The ittsburgh Catholic Official Organ of the Diocese of Pittsburgh-Founded in 1844 |||Teir-No. 14 PITTSBURGH, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1947 TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR SINGLE COPT FIVE CENTS 8 Subdeacons Catholic Population of U. S. Be Ordained Sunday Now 25,268,173, Directory & (he traditional rite of ordination at St. Vincent's Semi- Hiy, Utrobe, Most Rev. Hugh C. Boyle, Bishop of Pittsburgh, ill text Sunday, June 15, confer the order of priesthood on Reveals; Increase 866,049 jjfgMktMonsand will raise eight other seminarians to the order ¿jeb&tcon. C # those who will be raised to PLAN HOLY NAME CONVENTION New York, June l:i (NC)—There are 25,268,17;i Catliolios in ItjiMood, ten are for the Di- the United States, Alaska and the Hawaiian Islands according gnn of Pittsburgh and the other to statistics compiled for The Official Catholic Directory for feaU8»tt*nbers of the Benedic- 1947, which just has been published by P. J. Kenedy & Sons oommunity of St. Vincent's * p. The candidates for the here. The total represents an increase of 866,049 in the Catho- Include six diocesan lic population figure compiled a year ago by the publication. two Benedictines. • • The new directory reveals: m ««nations will take place Pittsburgh Shows That the 22 archdioceses report ¿1 Lw Peatifical Mass to be of- n gains in Catholic population of fca* bj Bishop Boyle at 8:00 Continued Gain 468,651 and fttat increases in the iftKk Sunday morning, Daylight 100 dioceses amount to 397,398. fccfel Time, in St. Vincent's That archdioceses with a Catho- Continued growth of the Diocese lic population of more than 1,* iMbey Church, of Pittsburgh is shown in the new 000,000 are Chicago, which has fttetfdained priests are Rev. Official Directory. The Catholic 1,716,536; Boston, which has fO0§ K Gallagher, Rev. Ray- population of the diocese has now 1,208,089 and New York with mi A. Wojtkiewicz, Rev. John M. reached 737,470, an increase of 1,169,376. Sabol, Hev. Lawrence F. O'Hara, 13,134 over the preceding year's kv. Raymond T. Schultz, Retf. That Brooklyn still retains tho total; the number of priests is lead as the dloeese with the great- Aaaus P. O'Connor, Rev. Francis 1,033, an increase of 20; the num- L&acchi, Bev, Edward V. Cur- est Catholic population, totalling ber of Sisters has increased by 1,111,446 and Pittsburgh ranks 9, Bev. Daniel J. Szczygiel, Rev. 213, being now 3,636. second with 737,470. T. Gubanich, Rev. Win- Converts for the year were In 1946, one new diocese, that M(J«eph) Leinz, O.S.B., Rev. 1,751, compared with 1,516 for the Ntytord (James) Brennan, O.S. of Madison, Wis., was erected. preceding year: marriages rose to This has a Catholic population of K, and Bev. Canice (Thomas) 7,772 from 6,396; baptisms of in- VUA,aSJ3. 82,315 and its first Bishop is Most fants, 20,817, showed a decrease of Rev. William P. O'Connor, who Tbote to be ordained subdea- 337. » formerly headed the Superior The most marked increase Diocese. Wml Garafalo, of St. Lucy's shown was in the number of stu- Two Bishops were elevated to Parish, Mahoning tow n. Archbishop Amleto G. Ciognani (second from left); Apostolic Delegate dents attending the one Catholic Archbishops in 1946, and eight G«r|i I. Parme, of St. Rosalia's, to the United State«, discusses plans for the National Holy Name university and three Catholic col- Bishops were consecrated. Convention to be held in Boston in October, with Rt. Rev. Msgr. F. J. leges in the diocese. The new di- On Jan. 1, 1947, only one See, Grwnfleld. rectory shows an enrollment of Sunislaui J. Zachewiez, of Holy Allchin, Boston archdiocesan Holy Name director; Rev. Daniel J. that of Wichita, was vacant. 6,337; for the preceding year it (Subsequently Most Rev. Mark K. tfafoj Parish, Beaver Falls. Donovan, the executive secretary, and Very Rev. Harry C. Graham, was 2,744. Registration of war ftfNi A. Cercone, of St. Jos- O. P., national director of the Holy Name Society in the United Carroll was consecrated as Bishop veterans, under the "G.I. Bill Nof of Wichita.) «ptf«, Coraopolis. States. The convention will he the first since 1936 and only the Rights," was the chief reason for tatts A. Natfmek. of St. Mary's, The U. S. Hierarchy numbered fourth of ita kind in over 75 years of Holy Name history In this the increase. 