
IEnvironmental Protection Agency An Ghnlomhoireochr um Choomhnli Comhrhooil I En v i Io n iiien ta I Iiea I I h 0 llice I. Headquarters PO Box 3000 Health Service Executive (Dublin North East) Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford Ireland 2nd Floor, Oak House ~35wa21 Lime Tree A venue. i I lenn i uni Pa rk M Ceanncheathru, Bosca Poist 3000 Naas, County Kildare Eastdt Chatsledn Bhaile Sheain Contae Loch Garman. tire Att. Mr David Molloy ~35wa21 T +353 53 9160600 F +353 53 9160699 E info@epa ie W wwwepaie LoCall 1890 33 55 99 1 1 October 2016 Reg No P1038-01 Notice ofa decision on a licence application. in accordance with Regulation 37 of the . EPA (Industrial Emissions) (Licensing) Rewlations 201 3 Deai- MI-.Mnlloy The Agency hereby notifies you of its decision to grant a licence, subject to conditions, to Sylvester Sr Don-en Quinn, Til-naneill, Monaghan, County Monaghan in respect of an activity located at Timaneill, Monaghan, County Monaghan The Final Deteimination and all otliei documentation relating to the application IS available to view on the Agency's \\lcbsite at the following link www epa le > Licensing gncl Pel-inittint! > IED and IPC Search Please see the Agency's website for infoimiation on public piticipation and ludicial rcview processes at www epa le Please note that there is no requirement for you to acknowledge receipt of this letter. YoU rs si ncei-eI y Do ro ta Richards P rogi-a111 me 0 ffice r Env i ro nine n ta I Licensing Programme I. Office of Envii-onmental Sustainability ij ronmental Protection An Ghnromhoirwrhr urn Choomhnu Director of Sciviccx - Planning Section Headquarters. PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate Mona gli a 11 COii n I y COit t ic i I County Wexford, Ireland Enviroiuiient & Roads Y35 W821 County Offices Ceanncheathru. Bosca Poist 3000 The Glen Eastdt Chaisledn Bhaile Monaglian Contae Loch Garrnan. Eire Y35 W821 T t3S3 53 9160600 F +353 53 9160699 E info@epaie W wwwepa le LoCall 1890 33 SS 99 1 I October 3016 Reg. No. P1038-01 Notice of a decision on 3 licence ali~lication.in accordance with Regulation 37 of the EPA (Inclustrial Emissions) (Licensing) Rewlations 201 3 i 'I I 11 Deu I- S i riM ;I d a m ', The Agency hereby notifies you of its decision to grant a licence, sub.ject to conditions, to Syl\xster & Dorren Quinn, Tirnaneill, Monaghan, County Mot;aglian in respect of an nclivity located at TirnaneiII, Monaghan, County Monaghan. !I The Final Detemiination and all other clocumeiitation relating to the application is ~ aiqilable to'view on the Agency's website at the following link: www.epa.ie > Liceiisinq ~ ,SI and Permitting > IED and IPC Search. Please see the ,Agency's website for infonnation ! ; on public participation and judicial review processes at w\vw.epa.ie. d Please note that there is no requirement for you to acknowledge receipt of this letter. Yours sincerely Dorota Richards PIograiiime Officer Enviroimiental Licensing Programme 0ffic e of Env 1 ro ii menta I Sus ta ilia b 1 I 1 t y An Ghniomhaireochr urn Chaornhnli Comhshooil Director of Services - Environment Section Headquarters. PO Box 3000 Monaghan Coiinly Council Johnstown Castle Estate , County Wexford. Ireland Environment Sr Roads ~35wa21 County Offices Ceanncheathru. Bosca Poist 3000 The Glen Eastat Chaisledn Bhaile Sheain Monaghan Contae Loch Garrnan, he Y35 W821 T: +353 53 9160600 F: t353 53 9160699 E: [email protected] W: www.epa.ie LoCall 1890 33 55 99 I1 October 3016 Reg. No. P1038-01 Notice ofa decision on a licence aii~~lication.in accordance with Regulation 37 of the €PA (Industrial Emissions) (Licensiiic,.) Reculations 9013 De a I' S i i-/M a d a i 11 The Agency Iieretq! notities you .of its tiecision to grait a lic.en&, sutJject to conclitions, to Sylvester Sr Dori-en Quiiin, Til-naneill, Monaghan, County Monaghan in respect of an act i vi I y Io c a recl at Ti riia lie i I I, Mona glia 11, C o U nty R/I o iia g han. The Final Determination and all other docimientation relating to the 'hpplication is available to vie\\! on the Agency's website at the following link: \vww.epa.ie > Licensing and Pei-mit\ing ::. IED and IPC Search. ' Please see the Agency's website for information on public participation and jiidicial revie\\/ processes at www.epa.ie. " Please note that there is no re'quirement for yoit to acknowledge receipt of this letter. Yours sincerely Dorota Richards P 1-0gr-a iii iiie 0ffi cer E nvi ro 11iii en ta I L i ceii s i n g Progra iii iii e 0ff ice o f E nv i 1-0 iiiiien ta I S11s ta i na b i I i t y ! I I 1 Environmental Protection / An Ghniomhoireochi urn Choomhnli 0 Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate * County Wexford, Ireland Y35 W821 Ceanncheathru, Bosca Poist Eastdt Chaislean Bhatle Shea Contae Loch Garman. he ~35wa21 T t353 53 9160600 F t353 53 9160699 E info@epa le W wwwepaie Locall. 