BANK REGISTER I»u«d Wtriclr. Z"tttti mm Seeond-Clua Mittar »t rt« Poit- [VOIiUME LIII, NO. 12. offlct at Bed Bank. N. J., undir th« Aot at Much «. 1879. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1930. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 TO 12. An Engineer's The Fair Haven V. S. ARMY BAND COMING. Wants New Fire' Home Furnishings ' HELD ON OLD CHARGE. County Dentists Two Concerts to be Given October Benjamin- Harvey Charged • With Little Silver to Great Record Firemen to Parade .. 9th nt Cnrlton.. Hydrants Installed Show Planned Crime Committed February, bit. Meet at Seashore Plant 'are being made by the Red Benjamin Harvey of Oakhurst was Vote on School »John F. Eastmond Worked 43 In Their First Parade Appear- Bank chamber of commerce for the Water Superintendent Urges Red Bank Furniture Dealers Will told under ball of $5,000 by Justice concerts to be given here by the "llmer C. Wainright of Shrewsbury 'irst Meeting of Coming Season Election to be Held Next Tues- Years for Railroad Company ance In Several Years They United States army band at the Change! in' Business District Make Special Displays of :ast Wednesday night on a charge Held Friday at Asbury Park day Night on Proposition to and Lort Only One Day from Will Take Part in Coney Is- Carltpn theater on the afternoon and to Provide Better Fite Protec- Home- Furnishings September if atrocious assault and battery, up- —The Winter Program Ar- Build a New School Costing Service—Now Retired. land Mardi Graa. - evening of October Bth. The after- tion in Red Bank. 26th to October 4th. jn "Joseph and Lester Harvey. Tho noon program will be devoted ,to se- latter, who are not related to their ranged For. Not More Than $150,000. S'orty-'three yoara of icrvlce and lections for school children, while In After a lay-off of four years from James N. Bunoll, superintendent Plans for holding a Homo Furnish- illeged assalllant, said that on Feb- The first .meeting of the Monmouth Next« Tuesday night thn vot«r« of only one day missed from work I attending parades, carnivals, mardi the evening regular concert numbers if the Red Bank Water department, ings Stylo Show In Red Bank from ruary 1st last they were blackjacked :ounty dental society for the com- fThli li the wonderful record of John will be given. 'Ittle-Silver will decide whether or gras and other, attractions (hat gen- will seek permission from the mayor 'riday, September 26th, to Saturday, as they were walking along the high- ing season was held Friday night at iot they want a new school at & coat S", Eastmond of Belford, who tor erally appeal to most all volunteer The band, which was founded by ana council to remove several fire October 4th, inclusive, aro getting way at Oakhurst. io Monterey hotel at Asbury Park. the period of yearn mentioned had not to exceed $150,000. Tho board oj • flrei companies or departments, the General John J. Pershlng and makes hydrants In the Broad street com- well under way according to Wil- Benjamin Harvey was said to have :t was a gtet-togethCT meeting at education has called" a special elec- been en'employee of the Pennsylvan- Fair Haven Volunteer Ore company, an annual tour of the country un- mercial district that have become liam Schwartz, chairman of the gen-fled after tho alleged assault and did hlch tho new by-law's were dis- ia railroad company end who for 28 tion to be hold that night at the has accepted an invitation to take der Captain William A. Btanard, Its. practically obsolete and replace them sral commltteo of arrangements. not return to his home at Oakhurst cussed and announcements were schoolhouse from eight to ton o'olook. year* nvs the engineer of a fast part In the monster parade ' which leader, is regarded as one of the with modern hydrants that will have Mr'. Schwartz said that practically until last week, Constable William made of programs • to be presented train running between: Noyr. York The proposition is to build a new Is a part of the annual Coney Island outstanding concert organizations of steamer connections as well as con-every furniture dealer in Red Bank iarrabrant of Shrewsbury imme- during the winter. Among those school on Markham road on land and Washington. Last week, as a Mardi Gras tomorrow night, Its kind In the country. nections for standard hoso apparatus. will tako part In tho Stylo Show diately arrested him and took him will appear before tho society reward1 for his long, and faithful ser- bought a short time ago by tho bor- Tho Fair Haven borough fathers Between Monmouth and Front movement, which- 1B a part of tho before Justice Walnrlsht. ire Dr. Walter Barry, exodontist of ough. vice, he was retired qn a pBpslon. 