John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 2-27-1985 The aC rroll News- Vol. 71, No. 19 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 71, No. 19" (1985). The Carroll News. 733. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/733 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE CARROLL NEWS Serving John Carroll University Vol. 71 No. 19 John Carroll Unhe r<>it} . l 'nhersitv Heights. Ohio 44118 The Carroll 1\:ews, februarv 27. 1985 Elections settle Student Union race by David Joyce should be a liason bel weer contenninl doss Lm;tl\1. Cor­ member and a member of the perumce. frcnsuror Joe Goep. Staff reporter tho administrntion .. nd the man sues tlw union usn forum programming bonrd. pingnr will ser ve hiR soc:ond student bod~. "Our voice is for st uclon I i nvol vomcn I n nd ye,11· aH n S.ll. cxcc:ulivc of­ l'he cloclion of S.U. orriccrs cruc:inl in the polic:y making hopes to see some sort of com­ The rest of tho Sludonl ficer. He is regarded as know­ has been decided for tho decisions nf the ac{ldemir. pelling involvement for stu­ Union offir.ers should round ing the "in's and out's" of the 1985-86 acHdorn ic yen r. sonnle... says Gorm;m. In ciPnl or~wni~.ations. ou t the johnson Gormnn nd-. union. Secreta ry Craig Tyler. regards to publicity Gorman ministration well. Vice­ has a modicum of experience. Rich Gorman will be prosi­ sees tho proper scheduling Gorman. n nwmber of lola President Jennifer Pugh will and Chief Justice Martin Barr dflnt for the ('c>ntcmnial year. and publicizing of events as a Chi Upsilon frnternil\. is cur­ fill her position with a con­ who is familiar with union Tnking over from v. hero m;l)or c:oncern. Publicity lies rently a public:itv < omm1ttcc David Prall left off. Gorman Siderable amount of Union ex- policy. in with financial obligations intends to concentrate on ad­ in the selling of discount ministration relations. c:ards. the union's greatest publidly. and financial source of income. oblign tions as \\CII as the in­ corporation of the Student Gormnn mlends centennial Union in centennial event~. events to involve the union Gorman believes tho union and not cxdusivel" the senior Carroll professor ,wins book award by Ellen Jenny William )ames. rather than in Staff reporter the more commonly explored r.ontoxts of Western poetry or of European and American Romanticism. "La Guardia has led me to rethink my way of reading Stevens ... said Professor J. !Iillis \1illcr of Yalc> 'niver~i- STANOING ROOM ONLY - Long cafeteria meal tines do not necessarily r e flect Saga's popularitv u mong c;ludent~ (see b JO\\ phulu h\ 1 ••• lh\ '1-•h,:t ~~~~~~~~~~~- ~~~·;,·~·l rnb~~ i~evean ~~.. ~· -~~ !II on 1m 1a cr'"l?i~l ap- La Guardia is Associate ~~;~~;~\ls n~~~010a~~~~~~~ Students rate Saga average Professor of English a l John which is something one can by Carroll News Staff that Saga was "fair." 22% Saga's best feature. and ser­ Carroll University. where he by no means always say The majority of students thought Saga was "good." vice was chosen best by 20%. ubout books on Stevens ... took his bachelors degree in here regard John Carroll's 220/o said "bad." and 3% had The majority. 45~o. said that 1965 and his masters degree La Guardia·s study was one Saga Food Service as the opinion tha t Saga was Sagu 's best feature was its in 1967. of the first recipients of the average. an informal survey "very bad ... No one surveyed meal hours. In his book. published in Brown University Press First conducted by the Carroll thought that Saga was "very "Usually when students 1983 b~ University Pross of Book Prize Award. establish­ News has shown. good." c-omo from a home environ­ New England. La Gun rdia eel to aid young scholars who In the survey. a random Another category which ment to school. they tend to PL'esents a persuasive now in­ have not previously published sample of 100 resident was rather lopsided was one give the food a lower rating, .. te rpretation of the entire hook-length works. students was asked n series in which students were asked said Ed Whitman. Food Ser­ li \erary output of Wnllace Un iversity Press of New of questions to determine how to choose Saga's weakest vices Direc tor here. Stevens. He shows how England is a consortium tho fell about Sagn. feature. 