Prospecting and Technical Assessment Report The Herkimer Diamond Project Vancouver Island, British Columbia Tenures, #542169, #542718, #552527, #552528 Victoria Mining Division NTS: M092B082, M092B083, M092B072, M09B073 iers Office! VANCOUVER, B.C. Report by: Le Baron Prospecting Port Renfrew, BC 2006 - 2007 1 Index: Cover Page 1 Index 2 Introduction / regional and tenure geology 3 Island intrusions / Summary of Exploration, equipment used 4 Technical Information / Work Sites A, B, C, / recommendations 5-6 Cost Structure / Author disclaimer 7 Other Information / subsurface ownership 8 Mineral Tenure Act reference 9 Times Colonist Newspaper article 10 Acknowledgments 11 Maps: Tenure overview, 1-250,000,1-50,000 Appendix A, A-1 North Cowichan Corporation Map, 1 -25,000 Appendix A-2 Elevation map of Mt Tzouhalem Appendix B Work site map, 1 -25,000 Appendix C Work Site A, 1-10,000 Appendix D Work Site B + C, 1-10,000 Appendix E Work Site B, working reference map, 1-5,000 Appendix E-l Work Site C, working reference map, 1-5,000 Appendix E-2 Photos Figures A- F E-mail conformations of event Appendix G 2 1.0 Project Overview; This report is a first pass, on the Herkimer Diamond Project, which is a compilation of field work carried out by the tenure owner, Kevin Root, FMC #205186, and a field assistant, Kevin Gunderson. The work consisted of reconnaissance geological mapping, survey lines, gps plotting, rock chip sampling, photos, and the quest for the source of the much sought after Herkimer Diamonds. All work is plotted on reference and specific working maps. This work was conducted in preparation of a future systematic geochemical analysis, and litho geochemical carbon dating of the tenure points of interest. The work was conducted on the following tenures, 542169, 542718, 552527, 552528, located in the Victoria Mining Division, from September 29, 2006 - September 23, 2007. 2.0 Regional Geology: Mount Tzouhalem lies at the eastern end of the Cowichan uplift, major geanticlines on Vancouver Island. The area is underlain by pyroclastic, sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Paleozoic Sicker Group, the Mississippian to Permian Buttle Lake Formation, the Upper Triassic Vancouver Group and the Lower Jurassic Bonanza Group. Intrusions include Triassic gabbros and Early to Middle Jurassic plutonic rocks. Upper Cretaceous sediments of the Nanaimo Group overlap the older rocks. 3.0 Tenure geology: In general, the property is underlain by rocks of the Vancouver Group of the Karmutsen Formation volcanic rocks, overlain by limestone's of the Quatsino Formation, which in turn are overlain by clastic sediments of the Parson Bay Formation. Tuffaceous argillites and breccias of the Parson Bay Formation lie immediately west of the property. The Karmutsen volcanic (basalts) are dark green to black, fine-grained to aphanitic and generally exhibit brownish weathered surfaces. Locally the basalts are porphyritic (plagioclase and pyroxene phenocrysts) with pillow structures and amygdules common. The pillows range from 23 cm to 1 metre in diameter and are roughly ellipsoidal. Some chloritic alteration and disseminated pyrite and magnetite are present. The Quatsino limestone is massive, dark grey and sericitic with common calcite-file-d fractures and stringers. Fyles (1955) stated that the limestones in this area are right-side-up and dip 40"-50° westward. 3 4.0 Island Intrusions: Exposures of mainly quartz diorite and lesser biotite-homblende granodiorite occur throughout the area and are assigned an age of Middle to Upper Jurassic. Intrusive contacts with Sicker and Vancouver Group volcanic rocks are characterized by transitional zones of gneissic rocks and migmatite although contacts with Karmutsen Formation volcanic sedimentary rocks are sharp and well defined. Skarn zones are reported at the contact of Island Intrusion rocks with Quatsino Formation limestone and less frequently with Buttle Lake Formation limestone. Regional mapping by Muller [1980] shows the Mount Sicker Tenures, 5 kilometers north west of the Herkimer Diamond Project to be underlain by the North - East trending belt of the Sicker Group. This is a major fault contact area with the Island Intrusives, Sicker and Nanaimo Group. The rock in the area is some of the documented oldest on Southern Vancouver Island. 