CIPRA, the International Commission for the Protection of the Alp, is a non-profit, non-governmental umbrella organisation with national and regional branches in TA R CKING Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Liechten- stein, Slovenia and Switzerland. It represents CHANGE about a hundred member organisations. CIPRA works for sustainable development and the preservation of natural and cultural heritage, the maintenance of regional diversity and cross-border problem solving in the Alps. It was founded on 5th May 1952 and is headquartered in Schaan, in the Principality of Liechtenstein. WWW.CIPRA.ORG CIPRA INTERNATIONAL 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 02 | THE CIPRA NETWORK 2015 ANNUAL REPORT CIpra InternatIonal | 03 THE CIPRA SOUTH TYROL Alpenverein Südtirol • Arbeitsgemein- schaft für Vogelkunde und Vogelschutz in Südtirol • Baubi- REprESENTATIONS AND ologie Südtirol • Bund Alternativer Anbauer • Heimatpflege- THEIR MEMBerS GERMANY Bergwacht im Baye- verband Südtirol • LIA per Natura y Usanzes • Naturfreunde rischen Roten Kreuz • Bergwald- Meran-Südtirol • Naturtreff Eisvogel • Plattform Pro Pustertal projekt e.V. • Bund Naturschutz in • Südtiroler Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsförderung • Südtiro- Bayern e.V. • Deutscher Alpenverein ler HochschülerInnenschaft • Umweltgruppe Eisacktal • Um- e.V. • Gesellschaft für ökologische weltschutzgruppe Vinschgau • Local groups: Andrian, Bozen, ITALY Associazione Ambiente e Lavoro • Asso- Forschung e.V. • Landesbund für Vo- Eppan, Jenesien, Kaltern, Nus-Schlern, Olang, Rasen-Antholz, ciazione Dislivelli • Club Alpino Italiano • Dach- gelschutz in Bayern e.V. • Mountain Salurn, Terlan, Ulten, Vahrn, Wipptal verband für Natur- und Umweltschutz in Südtirol Wilderness Deutschland e.V. • Natur- www.cipra.org/de/cipra/suedtirol • Federazione Italiana di Parchi e delle Riserve Freunde Deutschlands e.V. • Ökolo- Naturali (Federparchi) • Federazione Italiana Pro gischer Jagdverband e.V. • Verband Natura • Gruppo Amici della Natura • Istituto Na- Deutscher Berg- und Skiführer • Ver- SUSTAINING MEMBER Nederlandse SCHaan/LI, April 2016 zionale di Urbanistica • Italia Nostra • Lega Itali- ein zum Schutz der Bergwelt e.V. Milieugroup Alpen, Netherlands ana Protezione Uccelli • Legambiente • Mountain www.cipra.de Dear readerS Wilderness Italia • Parco delle Alpi Marittime • Parco delle Orobie Valtellinesi • Parco Nazionale della Val Grande • Parco Nazionale delle Dolomiti FRANCE Association Nationale des Centres et Foyers de ski de fond et de montagne • Association Bellunesi • Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio • Pro pour le Développement en Réseau des Territoires et des Services • Asters, Conservatoire départe- __ It is a quarter of a century since the Alpine developed by their partners within the two net- Natura Torino • Società di Scienze Naturali del mental des espaces naturels de Haute-Savoie • Centre de la Nature Montagnarde • Comité régional Convention was ratified, and CIPRA is dedicat- works Alliance in the Alps and Alpine Town of Trentino • Servizio Glaciologico Lombardo Rhône-Alpes de la Fédération Française de la Randonnée pédestre • Fédération Française de Mon- ing its annual report to this anniversary. Since the Year. And there is now more knowledge www.cipra.org/italia tagne et d’Escalade • Fédération Française des Clubs Alpins et de Montagne • Fédération Rhône- 1991 the Alps have changed, with new cable sharing between scientists and young people Alpes de Protection de la Nature • Mountain Wilderness France • Parc National de la Vanoise • Parc cars and tunnels being built and more traffic fill- from various regions of the Alps. National des Écrins • Parc National du Mercantour • Parc Naturel Régional de Chartreuse • Union ing the valleys on the one hand and the gradual Nevertheless, CIPRA is hoping for more Régionale Vie et Nature de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur • WWF France return of wolves and bears to their old habitats in the next 25 years. As an established and ac- AUSTRIA Arbeitsgemeinschaft der www.cipra.org/france on the other. cepted instrument enjoying Alps-wide support, Berg- und Naturwachten Österreichs • Kuratorium Wald • Naturfreunde You may well ask whether the Alpine Con- the Alpine Convention has great potential for a SlOVENIA 134 individual members SWITZERLAND Alpen-Initiative • Österreich • Naturschutzbund Öster- vention has played any role in that. No bears or good life in the Alps, a life built on values such www.cipra.org/slovenija Aqua Viva • Grimselverein • Moun- reich • Österreichischer Alpenverein wolves have contacted the Permanent Secretariat as moderation, solidarity and participation. tain Wilderness Schweiz • Natur- • Österreichischer Forst verein • freunde Schweiz • Pro Natura • to obtain an entry permit, and ski area upgrades