About the Editors Thomas Evan Levy is Distinguished Professor entitled Historical Biblical Archaeology—The and holds the Norma Kershaw Chair in the New Pragmatism (London: Equinox Publishers, Archaeology of Ancient Israel and Neighboring 2010 that in 2011 won the “best scholarly book” Lands at the University of California, San Diego. from Biblical Archaeology Society (Washington, He is a member of the Department of Anthropol- DC). Levy and his colleague Mohammad Najjar ogy and Judaic Studies Program, and leads the recently won Biblical Archaeology Review’s Cyber-archaeology research group at the “Best BAR Article” for “Condemned to the Qualcomm Institute, California Center of Mines: Copper Production & Christian Telecommunications and Information Technol- Persecution.” ogy (Calit2). Elected to the American Academy Thomas Schneider is Professor of Egyptol- of Arts and Sciences, Levy is a Levantine field ogy and Near Eastern Studies at the University of archaeologist with interests in the role of tech- British Columbia, Vancouver, a position he nology, especially early mining and metallurgy, assumed in 2007. He studied at Zurich, Basel, on social evolution from the beginnings of and Paris, earning a Master’s degree (Lizentiat), sedentism and the domestication of plants and a doctorate, and a habilitation in Egyptology at animals in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic period (ca. the University of Basel. He was a Visiting Pro- 7500 BCE) to the rise of the first historic fessor at the University of Vienna in 1999, and at Levantine state-level societies in the Iron Age the University of Heidelberg in 2003–2004. (ca. 1200–500 BCE). A Fellow of the Explorers From 2001 to 2005, he was a Research Professor Club, Levy won the 2011 Lowell Thomas Award of the Swiss National Science Foundation at the for “Exploring the World’s Greatest Mysteries.” University of Basel, and from 2005 to 2007, Levy has been the principal investigator of many Professor and holder of the Chair in Egyptology interdisciplinary archaeological field projects in at the University of Wales, Swansea. He was a Israel and Jordan that have been funded by the visiting scholar at New York University in 2006 National Geographic Society, the National and at the University of California, Berkeley, in Endowment for the Humanities, National Sci- 2012, as well as an Associate Professor (Status ence Foundation, and other organizations. Tom only) in the Department of Near and Middle also conducts ethnoarchaeological research in Eastern Civilizations, University of Toronto India. Levy, his wife Alina Levy, and the (2010–2012), and an Affiliate Professor in the Sthapathy traditional craftsmen from the village Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civi- of Swamimalai coauthored the book Masters of lization, University of Washington (2009–2012). Fire—Hereditary Bronze Casters of South India He has published five self-authored books and (Bochum: German Mining Museum, 2008). Tom more than 100 journal articles, book chapters, has published 10 books and several hundred and book reviews, and edited or coedited another scholarly articles. Levy’s most recent book is five books in his main areas of research: Egyptian T.E. Levy et al. (eds.), Israel’s Exodus in Transdisciplinary Perspective, 555 Quantitative Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-04768-3, # Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 556 About the Editors interconnections with the Levant and the Near and Louis Bookheim Professor of Biblical East, Egyptian history and chronology, and Egyp- Hebrew and Related Languages at the University tian historical phonology. His current research of California, San Diego, where he has taught project is on the history of Egyptology in Nazi since 1983 for the Departments of Literature and Germany. He is founder and editor-in-chief of the History, and for the Judaic Studies Program; he Journal of Egyptian History,aswellaseditorof has also been a visiting professor of Religious Near Eastern Archaeology. He was the editor-in- Studies at Dartmouth College. His wide-ranging chief of "Culture and History of the Ancient Near approach to the Hebrew Bible synthesizes East" (2006–2013), and area editor on history for philology, cultural anthropology, folklore stud- the UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology.Healso ies, psychology, history, linguistics, and literary serves on the editorial board of the Journal of criticism. Having published on a multitude of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections,aswellasthe topics in both scholarly and popular venues, he advisory boards of "Egypt and the Levant"and is best known for his two-volume, 1,600-page Lingua Aegyptia. reference commentary on the Book of Exodus A native New Yorker (born at Mount Sinai in the Anchor Bible series (Doubleday 1999, hospital), William H. C. Propp is