
1941 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 51 rescinded; to the Committee on Ways and January 6, 1941, was dispensed with, and read, and, with the accompanying papers, Means. the Journal was approved. referred to the Committee on Commerce: 4. By Mr. FITZPATRICK: Petition of the Common Council of the city of Yonkers, MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT To the Congress of the United States: Westchester County, N. Y:; registering its In compliance with the provisions of opposition to the enactment of any law by the Messages in writing from the Presi­ Congress of the United States which would dent of the United States were com­ section 22 (a) of the act approved June permit Federal taxation of municipal bonds municated to the Senate by Mr. Latta, 18, 1929, providing for the fifteenth and or other obligations of cities or the income one of his secretaries. subsequent decennial censuses and for received thereon · by the holders of such the apportionment of Representatives in bonds; to the Committee on Ways and Means. CALL OF THE ROLL Congress, as amended by the act of April 5. By Mr. MERRITT: Resolution of the Mr. HILL. I suggest the absence of a 25, 1940, I transmit herewith a state­ Queens County Board of the Ancient Order ment prepared by the Director of the of Hibernians in America, Inc., resolving that quorum. The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk Census, Department of Commerce, giv­ this organization, consisting of faithful ing the whole number of persons in each American citizens of Irish birth or extraction, will call the roll. endorse the wise decision of President de The Chief Clerk called the roll, and State as ascertained under the Sixteenth Valera to preserve peace for men of good will the follo'wing Senators answered to their Decennial Census of Population, and the in Eire, and that this organization insists names: number of Representatives to which present and future aid to any warring power each State would be entitled under an in Europe be conditioned by the prohibition · Adams Gillette O'Mahoney Andrews Glass Overton apportionment of the existing number that no aid shall be giv.en to any: government . Austin · Green Radcliffe · of Representatives by the method known which may attempt in any way to violate the Ball Guffey Reed as the method of major fractions, which sovereignty so dearly won by Eire after 7 Bankhead Gurney Rzynolds was the method used in the last pre­ centuries of degraded oppression and heroic Barbour Harrison Russell sacrifices; to the Committee on Foreign Barkley Hatch Schwartz ceding apportionment, and also by the Affairs. · · Bilbo Hayden Sheppard · method known as the meth0d of equal Bone Herring Shipstead pr.oportions. 6. Also, resolution of the Medical Society Brewster Hill Smathers of the County of Queens, N.Y., resolving that Bridges Holman Smith The Director of the Census has in­ this society petitions those Government au-. Brooks Hughes Stewart cluded all Indians in the :tabulation of thorities under whose jurisdiction such mat­ Brown Johnson, Calif. Taft total population ·since the Supreme Court ters are . considered to rule that physicians Bulow Johnson, Colo. Thomas, Idaho - Bunker Kilgore · Thomas, Utah · · has held that. all Indians are now sub­ who are drafted tie assigned only to posi­ Burton La Follette Tobey . ject.to Federal taxation (Superintendent tions involving medical activities; ·to the Byrd Langer Truman v. Commissioner, 295 U. S. 418). The Committee· on Military Affairs. Byrnes Lee Tunnell · effect of this upon apportionment of 7. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the port of Capper Lodge Tydings · Beaumont, .traffic department, · Beaumont; Caraway Lucas Vandenberg ~epresentatives, 'however, appears to be . Tex., petitioning consideration of their reso­ Chandler McCarran Van Nuys for determination by the Congress, as Chavez McFarland Wagner concluded in the , Attorney General's lution with reference . to . the St. Lawrence Clark, Mo . McKellar Wallgren Waterway; to the Committee on Foreign Connally Maloney Wheeler opinion of November 28, 1940, to the Affairs. Danaher Mead White Secretary of Commerce, a copy of which Davis Miller Wiley is annexed hereto. Downey Murdock Willis George Murray -FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT. SENATE Gerry Neely THE WHITE HOUSE, January 8, 1941~ Mr. HILL. I announce that the Sen­ AWARDS OF QUANTITY CONTRACTS FOR THE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1941 ator from North Carolina [Mr. BAILEY]; ARMY the Senator from Idaho [Mr. CLARK], the The .Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phil­ Senator from Louisiana [Mr. ELLENDER], The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the lips, D. D., offered the following prayer: the Senator from Florida [Mr. PEPPER], Senate two letters from the Secretary of 0 Thou from whom all streams of the Senator from Oklahoma [Mr. .War, reporting; pursuant to law, relative blessedness proceed, who art the fount of THOMAS], and the Senator from Massa­ · to divisions of awards of certain quan­ life and all-abounding grace: Help us to chusetts [Mr. WALSH] are necessarily ab­ tity contracts for aircraft, aircraft parts, live our lives with high endeavor, serene sent from the Senate. and accessories therefor entered into of spirit, with strength and courage for Mr. AUSTIN. I announce that Ghe with more than one bidder under au­ the daily tasks, surrounded as we are with Senator from Oregon [Mr. McNARY] is thority of ·law, which were referred to beauty lavishly outpoured by Thee; re­ absent because of illness. the Committee on Military Affairs. joicing in the laughter of our unclouded The Senator from Nebraska [Mr. BuT­ . ORDINANCES OF PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION years, and calmed by every sad and LER] is absent due to the serious illness OF PUERTO RICO lovely thing brought forth from the of h is wife. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the sacred treasure house of half-remembered The Senator from North Dakota [Mr. Senate a letter from the Acting Secretary days. Do Thou take a way from us the NYE] is necessarily absent. of the Interior, transmitting, pursuant sins of malice and disdain, scorn of the The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-five to law, several ordinances enacted by the lowly, envy of the great, and discontent Senators have answered to their names. Public Service Commission of Puerto that casts its shadow on the brightness A quorum is present. Rico, which, with the accompanying pa­ of our day. THE BUDGET (H. DOC. NO. 28) pers, was referred to the Committee on Lead us, 0 Father, in our world of Territories and Insular Affairs. wasted good, y the godward mind and The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the heart and will, that we may weave again Senate a message from the President of REPORT OF UNITED STATES TARIFF COMMIS­ and redesign, according to Thy plan, this the United States, transmitting the SION torn and tangled web of human destiny. Budget of the United States Government The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the When day is done, grant unto us the for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1942, Senate a letter from the Chairman of evening's b2nison. We ask it in the which was read, referred to the Commit­ the United States Tariff Commission, name of Jesu;:, Christ, our Lord and tee on Appropriations, and ordered to be transmitting, pursuant to law, the twen­ Saviour. Amen. printed. ty-fourth annual report of the Commis­ ATTENDANCE OF A SENATOR <For Budget message of the President, sion for the fiscal _year ended June 30, 1940, which, with the accompanying re­ STYLES BRIDGES, a Senator from the see p. 67, House proceedings in the State of New Hampshire, appeared in his RECORD.) port, was referred to the Committee on Finance. · seat today. POPULATIONS OF THE STATES-APPORTION­ THE JOURNAL MENT OF REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS REPORT OF THE TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the unanimous consent, the reading of the Senate the following message from the The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Journal of the proceedings of Monday, President of the United States, which was Senate-a letter from the Chairman and 52 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY -8 directors of the Tennessee Valley Au­ "Whereas on the 11th day of November 1940 at a recent meeting held in Topeka, ask­ thority, transmitting, pursuan1i to law, a severe storm swept down the valley of the ing for the enactment of legislation upper Mississippi River bordering the States the seventh annual report of the Ten­ of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois, which would prevent the sale of intoxi­ nessee Valley Authority for the fiscal which resulted in the unprecedented loss of cating liquor in Army reservations and year ended June 30, 1940, which, with the more than a score of human lives from training cam11s. accompanying papers, was referred to the drowning and exposure to freezing tempera­ There being no objection, the resolu­ Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. tures in the Mississippi bottom lands; and tion was referred to the Committee on "Whereas before the cutting down and DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS OF FEDERAL OFFICERS Military Affairs and ordered to be printed clearing of timber areas In the bottom lands in the RECORD, as follows: The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the in said Mississippi River Valley by the United States Government for its 9-foot channel At the Shawnee County Woman's Christian Senate a letter from the Comptroller project at no time was there ever such devas­ Temperance Union, in session at Topeka, General of the United States, transmit­ tating storms with resulting loss of life; and Kans., on November 21, 1940, the following ting, pursuant to law, a report showing "Whereas t he protection of
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