STARTING AT $19.99 CONTENTS 58 GUN STORAGE HOT TOPIC The Turkey Incident ❚BY ED COMBS FEATURES 62 TACTICS AGAINST A MOB 52 Surviving in the Street and in Court SELF-DEFENSE ❚BY SCHUYLER P. ROBERTSON BAD LOT 68 FITNESS Trouble Finds a Young BUILDING TECHNIQUE Minnesota Couple on Strong People Are Harder to Kill the Way to Their Car ❚BY GARY REICHERT ❚ BY JARED BLOHM 76 ROBBERY A SHOOTING IN MY ’HOOD Violence Hits Close to Home ❚BY RICK SAPP 86 TRIALS OUT OF YOUR HANDS 82 The Legal System Can Be LAW Murky and Complicated BURIED ❚BY CLEMENT S. PATTI JR. IN PAPER 98 KNIVES Your Concealed Carry THE BEDROCK MBC’s Master Technique Rights Are More Tenuous as a Skill Set Foundation Than You Might Think ❚BY MICHAEL JANICH ❚ BY ROBERT H. CARP 10 2 LAW ENFORCEMENT POLICE AND THE LAWFULLY ARMED Tips for a Smooth and Safe Interaction ❚BY GREGORY J. CONNOR AND DOUGLAS MITCHELL 10 6 CLOSE QUARTERS 92 THE FOLLY OF TRUE STORY HANDGUN DEPENDENCY Going for Yours to Find You Don’t Have One VICTIM ❚BY MICHAEL LETTERMAN NO MORE 110 REAL LIFE How One Woman Chose to Take Her Life Back TRUE TO WORD ❚ BY RICK SAPP Concealed Carry Magazine Wants to Hear Your Self-Defense Stories ❚BY ED COMBS 4 January | www.USCCA.com January 2018 COLUMNS WOMEN’S SECTION PG.121 48 DEFCON 1 CLOSE ENCOUNTERS Looking Down the Barrel ❚ BY JOHN CAILE 34 LEGALLY ARMED CITIZEN HARD LESSONS News From the Front ❚BY ED COMBS 38 IT’S JUST THE LAW 20 LYING The Last Mistake You Want to Make DEPARTMENTS ❚BY K.L. JAMISON 6 | PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 8 | EDITOR’S SHOT 10 | ABOUT THE COVER 12 | ASK THE USCCA BALLISTIC BASICS 42 14 | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR DROP IT 16 | BATTLE BLADES Is Your Pistol Drop-Safe? | ❚BY TAMARA KEEL 18 IN THE 10-RING 20 | TRUE STORIES 24 | BENCH REPORT 28 | DRILL OF THE MONTH 30 | LEGISLATIVE NEWS AFTER THE SHOT 44 32 | GEAR WE LOVE THE CAMEL’S NOSE | INSTRUCTOR’S CORNER The Mandatory Training Argument 112 Doesn’t Hold Up Under Scrutiny 114 | LIFELINE ❚BY ALAN KORWIN 116 | CLEAR IMPACT 118 | MEMBER PROFILE 119 | PRESS CHECK January | www.USCCA.com 5 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE by Tim Schmidt “If It Saves Just One Life…” You’ve likely heard both me and Executive Editor Kevin Michalowski say it more than a few times: The explicit goal of the Concealed Carry Magazine team is to make each issue better than the last. It is, perhaps, an impossible thing to measure, but I can tell you with absolute certainty that the talented people who work to bring you interesting, accurate and lifesaving information through these pages pursue that goal relentlessly. n fact, the amount of positive feed- See, true stories have the power to “x” number of lives are saved every day Iback we receive on a regular basis impact people in a way that statistics with the help of firearms, sharing those in- is a testament to how the Concealed cannot. And, honestly, that issue really dividuals’ life-changing stories — as Rick Carry Magazine team delivers on their helped to bring to light a crystal-clear Sapp did on behalf of Kevin Shea in “If promise of excellence and improve- truth that anti-gunners seemingly refuse It Bleeds…” (January 2017, Page 92), for ment every single time they send an to acknowledge: example — has a tendency to stick with issue from the printer to your mailbox. Guns help save lives. us far longer than even the most pro-gun I’m beyond grateful for their hard work, Wait … isn’t that usually their argu- numbers ever will. expertise and commitment to you and ment? Seriously, how many times have That’s why Concealed Carry Mag- to the USCCA’s ongoing mission to edu- you heard an anti-gunner say something azine’s editorial team has decided cate 10 million gun owners, protect and like, “If it saves just one life...” when refer- to bring you another true-stories- insure 1 million members, stop 20,000 ring to “common-sense” gun legislation? themed issue this time around. crimes and save 1,000 lives. I truly be- (Perhaps the real question is whether or Let’s be honest: Putting faces to dev- lieve that the content presented in Con- not you have enough fingers to count astating but ultimately triumphant acts cealed Carry Magazine is helping us do that high.) of survival can help to remind us — and all of those things. In fact, I know it is. What these people seem to com- reinforce in us — that our unequivocal, You may recall that, after over 10 years pletely ignore is the fact that guns, not God-given right to