70% of the students "llowever. when students Stevens developed o special publisher whose members in­ ln one question students chose the quality of food as come here (rom another clude Brandeis. Brown. Clnrk, vt3rsion of American pragma­ were requested to rate Saga Saga's weakest feature, with school with a food service and Tufts universities. Dart• tism by plAcing the poet's on a scale which ranged from the next closest choice the other tha n Saga. we usually writings in the contnxt of the mouth. and the stale univer­ "very good" through "good.·· variety of food at 17%. roce1ve n very high rating. American tradition of prag­ sities of Connecticut. New "fair" and "bad" to "very The variety of food, Compared to other schools in matism exemplified in the Hampshire. Rhode Island. and bad ... The greatest number of however. was thought by the Cleveland area. our pro­ \'\ rilings of Emerson and Vermont. students by far. 53<lo. said 25°·o of the students to be gram is excellent." Alumnus abducted; demands made b y Tom Miller the glass case across from the "This is just one of those News editor Snack Bar in the SAC Building. things that happens this time of year." said Dean of Don Shula was kidnapped A list of demands to be mel Students Richard McNally. from his hallowed niche in the for his return was reportedly John Carroll University left in the picture's place and Shula himself was Athletic Hall of Fame earlier addressed to the Carroll News. unavailable fo r comment. this week. According to studen ts at the Ilow the kidnappers gained Shula, cur rently head coach scene, high on the list were the access to Shula's picture is of the Super Bowl Mia mi demands tha t David Le tter­ still unclear, and as yet no in­ Dolphins of the NFL a nd one of man be c hosen comme nce­ surgent left-wing organization JCU's most fa mous a lumni, ment speake r and the USFL bo has claimed responsibility for was pictorially a bducted from given some noleriely. the theft. Page 2 EDITORIAL The Carroll News. February 27, 1985 THE CARROLL NEWS Dan Krane, Editor-In-Chief &oE.s~ WHAt ~ 11-J€. Steve Raglow, Forum Editor StodtiJtt;, hAVe j\)~~ vofEO Tom Miller, News Editor our FooO. ~(_( u j c.£ flr s Dan Krane, Sports Editor Micbaelann Lanum. Features Editor A-uErajE ~ Ellen Maglicic, Entertainment Editor Mike Champa. Photography Editor Spilt milk The CorroU news has conducted a survey of dorm students to determine how they feel about the campus food service. While this survey was informal and superficial it nonetheless can be relied upon to show some general trends in student opinion. SAGA Students in the survey for the most part regarded Saga as average, although in other areas Saga rated poorly. But is this a fair assessment of the situation, or do students expect too much for their money? Students arriving at school fresh from a home environment where the greatest culinary hardship was running out of raisins before running out of bran naturally find mass­ produced institutional food a step down from mom's specialities. But food services are not here to tickle the palate with ex­ quisite delicacies; rather, they exist to ensure that students receive solid nutritional meals. It is a product of the problems inherent in feeding large numbers of people in the most effi­ cient way possible that the quality of the food may tend to suffer. This is not necessarily a reflection on a food service. but rather merely to parameters of the industry. Students surveyed overwhelmingly were of the opinion that the weakest feature of Saga was the quality of the food. However, some students thought that the variety of food was Saga's strong point. Since the variety of food is something that Saga has more control over than the quality of food, due to cost and produc­ Letters to the Editor tion problems. perhaps Saga is not doing such a bad job after students the time and place to I took off in my car and all. Living room do both. headed east. The roads were In fact, compared to other schools in the area, Saga does Lisa Stevens ADa-Daley heavily traveled and danger­ ~""""""""""" a ~~J«Ub SJl@ (;;Qni\m~iQo oJ:.JM), ~£dilor: ous. My car slid off Lhe road facnttteS. t'J{e~OOO serVice wilJfmprove Pven more. Tn r Show bound nnd did not move. I put some After a ll. if morn l1ad to cook for 1500 finicky college Mr. Greene and ~ fr. R1sden salt under my tires and was students.
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