,X«HK~X~X~H~XKK,**X~X~>*X*v%*,X' *:* ENGAGEMEN1* ANNOUNCED | 937-939 Jftfw Sc ^rtT_*. No Branch i BSEHIit j F Street. igertyroB. Stores. i E. F. DROOP & SONS CO. J | r Until furtlier notice Store opens at 8:30 and closes «t .- ai. X 1300 G Street New Year Pleasures. tV The seventh annual banquet of tlie I OurTasklsClearaince.andYou Res Fruits of It. Sigma Delta Fraternity was held at the ipthe | INVITE YOU R ATTENTION TO New Ebbitt New Year eve. Toastmaster J. Redaction is a term fraugli t with meaning her'c and now. \\ liile yet the { E. Jones a address important Clarence gave short of the season is stil1 before we must on r for the spring. THE BEAUTIFUL NEW on the progress of the fraternity in the £ major part you begin preparations The first c distinctiv< and worth- * 1913 MODE! past year, after which Mr. Harry H. | step is the clearance if present stocks.the styles decidedly Burroughs of the Central High School of £ ful values that have won such approval and given us the mo:-t successful season the Spe- *> this city was introduced as the principal cialty Store has ever enjoyed. speaker of the evening. Toasts were by £ '£ Herbert Haar, Benjamin Dann, James Hoover, Harold I}avis and Theodore Cox. tENDON Other speakers were Mr. George Harvey Suits. Dresses. of Wesleyan, W. Doherty of Michigan Coats. |V .-CLAI and Nelson McKernan of the Technical of the Plain and Diagonal Serges. Serges and Soft Silks; some V | A High School of this city. After the ban- Splendid variety Fancy Corduroys and the quet tho members retired to their club- Diagonal Serges. ChinchillasPopular weaves; plain tailoredMannish with Robespierre collar; fancily »*, house on 14th street and ushered in the Jackets or fancy trimmed; with lire and w ut. j a rpu trimmed with dainty Y fO ,\e» 1 ear wuii souk ana uam e. inu^e and weaves, In all the normal or high waist line; edges, V F1AJN Fancy new and present were Mr. H. IT. Burroughs, guest; de£ pockets and cuffs bound with silk buttons; decidedly efTec- .J. Clarence E. Jones, toastmaster; T. sirable colors: velvet and button hraid; guaranteed satin lined. tive models, and made with espe- *:* WIL L BE chainian committee; Skirts with high waist line, WHICH HENCEFORTH Tyler, banquet Thornburg t* trimmed, and cut In the best clal care of de- Fred Austin, Mark DeGrange. George to match the Jackets. finished y RETAILED 1 O EVERYBODY Harvey, William Dolierty, I.awrence mod| Leonard. James O'ConneJl. Andrew ' AT THE NE1IV PRICE, terly, John Gales. Marsden Bennett,Huti $20 values. $12.50 $29 values . $12.50 William Searight, George Kraft, Ralph $32.50 values, $19.50 f Keifer, Nelson McKernan, Walter & ij Chinchillas, Serges. Boucles and j Maurice Colbert, Herbert Haar. O. Imported Weaves, both plain Evening I>iesses, in tjhanneuse <« $275.00 Ivibbey, Double-faced Cloths; trimmed fancy; man-tailored or H. Peary, J. Hoover, Benjamin Dann. ^nd and Soft Silks; all colors; entire X Harry Gordon, Roy Sexton, Raymond with fancy braid, velvet and with braid and buttons;trimmed Paul G. Giles. Theodore guaranteed satin lined; Skirts tunic crystal trimmed; draped This Piano Is Sold E on Its Merits Beach. Putskl, tons; choice of many shades,but:*all with high waist line; plain or ntirely Cox, Frank Johnson. A. Baily, David pannier effect. Assorted colors. skirts, with sash; and corsage *t. Nellson. H. McElfresh, L. Saunders, H. I* of them desirable. -f rk an IT IS A THOROUGHLY WI:LL MADE INSTRUMENT. Dulin, L. VanDoren. Andrew Smith, I). with each Gown. I v McKinney, Harold Davis. R- Putnam, H. i* | $30 values . 5plV.5U POSSESSING A MELLC>W TONE AND A Northrop, A. Burley, Robert Gannett, £ values. $25.00 t So John Hardie. J. Jadwin. Russell Lynch, Chiffon Broadcloth and Donald Corduroy, Eponge and Plain $50 values . $25.00 SPONSIVE ACTION WILL GIVE RETHAT Norman Miller, Robert Ransom, '> anteed Sealette, with imitationGuarx V the finest f Merlin, John Griggshy, Walter Zirple, and Diagonal Serges, SA fur* shawl collar of weaves; tailor made; y ENTIRE T1SFACT10N John Jayne, Aaron Bradshaw, Lewis Ross trimming; deep imported Dresses, in a variety V and Hall. j£ or fancily trimmed with braid; Evening \ George £ and cuffs; lined with Skinner's lined with guaranteed satin. of dainty materials and in all *:* Ulriftc wlfh bltrh cr\ n ttlo in IT IS THE BEST VALUE FOR THE MONEY ! In honor of Miss Fannie Glass of >* satin and with handsome silk »'«»! »» »V»« »« li (til ' V , I'KIIII shades. Fancy plaiting, lace ami or finished to maton the »rh r^i /-> r> r» Pa., a watch party, was givenPhiladelphia, frog. faneily button' trimming; pannier skirts, ! WE HAVE ON UUK hLWK3 . New Year eve by Miss M. Schaffer at her £ Jackets. lace and button trimmed; silk residence, 739 7th street northwest. The lined throughout. guests were Misses Minnie So 'after, $45 and nn (1*111 nie Glass, Lena Lewis, Mallie Lewis, . .FULLY WARRAN'rED TEN YEARS. Fan| $40 Values $25.00 $50 values . pO^.UU $30 values . 