X-lll—Vol. XXXIV GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 29, 1950 No. 41 Technique Staff Chiefs Named; Don Judd Heads Editorial Staff; J. Burke is Business Manager Part Time Instructor Editor and Business Manager And Former Student Choose Associates for Year With this issue, the 1950-51 staff takes over the operation of The Tech­ Succumbs to Disease nique, "The South's Liveliest College Newspaper." The editorial staff is By Harvey Hochman headed by Don Judd while Jim Burke is the business manager. These men Robert Eugene Bracewell, who as a were named by the publications board along with Bert Edleson as managing editor. These three have announced! young boy recovered from the crip­ The staff heads are Bill Dean, news pling effects of polio, succumbed to a the remaining staff heads for the com­ editor; Lew Levenson, feature editor rare circulatory disease early last ing year. and Bob Kimzey, sports editor. Dean Wednesday morning On the business staff under Burke's leadership will be Bill Weiller as cir­ served as associate editor during the Around school Robert Eugene was culation manager, Tom Smith as col­ summer and was a member of the fea­ known as Bobby Bracewell. A native lections manager and George Puca as ture staff last year. Levenson, moved son of Atlanta, Bracewell lived with advertising manager. Working with to the feature position from the his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Brace- Judd and Edleson on the editorial sports staff last year, is a senior in well at 678 Moreland Ave., N. E. staff are John Bell, associate editor; the Chemical Engineering school. He The new Technique staff is top: Don Judd, Editor; Jim Burke, Busi­ Through his perservence and faith, Bill Dean, news editor; Lew Leven­ is a member of PiDE and is vice- ness Manager; second row: Lew Levenson, Bert Edleson, John Bell, Tom he was able to recover sufficiently son, feature editor and Bob Kimzey, president of the White and Gold club. Smith; third row: Bill Dean, Bob Kimzey, Bill Weiller, George Puca. from the aftereffects of polio to be­ sports editor. Bob Kimzey, taking over Judd's place come an outstanding member of the as sports editor, is a senior in the fast-moving Tech High School march­ Judd Is Editor Mechanical Engineering school and is ing band. After his graduation from Don Judd, who is the new editor, is a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon so­ high school his interest in music did a senior in the School of Ceramic En­ Latest Draft News Issued; cial fraternity. not cease. At Tech he won the A. J. gineering. He is also the newly elected Garing Award for his excellent con­ secretary-treasurer of ODK, national Business Heads StudentsExemptOneYear tributions towards the musical organi­ honorary leadership fraternity. He is Aiding Jim Burke with the finances zations. He was also a member of the a member of Phi Eta Sigma, Tau of The Technique will be Tom Smith, By Mike Levy famous Atlanta Symphony Orchestra. Beta Pi, the Dean's List, the White Bill Weiller and George Puca. Smith and Gold club and is a member of takes over as collections manager af­ The latest news regarding the draft and its effect on Tech students has Most of the people who knew Brace- Beta Theta Pi social fraternity. ter serving as business manager dur­ just been issued by Dean Phil B. Narmore, the executive dean. well, thought of him as a very re­ Heading the business staff is ODK ing the sumer. He replaces Weiller in Students who have reached their 18th birthday are required to register ligious young man. He was an active president Jim Burke. Burke is a mem­ that position and Weiller in turn has immediately at a Selective Service Board. Failure to do so is a federal offense member of the Druid Hills Baptist ber of Pi Delta Epsilon, honorary moved to the circulation manager's and is punishable by fine, imprison­ Church. To his friends and close journalism fraternity, as is Judd. Al­ position. Weiller is a senior in the tive service board be notified by the acquaintances he was known as a ment or both. The local draft board is so like Judd, JJurke is a member of Industrial Management school and student when he leaves school be­ young man who not only believed in located at 449 West Peachtree street. Phi Eta Sigma. Lambda Chi Alpha Smith is a Mechnaical Engineering cause of sickness, graduation or any God but practiced his belief in God All students should write to their is Burke's social affiliation. senior. George Puca, newly appointed other cause. Students who have a twenty-four hours a day. own draft board giving the following New Managing Editor advertising manager moves up from change in status should also notify While attending Tech he was very After serving as editor of the Sum­ the advertising staff of last year. information: school address, post of­ active in student affairs. The five the board of the