* , Weather For Fair today, tonight and to- morrow. High both days in the 60s. Low tonight, about 45. SHodyide 1-0010 See page 2. An Independent Newspaper Under Same Ownership Since 1878 BY VOLUME 82, NO. 178 Issued Daily. Mond&y through Friday, entered u Second Class Matter if PFR rnpv CARRIER PAGE ONE it the Post Office at Bed Back. N. J., under tils Act or ili.-ch 3. 1S79. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1960 phR rAUC ulNCl 7C t-OPY s5o pEB WEEK Magee Wins, Hodax Beaten GOP Candidate Case Easy Winner In Red Bank Area Contests There were no major surprises Far behind was Mr. Hodax, an in yesterday's primary voting in independent Democrat this year In GOP Senate Test the Red Bank Area. with 130 votes. A bitter fight in New Shrews- New Shrewsbury's Republicans bury for the Democratic Bor- had no contest to offer-for posts . And Opponent Morris Loses ough Council nomination ended on the local governing body. in crushing defeat for Lester They gave Sen. Case 234 votes H. Hodax. to 188 for Morris and only seven Monmouth By The two candidates backed by for Dearborn for the U. S. Sen- the Democratic Club—Francis L. ate. Running for mayor is Rob Cooper and Robert L. Davidson ert E. Billings and for counci ' Slim Margin —polled 278 and 267 votes, respec- are Robert Singleton and Law tively. Mr. Hodax drew 130 rence R. Maione. ] NEWARK (AP)—Liberal ballots. It wrr against Mr. Davidson I Republican Sen. Clifford P. Magee Wins that Mr. Hodax had directed most . Case, easily triumphant of his campaign. He claimed tha The Fair Haven battle for the the Industrial Congress directo '; over a conservative chal- Republican nomination for Mayor and Mayor Baron erred in mak- " lenge to his renomination went to Councilman Eugene M. ing public predictions that 18 "• will face Democrat Thorn Magee by more than 2-1. He de- million dollars would be in *»' V Lord in New Jersey's U. S. feated Councilman Toi.y E. Hunt- vested in two industrial areas \J .*.''' Senate election in November. ing, 465 to 209. here. He also had charged at the • ' ."i Ci>se's victory margin over Democrats in Eatontown gave start that Mayor Baron hand- E. Bliss Price 13 write-in votes picked his running mates, leav- V V Robert Morris in yesterday's for mayor, although he had previ- ing him out of the picture. l-''-i primary election surpassed 100,- ously announced he would not WINNER — Councilman Eu- A few Democrats shovved a I 000 votes. With 4,205 of the 4,284 seek re-election and did not file gene \ft. Magee won the little opposition to the Baron pro- districts counted he led Morris A A f°St" • J u Republican nomination for gram. They gave Norbert Hoch- 218,498 to 115,734. A dead man was nominated by ^pumican nommaTion Tor ^ ^ recently gave his aiFFORD P. CASE Morris ran strong In Mon- the Republicans in Sea Bright for mayor m hair Haven. He de- personal pub|ic support to Mr. mouth county—coming within the tax collector's post. Clarence feated Councilman Tony E. Hodax, four write-in votes for 20o votes of defeating Case. e e Sl e ly on e who h ad mavor and two for the council ?-i j !J !!? -°u - . u , Huntinq 465 to 209. He took 29 of the county's S3 nunlln noa TO U7< nomination. filed for the job in either party, 9i * Last year, Mr. Hochreiter and Freehold, Marlboro municipalities—a majority. died March 22. with 278 votes, including four ab Mr. Hodax were teamed in a The vote in Monmouth was Little Silver Tax Assessor Louis sentee ballots, and Robert L Democratic organization-backed Case, 10,854, and Morris, 10,648. S. VanBrunt easily turned back Davidson, 3d, with 267 votes, race for council nomination. Organizations Win Morris defeated Case In his the challenge of John A. Dua foragain with four absentees. Mr, Members of the Baron ticket, homo county, Ocean, by 7,984 to the GOP nomination as assessor Cooper is secretary of the Plan- after the results were known, said 4,247, and with 30 of the 39 dis- ning Board here and Mr. David- FREEHOLD — Organizatioi tricts reporting in Hunterdon, 371 to 227. they wanted to close ranks in candidates were victorious in thi son is director of the New the Democratic camp and drive Missing Jewels THORN LORD was leading him in that county;. Shrewsbury Industrial Congress primary contests in Freehol 1,627 to 1,306. N. Shrewsbury for the November vote. Borough and Marlboro Township Democrats here yesterday gave The Democrats here favored Are Returned Lord, as expected, won a lop- Freehold Democratic leader side victory over Richard M. a solid vote of confidence to Lord over Glassner for the U. RUMSON — Mrs. George C. Harry Sagotsky's Democratic Or- Mayor Karl K. Baron, his ticket S. Senate by a margin