Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Public Performance Report 2018-19 a confident council, effective partnerships and confident communities Comhairle mhisneachail, com-pàirtichean èifeachdach agus coimhearsnachdan misneachail Population and Connectivity Sluagh agus Comas-ceangal Local Economy and Employment Eaconamaidh Ionadail agus Fastachd Housing and Community Foghlam agus Trèanadh Governance Framework Slàinte agus Soirbheas Introduction Welcome to Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s public performance report for 2020 which covers the funding, over and above the General Capital grant, of £4.5m was received in 2018/19 including 2018/19 period. This is one of the means we use to keep our communities informed and to £1m for Early Years works and £2.3m Scottish Government Regeneration grant. invite comments on service delivery and other matters. Further information can be provided on During the year major works for Early Years/Gaelic classrooms were completed at Leverhulme, request or can be accessed at: https://www.cne-siar.gov.uk/strategy-performance-and-research/ Laxdale and Tong Schools as well as Marybank pollution control works, Craigston coastal performance/service-business-plan-progress-reports/ protection project and the Iolaire path. The Comhairle approved its Corporate Strategy in December 2017 and it sets out the Comhairle’s It is essential that infrastructure improvements are matched by efficient transport services, an strategic priorities for the period 2017-21. This is in parallel with the Outer Hebrides Community area in which the Comhairle has continued to lobby vigorously. Planning Partnership’s Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (LOIP). The common themes of both the Corporate Strategy and the LOIP are that the Western Isles should be an attractive place to e-Sgoil continues to develop as an innovative on-line educational resource providing a wider invest, live, work and visit; that we must create and sustain the social and economic conditions and more equitable choice of subjects for pupils across all secondary schools in the Western Isles which encourage our young people to remain on the islands; that we need to work together whilst supporting the expansion of Gaelic medium education and developing staff to deliver effectively to retain and maintain an economically active population; that a safe environment online learning in all subject areas throughout Scotland and internationally. should be provided in which to pursue healthy and active lifestyles and that caring communities Cùram is Slàinte nan Eilean Siar / Western Isles Integration Joint Board (IJB) is focused on the must be supported to look after the elderly and support independent living. The overarching delivery of its strategic plan, the development of locality planning arrangements to give a priorities of the Comhairle’s Corporate Strategy are: Economy and Jobs; Communities and strong voice to our communities, to make transparent investment decisions and to support the Housing; Education; Skills and Training; and Quality of Life, Health and Wellbeing. The Corporate operational integration of services. This should ensure better Health and Social Care service Strategy was reviewed in July 2019 and it is likely that it will be reviewed again within the current delivery for residents throughout the Outer Hebrides. year in light of internal organisational change, transformational change and service redesign as Against an increasingly harsh financial background, the Comhairle, working together with well as external factors such as Brexit, public sector reform and continuing financial pressures in Community Planning Partners, continues to aim to provide the highest possible standard of the public sector. services whilst providing leadership and external advocacy for the communities of the Outer Work has continued throughout the 2018/19 period on bringing forward an Islands Deal and Hebrides. the Comhairle welcomed the publication of the Draft National Islands’ Plan as a direct result of the work of the Comhairle and its partner authorities. The purpose of the Plan is to meaningfully improve outcomes for Island communities, aligned with a commitment to sustainable £120.6 million revenue budget development goals, and, critically, a human rights-based approach. The Comhairle looks forward to continuing to work with the Scottish Government and our other partners in improving lives 89.6 for those people in our communities, and developing the actions to be taken to implement the Strategic Objectives . The Islands Plan is an important step in taking that forward and the Government and Other Grants Comhairle hopes that that is complemented by appropriate resourcing, for instance through the Islands Deal. The Comhairle also looks forward to seeing the guidance on Island Community Council