U Sing Audience Gets Extra Treat Besides being entertained, the audience at University- Sing will Smith, chairman; Virginia Thom­ get an extra treat. Those persons as, Bill Mett, and Joan Kugler. OST who are lucky enough' to sit in Bernice Buresh is publicity chair­ "special seats" will be awarded man. Vol. V. No. 11 University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee December 1, 1960 gifts during the program. Tickets are now on sale in the University Sing is scheduled for USG office, room 204 of the Un­ 7:30 p.m. Saturday^ Dec. 3, in the ion, for 75 ~ cents. They will also UWM auditorium. Chairman of be available at the door. the event is Del Smith. A technical rehearsal will be There ar^ two competitive di­ held today at 5 p^m. in the Ken­ USL Attempts to visions this year. The first in­ wood auditorium. Failure of any cludes groups with 12 or more group to appear means forfeit of participating; the second division the deposit and exclusion from is composed of duets, trios, and the program. quartets. "I certainly hope that there will Change Bus Routes First, second, and third place be a full house at University trophies will be awarded to win­ Sing, because we would like to By Tom Rosenkranz ners in the first division. Gold make it an annual event," Del plaques are to be given to win­ said. "Besides the awarding of "Several of the main arteries ners in the second division. gifts to the audience, this year the of the Milwaukee transport com­ Special features of the Sing in­ committee has worked out special pany pass in the vicinity of UWM; clude a performance by the Mil­ lighting effects. All the members however, these routes are not pro­ waukee Collegiate Jazz band un­ have been working hard and are hoping for a huge success." viding the maximum amount of der the direction of James Robak. service to UWM of which they are Additional entertainment will be University Sing was originated provided by the ' UWM concert last year by Fred Urbanski. potentially capable since students choir. must transfer several times or Judges for the event are: Bar­ walk in all types of weather." bara Becker of WITI-TV, Donald Madison Group The above excerpt was from a Mohr of the public school system, bill that was passed unanimously and William Woodward of the by the University Student legisla­ Florentine Opera company. Plays Recital ture in their last meeting. It was Students serving on the Univer­ sity Sing committee are Del in, line with the new USL policy At Convocation of helping UWM grow in an urban Student musicians from the setting, as noted in the recent Law Students University of Wisconsin, Madison, convention held at UWM on the Walter B. .Raushenbush, a will present a recital before a con­ "Role of a University in an Ur­ member, of the UW—Madison vocation of UWM music students ban Setting." Law School, will meet in con­ and faculty on Thursday, Dec. 8. The proposed changes for the ference with pre-law students Brass ensembles under the di­ transport company would re-route Thursday, Dec. 8, at 1:30-3:30 Members of the Delta Sigma Kappa "(Kappas) Fraternity are rection of Professor Donald Whit- the Locust-Center st. (22) bus p.m. in the UWM Union, Room aker will play in-the UWM Union shown practicing for the University sing: which will be held in the 102. at 10:10 a.m. The public is invit­ auditorium at 7:30 Saturday, Dec. 3. The sing, sponsored by Student down Kenwood between Oakland ed. Government, features competition by 12 student organization entries, and Downer ave. In addition, the as well sis the UWM. concert choir and the Milwaukee Collegiate Classical a n d contemporary Jazz >and. Tickets are available in the USG office, U204, or at the Maryland bus would take its lay­ Union to Host works will be presented by three door. over on Kenwood and Downer Madison groups: a 22-piece en­ rather than on Hartford and Internationals semble, and two smaller groups_of five and six pieces. The large Downer so that students would UWM's first annual Internation­ group will open -the performance not have to wait outdoors. al Night will be held on Wednes­ with "Interludes" by Gordon Jac­ Death of a Salesman Ground work by a USL com­ day, Dec. 7, in the Union lounge. ob and Covine's "Vermont Suite." mittee composed of Gerald Faich, The International Commission of Other composers represented on Robert Hillman, and Fred Urban­ the Union Activities board will the program are Beethoven, Sand­ Discussed by Panel ski, is planned to ascertain the ers, Miller, Leroy Anderson, John number of students using the route serve as host to students from By Gordon Weaver « all parts of the world. Adson, Ewald and Lebow. 