If this vision is to become reality, we need Österreichischer Touristenklub • LIECHTENSTEIN Botanisch-Zoologische Gesellschaft Schweizer Alpen-Club • Schweizer continue in spite of the Climate Action Plan. political guidelines, a clear political will and Verband Österreichischer Höhlen- Liechtenstein-Sarganserland-Werdenberg • Fischereiverein Vogelschutz SVS/BirdLife Schweiz It would be unjust, however, to dismiss committed Alpine inhabitants – people like you! forscher • Zentralstelle der Öster- Liechtenstein • Liechtensteiner Alpenverein • Forstverein • Schweizerische Greina-Stiftung • the Alpine Convention as an ineffectual piece of I hope you find our Annual Report an in- reichischen Landesjagdverbände • Liechtenstein • Liechtensteiner Jägerschaft • Liechten- Stiftung Landschaftsschutz Schweiz paper. The Standing Committee and Platforms teresting read and wish you lots of energy for Die neun Bundesländer Österreichs: steinische Gesellschaft für Umweltschutz • Imkereiverein • WWF Schweiz (Passivmitglied) have attracted attention in the context of inter- your commitment. Vorarlberg, Tirol, Salzburg, Kärnten, Liechtenstein • Liechtensteinischer Ornithologischer Lan- www.cipra.ch Oberösterreich, Steiermark, Nieder- desverband • Solargenossenschaft Liechtenstein • Ver- national cooperation to those subjects that are österreich, Wien, Burgenland kehrs-Club Liechtenstein important for the Alps. Dozens of municipali- Katharina Conradin www.cipra.at www.cipra.li Walser Martin Editorial: Gautier; Johannes illustration: Title ties have learnt from the innovative responses President, CIPRA International 04 | 25TH annIVerSarY OF THE AlpIne ConVentION 2015 ANNUAL REPORT CIpra InternatIonal | 05 THE BEauTIFUL ALPS: At the end of the 2010s, A JourneY to 2050 the ruling classes finally disas- sociated themselves from the hypocritical policies they had previously practised. They anchored the transalpine mil- __ The people in the wonderful True, voices were raised CIPRA encouraged the lennium goals of moderation, Today, in 2050, round Alps live in compact villages, in warning. An organisation by residents of the Alps to take solidarity and participation table discussions are a regu- towns and cities. They make the name of CIPRA was one of their fate into their own hands. in the Alpine Convention’s lar feature of life in the beau- economical and thoughtful the first. But in their craving for Local authorities in the Alps new multi-year programme tiful Alps. They enable inno- use of the natural resources the longest tunnels, the big- united in their demand for of work. Once again, CIPRA vative community initiatives of their bounteous region. gest cable cars on the highest change. The people wanted was the source of many of the to be developed in line with The woods and meadows are peaks, and the most super- an Alpine region where nature ideas. And lo and behold: new the Alpine Convention’s mil- home to a wide variety of flora markets, many did not hear was respected, problems were approaches blossomed like lennium goals. CIPRA chairs and fauna; the rivers are filled those voices. Only when cli- tackled through mutual as- Alpine flowers after a spring and mentors some of these with fresh, crystal-clear wa- mate change turned the snow sistance and children, women shower. The ruling classes discussions and supports the ter. The good life in the Alps to rain, the children could no and men could develop their learnt to govern by developing implementation processes. makes the people contented longer play outdoors because full potential. They sat down relationships with the people And so the Alps have become and happy. of all the traffic, and bylaws together to consider how to based on partnership and giv- a flourishing region of protec- This was not always the were introduced in many cities make their vision reality. And ing their initiatives more prom- tion and solidarity, one that case. It was not so long ago requiring masks to be worn they remembered an instru- inence, recognition and sup- serves as a model for the rest that the people in the Alps because of all the smog did a ment that had been available port. In society and the world of the world. were in the grip of an endless gradual rethink set in. for a quarter of a century – the of business, change became stream of traffic, at the mercy Alpine Convention. the order of the day. Katharina Conradin of policies that sacrificed the For many years, this in- and Claire Simon, landscape to a faceless urban ternational agreement had re- CIPRA International sprawl and saddened by the ceived little attention and been declining numbers of flowers denied the funding needed in the meadows. to implement this ambitious mission. But with increasing numbers of worsening envi- ronmental crises and resulting social tensions,
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