5.0 Summary of Exploration work overview: The work on these tenures was conducted over the course of 31 days, the tenure owner and a field helper, conducted the assessment work as required and made field notes and field reference maps. All work is plotted in field and working reference maps are provided. Total areas prospected: Site A = 100 ha, Site B = 25 ha, Site C = <10 ha. Site "A": This site is where a golf course is being developed. A lot of blasting and rock removal has taken place here at this site. This is where some of the first Herkimer Diamonds were found by local rock hounds [see article Herkimer Diamonds / Times Colonist]. Pictures and GPS survey sites, of Herkimer Diamonds were plotted, T-1 to T-8 sample sites. • Photos were taken of areas of interest. Site "B": This site is in the middle of the tenure, mostly in second growth timber, many trails traverse through the area and are used frequently by mountain bike enthusiasts, and walkers. A lot of survey sites and sample points have been removed, as some individuals do not want mineral exploration in this area. Site "B" was chosen as a Herkimer Diamond area, a grid system was laid out using survey line and ribbon, and pegs, a 50 meter increment was used and at each waypoint a rock chip sample was taken. • 120 rock chip samples: Basalt, mudstone, shale, some photos also. • 10,300 meters survey grid lines Site "C": This site was chosen because a Herkimer Diamond was found in the lower raven in this spot of the tenure, a small grid system was established at 50 meter increments, and rock chip samples were taken. A survey trail [1020 meters] was laid out in the raven adjacent to the tenure boundaries. • 25 rock chip samples: Basalt, mudstone, shale, Herkimer Diamonds • 2500 meters survey grid lines 6.0 Field Equipment used: GPS: a Garmin 1000 hand held GPS was used to take specific way points and reference to UTM: Hammer / chisel / pry bar, wedges, were used to break open veins and pockets of Herkimers. Field loupe, small field microscope. Surveyor ribbon, red and blue. Maps: regional, topographic, mineral titles maps. Digital camera. 4 7.0 Technical Information; Specific Sample site information: Refer to working maps: appendix D, E, working maps E-1, E-2 Site A: Reference to Appendix map D This site "A" is underdevelopment, and most likely lost to future exploration under the Mineral Tenure Act Regulations This is the first site of Herkimer Diamonds were discovered. Blasting, road building, and site preparation has exposed over 80 million years of geological information. A detailed "sweep" of the area was conducted over several days, mostly on weekends as not to interfere with development, pictures of Site A are included as [appendix C]. Refer to map listed as Appendix C. This area between Kings View road to the east and No Name road to the west is where development is taking place. Over 50 small rock chip samples and 30 nice "pockets" of Herkimer Diamonds have been discovered. Unfortunately most of the discoveries are in the golf course fairways. This site will most likely in the future be lost. SiteB Reference to Appendix map E, and map E-1 for specifics Overview: This site was chosen as the main focus of this project. Several small "pockets" of Herkimer Diamonds have been discovered. A systematic grid area was set out, at first using survey line, then a safer method, ribbon and tags. 50 meter grid lines were established in a north / south, then east / west direction. Every 50 metes a rock chip or soil sample was taken and if the ground showed any sign of Herkimer diamond potential a small hole was dug to expose the "pocket", if not, then it was noted as no further information required. Site Specific: Reference Point /GPS co-ordinates. "A" - nts: 454450-5403590 x 454450-5403640 By 454300-540490 x 454250-540490 This was the first "showing" basalt outcrop, small Herkimer discovery. "B" - nts: 454450-5403890 x 454450-5403940 By 454300-5404090 x 454250-5404090 This area was a small showing of basalt, with Herkimer's imbedded within cracks. "C" - nts: 454450-5403590 x 454450-5403640 By 454250-5404090 x 454200-5404090 This was a basalt outcrop with a bedded sandstone alteration, more exploration needed. "D" - nts: 454450-5403540 x 454450-5403590 By 454200-5404090 x 454150-5404090 This again was a continuation of the formation of site C, more layered sandstone. "E" - nts: 454450-5403990 x 454450-5404040 By 454200-5404090 x 454150-5404090 This area is more defined sandstone, less banding, but a few tiny fossils as leaves. "F" - nts: 454450-5403640 x 454450-5403690 By 454150-5404090 x 454100-5404090 This area is similar to B; basalt with Herkimer's imbedded in small cracks. "G" - nts: 454450-5403890 x 454450-5403940 By 454300-540490 x 454250-540490 This area was by a small creek, it was an area of alteration, definite heating here. "H" - nts: 454450-5403990 x 454450-5404040 By 454200-5404090 x 454150-5404090 This was defined basalt, almost pillow like, a nice Herkimer pocket here. "I" - nts: 454450-5403790 x 454450-5403840 By 454050-5404090 x 454000-5404090 This area is similar to E in which more defined sandstone, but no fossils noted. " J" - nts: 454450-5403940 x 454450-5403990 By 454050-5404090 x 454000-5404090 This site is the same as site H, pillow basalt, and a nice pocket of Herkimer Diamonds.
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