BGCC_Versus_Booklet_EN.indb 1 13/12/2018 14:19:12 CONNE CT IO N _3 5 M b / s BGCC_Versus_Booklet_EN.indb 2 13/12/2018 14:19:22 CONNE CT IO N _3 5 M b / s VERSUS MODE 1 * VERSUS MODE RULES P.4 2 * POWERS DESCRIPTION P.8 3 * MISSIONS P.23 _) 3 BGCC_Versus_Booklet_EN.indb 3 13/12/2018 14:19:42 I. VERSUS MODE RULES ] Versus invites two players, each equipped with a command post, to oppose each other in a skirmish mode. This is an expansion to the game system, the specificities of which take priority over the core game’s rules. In this game mode all miniatures, heroes or villains, are characters controlled by tiles. Consequently, the rules related to item management do not apply here. Contrary to the usual rules, the exertion limit of the defense spaces is 3 (rather than the usual 4). In this game mode the structure of a game turn is the same; however, the structure of each side is modified. The structure of the villain’s turn has been modified as follows. L ____________~ I I A A, STRUCTURE OF THE VILLAIN’S TURN: 1, UPKEEP VILLAIN’S TURN 1 ~ □□□ 1:1 ...... 1 STRUCTURE OF THE VILLAIN’S TURN 1 During this step, in addition to the usual rules, the , 1 UPKEEP VILLAIN’S TURN 1 villain recovers 2 activation potential points. To do _) so, they transfer 2 Activation Potential Discs (APDs) from their unavailable activation potential zone to their available activation potential zone. 2, TRIGGER THE START OF THE 1 , ' FIG._1 VILLAIN’S TURN EFFECTS _) 2 , 3 SPEND THE ACTIVATION POTENTIAL 1 _) 4, ~-.-~ +OR ..... î DOES NOT WANT TO 1 TILE ACTIVATION Il OR CANNOT ACTIVATE 1 SETUP EXAMPLE L -~---.,-_)L_ANOTHER -~-_ TILE _) WANTS TO ACTIVATE ANOTHER TILE a c b a Number of APDs in the available activation , .-------------1 • · 5 TRIGGER THE END OF potential zone at the start of the game 1- THE VILLAIN’S TURN EFFECTS ' • b · Number of APDs in the unaivalable activation potential zone at the start of the game L'---- _)~ •c · Number of activation potential points recovered each turn 1The villain’s turn includes the following steps: 1 I A 000 , 1 · Upkeep Villain’s Turn , TRIGGER THE START OF THE VILLAIN’S , 2 2 · Trigger the Start of the Villain’s Turn Effects TURN EFFECTS •, 3 · Spend the Activation Potential 4, · Tile Activation This step remains unchanged. i, 5 · Trigger the End of the Villain’s Turn Effects ~ --------------.:odDWlllllj~llllllb...~-------- ~ 4 BGCC_Versus_Booklet_EN.indb 4 13/12/2018 14:19:45 I A I A 000 3, SPEND THE ACTIVATION POTENTIAL 4, TILE ACTIVATION ~ □□□ __. 1 ~ □□□ __,. 1 The villain can decide not to activate tiles and This step follows the same rules as the Activate the end their turn. In this case, they go directly to the First Tile step. Trigger the End of the Villain’s Turn Effects step. At the end of this step, the player decides if they If not, they must first buy the right to activate a tile want to activate another tile or not. If they decide by paying a cost in APDs. To do so, the villain must to do so, they return to the Spend the Activation move APDs from their available activation potential Potential step. zone to their spend activation potential zone. Don’t forget to spend the energy cubes required to The cost is equal to the number of tile activations activate the tile! (fig.3) already made during the turn plus 1, meaning the , number of the activation in progress. FIG._3 , FIG._2 3 2 1 Example : The player wants to activate the third tile I A of the turn, so they must pay a cost in APDs of 3 discs. , 5 TRIGGER THE END OF THE VILLAIN’S TURN EFFECTS ~ □□ D E -..+ 1 In addition to the usual steps of Trigger the End of the Villain’s Turn Effects, the villain transfers all the APDs from their spend activation potential zone to their unavailable activation potential zone. I ~ , :)B STRUCTURE OF THE HERO’S 1 TURN: ~ ---•-•--- In Versus mode, the hero’s side turn follows the same rules as the villain’s side turn, with the excep- tion of switching the terms villain and hero. - I :)C, PLAYING A MISSION: ---•-•--- I 000 1, MISSION SELECTION The players agree on the mission to play. They place their energy cubes and APDs as indicated in its setup. 