change. Although mer Technique, Bert Edleson will fice box number, and their home ad­ honorary fraternities he was elected With the announcement of these the student is the only one legally move into the managing editor's job dress. If a student is in doubt as to to were Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, heads, the editor, business manager bound to notify the board the school to help editor Judd. A member of and managing editor also stated that the exact location of the board he Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Eta Sigma and PiDE, Edleson is also a member of will also send a letter. Kappa Kappa Psi. Bracewell grad­ many positions were open on both should write to the State Director of Any veterans who wish to know uated from Tech as Bachelor of Me­ the White and Gold club and is a staffs and that any regular day- Selective Service in his home state, if they have a deferred status should chanical Engineering in June 1948 member of the varsity swimming school student interested in working or ask his parents to forward the in­ contact the draft board at 449 W. and received his Bachelor of Elec­ squad. He is a member of Phi Epsilon on The Technique should report to formation to the local board. It is Peachtree street and ask them any trical Engineering in September 1949. Pi fraternity. the meeting this next week. The edi­ very important that no mistakes be questions which will help clarify their Just before he was struck down with John Bell has been appointed as torial staff meets on Monday night associate editor by Judd. Bell, a Civil made in transcribing this information status. this tragic disease he was planning at seven o'clock and the business staff Engineering senior, is a member of meets on Tuesday afternoon at four as it will cause a great deal of delay Deadline for ROTC to study at Columbia University Graduate School. Delta Tau Delta social fraternity. o'clock. Both meetings are held in The and unnecessary work. Saturday, September 30, is the last BracewelFs prime ambition in life During the summer he served as man­ Technique room, located in the base­ Notify Board of Changes day that men having three or more was to be able to teach at Tech. aging editor. ment of the Georgia Tech YMCA. The dean also stated that the selec- quarters of school will be considered During his year of graduate work for advanced military. To be eligible here he was a part time mathematics for advanced military a student must instructor. First Freshman" Y" Camp Held have at least three quarters of school Amoroso on Draft The loss of Robert Eugene Brace- remaining before graduation. The In order to clear up dis­ well will be felt by the entire faculty draft law implies that after June 11, crepancies recently appearing in and student body of Georgia Tech, Traditions, Activities Explained 1951, only students in advanced mili­ the newspapers and other publi­ as well as by his many friends and The first Georgia Tech freshman camp, sponsored by the YMCA, played tary and those selected for deferment cations in regard to deferment of family. host to over one hundred freshmen the week-end of September 15-17 at the will be deferred for the draft. Sum­ students, Colonel A. D. Amoroso, historic Salem camp ground near Conyers, Georgia. Plans for this camp were mer school students will not be de­ Commandant of the Georgia Tech concieved during the latter part of the summer under the direction of Roy ferred because of their attendance at ROTC, has issued the following Harris, Tech YMCA president, as-, summer school. statement: sisted by several faculty and student | The Army, Navy and Air Force will "It is our experience that a members. The camp organization and set up a committee to choose stu­ Flashcard Practice delay until actual receipt of purpose follows closely the successful dents who show outstanding merit, The flashcard section will hold notice of recalled to active duty camp programs instituted last year and are members of the basic military a practice this Monday night, before making application for by the YMCA chapters of the Univer- course, for deferments. The commit­ October 2, seven o'clock in the delay or discharge is in error. sitys of California and Washington. tee will have from five to seven mem­ east stands of Grant Field. At­ All agencies concerned inform us The purpose of the Freshman camp bers which will be composed of Armed tendance by all men signed up that any action on our part to was to acquaint the incoming trans­ service representatives and faculty, for the section is a must, as obtain delay for ROTC students fer and freshman students with the with the Armed services in majority; tickets for the season will be must be made before the man re­ campus organizations, a c t i vi t i e s, and will work in conjunction with the issued at this time.
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