self-defense with a of producing this publication, we desig- gun laws, help save lives every sin- firearm might one day be the only rea- nated January 2017 as the first-ever issue gle day. I say “fact” because we have son we’re alive to tell our story. of Concealed Carry Magazine dedicat- proof — real, statistical evidence — The next time an anti-gun individual ed solely to true stories of self-defense. that this is true. Common sense tells tries to pull the “If it saves just one You’ll likely also recall that we debuted me, then, that guns in the hands of life” card, pull out a copy of Con- our brand-new women’s section in that good guys and gals is an effective way cealed Carry Magazine and hit them issue. (As an integral part of the USCCA to make our world a safer place. And, with true stories of armed self-de- mission, that section is here to stay. Turn honestly, I can think of few things that fense. As they say: The truth hurts, to Page 121 to read some incredible sto- make me happier than reading stories but it always prevails. ries from some of the firearms industry’s about these good guys and gals pre- most impassioned voices.) To date, and vailing against those who tried to do for both of those reasons, the “True Sto- them harm. ries” issue holds its position as my all- Think about it for a second: time favorite installment of CCM. While it might be promising to say that 6 January | www.USCCA.com RAPTOR® by DeSantis CONCEALMENT PERFECTED! MADE IN THE U.S.A. Visit us at Shot Show booth # 10962 LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR PATENTED LOCKING SYSTEM WWW.DESANTISHOLSTER.COM EDITOR’S SHOT by Kevin Michalowski TRUE STORIES ARE OFTEN THE BEST TEACHERS We live in curious times. More surveillance cameras than you can imagine surround us. Children born after 1997 are considered the most photographed generation in history. There are images everywhere. Cameras everywhere. It is downright Orwellian, and there is much to fear from this surveillance culture we have created. But there is much to learn as well. These cameras capture activities ical eye. Don’t just log on to YouTube the most part, we are not ready for it. that, until recently, we never really got and search for “fight” videos. If you do, If you are serious about your self-de- to see unfold in real time at full speed. you will be shocked and horrified by fense training, you will endeavor to Consider the sudden violent assault. the brutality of fights in the street and learn what you can from surveillance For decades, we could only rely on by the callous nature of someone who videos and true stories. Use them as eyewitness accounts of what hap- could shoot video of such an event conversation starters when talking to pened. Under such trauma, memory without trying to stop it. But I digress. like-minded people. Openly discuss is not clear. Video, while it might not The goal is to learn from the videos. what you see and what we all might tell the whole story, provides a much Take careful notice of what you see, learn from these stories. We simply clearer view of the actions, reactions especially if the video includes the few cannot overlook these tragic incidents and movements of the attacker and moments leading up to the attack. as sources of information or inspiration the victim in a sudden assault. When watching these videos, notice when it comes to defensive training. We can learn from these true stories, how the predator moves into position. We learn best from experience, but but we have to look at them with a crit- Pay attention to the angles, distances none of us really want to experience and other elements the predator uses an actual assault in order to improve to gain the advantage. Pay special at- our defensive skills. Instead, we can tention to how quickly use the information gleaned from the things happen. Sud- video images of these incidents and den assaults are vi- combine that information with well-rea- olent, unpredictable soned, practical and reputable train- and dynamic. The ing. Discuss the elements you’ve seen only proven way you on video or heard about from various can be certain to es- true stories and do your best to plan cape unharmed is your next move. to avoid the fight. The best fight is the one you are not We have much to in. But you can learn from these tragic learn by watching events and, like they say, “If this can videos of actual save just one life, it will be worth it.” attacks.
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