Bulk Programming Rate Card and Channel Lineup Available to Hospitality customersFree-to-Guest only (hotels, motels, hospitals, nursing homes, RV parks, and prisons). Core Packages Free Access channels are included in every core package. Restrictions may apply, Smartbox or receivers with G4 smartcards or greater are required. $3.80 Premier Channels available in HD are in bold. Includes all Free Access Channels. If using a dual-tuner receiver with Premier Premier package, Premier A and Premier B channels can not be put together on the same receiver per month/drop Channel Source PR/VI AK/HI Channel Source PR/VI AK/HI Premier A truTV 242 4204 242 4416 A&E 118 4118 4436 4308 TBS 139 4139 4444 4316 American Heroes Channel 195 - 195 195 TNT 138 4138 4443 4315 AMC 131 4130 131 4351 TV Land 106 - 106 106 Animal Planet 184 4184 4463 4335 Universal HD 247 4266 -- AXS TV 167 4262 4485 - USA 105 4105 4430 4302 BET 124 4124 4440 4312 Velocity 246 4264 4483 - Bloomberg 203 4203 203 203 VH1 162 4162 4453 4325 Cartoon Network (E) 176 4176 4459 4331 VH1 Classics 163 - 163 163 Cartoon Network (W) 177 - 177 177 Weather Channel 214 4214 4490 4301 CBS Sports Network 158 4152 158 4322 Weather Nation 215 4213 4476 4352 CNBC 208 4208 4471 4343 Women’s Entertainment 128 4128 128 128 CNN 200 4200 4470 4342 Comedy Central 107 4107 4432 4304 Premier B Discovery Channel 182 4182 4461 4333 Big Ten Network 410 9500 9500 9500 E! Entertainment Television 114 4114 4428 4412 Bravo 129 4129 4441 4313 Food Network 110 4110 4434 4306 Chiller 199 - 199 199 FOX Business News 206 4206 206 4341 CMT 166 4166 166 4326 FOX News 205 4205 205 4340 Cooking Channel 113 4113 4433 4354 Freeform 180 4180 180 180 C-SPAN2 211 - 211 211 FYI 119 4119 119 4309 Daystar 263 - 263 263 GSN 116 4116 116 116 Destination America 194 4194 4449 4339 Hallmark Movies and Mysteries 187 4187 4467 4437 Fusion 244 4116 244 244 HDNet Movies 130 4283 4484 - Golf Channel 401 4101 4490 4301 Headline News 202 4202 202 4420 Hallmark Channel 185 4185 185 4421 History 120 4120 4438 4310 Investigation Discovery 192 4192 192 4348 Home and Garden 112 4112 4435 4307 Lifetime 108 4108 4431 4303 Independent Film Channel 133 4298 133 133 Lifetime Movie Network 109 4109 109 109 MSNBC 209 4209 4472 4344 MLB Network 152 4153 4457 4370 MTV 160 4160 4452 4324 NBA TV 156 4102 4491(560) 4358 MTV2 161 - 161 161 NBC Sports 159 4151 159 4321 MTV Live 369 4219 4950 - NHL Network 157 4103 157 9541 National Geographic 186 4186 4464 4336 Nicktoons 178 - 178 178 Nickelodeon/Nick at Nite (E) 170 4170 4456 4328 Oxygen 127 - 127 127 Nickelodeon/Nick at Nite (W) 171 - 171 171 Reelz 299 4299 299 299 Oprah Winfrey Network 189 4189 4466 4349 RFD-TV 231 4231 231 231 Science 193 4193 193 4338 Rural TV 232 - 232 232 Spike TV 241 4168 4455 4327 Sportsman Channel 395 4295 395 4357 Syfy 122 4122 4439 4311 Tennis Channel 400 4100 4489 4300 TLC 183 4183 4462 4334 Travel Channel 196 4215 4474 4346 Viceland 121 4121 4460 4419 Service includes access to Electronic Programming Guide Data for use with in-room guide applications. Restrictions may apply. Available to $0.25 EPG Data Access Service Free-to-Guest properties only. Not charged at