,rding .T uhn, carpe-nter, Shortcross Stephens Kate (Mrs.) & William, far- burner;;~ & merchants, The Kilns, *Harding \Yilliam, farmer, Shortcross mers, \Vring"Worthy Sand place; offices,East Looe R.S.O. Hill John, farmer, Cleese *Taylor John, farmer, Twinaways See advert *Hoskin .!.rchelaus, farmer, Trenain Vosper Arthur "Waiters, farmer, ){or- *Blight John, shoe maker, Wide-gate Hoskin Wm.(Mrs.),farmr.Wringworthy val Barton · Blight Richard, shoe maker *Kelly Albert Edward,farmer,Colevase Wyatt Francis Charles, Tregarland Broad Rosalia & Eva ()1isses),shopkprs *Kelly Richard, farmer, Tredinnick MORWENSTOW, the most northerly parish in Corn- 1 The register dates from the year 1558, and is very per­ wall, is 8 miles north-north-west from Stratton and 15 1 feet. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £219, north-west from Holsworthy station on the London and including 72 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop South Western railway, in the North Eastern division of Truro, and held since 1876 by the Rev. John Tagert .of the county, hundred, petty sessional division and B..A. of Trinity College, Dublin. A Bible Christian chapel union of Stratton, Holsworthy county court district, was erected at Woodford in 1883, at a cost of £400, rural deanery of Stratton, archdeaconry of Bodmin and I and will hold: 200 people. The Bible Christians have diocese of Trul'o. The church of St. Morwenna, stand- other chapels at Eastcott and Gooseham 1wlill and there ing on a knoll between two eminences which open to- is also a 1-Vesleyan chapel at "\Voodflord and one at Wool­ wards the sea, is a curious edifice of stone, partly :Kor- ley. On :Morwenstow glebe is St. John's well, a low man, and consisting of chancel, nave of five bays, aisles 1 gabled building, with a rude cross on the ridge, which, and an embattled western tower, with crocketed pin- ! ''built by the Fathers o'er a lonely well, still breathes nades, containing 4 bells, all cast in 1753: the fine Nor- · the Baptist's sweet remembrance round!" half-way down man doorway of the south porch exhibits zigzag mold- ' a precipice is St. MQ.l'wenna's well. rr'he rivers Tamar ing, with a string of roses upheld by two animals ; on and Torridge, both rise in the parish. The manorial the crown of the arch is a group of figures resembling rights are divided. The principallandowu€rs are H.R.H. dragons, with a chain issuing :Brom their mouths and the Duke of Cornwall, Francis John Thynne esq. of 67 entwining a lamb; the inner arch is ornamented with Eaton place, London S W; Lord Churston; Miss. Day­ a profusion of figures and nearly corresponrls with that man, of Membury, East Putford, Devon; Rev. William at Kilkbampton: the benches, which have carved ends, Waddon :Martyn B.A. rector of Lifton; the trustees of date from 1575: the stained east window is the gift of the late Rev. John Adams; Edward Shearme esq. the late Lord c;inton and Lady Clinton: the chancel F.S.A. of West Cliff, Bude, the trustees of the late James Tetains an arched recess, with a pillar piscina: the font Rouse, and Messrs. Lawrence Ashton and John King. is an irregularly shaped cylinder of stone, with a cable The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The moulding round the centre and stands on a massive area is 7,780 acres (including 30 of water); ratooble. square base: in the chancel is a monument of white value, £4,782; the population in 1891 was 704. marble to the Rev. Oliver Rouse, forty years vicar of this parish, d. 1781, and there are several to the Ham- STA.NBURY, one mile south-by-east, is in this parish. mett, Langford, Loveday and other families. The church of Morwenstow was appi'opriated to the monastery of .. COO~rBE, 3 miles south; CROSSTOW"N, a quarter Bridgewater and after'Wards separated by Henry VIII. of a mile south-east; EASWOTT, 3~ east-by-north; who granted it to Richard Grenville, o£ Stowe, and his GOOSEHA~I. 2 north-east; SHOP, I! east; WOOD­ heirs; Lord Clinton is lay impropriator, but the tithes FORD, 1 l south-east; and 1VOOLLEY, 4 north-east, of hay, together with the great tithes of Stanbury, be- are hamlets. long to the vicar. A. chapel, dedicated to the Virgin, Parish Clerk and Sexton,. William Oke. was licensed at ~Iilton, in this parish, in 1408 : more Post Office, Shop.-~'liss Susan Heard, sub-postmistress. than 40 sailors were buried here by the late vicar, and Letters through Stratton R.S.O. (North Oornwall), the graves of some are marked by the figure-head of arrive at 9.10 a.m.; dispatched at 4.10 p.m. Postal the brig ''Caledonia." The church was restored during orders are issued here, but not paid. Kilkhampton the period 1878-87, in the course of which the roof was is the nearest money order & telegraph office repaired, the flooring renewed and the benches restored, National School (mixed), at Shop, built at different times the old carved bench ends being retained at a cost ex- & enlarged in 1875, for q6 children; average attend- ceeding £1,2oo: a new vestry was added in 1887 and ance, 66; Edward Elias Davies, master; ~Iiss Clara a new organ provided in 1892: there are 500 sittings. M. Cholwill, ·assistant teacher & sewing mistress Martyn Lawrence, Tonacombe house Cann James, farmer, Lee- Barton Harris Richard,· shopkeeper & carpen- Porter Rev. Erisey John B.A. (vicar Cann John, farmer, Ruxmore ter, Shop of Welcombe), Dean lodge Cann Richard, faTmer, ·woodlands Heard William, blacksmith, Shop Tagert Rev. John B.A. Vicarage Cardew Stephen, blacksmith, Woolley Hobbs John, farmer, Forda COMMERCIAL. Cardew Stephen, mason, Shop Hopper John, farmer, Lapthorne Allin Richard, farmer, Cleave Cholwill Jn. shoe maker, Gooseham Howard \Villiam Littlejohn, farmer. Allin Richard (~Irs.), furnished house Cholwill Wm. shoe maker, Crosstown Hill Head farm, Woodford or farm house apartments, good sea Cook James, farmer, Tonacombe Littlejohn Jane (Mrs.) & Son,farmers, view, Cleave Cornish Thos. carpenter, Woodford Shorston Ashton Lawrence, yeoman, Ea. Milton Cattle Jn. She-arm, yeoman, Yeolstone Littlejohn John, farmer, Higher Cory Bale George, farmer, Holloborough Dayman Sl. Sandford, farmr. Woolley Littlejohn Thomas, farmer, Woolley Bartlett Thomas, farmer, Cornakey Evans William, farmer, Pinkhams Littlejohn Wm. Hy. farmer,Ham farm Bayley George, mason, Woodford Gerry Richard, farmer, Eastcott Lucas William, farmer, Rectory farm Brimacombe Wm. farmer, Marshmd Goodenough Eli, farmer, Centery )<lartin Frederick, shopkpr. \Yoolley Burrow Humphrey William, farmer, Ham Richard, carpenter, Overs Martin Thos. farmer, Holloborough Little Brighton Hambly Frank, carpenter, Shop May Ellen (Mrs.), farmer, Goose-ham Burrow William, farmer, Gooseham Harris Eliza (:Mrs.), farmer, & Bush :May James, farmer, Marraton cottage Burro-w!} John&; Son,carpntrs.Woodfrd inn, Crossto"n Old&'\T'illiam, farmer, Gooseham Burrow.s 1\-m. shoe maker, "\\oodford. Harrii John, farmer, Lower Cory Olcre William Henry, farmer, Hellaton .
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