DIRECTORY.] SUSSEX. BRIGHfON. Mackenzie Col. John McKillick, () Matson Mrs. Walpole lodge, Walpole rd Montefiore Jacob, I Oriental place Ventnor terrace, Ventnor villas Matthews Charles Henry, 22 Stanford rd Montriou M ajor-Gen Waiter, 1 nova Mackenzie ~'lrs.~Gordon, Trenant, Wil· Matthev;-s Francis, 1 Denmark villas, terrace, Cliftonville bury road, Hove Cliftonville :\loon Henry, M.D. 9 Old Steine McKergow Robt. 16 Prince Albert st Matthews Miss, 35 Preston road Moon Henry, 43 Preston road MackeyJhn.Branstone,24Bucknghm pl Matthews Mi!!s, 3 Ventnor terrace, Moon Mrs. 33 Clifton street :Mackilligin Geo.4 Seafield, Clil'tonville Ventnor villas, Cliftonville Moon Thomas, Denmark house, D~n- Mackinnon~Irs.l3Ventnor vils.Ciiftnvil Matthews Mrs. 18 Brunswick road mark villas, Cliftonville Mackintosh James, 10 Stanford road Matthews Mrst 12~ Marine square Moon William, LL.D. 104 Queen's road Jrfackreth Mrs. 6 Alfred road Maule George, 117 Marine parade Moor Mrs. 4 Sussex square Maclaurin Mrs. 33 Grand parade Mayall John, Hove Place ho. Dyke rd Moore Rev. John Lucas, ALA. 7 Cla- McLean Mrs. 12 Paston place Maxwell William Henry, 3 Hova villas, rence street :McLennam Charles Grabam, 29 Albany Cliftonville Moor'! Edward, 21 Regency square villas, Cliftonville Maydwell Rev. Richard Lockwood, 3 Moore George Augustus, 37 Cam- McLeod Mrs. 29 Clifton street Chatham place bridge road McLorg .Mrs. 4Q Park crescent Maydwell Richard Lockwood, jun. 3 Moore Miss, 28 Montpelier street Macmahon Mrs. 6 Belgrave place Chatham place Moore Mrs. 14 Brunswick place, Hove Macnamara Mrs. 9 Goldsmid road Mayhew Charles, 7 Selborne road, Hove Moore William Withers, u.n.18 llruns- McNaughton Mrs. 6 Sillwood place Maynard James, 6 Windham street wick square Macra Geo. 42 Brunswick place, Hove Maynard John, 4 Buckingham place Moorhouse Mrs. 21 O.;;borne villas, Macwinne l\lrs.44Albany vils.Cliftnville Mayner Wm. 4 Osborne dls. Cliftonville Cliftonville Maddenfdk.Wm.Hilton ldg.Sudeleyter Maze John, 28 Marine square Moppett Charles, 6 Prince's terrace, Madden Miss, 20 Prestonville road Meadows Mrs. 11 Park crescent Kemp town Maddock Arthur, 2 Ditchling terrace Measures John, 3 Buckingham street Morant MajorEdward,4 Bel~rave place Mahon Mrs. 42 Brunswick road MedcalfEdward Emest, 16 Hova villas, Morant-Gale Edward John, 66 D.vke rd :Maidlow William, 36 Chesham road Cliftonville Morel Mrs. 18 Selborne ro'ld, Hove Mainwaring Mrs. 17 Sill wood road Medley Miss, 9 Lansdowne square, Hove Morfee John, 17 Preston road .Major Mrs. 25 College road Mellh~h Mrs. 39 York road, Hove Morl};an Rev. Aaran Augustu!!, l'tJ.A. Major Mrf!. 15 Great Colleg-e street Melvill-Melvill Major-Gen. Sir Peter, [vicar of St. John's], Bristol lodge, Maiden Henry Charles, Windlesham K.C.B. 27 Palmeira square Bristol road · house, Furze hill Mercer William, 113 Ditchling ro::~.d MorganDavid, L.R.C.P. E DIN.48 Gran4 Male William, 24 Prestonville roacl 1\Ieredith