the Harriet 2006). Abbreviations (Selective List) (See also the Society of Biblical Literature stan- AOAT Alter Orient und Altes Testament dard abbreviations of Bible books, Classical AOS American Oriental Society sources, etc., in the SBL Handbook of Style, AP Aramaic Papyri available online, not repeated here.) API Application program instruction(s) ARCE American Research Center in 12C carbon 12 (stable carbon isotope) Egypt 14C carbon 14 (radiocarbon) ARCHAVE Archaeological Virtual Environment 2D Two-dimensional (2 dimensions) ASCII American Standard Code for 3D Three-dimensional (3 dimensions) Information Interchange 4D Four-dimensional (4 dimensions) ASOR American Schools of Oriental 3ICAANE Third International Congress on Research the Archæology of the Ancient AT Altes Testament Near East ATD Das Alte Testament Deutsch 4K 4,000 pixel resolution (resolution BA Biblical Archaeologist (ASOR) per edge of display) (renamed Near Eastern Archae- A¨ A A¨gyptologische Abhandelungen ology, NEA) (Wiesbaden) BAC Bronze Age Complex (Sinai- A¨ AT A¨ gypten und Altes Testament Negev) (monograph series) BAR Biblical Archaeology Review AB Anchor Bible BAR British Archaeological Reports ABD Anchor Bible Dictionary (later (monograph series) renamed Anchor Yale Bible BC Before Christ (years) = BCE Dictionary) (chronological era followed by AD Anno Domini (Year of the AD or CE) Lord) = CE (chronological era BC British Columbia (Canada) following BC/BCE) BCE Before Christian (or Common) Ag.Ap. Against Apion (Josephus) (Con- Era (years) = BC (chronological tra Apionem, C.Ap.) era followed by AD or CE) AMS Accelerator Mass Spectrometry BCN B.C. Notizie (notiziario del Centro ANE Ancient Near East (or Ancient Camuno di Studi Preistorici) Near Eastern) BCSP Bollettino del Centro Camuno di ANET Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relat- Studi Preistorici ingtotheOldTestament, 3rd rev., BdE Bibliothe`que d’E´tude (IFAO, ed. James B. Pritchard. Princeton, Cairo) (also BdE´) NJ: Princeton Univ. Press. BE Biblische Enzyklopa¨die Ant.Jud. Antiquitates Judaicae (Antiquities BETL Bibliotheca Ephemeridum of the Jews)(Josephus)(also,Ant.) Theologicarum Lovaniensium T.E. Levy et al. (eds.), Israel’s Exodus in Transdisciplinary Perspective, 557 Quantitative Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-04768-3, # Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 558 Abbreviations BHS Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia CMS Corpus der minoischen und (edition of Masoretic Text of mykenischen Siegel (Corpus of Hebrew Bible) Minoan and Mycenaean Seals) BIFAO Bulletin de l’Institut Franc¸ais (monograph series) d’Arche´ologie Orientale (IFAO) CMT Complete Momentum Transfer BM British Museum cm centimeter (unit of linear mea- BN Bibliothe`que nationale de France surement) (1 cm 0.4 in.) BN Biblische Notizen CO2 carbon dioxide (also CO2) BP Before Present (years) [Note: col. column (plural: cols.) review technical definition for ConBOT Coniectanea biblica, Old Testament radiocarbon dating: Year 0 BP is COS Context of Scripture 1950 AD/CE] CPJ Corpus Papyrorum Judaicarum b.Sanh. Babylonian Talmud (¼b.) trac- CPU Computer Processing Unit tate “Sanhedrin” CT Coffin Texts (numbering: ed. A. de BZAR Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fu¨r Buck, The Egyptian Coffin Texts, altorientalische und biblische 7 vols., 1935–1961, Chicago) Rechtsgeschichte CT Connecticut BZAW Beiheft zur Zeitschrift fu¨r die D Deuteronomist writer, tradition alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (JEDP Documentary Hypothesis) (monograph supplement series) DA Drag Along CA California DAR Daughters of the American ca. circa (approximately) (also, c.) Revolution CAA Computer Applications for DEM Digital Elevation Model Archaeology Diod.Sic. Diodorus Siculus CAD Chicago Assyrian Dictionary DN Divine Name; or Deity Name Calit2 California Institute for DNA deoxyribonucleic acid (genetic Telecommunications and Infor- code material) mation Technology d’Orb d’Orbiney (papyrus) C.Ap. Contra Apionem (Josephus) Dtr Deuteronomy, Deuteronomic (Against Apion, Ag.Ap.) DtrH Deuteronomistic History CAVE Cave Automatic Virtual DVD Digital Video Disc Environment DZA Digitalisiertes Zettelarchiv CBH Classical Biblical Hebrew (online Wo¨rterbuch) CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly E Elohist writer, tradition (JEDP CdE´ Chronique d’E´gypte Documentary Hypothesis) CE Christian (or Common) Era EA El-Amarna tablets (also EAT) (years) = AD (chronological era (numbering: ed. J.A. Knudtzon, following BC/BCE) Die El-Amarna-Tafeln, 2 vols, CG Catalogue General du Musee du 1915, Leipzig) Caire (series, Cairo Museum) EB Early Bronze Age CGLX Cross Platform Cluster Graphics EB IV Early Bronze age IV (also EB IV) Library (UC-San Diego) (Intermediate Bronze Age, IBA, or chap. chapter sometimes
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