1890 33 55 99 1 1 October 2016 Reg. No. P1038-01 Notice ora decision on a licence application, in accordance with Regulation 37 of the EPA (Industrial Emissions) (Licensing) Regulations 20 13 Dea I- S i riM a cl a ni The Agency hereby notifies you of its decision to grant a licence: sub-iect to conditions, to Sylvester Br Dol-ren Quinn, Til-naneill, Monaghan, County Monaglian in respect of an activity located ;it Tinlaneill, Monaghan, County Monaglian. The Final Determination and all other documentation relating to the application is available to view on the Agency's \vebsite. at the following link: cvww.epa.ie > Liceiisinz ancl Pei-niittinq > IED and IPC Search. Please see the Agency's website for infonuation on p U b I ic pa 1-ti c i pa ti o ii a ncl .i ud i c i a I rev i e\\: 11 I-ocesses a t \\I w w .epa . i e. Please note that there is no requirement for you to acknowledge receipt of this letter. Yours slllcerely ..ALa7TO_LL'> -2J Dorota Richards Program me Officer Environmental Licensing Programme 0 ffice o f En v i ro niii en ta I Susta i nab i 1it y I An Ghniomhoircocht urn Chaomhnti Comhshoood Department of' Agriciilture, Food and the Marine Headquariers. PO Box 3000 A gnc u 1 til re H o 11se, Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland Kildare Y35 W821 Dublin 2 Ceanncheathru. Bosca Poist 3000 'Eastdt Chaidean Bhaile Shedin L-, -U rl 1 Contae Loch Garman. €ire Y35 W821 T. +353 53 9160600 F: +353 53 9160699 E: [email protected] W: www.epa.ie LoCall: 1890 33 55 99 1 1 October 20 16 Reg. No.P1035-01 Notick ofa decision on a licence application. in accordance with Rewlation 37 of the EPA (Industrial Emissions) (Licensing) Re(_rulations30 13 Dear Minister Creed The Agency hereby notifies you of its decisioil to grant a licence, sub-ject to conditions, to Sylvester & Dol-ren Quinn, Tirnaneill, Monaghan, County Monaglia; in respect of an activity located a t Ti ma ne i I I, blo na glia n, County Mona glia n. The Final Detei-mination and all other documentation relating to the application is a\~ailabl~to view on the Agency's yebsite at the following link: ww\v.ena.ie > Licensing and Permitting IED and IPC Search. Please see the Agency's website for information on 1) 11b I ic part i c i pa ti o ii and 11d i c i a I rev i ew p 1-ocesses a I ww w.epa . i e. Please note that there is no requirement for you to acknowledge receipt of this letter. Yours sincerely Dorota Richards P ro gram me 0ffi cer Env i ro niii ciita 1 Licensing Progra iii ni e 0 f fic e of En v i 1-0nmen ta 1 Susta i na b i I it y U Environmental Protection I An Ghniomhoiwochl om Chaomhnli C< DepL of Communications, Cliinatc Action & Environme Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Ne\vto\vn Road Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford, Ireland W es Ib r -d Y35 W82 1 Y35 AP90 --.---I__--_ Ceanncheathru, Bosca Poist Eastdt Chairlean Bhaile Shea1 --A I. '#.:':tt .1 Contie Loch Garman. he ~35wa21 T +353 53 9160600 F: +353 53 9160699 E. [email protected] W: www.epa.ie LoCall: 1890 33 55 99 1 1 October 2016 Reg. No. P103S-01 Notice of a decision on a licence au~ilication.in accorclance with Redation 37 of the EPA (Industrial Emissions) (Licensinr) Rewlations 20 13 Dear h/ls By-ne The Agency hereby notifies you of its decision to grant a licence, subject to conditions, to Sylvester Sr Dol-ren Quinn, Timaneill, Monaghan: County Monagliaii, in respect of an a c ti v it y Io c a red a t Ti 1-nane i I 1, MOnag lian, C o U n t y Monag ha n . The Final Deterinination and all other clocumentation relating to tlie application is available to vie\\; on tlie Agency's ivebsite at the following link: uw\v.epa.ie > Licensinc and Permittiis > IED and IPC Search. Plense see the Agency's jvebsite for information on 11 ub I i c pa 1-1i c i pa ti o n a ncl .i u d i c i a I rev i e\\/ processes at LV\V\Y.
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