smartbox properties. per month/drop Page 1 7/18/2016 Bulk Programming Rate Card and Channel Lineup Free-to-Guest $14.00 Bold channels are available in HD with the purchase of HD 120 for $1.00 per drop/month. $6.25* America’s Top 120 Includes all Free Access Channels. per month/drop Channel Source PR/VI AK/HI Channel Source PR/VI AK/HI A&E 118 9419 4910 5577 Headline News 202 9524 202 5540 Aces TV 276 - 276 276 History 120 9491 4902 5585 AMC 131 9417 131 5499 Home and Garden 112 9461 4915 5587 Angel One 262 - 262 262 Independent Film Channel 133 9587 133 133 Angel Two 266 - 266 266 ION 250 - 250 250 AXS TV 167 9422 4920 5510 Lifetime 108 9470 4916 5547 Believer’s Voice of Victory 265 - 265 265 MSNBC 209 9511 4956 5498 BIBLE 256 - 256 256 MTV 160 9484 4926 5567 BlueHighways TV 9646 - 9646 9646 MTV2 161 - 161 161 Cartoon Network (E) 176 9463 4903 5559 MTV Live 369 9469 - - Cartoon Network (W) 177 - 177 177 National Geographic 186 9429 4959 5518 CNBC 208 9439 4927 5539 Nickelodeon/Nick at Nite (E) 170 9416 4907 5571 CNN 200 9436 4928 5551 Nickelodeon/Nick at Nite (W) 171 - 171 171 Comedy Central 107 9485 107 5569 Pivot 197 - 197 197 CMT 166 9493 166 5549 Pursuit 393 - 393 393 C-SPAN2 211 - 211 211 Russia Today 280 - 280 280 Daystar 263 - 263 263 Reelz 299 9614 299 299 Discovery Channel 182 9487 4910 5541 SiriusXM Radio 72 Channels 6002 - 6096 DISH CD 32 channels 819 - 821 and 950 - 981 Sonlife Broadcasting Network 257 - 257 257 Disney Channel (E) 172 9557 4951 5501 Spike TV 241 9506 4917 5573 Disney Channel (W) 173 - 173 173 Syfy 122 9432 4911 5579 E! Entertainment Television 114 9474 4941 5536 TLC 183 9488 4932 5543 ESPN 140 9424 4930 5581 Travel Channel 196 9437 4963 5535 ESPN2 143 9425 4931 5589 truTV 242 9430 242 5556 ESPNEWS 142 9530 142 142 TBS 139 9499 4918 5555 ESPNU 141 9531 4953 5582 TNT 138 9420 4908 5583 FIDO 245 - 245 245 TVG2 398 - 398 398 FM 243 - 243 243 TV Games Network 399 - 399 399 Food Network 110 9462 4913 5593 TV Land 106 - 106 106 FOX Business News 206 9476 206 5527 USA Network 105 9431 4909 5591 FOX News 205 9477 205 5563 Velocity 246 9421 4906 5505 Freeform 180 9558 4952 5503 VH1 162 9507 4960 5575 FUSE 164 9589 164 164 Weather Channel 214 9438 4929 5537 FX 136 9475 4914 5595 Weather Nation 215 9653 4946 5542 FXX 125 9520 4943 5560 Women’s Entertainment 128 9578 128 128 getTV 373 - 373 373 *Promotional rate for new or existing customers, dorms, and qualified student housing comitting to a three (3) year term. Includes in market Regional Sports Networks by zip code. $7.75* America’s Top 120+ Includes all of America’s Top 120. per month/drop Channel Source PR/VI AK/HI Channel Source PR/VI AK/HI Big Ten Network 410 9500 410 410 SEC 408 9591 408 408 FOX Sports 2 149 9613 397 397 SEC Alternate 596 9600 596 596 Longhorn Network 407 - 407 345 SEC Alternate 597 9601 597 597 PAC-12** 409 5409 409 409 *Promotional rate for new or existing customers, dorms, and qualified student housing comitting to a three (3) year term. **Available in: sections of Arizona, California, Colorado, Utah, and Washington Page 2 7/18/2016 Bulk Programming Rate Card and Channel Lineup Free-to-Guest Bold channels are available in HD with