Tax Impact Assessments which will be an integral part of ‘Island Proofing’. The Comhairle hopes that its views are heard and reflected in the forthcoming National Transport Strategy 2 which Non Domestic Rates Money in will indeed “..have a sustainable, inclusive and accessible transport system, helping to deliver a healthier, fairer and more prosperous Scotland for communities, business and visitors” and which extends to remoter regions and island areas . Fees and Charges (£m) During 2019, The Comhairle welcomed the allocation of Crown Estate Revenues which resulted Where the Comhairle’s in £1.7m coming to communities in the Islands and was the result of sustained lobbying by the 10.7 Comhairle and other partners. Towards the close of the year, the Comhairle welcomed the award money comes from by Scottish Government of some £2m in support of the Western Isles Employability and Poverty and Social Inclusion programmes which ensures the continuation of these vital programmes up to 2022. 7.7 Capital works continued to provide much needed employment across the islands with road, pavement and school improvements as well as the Lewis War Memorial works. Work started on the Lewis Residential Care project whilst plans to develop a Community Hub, featuring health, 12.6 social care, learning and community services and facilities on Barra progressed. Additional www.cne-siar.gov.uk www.e-sgire.org Ro-ràdh Fàilte gu aithisg dèanadas poblach Chomhairle nan Eilean Siar 2020 airson an ùine 2018/19. rathaidean, cabhsairean agus leasachadh sgoiltean còmhla ri obraichean aig Carragh Cuimhne `S e seo aon de na dòighean airson fiosrachadh a chumail ri ar coimhearsnachdan agus airson Leòdhais. Thòisich obair air pròiseact Dachaigh Cùram Leòdhais agus tha adhartas dha beachdan a shireadh air lìbhrigeadh sheirbheis agus gnothaichean eile. Gheibhear tuilleadh dhèanamh le planaichean airson Mòr-ionad Coimhearsnachd ann am Barraigh, a’ gabhail fiosrachaidh le iarraidh no tro: https://www.cne-siar.gov.uk/strategy-performance-and-research/ a-steach slàinte, cùram shòisealachd, seirbheisean ionnsachadh coimhearsnachd agus goireasan. performance/service-business-plan-progress-reports/ Fhuaireadh maoin a bharrachd, thairis air an tabhartas Calpa Coitcheann, de £4.5m ann an Dh’aontaich a’ Chomhairle Ro-innleachd Chorporra anns an Dùbhlachd 2017 a’ mìneachadh 2018/19 a’ gabhail a-steach £1m airson Obair nan Tràth Bhliadhnachan agus tabhartas Ath- prìomhachasan ro-innleachdail na Comhairle airson 2017-21. Tha seo ann an loidhne le Plana bheothachaidh de £2.3m bho Riaghaltas na h-Alba. Leasachadh Builean Ionadail Com-pàirteachas Dealbhadh Coimhearsnachd Innse Gall (PLBI). Tron bhliadhna, chaidh obraichean mòr air seòmraichean clas airson Tràth Bhliadhnachan/ Tha cuspairean cumanta eadar an Ro-innleachd Chorporra agus am PLBI agus `s iad sin: gum Gàidhlig a chrìochnachadh aig Bun-sgoiltean an t-Òib, Lacasdail agus Tunga còmhla ri obair air bu chòir do na h-Eileanan an Iar a bhith nan àite tarraingeach airson in-thasgaidh, fuireach ann, smachd truaillidh aig Bruach Màiri, pròiseact dìon na h-oirthir aig Baile na Creige agus an Ceum obrachadh ann agus tadhal ann; tha e deatamach suidheachadh sòisealta agus eacanomaigeach gu Carragh-cuimhne an Iolaire. a stèidheachadh a bhrosnaicheas daoine òga gu fuireach anns na h-eileanan; gu feum amas a bhith ann sluagh a chumail ann an obair; gum bu chòir àrainneachd shàbhailte a bhith ann airson Tha e deatamach gu bheil seirbheisean comhdhail èifeachdach ion-choimeasail ri leasachadh caitheamh-beatha fallain, beothail a bhith aig daoine agus gu feum cùram sa choimhearsnachd bun-structair, nì air a bheil a’ Chomhairle daonnan a coiteachadh gu làidir. taic fhaighinn gu bhith a’ coimhead às dèidh seann daoine agus taic a chumail ri còmhnaidh Tha e-Sgoil a leantainn mar stòras ùr-ghnàthach foghlam air-loidhne a’ toirt taghadh de neo-eisimeileach. S iad àrd phrìomhachasan Ro-innleachd Chorporra na Comhairle: Eaconamaidh chuspairean nas fharsainge agus nas cothromaiche do gach sgoilear ann an àrd-sgoiltean agus Obraichean; Coimhearsnachdan is Taigheadas; Foghlam; Sgilean agus Trèanadh; agus Inbhe nan Eilean Siar agus a’ cumail taic ri leudachadh air foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig agus a’ Beatha, Slàinte agus Soirbheas. Chaidh sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air an Ro-innleachd Chorporra leasachadh luchd-obraich gu ionnsachadh air-loidhne a lìbhrigeadh anns gach cuspair air feadh san Iuchair 2019 agus `s iongantach mur a tèid ath-sgrùdadh eile a dhèanamh am bliadhna ann Alba agus gu h-eadar-nàiseanta. an dàimh ri atharrachadh taobh staigh na buidhne, bun-atharrachaidh agus ath-dhealbhadh Tha fòcas Cùram is Slàinte nan Eilean Siar air am plana ro-innleachdail a lìbhrigeadh, leasachadh sheirbheis còmhla ri cùisean
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