1878. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 1505 By Mr. DICKEY: The petition of the publisher of the Hillsborough Keosauqua, Iowa, for the abolition of the duty Oll type-to the Com­ (Ohio) Gazette and of the Waverly (Ohio) Watchman, for the aboli­ mittee of Ways and Means. tion of the dut.y on type-to th.e Committee of Ways and Means. Also, the petition of Samuel W. Tucker and 8thers, of Keokuk, By Mr. DUNNELL : Memorial of the Legislature of Minnesota, rel­ Iowa, against the reduction of the tariff-to the same committee. ative to an invention for the improvement of navigation-to the Com­ By Mr. STONE, of Michigan: The petition of Samuel Wooldridge mittee on Commerce. and 32 other citizens of Ionia, Michigan, against any reduction of the Also, memorial of the Legislature of Minnesota, for an appropria­ tariff on wool-to the same committee. tion for · a prompt and thorough improvement of the Mississippi By ~Ir. THROCKMORTON: The petitions of the publishers of the River-to the same committee. Denton (Texas) Monitor, and of the Democrat, Fort Worth, Texas, By Mr. EVANS, of Pennsyluania: The petitions of the Morning for the abolition of the duty on type-to the same committee. Star, Doylestown, Pennsylvania; of the National Defend~r, Norris­ By 1\Ir. TURNEY: The petition of the publisher of the Waynes­ town, Pennsylvania; and of the Doylestown (Pennsylvama) Demo­ burgh (Pennsylvania) Messenger, of similar import-to the same com­ crat, for the abolition of the duty on type-to the Committee of mittee. Ways and Means. By Mr. VANCE : .A. paper relating to the establishment of a post­ By Mr. ERRETT: Resolutions of the Legislatur~ of Pennsylvania, route from Bakersville, North Carolina, to Hollow Poplar, North Car­ req nesting the Representatives and instructing the Senators from said olina-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. State to vote for and support the bill giving a pension to the veterans By Mr. WIDTTHORNE: The petition of the publishers of the of the Mexican war-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Wayne County (Tennessee) Citizen, for the abolition of the duty on By Mr. GLOVER: The petition of editors and publishers of news­ type-to the Committee of Ways and Means . papers in the twelfth congressional district of Missouri, for the aboli­ By Mr. WILLIAMS, of Michjgan : The petitions of H. P. Bridge and tion of the tariff duty on type-to the Committee of Ways and Means. 120 other citizens of Detroit, Michigan; of FrankS. Girardin and other By Mr. GOODE: .Memorial of the Cotton Exchange ofNorfolk and citizens of ·wayne County, Michigan, and of Alec M. Campan and Portsmouth, Virginia, asking an appropriation for the purpose of other citizens of Detroit, Michigan, for the passage of a law for the renewing and remodeling t.he light-house at Cape Henry, for the en­ better preservation of the food fishes of the great lakes-to the Com­ trance of the Chesapeake Bay-to t.he Committee on Appropriations. mittee on Commerce. By Mr: HENKLE: Papers relating to the war claim of Thoma.s R. By Mr. WILLI.A..MS, of Oregon: The petitions of the publishers of Johnson, administrator, &c.-to the Committee on War Claims. the Daily Albany (Oregon) Register, and of the Standard, Portland, By Mr. KEIGHTLEY: The petition of H. P. Cherry and 45 others, Oregon, for the abolition of the duty on type-to the Committee of of Lansing, Michigan, for the retention of the present duty on wool­ Ways and .Means. to the Committee of Ways and Means. By Mr. WILLIS, of Kentucky: The petition of postal clerks, route Also, the petition of F . .A.. Stow and 101 others, of similar import­ agents, and mail-route messengers, for an increase of compensation­ to t.he same committee. to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr. KILLINGER: The petitions of citizens of Dauphin County, By Mr. WRIGHT: The petition of John Mullen and 421 other-citi­ Pennsylvania, against any change in the tariff laws favoring there­ zens of NashvHle, Tennesse~, for the passage of the bill to facilitate duction of duties on foreign imports to the injury of American prod­ the settlement of the public lands and relieve persons out of employ­ nets-to the same committee. ment-to the Committee on Public Lands. Also, the petition of citizens of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, a~ainst the passage of laws favoring reciprocity treaties-to the Com­ mittee on Foreign Affairs. By Mr. KIMMEL: The petition of Annie Lientand, for a pension­ to the Committee on Revolutionary Pensions. IN SENATE. By Mr. LAPHAM: The petition of John Breslin and others, for the WEDNESDAY_, March 6, 1878. amendment of the pension laws-to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ sions. