Top photo, the Mlnouri team visited Rudolf Valentino, <enter of picture, at theMGMStU<i;,s during a Wnt Coast ~lf~o::~5:;:!:;, 1924. Ah..,, Co.di Don Faurot, Saito Clas aitdMlnou play11sat0Sup kwlpartyloNew Orleans io 1941. Play11sar1,fr11111eft, Harry Ice, Don RHCe, Mliefltigerald, Daroldlnklosaod Bob St"""'. Ri;.t, MU's first ftotlial teo11 poses on tH ~:r.,•::o~=. NorrisSltVtlSOft :;:,::tr=hands off to Mel West Stote.Theyweretllt<tfve othletkscholonhips alMiuou. 22 MISSOURI ALUMNUS The sport has changed dramatically since "THl'I JORDAN 1890, when a field goal was worth S points, a touchdown 4 points and Rollins Field, where the Tigers played, measured 116 yards from goal to goal. But football's allure makes it ... u\tin McR•IC WJ\ in the right place at the n~ht time. An. U\ A'1\\;m t profc'>..orot 1>hy\1c\ at M111ou 111 1X90, McRae pl;1ycd lootbJll ;1t llurv:mJ llnivcf\1ty \Omc 15 year. OC!orc. II wa<, he who org;mi1cd :incl coad1cd ihc lir.,1 fuo1hall team at MU. On (AL U, l!NO, MtR.ic g:11twrcd \1Udc11t., in1crc'>tt:d in playinf 011 the IC;nu,and they prnc1icc(t on lhc '>ill' 110\\ occupied hy Fiii\ I ihrary. Anncd w11h a :!2-6 \\in over :mall-\tJr inlramu ral 11:am '>Ckctcd hy the Llnivcr-.1ty, 1hc \qmd hc••dcd for St. Lolli'> on lh; D;ty to pl.Ly W:1,hingt11n Uni,·cr-.ily. The re.\ult w;1\ a hlowoul. W:t\hingtnn had an CXfll.'rlCIKCd team ;tnd mauled MU, 2X-(l. But Ml·Rac'\ tl'.a1 11. nm1\!lf the \f)llrl. rcwrncd 10Columh1a and w1mpcd a learn of Urmw­ \ il y engineer\. t)() 0.10 fini\h ii\ tir't \Ca.,on with a'!- I retord. Year' later. fullh;1cl. llurtonThomp\Oll rcc;lllcd hO\\ dillittllt 11wa\10 recruit player. for1hc t..:am ...Many oflhc 'tudenl hody prdcrrcd IO\l:tndon the \idclin..:' and hurl 1lcri\ivc ton1111et11\at our eflorh." hc,aid. Three Top Eras on hlurrn. 1hc XX-year-old pamarch ot M111ou athlctu.:'>. D\CC\ 1hrcc greal fM.~n od-. 111 M1,,ouri footh:tll.The lir\l. hLu ro1 \:ly\. W;I\ Co,1d1 Gw11m Henry·., l c:im~ ol 1924 ihrnugh 1927, which comb1m:1l for a ~5 - 6 - J rcrnrtl and three M i ~\Otlri Valley ch.1rnpion,hip\. The nd l\W• nun po\C<l of the 1c:mh from 19JX 1hrough 1942, which pr1M.luced a J6-1J·I record. three Uig Si~ title' and ouc of Mi"ouri·, 11nc't quartcrb;1d,,, Paul C'hri .. tm:m. Emrol intn11.lucctl the ~p li 1-T fomiation. !he fiN op1ion ofknsc. 111 1941. The 'Plil ·1 i., cclcbraung it\ 'iOth <.eason in 191.)(). and tlu: option rcm:iin' one of the leading offcn'e' in college footh;1Jl. The third gre;n pcri(x! wa\ Coach Dan Dev ine·~ ern of the 196Ch. which prudtitcd a combined 77 22-6 record. one of the he,1in 1hc country during that decade. ''The fil"il dyna~tycnahkd u~ w build Mcm11rial S101d ium.1hc .,econd allowed ti'. IO p:iy off the .,t,tdiurn hond.,, :ind 1hc third gave U\ thc money 1oexp:md 1hc .,l;1diu111:· h1uro1 'ay\. lncidcn 1ally. Fauro1 ph1ycd a pan in each era: the fihl. ;1., a ph1yer: 1hc ,econd. a\ head co:u.:h: and mo.,t of 1hc third. a' athletic director. fAll 1 90 MISSOURI AlUaNU S 23 banquet for former players. coachesandathlcticdirectors. lhe selection of Athe all-c~ntury team and the first MU Hall of Fame game will highlight the celebration of the foocball cen1tnnial.The banqucl. preceding the Tigers· season opener. is scheduled Sept 7 al the Holiday Inn Ex«uli~c Center in Columbia. VOies will be tallied dlrough the first week of October for the all­ ccmury learn (sec the accompanying balloc). and the 25-man squad will be honored at Homecoming Oct. 20. The Nov. 3 contest with Oklahoma will be Mizzou's first Hall of Fame 0 game. The hairs first 20 players - IO who played before 1950, and to who played after - will be introduced at half time. Speclal Events In addi1ion, 1hc athle1ic depanmcnt is promoting a 90-minute video from Neff Produc1ions of St Louis that combines old films and still photographs 10 Celebrate capture the his1ory of Missouri football. The company is owned by Chuck Neff. BJ '70. AndBobBroeg.BJ "41,hasupdaiedhis 1974book0f Mi::ou. The new Centennlal 1i1Je is 01' Mi::ou: JOO Yt>arsof Blad and Gold s..o...