"II II" tnmumm^mmtmmmm REF ADDITIONS MANUSCRIPTS BRITISH MUSEUM MDCCCXXXVI MDCCCXL. : '^/.Ab LONDON lEOEGE WOODFALL AND SON, ANOEL COURT, SKINNER STRKET. LIST ADDITIONS MANUSCRIPTS BRITISH MUSEUM IN THE TEARS MDCCCXXXVI MDCCCXL. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. LONDON, MDCCCXLIII. 'z NOTICE. The present volume comprises the Annual Lists of Additions to the Department of Manuscripts, from 1836 to 1840 inclusive; and in them is given a succinct but sufficiently accurate de- scription of 2017 volumes of Mss. and 4087 Charters, exclusive of Papyri and Seals. To the whole is added an Index, on the compilation of which some labor has been bestowed, in the endeavour to combine in it the advantages both of an alphabetical and a classified arrangement. To facilitate further the use of these Annual Lists, (each of which was issued separately from the r* press, and with a distinct pagination,) a Table of Reference is annexed, shewing the regular series of numbers attached to the Mss., with the corresponding pages of each List, where they are to be found. F. MADDEN. British Museum, 4th April, 1843. TABLE OF REFERENCE. tdd. Mss. LIST ADDITIONS. MANUSCRIPTS. The Plays of William Shakspeare ; being the 12mo edition printed for Tonson, in 1734, interleaved, and illustrated with numerous notes b. I'llS. in manuscript by Richard Warner, of Woodford Row, in Essex, \.av.^n3A Egq^^ ^jjo died in April, 1775. All the words explained in the Glossary which follows are distinguished by a red line drawn under each. Bound in 8 Volumes, Quarto. [10,464-10,471.] A Glossary to the Plays of Shakspeare, in which are explained tech- nical terms, words obsolete or uncommon, and common words used in an uncommon sense. By Richard Warner, Esq. Alphabetically arranged. The latter part of letter R, and the letters S, T, U, V, are wanting. Bound in 51 Volumes, Quarto. [10,472-10,522.] A similar Glossary, alphabetically arranged. By Richard Warner, Esq. Bound in 20 Volumes, Octavo. [10,523-10,542.] An Alphabetical Index of words requiring explanation in the Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher. By Richard Warner, Esq. Octavo. [10,543.] A Letter to David Garrick, Esq., concerning a Glossary to the Plays of Shakspeare, on a more extensive plan than has hitherto appeared. To which is annexed a Specimen. By Richard Warner, Esq. The original manuscript. Folio. ^0,544.] Presented by the Reverend Thomas Rachett. MSS.— 1836. 2 MANUSCRIPTS. Meteorological Diary, kept at Calcutta, from October, 1815, to De- cember, 1818, inclusive. Folio. [10,545.] Bequeathed in 1834, hij the late Major-General Thomas Hardnnckc, but not delivered to the Museum until the j^resent year. A Manuscript, written on three hundred and thirty-three leaves of the Talipot tree, in the Ijurmese language. [10,548.] A similar Manuscript, on eleven leaves ; with some diagrams. [10,549.] A similar Manuscript, on six leaves. [10,550.] A similar Manuscript, on twenty-four leaves. [10,551.] A SIMILAR JManuscp.ipt, on fifty-five leaves. [10,552.] A SIMILAR Manuscript, on twenty-four leaves. [10,553.] A SIMILAR Manuscript, on five leaves. [10,554.] A SIMILAR Manuscript, on twenty-one leaves. [10,555.] A similar Manuscript, on forty-five leaves. [10,556.] A SIMILAR Manuscript, on forty leaves. [10,557.] A SIMILAR IManuscript, on six leaves. []10,558.] A similar Manuscript, on six leaves. [10,559.] A SIMILAR Manuscript, on nine leaves. Q0,560.] A similar Manuscript, on nine leaves ; with some diagrams. [10,561.] A FOLDING Manuscript in the Burmese language, written on black paper; the characters in white chalk, and the title in yellow chalk. Folio size. [10,562.] A SIMILAR Manuscript ; the characters in white chalk. Folio size. [10,563.] A SIMILAR Manuscript, with some tables of calculations. Folio size. 1^10,564.] A similar Manuscript. Folio size. [10,565.] A SIMILAR Manuscript, with figures of deities. Folio size. [10,566.] A SIMILAR Manuscript. Folio size. [10,567.] A SIMILAR Manuscript. Folio size. [10,568.] A FOLDING Manuscript in the Burmese language, with figures of deities and beasts, partly in black, partly in red ink, on coarse brown paper. Folio size. [10,569.] A similar Manuscript on black paper, with characters and figures in white chalk. Folio size. [10,570.] A SIMILAR Manuscript. Small Folio size. [10,571.] A SIMILAR Manuscript. Small Quarto size. [10,572.] Presented by John Tytlcr, Esq. iVI A N U S C R r P T S. '3 A Catalogue or Abstract of 791 documents, existing amongst the Ar- chives of France, in the Hotel Soubise at Paris, consisting of Muster Rolls, Warrants for the payment of troops, etc., during the wars of the English in France, between the years 1415 and 1448. By M. Ber- brugger ; French. Folio. [10,597.] Presented hy the Commissioners on Public Records. A Manuscript, written on thirty-seven