162 members, including four Car- fcpablic (Cardale). country. (NC Photos) Among the ecclesiastical divis- dinals, 20 Archbishops and 138 Wltod J. Lech, "of St. Adal- ions of the United States the Pitts- Bishops, an increase of three dur- bert's, South Side, burgh Diocese ranks eighth in ing the year 1946. (With deaths, tat* Imeric Pfeister, O.S.B. Bandits in China Priests Assigned population, being exceeded only transfers and new appointments tahr Adred Beck. O.S.B. by the archdioceses of Boston, Chi- there are now 169; 4 Cardinals, 19 M Manes June 22 Seize Missionary, cago, Detroit, Newark, New York Archbishops and 146 Bishops. V Rev. Oliver D. Keeter. assistant at lach of St. Paul's Cathedral, has been and Philadelphia and the Diocese Four Bishops-elect are to be con- the newly-ordained Pittsburgh Priest appointed pastor of a new par- of Brooklyn. In the number of secrated soon.) Mwfl offer his First Solemn ish to be set up in the Vanadium parishes with resident pastors it Steady Growth Continues J**» We home parish church on Road section of the present St. ranks third, having 376 compared The first issue of The Catholic «•hy, lime 22. Information re- Word was received on June 4 with Chicago's 421 and Philadel- by Very Rev. Stephen McDermott, Agatha's Parish, Brldgeville, Directory for the United States (Continued on Page 6.) and to include the St. John phia's 392. The Pittsburgh Diocese was published in 1822 and sub- O P., of New York, Provincial of also ranks third in the number of kbop Roy to Head the Dominican Order, that Rev. Capistran mission at Bead line. sequent editions have reflected elementary parish schools, having the steady growth of the Church. Nw Archdiocese, James L. Devine, O.P., a native Rev. Charles W. Ribick, assistant 233, while the Chicago Archdio- of Pittsburgh serving on the Do- at St. Dominic's, Donora, is ap- The 1947 directory requires a to- cese has 403 and the Philadelphia tal of 1,360 pages to present the IpBeeding Cardinal minican missions in China, had pointed pastor of St. Edward's, Archdiocese has 295. been taken captive by Chinese Fayette City, heretofore a mis- condition of the Church in this frkwa, June 7 (Radio) (NC)— sion of SS. Cyril * Methodius' The total population of the ten country as of the beginning of bandits on Thursday, May 15, and counties comprising the Diocese of y Maurice Roy, who was is being held for ransom. Parish, Charlerol. 1947 while 248 additional pages ¡¡•¡Wted Bishop of Three Riv- Pittsburgh is, according to latest cover Canada and Newfoundland, Father Devine and his Chinese Rev. Harry F. Petrie is transferred census figures. 2,772,234. The Ireland and the British Isles. •¡¿rtjear and named Military boy were taken from their quar- as assistant from Mother of for the Canadian Armed number of Catholics, including An increase of 1,490 in the ters between 7:00 and 8:00 o'clock Good Counsel Church, Brush- those of the Greek Rite Diocese of J®«, has been elected number of the clergy is shown, by His in the evening by a band of 30 of ton, to St. Paul's Cathedral. Pittsburgh and the Ckranlan JJg^P^e Pius XII bringing the total ot priests to 40,- to the the outlaws, the boy being return- Rev. Nicholas J. Thomas, recently Greek Rite Diocese, Is about 470, the largest number ever re- Quebec, suc- ed later with the ransom message. returned from service as an 800,000, so that Catholics form corded. An eight-page necrology ¡¡¡¡j* late Cardinal Ro- The Chinese officials of the Pro- Army chaplain, is appointed about 27 per cent of the area. In lists 628 priests who died during Villeneu ve. vince of Fukein, in Southern assistant at Mother of Good the city of Pittsburgh the per- 1946. feT^Pfty served with distinc- China, where the missions are lo- Counsel Church. centage of Catholics is well over Professed Religious include 6.- ? J"*»eas 'throughout World g cated, have dispatched soldiers to Rev. Edward L. Malindzak Is 40 per cent. 938 Brothers, an increase of 217, ** *°d was, named by King surround the bandits in their hide- and 140,563 Sisters, an increase of 1 0fflcer of transferred as assistant from St. iff ZL * the Order out and have assured Father Michael's. Frederick town, to St. To Build New Church 1,345. Of the Sisters, 62.896 are iJ^Wtish Empire. He retired Devine's fellow-priests that they Dominic's, Donora. engaged in work other than teach- ^Bmee^>lain service with the will do everything possible to ef- Rev. Walter Karaveckus is trans- For Parish in Clynier ing. The full-time staffs of all ed- ** * ttfcmel. fect his release. ferred as assistant from St. Vin- ucational institutions under Cath- A son of Mrs. Mary Devine, of cent's, Esplen. to St. Lucy's, Work on a new church for St. olic auspices total 97,776.
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