1 streets thdre are six hydrants and National Homo Furnishings Style granted permission to the firemen to Newark; Dr. Greenfield, a specialist Plans for tho proposed building Not once during his long term of take such apparatus with them as only one, that on Broad street op- Show to be held throughout the >n radiography, and Dr. Fred G. •ervlee embracing almost half a cen- Little Silver Club posite White street, Is a modern type country during tho days mentioned iavc been prepared by Ernest Arend, they desire and the boys will have Mourohr of New York, a specialist rchltect Theso plans show a brlok ~tury did Mr. Eastmond mloo a day two pieces of flrn fighting machinery and capable of allowing a steamer above. This will bo tho first nation- Held As Bigamist; >n removable bridge work. Thero from hU duties until the last day connection as well as that of ordin- >I exposition of Its kind ever held luilding, one story high, of colonial In line with them, They expect,to Luncheon Today 'ill also be a joint meeting of den- lesign. There will be five classrooms, he.wan scheduled to make his run have fifty or more men In line at- .ry (Ire department hose connec- >y the home furnishing industry and sts and physicians. between New York and Washington an effort will be made to have the Commits Suicide i principal's ofllce, a recreation llred la their natty white uniforms tions. Dentists present Friday night were oom, lavatories and a combined au- and return. He was anxious to set- for which Fair Haven firemen are Event at One O'clock at Molly . Mr. Bunell In a talk with a Reg- Rod Bank dealers put on special dia- Drs. Eugene W. Newman, Fred T. tle down and enjoy surcease after Pitcher Hotel to Mark Open- plays and mako special trade induce- William Pomphrey Takes His ditorium and gymnasium. Tho au- noted. With them wilt parade a ister representative a few days ago Newman and Herbert E. Williams of ditorium-will have a seating capacity bit, many years of servloe, but he had Newark band of thirty pieces. ing of Fall Season—Program stated that, in addition to installing ments.for tho exposition period.. Life at County Jail by Swal- Red Bank; Thomas McVey of At- a dread of the .last day's trip, He ''• about COO persons. The members of the flro depart- for' the Year. modem hydrants. It was his desire to Latest designs and. styles in fur- lowing Lysol—Charged With lantic Highlands, James Norton of bad beard stories of engineers who ment, together with the ladles' aux- install at the.same time an Individ- niture, floor, coverings, draperies, radley Beach, R. E. Mulholland, Tho coming election has created a •eat deal of interest and a large bad served faithfully and well for iliary of the department, will leave A luncheon will be held at one ual shut off" at each hydrant lead-in. trimmings, wall hangings, and all Bigamy, Desertion, Larceny. Owen Woolley, C. - Byron Blalsdell, many years and who had been by special busses ' tomorrow after- In case of trouble in the hydrant it accessories of homo decoration will Edward^ W. Slocum, Frank Lee, C. vote Is expected. There has been o'clock this afternoon at the Molly Held on a charge of deserting his much 'discussion among the residents.- - . slated to receive pensions, only, to noon early enough to reach Coney Pitcher hotel by the Little Sliver then would not be necessary to shut be featured. The Style Show will be F. Carr.'pr. Rossner, James E, Nas- be killed or badly Injured on their wife and two children and commit- "upporters and objectors have not Island In time for dinner before the Woman's club to mark the opening off the water supply In- the entire dis- held for the purpose of giving the ting bigamy by marrying another taflla and. N.- Tannenbaum of Long last trip. ¥r. Eaatmond had a .pro- parade; The department's'two trucks trict while! the hydrant was being re- public an opportunity to see all the ranch; A. S. Burton,. William I. 'ecu hesitant In declaring their.- of the fall season. No meetings were girl in Union City, William Pomphrey views. Those In favor of the new monition that auch a misfortune which have been recently repainted held' during the summer. paired. latest designs at ono time, to show Thompson, William Roso and Ed- would be In store for him If he made of Rumson ended his life in the :hool are'certain that the propoal- ' and are now snow white In appear- ' Mrs. Clayton Lee of Maplewood, Mr.
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