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. BYRON SUNDERLAND, D. D. By Mr. LIGON: The petition of D. W. Mciver, publisher of the The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. Tnskegee (Alabama) News; of John G. Fowler, publisher of the Dade­ EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATION. ville (Alabama) Headlight and News; and of M. E. Reese, publisher The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication of the Central Alabamian, Wetumpka, Abbama, for the abolition of from the Secretary of the Navy, tmnsmitting, in response to a reso­ the duty on t~pe-to the Committee of Ways and Means. lution directing the Secretary of the Navy "to transmit to the Sen­ By Mr. LU'lTRELL: The petition of Thomas L. Thompson, pub­ ate copies of any letters, documents, or statements in writing relat­ lisher of the Sonoma Democrat, Santa Rosa, California, of similar ing to the conduct of the navigating officer of the United States import-to the same committee. steamer Huron at the time of its loss, other than those contained in By Mr. MAGINNlS: Resolutions of the Helena (Montana) Board of the 1·ecord of the court of inquiry in relation to the wreck of that Trade, favoring a reasonable extension of time in which to complete steamer, heretofore transmitted to the Senate," a copy of a communi­ the l\orthern Pacific Railroad-to the Committee on the Pacific Rail- cation from Surgeon-General James C. Palmer; which was referred ro~. to the Committee on Naval Affairs, and orderea to be·printed. B,v Mr. MORSE: The petition of the citizens of .Massachusetts, for aid from the United States Government, that they may take advan­ PETITIONS AND ME.I.'lORIALS. tage of the benefit of the homestead act-to the Coinmittee on Pub­ Mr. RANDOLPH. I present a memorial of citizens Qf New Jersey lic Lands. opposing the bill introduced by the Senator from Ca.liforni:. [Mr. By 1\fr. PEDDIE : The petitions of manufacturers of linen collars, SARGENT] entitled ''.A. bill to organize a life-saving and coast:goard &c., of Troy, New York, aud of merchants of New York City, for a service." The petition is very numerously signed, and signed by reduotio!l of the duty on linen fabrics-to the Committee of Ways large nnmbel'S of the best and most reputable citizens of that portion and Means. of the State from which it emanates. Also, the petition of Peter Cooper and others, against reviving the Mr. SARGENT. What portion of the State is that Y income tax-to the same committee. Mr. RANDOLPH. In part the coast of New Jersey, interior adja­ By Mr. POUND: Memorial of the T.-egislature of Wisconsin, for an cent territory, and not only these parts, but yon will hear soon from extension of time to complete the Northern P::tcific Railway-to the the upper and mountain regions of New Jersey. Committee on the Pacific Railroad. Mr. SARGENT. I have no doubt that they understand the subject By .Mr. RYAN: Papers relating to the war claim of D. W. Bout­ fully. well-to the Committee on War Claims. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The memorial will lie on the table, the By Mr. SMITH, of Georgia: The petition of the publisher of the bill having been reported. Sonthern Enterprise,·Thomasville, Georgia, for tl::.e abolition of the Mr. RANDOLPH presented the petition of G. V. White, of New dnt.y on ty11e-to the Committee of Ways and Means. York, aud others, merchants and bankers of New York and New B;v Mr. SOUTHARD: The petitions of t.he publi~hers of the Tusca­ Jersey, hold~r~ by purchase of certificates of award issued pursuant rawas Chronicle, Uhrichsville, Ohio; of the Citizens' Press, Caldwell, .to the treaty of April 25, 1866, between the United States and the Ohio ; and of the Ohio Democrat, New Philadelphia, Ohio, of similar Republic of Venezuela, praying that their property may not be de­ import-to the same committee. stroyed or taken away from them by any act of Congress which doea Also, the petition of John A. Alward and 50 other citizens of Lick­ not provide explicitly for the payment of their certificates, principal ing County, Ohio, against the reduction of the duty on wool-to the and interest, and all the certificates which have been purchased same committee. aince the date of the act of February 25, 1873, and that they may not By Mr. STARIN: The petitions of the publishers of the Radii, Cana­ be compelled to resort to the Court of Claims for compensation for joharie, New York, and of Arkell & Smith, flour-sack printers of the the appropriation of their property by the United States; wlrich w~s same place, for the abolition of the duty on type-to the same com­ referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.
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