leaves of the Talipot tree, in the Burmese language. [10,598.] Presented by Francis Mercier, Esq. The original Treaty of Alexandria, between Mehemet Ali Pasha, Vizier of Egypt, and Vice-Admiral Sir Edward Codrington, Cth Au- gust, 1828. Turkish; with an official translation in French, attested by John Barker, British Consul in Egypt. [10,599.] Presented by Vice-Admiral Sir Edward Codrington, G.C.B. Twelve Sermons preached at Stepney by Matthew Mead, transcribed from short-hand notes written after him, by James Andrews, in 1703. Quarto. [10,600.] Five Sermons preached at Stepney by Mr. Matthew Mead, transcribed from short-hand notes written after him, by James Andrews, in 1710. Duodecimo. [10,G01.] Presented by Sir Thomas W. Blomejield, Bart. Muster Rolls of various detachments of the Royal Regiment of Artil- lery, between the years 1721 and 1760. 2 Vols. Folio. [9913, 9914.] Transferred by the Master-General and Board of Ordnance, in 1835. A Bull of Pope Pius II., granting to the Vicar-General of the Order of Minors permission to found three or four houses in Scotland. Dat. V. id. Jun. 1463. [Addi. Ch. 1247.] Presented by William Gardner, Esq. Quinti Curtii Rufi de rebus gestis Alexandri Magni libri qui super- sunt. Codex membranaceus, manu Italica descriptus, anno 1460. Folio. [9950.] Rentale terrarum Ricardi, Comitis Arundelise, tempore Regis Ricardi II. Codex membranaceus. Folio. [10,013.] Macarii ^gypti, S. Johannis Chrysostomi, S. Johannis Damasceni, aliorumque opuscula varia; Greece. Codex chartaceus, secc xv. et xvi. Quarto. [10,014.] 4 MANUSCRIPTS. La Disme de Penitanche, [par Jelians, sires de Journi.]—Livre de Clergie, qui est apeles I'Ymage du monde ; en roumans, [par Gautier de Metz.] On vellum, written about the year 1300. Quarto. [10,015.] Francisci Petrarch^ Epistolse et carmina varia ; —Causa de dente dis- putata, metrice, per Symonem de Covino, anno 1366; — Oraculum Appollinis de eventu infausti praelii per Ducem Britannicum indicti adversus Francos ; —Epistola metrica de libertate ; —Theobaldi, Epis- copi, Physiologus, cum commentario ; —Laurentii carmen, de causis ; exilii sui —Commentarius in Summam de pcenitentia ; —Exposi- tiones lectionum quae leguntur in vigiliis defunctorum ; —Auctoritates ; ; Senecae —Hymnus de S. Katherina —Excerpta de libris Salomonis ; — Augustini [Triumphi] de Anchona tractatus de resurrectione mortuo- rum ; —Johannis de Garlandia poema de mysteriis ecclesiae, cum com- mentario ; —S. Bernardi Speculum de disciplina; —Modus confitendi; —Quaedam de origine urbis Romae et reliquiis Sanctorum ibidem existentibus ; —Schisma quod fuit in Leodio, inter Johannem de Ba- varia, clectum Leodiensem, et Theodoricum de Perwies, intrusum per populum, anno 1406 ; etc., etc. Codex chartaceus, sec. xv. Quarto. [10,019.] Martyrologium metricum ; —Explanatioproverbiorum Senecae secundum alphabetum ; — Brevia notabilia epistolarum Senecae moralium ad Lucillum ; —Quaestiones quaedam theologicae ; — Acta in Concilio oecu- menico ex decreto concilii Pisani a Jolianne Papa XXIII., rogatu Sigis- mundi, Romanorum et Bohemiae Regis, anno 1414 Constantiae con- gregatum ; epistolae variae, decreta, processus, aliaque hue spectantia adjunguntur ; —Tractatus varii de ecclesia Leodiensi, etc. Codex chartaceus, sec. xv. Folio. [10,020.] Gregorii Bar Hebr^ei Grammatica Syriaca brevior ; sec. xviii. Syr'iace. Quarto. [10,021.] ProcopiiGaz^i, sophistae Christiani, Scholia in librum Geneseos, necnon in quatuor libros Regum, et duos Paralipomenwn. Greece. Co- dex chartaceus, sec. xviii. ; in duos tomos distinctus. Quarto. [10,022, 10,023.] Opus Metaphysicum, duabus partibus comprehensum, scilicet, T?? Msra- <Pvaiy.vg Oi>ro>iCiyia. et T55? Mira.^va-ix.yii Hviv^a.To'koyia. Greece. Codex chartaceus, sec. xvii. Quarto. [10,024.] HiERONYMi Radiolensis, sivc de Raggiolo, monachi Vallisumbrosa}, libri quinque, quorum duo priores de miraculis S. Johannis Gualberti, tertius de quibusdam templis B. Mariae Virgini dicatis, quartus de Vallum- brosanae religionis Beatis, et quintus de vita solitaria. Codex char- taceus, sec. XVII. Quarto. [10,025.] Johannis Francisci Far^e, Sassarensis, archipresbyteri Turritani prius, postea episcopi Bosanensis, de rebus Sardois liber secundus. Codex chartaceus, sec. xviii. Quarto. [10,026.] MANUSCRIPTS. 5 HisTORiA VERA de comite Ugolino, qui cum filiis niisericorditer finiit in civitate Pisanorum ; —A chronicle of Pisa, from the year 1191 to the year 1337; in the Pisan dialect. Quarto. [10,027.] RisTRETTodelli AnnaliEcclesiastici e Secolari di Alessandro Tassoni, con diverse considerazioni e cose particolari importanti, aggiunte alle cose dette dal Cardinale Baronio et altri. 4 Vols. Quarto. [10,028- 10,031.] Zaptislava ; a tragedy in the Illijric dialect, by Junius Palmota,
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