the purchase of HD 200 for $1.00 per drop/month. Includes all Free Access Channels, everything in America’s Top 120, $22.00 America’s Top 200 and regional sports networks. per month/drop Channel Source PR/VI AK/HI Channel Source PR/VI AK/HI Animal Planet 184 9489 4900 5520 Lifetime Movie Network 109 9471 109 5531 BBC America 135 9450 4937 5529 MLB Network 152 9434 4919 5506 BET 124 9510 4938 5534 National Geographic WILD 190 9445 190 5513 Big Ten Network 410 9500 9500 9500 NBA TV 156 9508 4957 5552 Boomerang 175 - 175 175 NBC Sports Network 159 9466 159 5517 BPL 875 875 875 NHL Network 157 9540 157 5554 Bravo 129 9492 4912 5521 Nick Jr. 169 - 169 169 CBS Sports Network 158 9495 158 5522 Oprah Winfrey Network 189 9433 4950 5519 Cooking 113 9447 4933 5570 Outdoor Channel 396 9619 396 396 Discovery Family Channel 179 9494 179 179 Oxygen 127 - 127 127 Disney Jr. 168 - 168 168 RFD-TV 231 9449 231 231 Disney XD 174 - 177 177 Science 193 9490 193 5532 DIY 111 9527 4942 5564 SEC Network 408 9591 408 408 EL Rey 253 - - 253 Sundance TV 126 9588 126 126 Esquire 191 9428 4945 5566 TeenNick 181 - 181 181 FOX Sports 1 150 9468 4961 5597 Tennis Channel 400 9442 4962 5600 FYI 119 9443 119 5525 Turner Classic Movies 132 9523 132 5558 Galavisión 273 9528 4970 273 UniMas (E) 271 - 271 271 Golf Channel 401 9473 4944 5528 UniMas (W) 272 9522 272 272 GSN 116 9448 116 116 Univision Deportes 869 9556 4969 869 Hallmark Channel 185 9482 185 5548 Univision Este 827 9521 - 827 Hallmark Movies & Mysteries 187 9444 4939 5530 Univision Oeste 828 9522 - 828 Investigation Discovery 192 9526 192 5538 Uplifting Entertainment 188 - 188 188 Longhorn Network 407 9585 407 407 Viceland 121 9525 4935 5568 Bold channels are available in HD with the purchase of HD 250 for $1.00 per drop/month. $32.50 Includes all Free Access Channels, everything in America’s Top 200, America’s Top 250 and regional sports networks. per month/drop Channel Source PR/VI AK/HI Channel Source PR/VI AK/HI American Heroes Channel 195 - 4180 195 Ride TV 248 - 248 248 beIN Sports 871 9611 871 871 Rural TV 232 - 232 232 beIN Sports en Español 873 9592 873 873 Smithsonian 367 9620 - - Bloomberg Television 203 9503 203 203 Sportsman Channel 395 9483 395 5562 Centric* 251 - - - Starz Encore (E) HD only 340 9505 4940 5514 Chiller 199 - 199 199 Starz Encore (W) 341 - 341 341 Destination America 194 9457 4936 5598 Starz Encore Action 343 - 343 343 EPIX Drive-In 292 - 292 292 Starz Encore Black 345 - 345 345 FOX Movie Channel 384 9609 384 384 Starz Encore Classic 346 - 346 346 FOX Sports 2 149 9613 184 184 Starz Encore Family 347 - 347 347 Fusion 244 - 244 244 Starz Encore Suspense 344 - 344 344 Great American Country 165 - 165 165 Starz Encore Westerns 342 - 342 342 LOGO* 254 - 4254 - The Blaze 212 - 212 212 MoviePlex 377 - 377 377 The Movie Channel (W) 329 - 329 329 NBC Universo 838 - 838 838 The Movie Channel Xtra (W) 330 - 330 330 Nicktoons 178 - 178 178 VH1 Classic 163 - 163 163 Z Living 218 9464 218 218 Page 3 7/18/2016 Bulk Programming Rate Card and Channel Lineup Free-to-Guest $4.00 DishLATINO Clásico Channels available in HD are in bold.
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