\ "RlA. BUSINESS r .^TIONS and pictures that com- ->n—repeat and repeat— A\v .ting calls for repetition—and repetition aoon gets reputation.— Arthur Brisbane. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SUMMERLAND, PEACHLAND AND NARAMATA Vol. 15, No. 25, Whole No. 780. SUMMERLAND,B.C.,THURSDAY, JANUARY ' 18, 1923. $2.50, Payable in Advance TOMATO GROWERS GET FINE CONCERT , FORM ASSOCIATION At This Tim$ o* the Year BY RADIOPHONE Tomato growers of this district met Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Andrew have on Saturday afternoon and formed been getting some long-distance the Summerland Tomato Growers' stuff through their radiophone re• Association. Following are the offi• cently. Last Friday night, Troy, N. cers elected: Y., was heard very distinctly, par• •x q K-i , y «,« s^u ttJ X H President—F. R. Gartrell. ticularly during testing work be• Vice-President—Sam Uzawa. tween that station and CFCN in Cal- Sec.-Treas.—Magnus Tait. Wins by Majority of Nineteen Meeting of Shareholders Pass g-ary. More than an hour was occu• Directors—A. McLachlan, G. Tada. Resolution Favoring One pied by the two stations in calling Oyer Coun. Scott—Large The meeting was called immedi• and testing. The conversations from Vote Was Cast. Organization. ately following the fruit growers' both ends was heard here perfectly meeting, by Jno. Tait, district field clear. The distance from here to Mrs. Solly Takes Place of Trus• inspector. Mr. Tait told of attend• Growers' Committee Given Troy is nearly 2,500 miles. The dis• ing the meeting of tomato growers tee Darke on School Assurance That They Are in tributing station in the Eastern at Kelowna on Tuesday, Jan. 9th, Board. Sympathy With Work. States was that of the Renneslear when an association was formed, wtih Polytechnic institution. a large membership. That associa• There is but one change in the At a largely attended meeting of tion has made the request that the On Tuesday night,' wtih a few personnel of the council as the result the shareholders of the Okanagan tomato growers of the south end of friends, they listened to the formal of the elections held on Saturday, H. United Growers, held at Vernon on the Valley organize and co-operate opening program broadcasted from Bristow taking the seat of H. Scott. January 16th, and which was called with them. It is proposed that the Hale Bros.' new station at San Fran• Mr. Bristow received 130 votes and to consider the request of the Grow• joint association inter-act on the cisco. Some of the numbers were Mr. Scott 111. Coming between ers' Organization Committee, asking business for tomato growers in the heard with remarkable clearness and them was G. Thornber, who received that the O. U. G. should go into- way of arranging prices, signing there was some particularly good tal• 118 votes. liquidation, the following report of contracts, etc., with the canneries. ent on the program. The accom• The number of votes cast was very the directors to the shareholders was paniments on the piano were as clear satisfactory as compared with last The statement was made that the adopted: as if in the same room. This broad• year, 288 voters having cast their canneries favor dealing with the To the Shareholders, Okanagan Uni• casting station has just been installed ballots as compared with 256 the growers through the association by the big 'Frisco department store ted Growers, Limited: year before. oidy. At Saturday's meeting the of• at a cost of $25,000. Gentlemen,—This meeting was ficers were instructed to gather as There were two vacancies on the called for the purpose of discussing much data as possible and present it tl is not unusual for Mrs. Andrew, school board and both trustees, the position occupied by the Okan at the Board of Trade meeting to be who usually handles the radio set, to Messrs. Ritchie and Darke were up agan United Growers, its locals and held next Tuesday, the board to be pick up waves from St. Louis, Chi• for re-election. Mr. Ritchie was re• cago, Detroit and even as far away turned, but Mrs. Solly will take Mr. grower members with relation to the questioned as to what has been done as Fort Worth, Texas. Practically all Darke's seat on the new board. movement for reorganization of our by that body toward having a can• the stations in Western Canada have marketing system. nery operating here next season. An analysis of the voting for the also been heard. council shows a marked unanimity After the notices had been mailed Mr. Tait explained that it was the Capt. P. S. Roe was also listening on the part of the ratepayers to re• the following letter was received opinion of the tomato growers at in on the Hale Bros.' program and tain the services of Councillors