30 bus and route 22, as well as the The Madison students are com­ Is Death of a Salesman senti­ duced in 1949, is concerned with number of neighborhood residents Arts, crafts, displays, music, and Willy Loman, an unsuccessful using these two lines. dancing will be presented in the ing to UWM as part'' of an ex­ mental claptrap or a moving rep­ change agreement between the salesman at the end of his career, In addition, the number of peo­ custom and culture of the various resentation of a typical American who is immersed in his world of countries. two music . departments. Today destroyed by self conflicts and by ple transferring at the intersection (Dec. 1) Professor J. Robert Han­ shallow values, but outmoded by at Maryland ave. and JLocust st. Booths and exhibits of native son, UWM brass instructor, is tra­ conflicts within the American cul­ the modern "commercial" way of will be necessary. If the persons customs and wares from all cor­ veling to Madison with 18 of his ture? life. transferring are students, the pro­ ners of the world will be the set­ top students to present a concert. This was one of the questions His wife Linda is faithful but posed changes would assist them; ting for this gala international discussed by the second in the uncritical. His'oldest'son Biff has if they are non-students, the event. Visitors will learn how an series of public panel discussions been disillusioned by his father's change would not be adverse, Indian ties his turban. They will devoted to timely cultural events philandering. His other son Hap­ since it would only mean a two see a Lebanese girl dance, an In­ Pick Officers in Milwaukee, attended by a capa­ py, is an egocentric materialist. block difference in transferring. dian harmonica player, Arabian, city audience in the Union lounge, This would give more adequate Persian, Greek, and Inca dancers. The Marine Officer Selection The action of the play is divided team from Chicago will be at November 21. between the events at the close service to the students of UWM, Student groups from UWM, UWM Dec. 13 to interview stu­ 85 per cent of which use the bus UW—Madison, MIT, and Mar= The panel, composed* of Dr. Eliz­ of Willy's life and his "dream" dents interested in the Platoon abeth Kerr, English department; life, in which his memories are to travel to and from school. At quette will participate in the folk Leaders' classes (for under­ present there are 9,763 students , fair, i Ray Boyle, managing director of dramatically projected. The play classmen) and the Officer Can­ the Fred Miller theater; and Val recently completed a run at the enrolled. Coffee and refreshments will be didate glasses (for graduating Borger, Audio-Visual Aids depart­ Fred Miller theater. Since it was tne residents of featured in the social hour follow­ seniors). the area around the university ing the evening's entertainment. ment, was moderated by Dr. Flor­ Among the first questions aired ence Walzf, English department. by the panel was that of the na that complained about the stu­ Death of a Salesman, first pro­ (Continued on Page 3) dents using their parking places and asked for a restriction, it could be assumed that the stu­ dents of UWM comprise the ma­ SOFA Advisor Reveals jority of passengers on the buses Penalty Policy Change (Continued on Page 4) Neal D. Clement, student organ­ Marksmen Tie izations financial advisor, has an­ control over the date on which nounced a change in policy con­ they will receive the loan. Students are encouraged to In Turkey Shoot cerning the late payment of fee The third annual ROTC Ranger penalties for students who have make applications for student loans well in advance of regis­ turkey shoot was fired November University Student loans pending. tration. 22 and 23. In team competitiion According to the new policy, the the Tekes and Pershing Rifles tied admissions office has agreed to for first place. In the shoot-off the Tekes were victorious, win­ waive late payment of fee penal­ Speech Stresses ning a turkey trophy. ties for students who have applied There was a four-way tie for for University loans, provided that top male.shooter. In the shoot-off the date of application was before Budget Controls Frank Johnson of the Tekes won September 1, for the fall semes­ A representative of John Oster first and Robert Dungan second Mfg. co. will speak on Budgetary place; both received a frozen tur­ ter; before December 15, for the Management at the Friday, Dec. 2, key. second semester; and before May meeting of S.A.M. (Society for the The top girl shooter was Jan 15, for the summer session.
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