March 5, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H739 Blagojevich Hamilton Pease Conyers Johnson, E. B. Pascrell Commandments can be displayed in Govern- Bliley Hansen Peterson (MN) Coyne Kaptur Pastor Blunt Hastert Peterson (PA) Cummings Kennedy (MA) Payne ment buildings, I would have voted ``yes'' had Boehner Hastings (WA) Petri Davis (IL) Kennedy (RI) Pelosi I been present. Bonilla Hayworth Pickering DeFazio Kennelly Pickett Bono Hefley Pitts DeGette Kilpatrick Rangel f Borski Hefner Pombo Delahunt Kind (WI) Rivers Boucher Herger Pomeroy DeLauro Kleczka Rothman ELECTION OF MEMBERS TO Boyd Hill Portman Dellums Kucinich Roybal-Allard COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE Brady Hilleary Poshard Deutsch Levin Sabo Brown (OH) Hinojosa Price (NC) Dicks Lewis (GA) Sanders Mr. LAHOOD. Mr. Speaker, I offer a Bryant Hobson Pryce (OH) Dingell Lofgren Sawyer resolution (H. Res. 82) and I ask unani- Bunning Hoekstra Quinn Dixon Lowey Schumer Burr Holden Radanovich Doggett Luther Scott mous consent for its immediate consid- Burton Hooley Ramstad Dooley Maloney (NY) Serrano eration. Buyer Hostettler Regula Edwards Markey Sherman The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- Callahan Houghton Reyes Engel Martinez Skaggs lows: Calvert Hoyer Riggs Evans Matsui Slaughter Camp Hulshof Riley Fattah McCarthy (MO) Smith, Adam Resolved, That the following named Mem- Campbell Hunter Roemer Fazio McCarthy (NY) Snyder bers be, and they are hereby, elected to the Canady Hutchinson Rogan Foglietta McDermott Stark following standing committee of the House Cannon Hyde Rogers Frank (MA) McGovern Stokes of Representatives: Capps Inglis Rohrabacher Frost McKinney Tauscher Committee on Science: Mr. English of Cardin Istook Ros-Lehtinen Furse McNulty Thompson Castle Jenkins Roukema Gejdenson Meehan Thurman Pennsylvania; Mr. Nethercutt; Mr. Coburn; Chambliss John Royce Gephardt Meek Tierney and Mr. Sessions. Chenoweth Johnson (CT) Rush Gilman Menendez Torres The SPEAKER pro tempore. (Mr. Christensen Johnson (WI) Ryun Gonzalez Millender- Velazquez Clement Johnson, Sam Salmon Gutierrez McDonald Vento MCINNIS). Is there objection to the re- Clyburn Jones Sanchez Harman Miller (CA) Waters quest of the gentleman from Illinois? Coble Kanjorski Sandlin Hastings (FL) Mink Watt (NC) There was no objection. Coburn Kasich Sanford Hilliard Moakley Waxman The resolution was agreed to. Collins Kelly Saxton Hinchey Morella Wexler Combest Kildee Scarborough Horn Neal Weygand A motion to reconsider was laid on Condit Kim Schaefer, Dan Jackson (IL) Oberstar Woolsey the table. Cook King (NY) Schaffer, Bob Jackson-Lee Olver Yates Costello Kingston Sensenbrenner (TX) Owens f Cox Klink Sessions Jefferson Pallone Cramer Klug Shadegg VACATION OF SPECIAL ORDER Crane Knollenberg Shaw NOT VOTINGÐ12 Crapo Kolbe Shays Carson Lantos Rahall Mr. LAHOOD. Mr. Speaker, I ask Cubin LaFalce Shimkus Chabot Nadler Schiff unanimous consent to vacate the 5- Cunningham LaHood Shuster Cooksey Parker Strickland minute special order granted today to Danner Lampson Sisisky Dreier Porter Wise Skeen the gentlewoman from Connecticut Davis (FL) Largent b Davis (VA) Latham Skelton 1350 [Mrs. JOHNSON]. Deal LaTourette Smith (MI) Mr. KENNEDY of Rhode Island and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there DeLay Lazio Smith (NJ) Diaz-Balart Leach Smith (OR) Mr. FROST changed their vote from objection to the request of the gen- Dickey Lewis (CA) Smith (TX) ``yea'' to ``nay.'' tleman from Illinois? Doolittle Lewis (KY) Smith, Linda Mr. RUSH changed his vote from There was no objection. Doyle Linder Snowbarger Duncan Lipinski Solomon ``nay'' to ``yea.'' f Dunn Livingston Souder So (two-thirds having voted in favor Ehlers LoBiondo Spence thereof) the rules were suspended and INFORMING MEMBERS OF THE Ehrlich Lucas Spratt the concurrent resolution was agreed Emerson Maloney (CT) Stabenow PASSING OF H. EDWARD DREIER, English Manton Stearns to. JR. Ensign Manzullo Stenholm The result of the vote was announced Eshoo Mascara Stump as above recorded. (Ms. McCARTHY of Missouri asked Etheridge McCollum Stupak A motion to reconsider was laid on and was given permission to address Everett McCrery Sununu the House for 1 minute and to revise Ewing McDade Talent the table. Farr McHale Tanner f and extend her remarks and include ex- Fawell McHugh Tauzin traneous matter.) Filner McInnis Taylor (MS) PERSONAL EXPLANATION Ms. McCARTHY of Missouri. Mr. Flake McIntosh Taylor (NC) Speaker, it saddens me to inform the Foley McIntyre Thomas Mr. COOKSEY. Mr. Speaker, I was nec- Forbes McKeon Thornberry essarily absent from rollcall vote 31. Had I House of the passing of a dear friend Ford Metcalf Thune been present on that vote I would have voted and constituent, Ed Dreier, who is the Fowler Mica Tiahrt father of our colleague, the gentleman Fox Miller (FL) Towns ``aye.'' Franks (NJ) Minge Traficant f from California [DAVID DREIER]. Frelinghuysen Molinari Turner H. Edward Dreier, Junior, was a pio- Gallegly Mollohan Upton PERSONAL EXPLANATION neer in the housing industry in Kansas Ganske Moran (KS) Visclosky City. Forty-five years ago this month Gekas Moran (VA) Walsh Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, due to flooding Gibbons Murtha Wamp in my District, I was with Vice President Gore he incorporated his real estate develop- Gilchrest Myrick Watkins and local officials to discuss the flood this ment, construction, and property man- Gillmor Nethercutt Watts (OK) morning in Kenova, WV. Due to weather, my agement business and began service on Goode Neumann Weldon (FL) Goodlatte Ney Weldon (PA) flight to Washington was canceled and I un- the first commission on human rela- Goodling Northup Weller avoidably missed RECORD votes numbered 29, tions to implement integration laws Gordon Norwood White 30, and 31. for housing in our community. Whitfield Goss Nussle One and one-half weeks ago, DAVID Graham Obey Wicker On Rollcall vote No. 29, House Concurrent Granger Ortiz Wolf Resolution 17, congratulating the people of accepted for his father the Crystal Green Oxley Wynn Guatemala on negotiations for a peace proc- Merit Award, honoring excellent in the Greenwood Packard Young (AK) ess, I would have voted ``yes'' had I been apartment industry. Mr. Dreier was Gutknecht Pappas Young (FL) Hall (OH) Paul present. very active in the civic community, in- Hall (TX) Paxon On Rollcall vote No. 30, House Concurrent cluding serving as president and chair- Resolution 18, congratulating the people of man of the Lyric Opera Company of NAYSÐ125 Nicaragua on the success of their democratic Kansas City, and was an original mem- Abercrombie Bentsen Boswell elections, I would have voted ``yes'' had I been ber of the Westport Allen Center board Ackerman Berman Brown (CA) present. of trustees. Andrews Blumenauer Brown (FL) Baldacci Boehlert Clay On Rollcall vote No. 31, House Concurrent He had many friends here in the Becerra Bonior Clayton Resolution 31, a sense of Congress that Ten House, from the gentleman from New H740 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE March 5, 1997 York [CHARLIE RANGEL] and the gen- rial services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday, scripts containing a detailed analysis tleman from Massachusetts [JOE MOAK- March 6, at D.W. Newcomer's Sons Stine & of why fascism, democratic-socialism, LEY] to his fellow marines, the gen- McClure Chapel, 3235 Gillham Plaza, Kansas communism, and various other forms City, MO. In lieu of flowers, the family re- tleman from New York [AMO HOUGH- of collectivism necessarily contains quests memorial contributions be made to a TON] and [JERRY SOLOMON]. Our charity of the donor's choice. the seeds of its own respective destruc- thoughts and prayers are with DAVID Mr. Dreier attended Pembroke Hill School, tion. and his family during this most dif- Kemper Military Academy, and graduated It is a pinnacle of irony that for near- ficult time. from Southwest High School in 1946. He was ly 60 years these treasures, believed to Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to pay a drill instructor with the U.S. Marine have been confiscated and destroyed by tribute to this fine citizen whose con- Corps, and graduated in 1952 from Claremont a system totally devoid of individual tributions, through public service, will McKenna College, Claremont, CA. He was liberty and due process, were located in be remembered by those whose lives he President of H.E. Dreier, Jr., Inc., a real es- the Soviet Union. The genuine irony is tate development and property management touched. firm. In 1953, he was appointed by H. Roe that these manuscripts were redis- Mr. Speaker, I include for the Bartle to the Commission on Human Rela- covered only as a consequence of the RECORD newspaper articles concerning tions. He served as President of the Great Soviet experiment's ultimate failure, a Mr. Dreier's passing. Oaks Nursing Home. He also served on the failure deduced within those same The material referred to follows: Planning Commission of Fairway, KS, and manuscripts as the logically necessary AREA REAL ESTATE DEVELOPER DIES the Executive Committee of the Sixth outcome of collectivism. (By Mark Davis) Church of Christ, Scientist. He was an officer The great hero of liberty and author of the Homebuilders of Greater Kansas City, H. Edward Dreier Jr. of Kansas City, an of these manuscripts is the Austrian and was a 45-year member of the Real Estate area builder and property manager, died Board; President of the Lyric Opera Board; economist Ludwig Von Mises. I proudly Monday. He was 69. Honorary Coach for the NAIA Tennis Tour- and respectfully request entry in the Dreier founded his real estate develop- nament; and a member of the Society of Fel- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD of this compel- ment, construction and property manage- lows of the Nelson Atkins Museum. Mr. ment company 45 years ago in Kansas City. ling story as told by Llewellyn Rock- Dreier was a Director of United Missouri Dreier Management Co. built and continues well, President of the institute that Bank, North Region; President of the Dreier to manage several area apartment buildings. currently bears Dr. Mises' name. Family Foundation; and served on the Exec- Dreier also was active in Kansas City's [From the Washington Times, Mar.
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