-iert..dt rful KHtKitl•, wllo Tigers' returningoif ense could be powe ..... ,"'Y 11le 1990Tigerswill be guided by an last year. Stull has elected to go from a 3-4 to a -·.20-, .... experienced, exciting and potentially explosive 4-3 defensive alignment. to make up for oldsdloolrecordwitli offense. But the team must tum that potential shortcomings in the li nebacker positions. But the into points on the field. and must strengthen a secondary will need help also, as the Tigers lost ~~~~r..:Cb!i. defense that allowed too many touchdowns last their strong safety and both comerbacks from todir1<1t1oer.,., season. last year. offetHil 1990. Bob Stull returns for his second year as Tiger While preseason publications arc nearly ...... head coach, and much of 1989's offensive unanimous in selecling Colorado 10 repeat as Big power is back as well. Senior quarterback Kent Eigh1 champs. they are mixed in regard to MU's Kiefer, who set or tied seven MU passing prospects. The Sporting News picks the Tigers 10 records last year. will lead Stull's pro-style fi nish fourth in the conference. bu1 Lindy's and attack. Three of Kiefer's favorite targets from Heinrich's pick MU seventh. 1989 are returning - receivers Linzy Collins. The Tigers will need help from their young. Damon Mays and Skip Leach - as is tight end largely ineitpcrienced defense to improve upon Tim Bruton. a preseason All-America choice. last year's 2-9 mark. And Kiefer will need to Senior Michael Jones. switched from tai lback to guard against interceptions: he t hrew 15 last fullback, leads the Tiger runners. 11le offensive year, including six against Miami. "We think we line. with three starters back, appears strong. should be better this season," Stull says. ··w e Mizzou 's biggest problems appear to be on have a better understanding of what we're trying defense. where only three starters return from todo." -Terrylordan 74 MISSOURI ALUMNUS FALL 1 UO The Unrivaled debut than Dan Devine, Joe Montana Broeg's Top 10s and the defending national champion hal are the Ti.gers' greatest games Irish. But the eyes were smiting on lllJ([Jo[IT([J Wof all time? Let's :i~k Bob Broeg, Mizzou. Tigers, 3-0. BJ '41, longtime spons editor of • Alab:im:i, 1968. "They ran through us the St. LouiJ Pos1-Dis1)(1tfh and con ... id­ like we were a barber's college!" Bear Rivalry ered by some a.~ the foremost authori1y Bryant moaned afler this Gator Bowl on Mia.ou footba ll. Brocg's lis1 of MU's contest in which the Tigers gained on Fa.uro1c1 0 ...c dou1 his Minou greatest games are divided inio two c:11e­ 402 yards rushing. Mizzou, 35-10. Dcoach1ngcarccrin 1956 the way gories: famous up~e l s and memorable alt Tiger coaches would hke 10 games. l-lere arehispieks: famous Uosch l!O out - with a win over Kan'>a\. F:iuro1w a<,carried off the field by Grear liames ~ •Oklahoma, 1939. ln a cold, steady rain, hi \ player, aflcra safety in 1hc fin:tl "Pitchin" Paul Christman and 1he minute gave Mi, souri a 15· 13 vi\: •Notre Dame. 1972. The Irish were Tigers regis1ercd this win to clinch 1ory. II wa-. ;1 clas'>ic moment in this undefeated, and che Tigers h:id lost 13 theirfirs1 Big Six 1itle and the clas ... ic ...cric ... which dates had. l<l of their previous 16 games, mcluding school's fi rst bowl bid - a trip to 1he 189 l and j.., the oldc\I collegiate toot a 62-0 by Ncbra.,ka 1he Ornngc Bowl. Missouri. 7-6. ball riv:1l ry WC'>I of the Ml'>\i\<;ippi. wed before. This week wa~ different. • Kansas State, 1969. The Tigers and i:or year., the MU -KU ram.: wa ... Minou,J0-26. Wildcats clawed i1 out for fi rst place played on'>giving Day. and • SMU, 19-18. The Mustangs had a 16- in the Big Eight in a vicious offensive 1radihonalty h:h been the ...ea-.1111 garnc winning streak and l-leisman battle, combining for 1.300 lotal ender for both teams. Mi11ou lt:a<h Trophy great Do;tk W.ilker. But on yards. 45 fir~ I downs and 12 1hc scric\.-16-4.1 -9. this day. the Tigers were belier. MU, touchdowns. But Mizzou took the las! 20-14. bite. Tigcrs,41·38. he rivalry ha\ produced some • Nebraska. 1938. Sophomore • Kansas. 1909. This sweet victory gave Tmemorable moment, ... such a\ quanerback Paul Christm:rn wa!-i Coach Bill Roper's Tigers a 7-0· I m 191 1. when the two 1c:um hai1edas 1he"Merry Magician" after record. the first win over KU in seven played to a .l-.1 t1con Rollim h eld 111 MU's first win over the Huskers in years and !he only trul y unbeaten the r1r.1 game anywhere th.11 com lOyears.
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