Frederick, 27 York place parade, & 6 Upper Rock gardens Mallaby Rev. John Jackson, M .A. [vicar Merille de Colleville Rev.AristideCharles Morgan George, 15 Powis road of St. J ames's ), 12 Devonshire place Hyacinthe, n.n. 24 Chatham place M organ J ames, 8 Brunswick place north :Manbey Misses, 26 Montpelier crescent Merrifield J<'rederick, 24. V ernon terrace M organ John, 5 Old Steine Mangles Frederick, 25 Lewes crescent Merritt Mrs. 8 Denmarkvils.Cliftonville Morgan William, 14 Wellin~ton road Manigault Mrs. 1 Clifton hill Merry William, 34 King's road Morgan William Pitt, 39 St. Auhyn's, :Manley George, 15 Seafield, Cliftonville Merry William, 29 Sussex square Cliftonville Manu Chas. Henry,35 Shaftesbury road Mersb Mrs. 19 Clarence square Morganti Frederick, 31 Old Steine Mann Samuel, Ditchling rise Metcalfe Jas. Bell, M.D. 8 Belvedere ter Morganti Misses, 11 Broad street Mannering Waiter John, 4 Howard pl Metcalfe Mrs. 23 Hanover crescent Morley John, 4 Chesham place Manners-Sutton Rev. Wm. 22 Powis sq Methuen Rev. Henry Hoare, M.A. 1\lorley John Evelyn Kingston, 4 Ade- Mannington John, 66 Middle street 18 Powis road laide crescent Mansel Mrs. 10 Buckingham road Mew Mrs. 77 Preston road Morley Mrs. 8 Bloomsbury place Mansell Mrs. 32 Chatham place Meyer Fredk.B.31 Ventnor vils.Cliftonvl Morley William Henry, SA, Berlford st Mansell Thos. 7 Hova vils. Cliftonville Miles Edwin Josiah, M.n.Clifton hOuse, Morling Mrs. 1 Lansdowne road Mansfield Mrs. 12 Brunswick road Hova terrace, Cliftonville Morling Nathaniel, 24 Preston road :Mansfield Mrs. 2 Richmond terrace Miles George, 59 Park road west Morne Miss,31 Hova villas, Cliftonville ManwaringGeo.3Aibany vils.Cliftonville Millard .Mrs. 7 Montreal road Morris Capt. Charles Manigault, 7 St. Manwaring Mrs. Ditchling rise Millard William Kelson, 3 Adelaitle Michael's place Manwaring Mrs. 26 Hamilton road mansions, Hove Morris Alfred, 2 St. Peter's place Manzies J as.Anthony ,60 Buckingham pl Miller Lady, 23 Brunswick square Morris Charles, 12 Eaton place MarchJohn,21Biatchingtn.rd.Cliftonvil Miller Henry, 32 Great CoJiege street Morris John, 30 Dorset gardens March Mrs. 12 Sudeley street Miller Mrs. I Hervey ter. Eastern road Monis Mrs. 47 Great College street Marchant Mrs. 22 York place . Miller Mrs. 9 Sussex square Mortimer Thomas, 18 Compton terrace, Marchant W1lliam, 9 Queen's square Miller Mrs. 4 York place Clitton road Marke Thomas, 24 Wellington road Miller Samuel, 1 York villas Moseley Rev. Thomas, M.A. Rose Hill :Marks Frederick, 97 Upper North street Miller William, 5 Sussex square villa, Ditchling road Mamer John, 3 Clifton terrace Mills Alfred Thorncroft, 3 .New road Mosely Tilson, 13 Richmond road Marriott Richard, 10 Wellington road Mills Edmund, 12 Bloomsbury place Moses Mrs. 21 York road, Hove :Marsdeu Rev. Canon John Howaru, Mills Henry, 23 Campbell road Moss John Henry,1 Ship Street gardens B.D. 33 Cambridge roarl, Hove Mills J ames, 15 Montreal road Mouchet Miss, 3 Hollantl road, .H oye Marsh Mrs. 3 Atlingworth street Mills John Barnes, 13 Blatchington Moulsey Miss,1 Clevedon pl.Eastern rd llarsh Mrs. 69 Marine parade road, Cliftonville · Mountain Mrs. 11 Vernon terrace Marshall Alfred Richd. 