3> I V.nU Reba Appelstein, Lillian Horn, Gertrude I | MONTHLY PAYMIEMTS ACCEPTED Schmidt and Annie April, and Messrs. li=.=..=.=.!l .I I Abe Johnny Goldberg. Sol 5: ' Katz, Joe Lowenthal, Ben Venesky, Goldstein,Jack Rodisky, Sydney Galvin. Leon Feltzer, All Trimmed Hats ]Reduced. Silk Waists Reduced, t Irving Mlntz and Mr. Jeffries. £| Dainty V .and are all Mayer Ifats.exe!lusive in Messa Taffeta.in Black and nil E. F. & SONS CO. A New Year eve party was given at £ they sharpy Chiffon, iline, the *t* DROOP J. and design; rich In materials. The re's a big va- desirable colors; entirely new styles.some advance *t* the residence of Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. two alike. STEINWAY | ^nr Carver, tiOl L street southeast, in honor J ,t, riety.but no spring models. PIANOS * JVV) Q ST. of their daughter. Miss Ora Carver. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Sheahan gave MISS ALICE M VIDE SIMPSON, $1.98 $3.98 315.00 $2.50 $2.98 $3.50 a watch party New Year eve in honor | S who M. | ^laughter of Mr. ntul Mr*. Ci. Warfleltl iinp.Hon, will marry Unn||;a John for the for the for the for for for .*H on «*. IT W V ...» »f \lni $3.08 $.Y0ft of their daughter Catherine. The guests » I L O* BUU VA i"1,' I « « nutl Mr*. Itlclinrd S. Sylvester. >> $.">.00 Hats. S7.5<» Hats. S10 iind Ilats. Waists. enjoyed dancing, and at a later hour $15 Waists. Waists. y suppeV was served. >X~X"X"X«XK~X~X^~X"X^~X*<~X": those presentAmongwere the Misses j,lg her aunt, Mrs. J. Rodisky, and also Dougherty, Dudley Lawrence, Percy Mary Cannon, Anna McCarthy. Eva p er sehool chum. Miss L. Lewis, left Bowen, Billy Hutehins, Burton Corning. Brown, Lid wine Murphy, Marion Murphy, y her in Washington for home Philadelphia Beck. Mrs. Paul Beck Will come to Frances Hayes, Pauline Ewald, Helen j. riday afternoon. Miss Ruth Hoskinson. assisted by Miss ' McLean Marie Woolnough, May Kelley, Ellen Contner, received New Year day Washington, accompanied by her young Mae Margaret and son, and will occupy the apartment of Murray, Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Minster from 4 to f> at. the home of the former, her mother-in-law in the Portner. She Gibson, Helen White an;l Messrs.Charlottep Miss Dorothy, of Ontario roaddaughter,left 1419 Chapin titreet northwest. T. Gillespie Walsh, John Chevalah, yaturday to spend the New Year at will place her son in school here. s Thomas Carlin, , Gates Rapp, Arthur oild and later will Senator Thomas II. Mrs. mura I Point I imQVSW Comfort, Va., Paynter, Miss Ruth has been in New Emery. Joseph Ganeau, Archie Myers, v isit in of Mrs. and their Mr. Pollock Paynter Campbell Norfolk, the guests son, PavnterYork for two weeks Mr. and t Robert Zachery, Edmund Burke, Anthony a lex Hofheimer. are at the Cochran for the season. visiting Mayhew, John Brockwell, Harry Mrs. George Fox, formerly of this city. Depew Chauncev. George Frazier.Moulding,Mrs. William Hahn and daughters, Miss Louise Fairfax Robertson expects Paul John who as her the Cairo Miss Lawrence Mr. Rufus Hardy, who has been Hines. Lynch. Paul Burrows, ilisses Rae and Beatrice Hahn, guest at the holidays with his parents.spending Paul Callahan, James Hayes, Mr. and have been traveling abroad for several Swearingen of Louisville, Ky. Miss and Mrs. has Mrs. M. T. O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Bur- n will sail for home this week. ! will arrive on Hardy, -eturnedRepresentative if lonths, Swearingen Tuesday. to Texas, where he is attending college. im JTSMtt rows, Mrs. Rose and Mr. John Caddigan nmw and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kroek have as of Boston. Mrs. Rudolph Hehrend Miss Nordlinger have cards out forGerona their guests at Florence Court, Mrs. Matthews of Texas, who has been A delightful reception given by the bridge to be given at Rauscher's Friday, Kroek's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Polleys visiting Mrs. Jack Beall, wife of Choir Club of the in honor of Mrs. Louis of St. Minn. Beall. during the holidayRepresentative ) First Jaauary Paul, HEN^ Spiritualist 10, WOMEN'S mces has returned to Annoi Church was held this now of eollege. season, New Year evening at Eiiseman, formerly of city, the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mills, o-l A tlanta, Ga. Senator and Mrs. Newell Sanders spent Rhode Island avenue northwest. Music the holidays with their daughters at their formed a ple«rsing feature of Mr.
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