Gospel of St. John in Sanskrit-English-German-Latin – Page 1 –

Gospel of St. John in Sanskrit-English-German-Latin – Page 1 –

The Gospel According to St. John in Sanskrit-English-German-Latin In April 2008, I bought a very precious old translation of the New Testament from Greek into Sanskrit, published as second edition in the year 1851. It seems to be the translation made by William Carey and Bengali Sanskritists in 1808: The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in Sanscrit. Translated from the Greek by the Calcutta Baptist Missionaries with native assistants. Calcutta 1851 Second Edition Dharmya-pustakasya ÌeÍÀÎÌaÏ arthataÏ prabhunÀ yÁÌu-khrÁÍÊena nirÂpitasya nÂtana-dharmya-niyamasya grantha-saÎgrahaÏ In 2008, Mihail Bayaryn re-typeset all 28 chapters of the Gospel of St. Matthew, and the result of his work was presented in http://www.sanskritweb.net/sansdocs/matthew.pdf. This file was typeset using the font Alpa 99. See http://www.sanskritweb.net/itrans. In 2012, Mihail Bayaryn re-typeset all 21 chapters of the Gospel of St. John, and the result of his work is presented in this new file http://www.sanskritweb.net/sansdocs/john.pdf. This file was typeset using Mihail Bayaryn's own Devanagari font Siddhanta. See website http://www.sanskritweb.net/cakram/index.html. For facsimile scans of these Gospels in Sanskrit see http://www.sanskritweb.net/sansdocs. For this St. John's Gospel see file http://www.sanskritweb.net/sansdocs/john-facsimile.pdf. Ulrich Stiehl, Heidelberg, June 2012 http://www.sanskritweb.net/sansdocs/#BIBLE Gospel of St. John in Sanskrit-English-German-Latin – Page 1 – www.sanskritweb.net To search for diacritics in the transliterated Sanskrit text, on a Windows PC please press ALT key and enter 0 + code on numerical keypad, e.g. to search for À, press ALT key, keep it pressed, and enter 0192 on num pad. 192 193 194 195 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 À Á Â Ã Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï १-१ अादाै वाद अासीत्꠰ स च वाद ईरेण साधमासीत्꠰ स वाद वयमीर एव꠰ 1-1 Àdau vÀda ÀsÁt | sa ca vÀda ÁÌvareÉa sÀrdham_ÀsÁt | sa vÀdaÏ svayam ÁÌvara eva | 1-1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 1-1 Im Anfang war das Wort, und das Wort war bei Gott, und Gott war das Wort. 1-1 in principio erat Verbum et Verbum erat apud Deum et Deus erat Verbum १-२ स अादावीरेण सहासीत् 1-2 sa ÀdÀv_ÁÌvareÉa sahÀsÁt 1-2 The same was in the beginning with God. 1-2 Dasselbe war im Anfang bei Gott. 1-2 hoc erat in principio apud Deum १-३ तेन सव वत ससृजे꠰ सृवतषु कमप वत तेनासृ नात 1-3 tena sarvaÎ vastu sasÃje | sÃÍÊa-vastuÍu kim_api vastu tenÀsÃÍÊaÎ nÀsti 1-3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 1-3 Alle Dinge sind durch dasselbe gemacht, und ohne dasselbe ist nichts gemacht, was gemacht ist. 1-3 omnia per ipsum facta sunt et sine ipso factum est nihil quod factum est १-४ स जीवनयाकार꠰ त जीवन मनुयाणा याेित꠰ 1-4 sa jÁvanasyÀkÀraÏ | tac_ca jÁvanaÎ manuÍyÀÉÀÎ jyotiÏ | 1-4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 1-4 In ihm war das Leben, und das Leben war das Licht der Menschen. 1-4 in ipso vita erat et vita erat lux hominum १- ताेितरधकारे चकाशे क वधकारत जाह꠰ 1-5 taj_jyotir_andha-kÀre pra-cakÀÌe kiÎ_tv_andha-kÀras tan_na jagrÀha | 1-5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. 1-5 Und das Licht scheint in der Finsternis, und die Finsternis hat's nicht begriffen. 1-5 et lux in tenebris lucet et tenebrae eam non conprehenderunt १-६ याेहामक एकाे मनुज ईरेण ेषयाचे ꠰ 1-6 yohan_nÀmaka eko manu-ja ÁÌvareÉa preÍayÀÎ_cakre | 1-6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 1-6 Es ward ein Mensch von Gott gesandt, der hieß Johannes. 1-6 fuit homo missus a Deo cui nomen erat Iohannes Gospel of St. John in Sanskrit-English-German-Latin – Page 2 – www.sanskritweb.net १-७ तारा यथा सवे वसत तदथ स ताेितष माण दात सावपाे भूवागमत् 1-7 tad-dvÀrÀ yathÀ sarve vi-Ìvasanti tad-arthaÎ sa taj-jyotiÍi pra-mÀÉaÎ dÀtuÎ sÀkÍi- svarÂpo bhÂtvÀgamat 1-7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. 