NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF IRELAND Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives f \ {1858. )Wt.533~66.4b00.12j14 . A , T.&Co. Ltd. (6559.) Wt.3:!.03-96.20,000.8 I 15. ' Telegrams: "DAMP, DUBLIN.'' Telephone No. 22. DUBLIN METROPOLITAN POLICE, 1Detectt"e lDepartment, Dublin, 4th l ..~ovember , 191 5 . I beg to report tha.,t on tl1e 3rd inst. ·... the undern1e1'1tioned extrernists were observed moving ab011t and associati11g ith eac}l other , , as follo~ s :- 'Vi th Thomas J . Clarke, 75 , Parnell Street, ' l1 ierce Beasley and· D. Lynch fron1 . 1~ .45 a. n1 . ' till 12 noo11 . r10n1as Byrne and, J . ivicGuin. - ness for tvventy rninutes betweer1 4 % 5 p . n1 . John .. ~~ cC · arry for· a few minutes between 7 E. Daly ax1d C. J . J(iclcllam for half an hour frora 9 p . r1 . I Tho1nas J . ~.~lqrke ar1d D. Lync!1 at 12, · D'Olier Street for a quarter of an hour !!;; be tv~ een 1 .: 2 .m. Ernest Blytl1e left Kir1gsbridge by 3 p . ll• I train en route to Cashel . .r.c. inforrned. J . J . ~Nalsh in his shop 26 , Blessington Street at 4 p . n1 . ' John 1!4cr\feill; ~ . J .o'l~ahil · ly; Tho1nas ]\f[cDo11agh; Jt.unes O'Com1or; 1 . h~~"ellows; Ll-eorge . Irvi11e; T~ d ard De Valera; and p . O'Hanr ahan togetl1er ir1 2, Da\vaon Street, froxn 7 t ill 10 p .1n . A~tached is a copy of this 'eek ' s issue Tl1e Chief Corrunissiotler . Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives I of the "Irish Volunteer" which gives a sumnary of the proceedings at the Annual Convention of the Iris·h \rolunteers, l1eld in tl1& Abbey 'rl1eatre on St111day last. .. , Superintender1t. ' + + .. ... ,. ' ... • Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives THE . EDITED BY EOIN MAC NEILL. Vol 2. No. 48 (New Series). SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 81 1915. PRICE ONE PENNY. to follow that standard of principle, but SECOND ANNUAL CONVENTION to support the changing decisions of a political leader. We were not even to ·· OF IRISH VOLUNTEERS ask whether these decisions were right or wrong. The public were told, as we • were told, that to raise any question of The second Annual Convention of the nan; rdpatrick D. P. 'lanahan ; Hospital, that kind wa forbidden-that it was the Irish Volunteers was held on Sunday, Sean O'Cearbhaid; Killonan, B. Laffan; Castle­ connell, J. Herbert~ BallylandersJ... J. J. Condon; work of factionists, cranks, and sore­ October 31st, in the Abbey Theatre, Dub­ St. Ita's (Limerick,, Proinsias u Gaortha. ;. Limerick City-A. Coy., - Colivert; B. Ooy., heads, of shriekers and kick rs, of no­ lin at 11 a.m. Eoin Mac .r eill presided, James Ledden; C. Coy., R. P. O'Connor; D. bodies and di gruntled people and Mrs. and the following delegates attended:- Coy., E. W alsh · Dromcollogher, Dr. Hayes; Foyues, A. Ua 0aomhleathan. Gummidges. nything that wa not the Central Executive and General Councli-Eoin Darry- ewbridge, A. ewman · 1\Iagherafelt, faithful echo of the ver-changing voice Mac eill O'Rahilly, T. 1\lacDona~h, J. Plun­ . I.Jouis mith; 1st Battalion, Derr~· , James Kava­ kettt....P. Beazley, P. Macken, J. Fitzgibbon, P. nagh. was declared to be "a lur on r. Red­ H. rearse, P. O'Ryan, Bulmer Hobson, C. Mona1ha Ematras, E. Blythe. mond ' or "at attempt to tab him in olbert, E. Kent, J. MacDermott. J. O'Connor, Meath-Dunboyne, J. Boylan; Kells, Liam . ellows, C. O'Loughlin, P. White, Art O'Broin. ' the ba k." In short, e were asked to O'Connor, L. ynnott, P. McCann, T . .MacCur­ Quean's County- Vicarstown, F. J. McEvoy. ., ubmit to the rule of an autocracy which Sill Tubbercurry, AI . • lcCah ; Cliffoney, tin, James I.Jedden, L. Lardner, P. Hughes, J. claimed to he infallibl and hich looked ~. Daly, . A wless. Chari . f t:! nrrigle; K . h, (' be. Antrim-Belfast City, T. mith. Tipperary-Fethard, W. Cantwell; Clonmel, with disfavour on any expression of Cla..