2 Park Cres. ter Mills John James, 2 Montreal road Moxon Mrs. 34 Buckingham road Marshall Charles, 4 Abbey road Mills Miss, 6 Great College street Moy William Richard, 4 Hamilton road MarshallEbenezer Jas.78Buckinghm.rd Milne Mrs. 9 Bath street Muddle Williarn, 16 Sudcley street Marshall Mrs. 76 Dyke road Milner Rev. John, 43 Brunswick square Mu liens Henry, 43 Egremont pl.lce .Marshall Peter, 37 Park crescent Milner Mrs. 67 Franklin road Mullett John, 110 Queen's road Marshall Richard, 41 Buckingham road Milns J ohn,45 Blatchington rd.Cliftonvil Mulvey Mrs. 8 St. Mary's place Marshall Samuel, 20 Buckingham place Milton Francis, 12 Gladstone terrace Munnery William Smith, 66 Cobden~ ~ Martin Rev. Jehu, 5 Clarendon place Milton Mrs. 41 Great College street Munster E'lrl of, ::!3 Palmeira square Martin Edward, 4~ Buckingham place Mimardeire Henry, 63 Upper North st Munster Hy.Sillwoodlodbre, Sillwood~ Martin Henry, 5 Powis square Minchin Rev. John Champneys; M.A. Murdock James, 1 Eaton place Martin Henry Gillam, 4 Hampton te:- 40 Great College street Mm·ray Sir Robert, hart. D. L. Martin James, 7 Brunswick s4uare Mitchell Capt. Thos. 4 Cambridge road Marine parade Martin Michael, 9 Clitton place MitchellAlfred Charles, 7 Camphell road Murray John Jardine, 99 Western roa(. .Martin Miss, 50 Buckingham road Mitchell John, 16 West Hill road M ushiter Robert, M Marine parade Martin Miss, 23 Ventnor viis. Cliftonvil Mitchell Mrs. 23 Prestonville terrace Mutton Charles, 44 Russell square Martin Mrs. 63 Hova villas, Cliftonville Mitchell Mrs. 119 Southover street Mutton David, 50 Middle street MartinSimonNicholson,35 Brunswck.sq Mitchell Waiter Winsland, 12 Shafts- Myers E. 41 Brunswick square Martin TheoplJilus, 6 Montreal road bury road Myers Thos. 3 Denmark vils.Cliftonville Martin Thomas, 6 Mighell street Mitchell William, 30 Camp bell road Mylius William Fredk.21 Montpelier pl Maslin Joseph, 33 St. George's road Mocatta Isaac Lindo, 55 Brunswick sq Mylne Miss, 28 Montpelier crescellt Mason Mrs. 29 Adelaide crescent Mocatta Miss, 4 Royal crescent Naden Joseph, 67 Park road west :Mason Mrs. 101 London road .Uocatta Signor, 2 Montpelier crescent N agle Rev. Wm. M .A.4 St. 1\Hchael's pl Massey Hon. Mrs. 6 Codrington place l\-Iohum Misses, 7 Clarendon place Naish Miss, 6 Wykehani terrace Massey Augustus Francis, 3 York villas MoneyFrederickJohn,H.n1Marlboro'pl Naisb Mrs.13Albertroad Masterman Thomas, 127 Marine parade Money Wigram Eliot, 21 Cambridge rd ~apper Frederick, 6 Cavendish place Mathews Henry James,2 Goldsmid road Monson Lady, 16 Hampton place Nash Ebenezer, 24 Norfolk road .
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