1-7 Dieser kam zum Zeugnis, daß er von dem Licht zeugte, auf daß sie alle durch ihn glaubten. 1-7 hic venit in testimonium ut testimonium perhiberet de lumine ut omnes crederent per illum १-८ स वय ताेितन꠰ क त ताेितष माण दातमागमत्꠰ 1-8 sa svayaÎ taj_jyotir_na | kiÎ_tu taj_jyotiÍi pra-mÀÉaÎ dÀtum À-gamat | 1-8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. 1-8 Er war nicht das Licht, sondern daß er zeugte von dem Licht. 1-8 non erat ille lux sed ut testimonium perhiberet de lumine १-९ जगयागय य सवमनुजेयाे दि ददाित तदेव सययाेित꠰ 1-9 jagaty_À-gatya yaÏ sarva-manu-jebhyo dÁptiÎ dadÀti tad_eva satya-jyotiÏ | 1-9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. 1-9 Das war das wahrhaftige Licht, welches alle Menschen erleuchtet, die in diese Welt kommen. 1-9 erat lux vera quae inluminat omnem hominem venientem in mundum १-१० स यगदसृजय एव स अासीत्꠰ क त जगताे लाेकात नाजानन ् 1-10 sa yaj_jagad_asÃjat tan-madhya eva sa ÀsÁt | kiÎ_tu jagato lokÀs_taÎ nÀjÀnan 1-10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. 1-10 Es war in der Welt, und die Welt ist durch dasselbe gemacht; und die Welt kannte es nicht. 1-10 in mundo erat et mundus per ipsum factus est et mundus eum non cognovit १-११ िनजाधकार स अागछत्꠰ क त जात नागृन्꠰ 1-11 ni-jÀdhi-kÀraÎ sa À-gacchat | kiÎ_tu pra-jÀs_taÎ nÀgÃhÉan | 1-11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not. 1-11 Er kam in sein Eigentum; und die Seinen nahmen ihn nicht auf. 1-11 in propria venit et sui eum non receperunt १-१२ तथाप ये ये तमगृन्꠰ अथाय ना यसतेय ईरय पुा भवतमधकारमददात्꠰ 1-12 tathÀpi ye ye tam_agÃhÉan | arthÀt_tasya nÀmni vy-aÌvasan tebhya ÁÌvarasya putrÀ bhavitum adhi-kÀram adadÀt | 1-12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: 1-12 Wie viele ihn aber aufnahmen, denen gab er Macht, Kinder Gottes zu werden, die an seinen Namen glauben; 1-12 quotquot autem receperunt eum dedit eis potestatem filios Dei fieri his qui credunt in nomine eius Gospel of St. John in Sanskrit-English-German-Latin – Page 3 – www.sanskritweb.net १-१३ तेषा जिन शाेणता शाररकाभलाषा मानवानामछाता े न क वीरादभवत्꠰ 1-13 teÍÀÎ janiÏ ÌoÉitÀn_na ÌÀrÁrikÀbhilÀÍÀn_na mÀnavÀnÀm icchÀto na kiÎ_tv_ÁÌvarÀd_abhavat | 1-13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. 1-13 welche nicht von dem Geblüt noch von dem Willen des Fleisches noch von dem Willen eines Mannes, sondern von Gott geboren sind. 1-13 qui non ex sanguinibus neque ex voluntate carnis neque ex voluntate viri sed ex Deo nati sunt १-१४ स वादाे मनुयपेणावतीय सयतानुहया परपूण ससाधमाभयवसत पतरतीयपुय याेयाे याे महमा त महमान तयापयाम꠰ 1-14 sa vÀdo manuÍya-rÂpeÉÀva-tÁrya satyatÀnu-grahabhyÀÎ pari-pÂrÉaÏ san sÀrdham asmÀbhir_ny-avasat tataÏ pitur_a-dvitÁya-putrasya yogyo yo mahimÀ taÎ mahimÀnaÎ tasyÀpaÌyÀma | 1-14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. 1-14 Und das Wort ward Fleisch und wohnte unter uns, und wir sahen seine Herrlichkeit, eine Herrlichkeit als des eingeborenen Sohnes vom Vater, voller Gnade und Wahrheit. 1-14 et Verbum caro factum est et habitavit in nobis et vidimus gloriam eius gloriam quasi unigeniti a Patre plenum gratiae et veritatis १-१ तताे याेहनप चाय सायमद दवायाे मम पादागमयित स माे गुतर꠰ यताे मपूव स वमान अासीत्꠰ यदथमह सायमदमदा स एष꠰ 1-15 tato yohan_api pra-cÀrya sÀkÍyam_idaÎ dattavÀn yo mama paÌcÀd À-gamiÍyati sa matto gurutaraÏ | yato mat-pÂrvaÎ sa vidyamÀna ÀsÁt | yad-artham ahaÎ sÀkÍyam_idam adÀÎ sa eÍaÏ | 1-15 John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me. 1-15 Johannes zeugt von ihm, ruft und spricht: Dieser war es, von dem ich gesagt habe: Nach mir wird kommen, der vor mir gewesen ist; denn er war eher als ich. 1-15 Iohannes testimonium perhibet de ipso et clamat dicens hic erat quem dixi vobis qui post me venturus est ante me factus est quia prior me erat १-१६ अपर च तय पूणताया वय सवे मश मशाे ऽनुह ाा꠰ 1-16 a-paraÎ ca tasya pÂrÉatÀyÀ vayaÎ sarve kramaÌaÏ kramaÌo 'nu-grahaÎ prÀptÀÏ | 1-16 And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.

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