-Carron, T. 0 Murthille; Inagh, Sean Frank Drohan ; Dualla, Owen Keevan ; Gal bally, ac Cumnar. Wm. Quirke. opinion that did not take the form of a cavan--Ballinagh, James 0' ullivan. Tyron Benburb, John hields; oalisland. vote of confidence. Carlow-Bagnalstown, Peter Carton. Hugh McRory; i milecross, Peter McGirr · Cork-Cork City, C. Company, John Jen- Clogher, Patrick Quinn; Tromogue, Michael There might be omething to be said nings; A. Companyt ,Sean 0' uliobhainC· B. Com­ McCartan. in defence of a national autocracy in a pany, ean 0 Murchadha; D. ompany, Waterford-Waterford City, Peter Woods. P. O'Gorman; Courtbrack, D. 0 Loing­ Mayo-Castlebar, Patrick Moneley. time of national cri i , but what we w re sigh; Kanturk, J. J. Walsh; Mourne Abbey, Wexford- ew Ross, P. Lennon· Ferns, W. asked to obey-not only we Irish Volun­ Laim De Roiste ; Knocknaduff, Tadgh Barry ; J. Brennan Whitmore; We ford, Patrick Fur­ itchelstown, ean Cathasaigh; Tracton, Mic­ long; Gorey, ,J. H. Etchinghum ; Enniscorthy, teer who had pledged ourselves to cer­ hael F. Lynch ; ~,ermoy, 'fhomas Kent ; Cove, ~ eamus Doyle. tain d finit obj cts, but all the ational­ J.Jiam O'Briain; Dunmanway '1'. Mac uibhne; Westmeath- Athlone, ean 0 Muirthile. Kilmona, Raitha De Barra; Ballinadee, Thomas Wioklow-Bray S. McCarthy. ist of Ireland-was a changing policy Hales . En11and--Bootle, . Hennessy; J.Jiverpool, T. dicta ted and e acted by a com bina.tion Dubll Lusk, I...iam Rooney ; Skerries~ ea- Craven. mus fac Domhnaill; St. fargaret'., 'l'nomas Scotian Glasgow, . Company, J. Robin- of English party leader . It i my belief O'Reilly · Dalkey, R lacDermott ; Swords, C. son. that this combination, always potentially oran · Donabate, M. MacAllister ; Tallaght and Clondaikin Michael Ryder. A mes, age of greeting was received present, came into activity in order to Dublin Chy Re1iment-lst Battalion, . Com­ fro1n the annual Conv ntion of Cumaan make Ireland powerle s in anticipation pany, E. J. Duggan ; B. Company, J. K. na mBan, whi h was me ting at the same of th war which afterwards brok out. O'Reilly; C. Company1 J. E. I.Jyons; D. Com­ pany an ac odna ; F. Company, F. 0 time at Volunteer Headquart r . The Thi is not the time to describe how Loing igh; G. and .H. Compames, J. Al­ wright · 2nd Battahon: B. Company, T. following message was also receiv d from every lfort wa made and every point Hunte~; . Company, E. Price; E. Company, T. .<\.n t:6t411' Clement: 6 tu.1sn'-', 0 S.C. : was trained on behalf of the Irish olun­ Wafer· F. Compan!l. M. O'Reilly; G. Compan;y, P. Gailigan. 3rd 'Battalion: A. Company, J. "5o scu1111"0 -Qt-4\ c!-4\'0 mite u.1111e nfor mo teers to maintain national unity and a O'Connor; B. Company, M. Ryat.:; C. CompanJ', nnu11 rt1~e 1r so ne.d11t:U1S1"0 t>! te Ct.41nn basis of cotnmon action during the f. Malone D. Company, C. M~cDowell ~ E. Company, W. Tannam. 4th Battahon: ~- Com­ n 4 m~CC-4\b!-4\6 S 0 fC1'1 Oft:-4\ be1"0 S 46 n-4\rh-4\ months which followed the adoption of pany, J. Murphy; B. Company, G. Irvme; C. 6111e.4nn .dm.46. .<\.men." the partition policy by a Government Com{>any, T. MacCarthy; D. Co~pany, W. O'Brten ; E. Company, F. acken ; ~ . Company, The President, Eoin Mac eill, in open­ pledged to on,e Home R.ule for all Ire­ p Dovle. Dublin Count1 Board, L. Raul ing th Convention, spoke as follows:- land. If the reproach is made that some · Galway-Loughrea~ - 0' Flahertyi. Oranmore, [. J. Howley; pi<tdal Eamonn 11reathnach; At the opening of thi econd Conv n­ of u , in our an ietv for unity and in the Ballina&loe, Joseph Gaffney ·i Athenr~·, John tion of the Irish Volunteers, it i my duty hope that national principle would prove Clearv · Clarenbridge, P. ul inan. Kildar- aas, Thomas Traynor; ~nooth, to review the position of our orgaai ation sup rior to minor claims, yielded too Domhnall O'Buchalla; thgarvon, Eamonn since the fir t Convention, and to ay much and trained too many points, I I O'Modhrain. · Kerry-Cahirciveen, Sean O'Ceallaigh ; Din­ som thing with regard to the year' work offer no defence, beyond saying that na... gle J J. Malone ; Ltspole, Tomas Aghas ; Lis­ tiona! unity has claims on u that are to~el, ·Edward IJeahy; Listillick and Oakpark, be for us. By a syst m of gradual pres­ Mac Langney. sure and inducement elforts were made only second to nationality itself. Our Klnl' County-Tullamore, S. O'Braonain ; to divert the Irish olunteers from their endeavours to secure unity had little Edenderry, Sean 0' hea. Kllkenny-Clomantagh, Sean Mac G10bum ; original and only proper objects to which chance of uccess with those who made Kilkenny, P. De Loughrey. personal authority the supreme test, at a Louth--Drogheda, Sean ieson · Dundalk, every man of us had pledged himself. Francis Coburn ; Grangebellew, . Butterley. In our ver council the doctrine was time wh n that per onal authority as . Llmerick-Anglesboro', W. J. Ryani· Doon. e Padraig O'Riain; feelick Cross, M. Bren- boldly proclaimed that our duty was, not ert d under the progressive compul ion Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives 2 • • • of Engli h parties.
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