of 190 to Douglas, New York City, who ganization unseated two Demo- Darland to Resign Glassner, a 62-year-old Newark and program, and rejected an Rebellion reported the loss of $15,000 cratic incumbent councilmen wh lawyer who offered only token effort by Lester H. Hodax to up- worth of jewelry while visiting had failed to support him foi opposition in the Democratic set the combination. Fair Haven friends here May 9, 1939, has borough attorney in January. Senate primary. Lord led Glass- Mayor Baron, who also is run- her jewelry back. From School Board 132,134 to 33,755. ning as Democratic nominee for Flares In Councilman Eugene M. Magee, The two mavericks supported who defeated Councilman Tony Police Chief Henry S. Kruse Democratic Mayor Barton Calla- RARITAN TOWNSHIP - Most Liberal the Board of Freeholders, stood said Mr. Douglas telephoned out as the No. 1 man on the tick- E. Hunting, 465 to 209, in the han's appointment of Republican Bee Buzzes, He Wayne B. Darland will end /J Case, a lawyer who looks GOP race for mayor, will be' in police Monday to report the M. * Raymond McGowan to th years' service on the Board of younger than his 56 years, ' is et, picking up 316 votes, four of Venezuela jewelry had been returned them absentee ballots. a three-way battle for the post in post. One of the defeated candi- Bashes—His Head Education Friday night. rated one of the most liberal of CARACAS (AP) — Rebels seiz- November with Democrat Milton through the efforts of a Catho- dates was picked up by write-in He tendered his resignation Republican senators. Morris, in • Swept into nomination with LITTLE SILVER — William him were Francis L. Cooper, ed control of an Army regiment's (See CONTESTS, Pg. 3) lic priest in Jersey City. Chief votes on the Republican ballot. yesterday. It will become effec- weli-financed, conservative cam- Kruse said all the items were A. Kerekesh came out second headquarters at San Cristobal In Marlboro Township, Repub- tive Friday. paign, attacked Case as more of returned. Mrs. Douglas was best In his battle with a bee a Democrat than a Republican. near the Colombia border toda; lican organization candidates the other day. Mr. Darland has served inter- in an attempt to set off nation- visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Case won a reputation as a 3 Get Stay Barkalow Smallwood, Bingham Ave., thwarted the bid of the town- mittently as a board member wide revolt against Presidenl ship Planning Board chairman Mr. Kerekesh, 58, was doing and as board secretary since strong supporter of Elsenhower Romulo Betancourt's government when she reported the jewelry some garden work at his home, 1947. administration policies in hii stolen. for the nomination for one of 53 Amelia Clr., when the buzz- Betancourt promptly ordered Resigning the two committee seats. Although his service as a mem- six years In the Senate. But Of Execution Ing of the bee became too during the campaign Morris troops to San Cristobal to quell much, ber was not, in all cases, con- the uprising, and pledges of sup- School Post Freehold current with his service as sec accused him of deserting th« On Appeal port came to him ar"6nce from Missing Child Mr. Kerekesh lashed out with retary, -his, time in each post administration fight against In- military, political and civilian FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP — Democratic leader Harry Sa- the trowel in his hand. totals 7i4 years. flation by voting for govern- TRENTON (AP)-T-iree men sources. Clifton T. Barkalow announced gotsky's organization unseated At Rlvervlew Hospital, two ment spending. Case called who faced execution last night He was elected to the board Morris a "McKlnJeyite." The moderate Venezuelan Pres yesterday that he will resign as Case Ends two incumbent councilmen in stitches in Mr. Kerekesh's head can expect at least f-ve months secretary of the Board of Educa- their bjd for the party nomina- were required to close the three times—never having lost an Lord, a tall, gangling lawyer of life in the death house at ident announced he would use all tions for two council seats. election—and appointed once. who once served as the state'f constitutional powers to crush the tion effective June 30 . wound from the trowel. state prison. Mr. Barkalow, who has held Happily His longest stretch on the board U. s. district attorney, heads one rebellion, but would not suspend Defeated were Councilmen De- No report on how the bee was a five-year period, from 1947 An automatic stay of execution the position for 19 years, stated EATONTOWN — Another mis Witt Lott, for a full term, and made out.
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