Rit• from the Growers Organization Com• Kelowna that a separate association pronounces the music the best he has chie, Johnston and Kirk, all three of mittee: must be organized at once in order heard in years, that which came in whom had an almost even vote. "In continuation of two interviews to deal, this year, with the canner• clause on for B. C. to stop apples between 10.30 and 12 being particu• Coun. Ritchie led with 195, Coun. they have now had with your direc• ies, but that it was the opinion of flooding into here from across the larly clear. .Johnston taking 190 and Coun. Kirk torate, the Growers Organization- the Kelowna meeting that this busi• MANY QUESTIONS line? 188. It was over the fourth seat that Committee have given the subject of ness could be handled by the Valley Mr. Sapiro: I have spoken of Cal• there was division of choice. how the O. U. G. can best assist in co-operative organization, once it is ifornia only. Can you show me any NEW OFFICERS OF ' Mrs. Solly led the polls in the con• furthering the movement of reor• functioning. California apples or pears dumped HOSPITAL AUXILIARY test for the school board, there being ganization very considerable thought. across the line? I am counsel for five candidates for the two seats. "The committee, as you know, are the pear association and we" did not At the annual meeting of the WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Overhead Expenses in Relation First of Series of Three to be The result of the balloting is as going to a growers' convention on dump any. My firm is counsel for Ladies' Hospital Auxiliary, held at follows: the" 20th inst., where they intend out• ELECTS OFFICERS to Turnover and Others organizations handling over $500,- Held in South Lake the Parish Hall, Tuesday, Jan. 16th, For Council. lining a policy of co-operation, feel• Subjects Dealt With. 000,000 worth of products annually. Towns. at the close of the regular monthly At the annual meeting of the West Ritchie '. :. 195 ing that the growers will adopt their If .Oregon or Washington shippers meeting, the following officers were Summerland Women's Institute, held Johnston : — :. 190 re^Commendatibn. and jobbers are dumping here, keep elected" for 1923: at the rectory on Friday, Jan. 12th., Overhead expenses in their rela• Special features of note in the Kirk 188 "This scheme involves the forma• them out; we shall be glad of it. President—Mrs. H. A. Solly was the following ^ officers were elected tion to the total turnover, has ever Sunday School convention, Naramata, Bristow 130 tion of a new association, built on Has it occurred to you that the returned by acclamation. for 1923: - been a live question among fruit on Thursday last, were the wealth of Not Elected— co-operative lines, and not allied dumping may be done by shippers? 1st Vice-President—Mrs. F. W. Presidents—Mrs. G. J. Coulter growers. This and a number of other information possessed by the Rev. E. Thornber - 118 •with any in existence at present. There are shippers just as tricky Andrew. White. subjects were dealt with in answers R. MacLean, the optimistic note Scott...... Ill "The committee feels • that since there as here. Some Washington 2nd Vice-President—Mrs. R. C. 1st Vice-President—Mrs. W. C. by Mr. Sapiro to growers' questions sounded by Rev. H. E. Livingstone Sanborn —. 84 your directorate have expressed shipments might be dumped into Lipsett. Kelley. put to him here and at other points and the high quality of the music For School Board themselves willing to do anything to where he addressed the fruit grow• Vancouver by shippers, but not by provided durnig intervals of speech Rec.-Secy.—Mrs. W. J. Robinson. 2nd Vice-President—Mrs. Helen Solly : 136 further and not hamper the proposed ers on marketing problems of the organized shippers; such dumping making. Mr. MacLean seemed to Treasurer—Mrs. G. H. Inglis. Pares. Ritchie .... Ill reorganization, they can with con• does the American grower just as Corres. Secy.—Mrs. A. Stark. Directors—Mrs. Windeler and Mrs. Okanagan. have a wonderful array of statistics Not Elected— fidence rely on you to comply with much harm as it does you. always ready and was never at a loss House Committee—Mrs. R. C. H. B. Mair. Some of his remarks, not already Logie 99 the following -request: A Questioner: What is wrong in answering questions. The Rev. Lipsett and Mrs. R. E. White. Sec.-Treas.—Miss Cartwright. dealt with in our article of last week Darke '.. 88 "That you will call a meeting of with the O. U. G.? Mr. Livingstone, speaking after a Purchasing • Committee—Mrs. A. It is hope'd there will De a large are given below: Webb 70 your shareholders in accordance with Mr.
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