5 BGCC_Versus_Booklet_EN.indb 5 13/12/2018 14:19:52 I 000 that they must select is determined by their ini- 2, LEADER SELECTION tial river, as indicated in the mission setup. After choosing, the players place the life point mar- ~ □□□ a ......,. 1 kers of the characters on the command post. Each Each player must choose their Leader from Leader miniature is placed on the board as indicated the Leader/Lieutenant level character tiles by the setup plan. (core box and expansions) of their side, star- The Leader has their power and event tile. The event ting with the player who has initiative. tile is placed in the river as indicated by the setup The type (simple or double) of the Leader tile diagram. 1 EXAMPLE OF AN INITIAL RIVER FOR THE HERO’S SIDE X4 X4 LEADER X3 X4 X1 X1 X1 WARNING E V V WARNING X4 X4 LEADER X4 X4 X1 X1 X1 L ___ EXAMPLE OF AN INITIAL RIVER FOR THE VILLAIN’S SIDE ___ _) I 000 3, TEAM COMPOSITION ~ □□□ 1:.1 ........ 1 The players build/draft the rest of their team. To do so, they must choose between all the character tiles of their own side (core boxes and expansions). The number, type and level of the tiles that they must select is determined by their initial rivers. Players take turns selecting tiles, one at a time, star- ting with the one who has initiative. When a Leader/Lieutenant level character tile is selected for a space other than the Leader one, their life points marker is placed on the command post. This tile is a Lieutenant tile, and it adds no effects to the event tile. 6 BGCC_Versus_Booklet_EN.indb 6 13/12/2018 14:19:58 EXAMPLE OF THE SETUP PLAN 1 2 1 2 6 4 1 4 2 1 2 1 5 5 4 4 5 2 5 5 5 1 2 6 5 3 3 4 4 2 2 1 4 5 1 L ___________________ ~ I ~ . , This icon indicates where the miniatures D POWERS : of a tile are placed on the board. The :) i X number on the icon indicates the activa- ---•----- tion cost of the corresponding tile. Each Leader has one or more specific powers that have priority over all the rules, except the mission rules. I C 000 4, FINISHING THE SETUP The use of this power is mandatory: ~ □□ D E ....,. 1 - if the power is a special event, it is associated The players finish setting up the mission as indi- with an event tile. Its effect must be applied when cated in the setup. the event tile of their side is activated. When a Leader is neutralized, their special event powers I C 000 are no longer associated with the event tile. 5, NEUTRALIZING A LEADER - permanent powers are not associated with the ~ □□□ l!I ...... 1 event tile. These effects are taken into account When a Leader is neutralized, if the event tile does throughout the game. not have any more associated events, it is neutra- lized as well. Moreover, if a power makes you replace the event tile with another tile, you can no longer benefit from the effect of the event related to the mission. 7 BGCC_Versus_Booklet_EN.indb 7 13/12/2018 14:20:08 II . POWERS DESCRIPTION Powers are presented as follows: MINIATURE NAME NAME OF THE POWER Explanatory text TYPE OF POWER Description of the effect ---~~------_) 000 AZRAEL FLAMING SWORD Azrael immediately performs an attack using his fla- ming sword. SPECIAL EVENT The hero immediately performs a character activa- tion with Azrael. They only carry out a melee attack with 2 orange dice. The villain ignores the Spend Energy Cubes step during defense for this attack. OR Azrael immediately performs a movement. SPECIAL EVENT The hero immediately performs a character acti- vation with Azrael. They only carry out their First HERO Movement Step. POWERS 000 (BARBARA GORDON) 000 BATGIRL RADIO-CONTROLLED BATARANG ALFRED CARE Batgirl performs a ranged attack using a radio- controlled batarang. The hero takes care of their lieutenant. SPECIAL EVENT SPECIAL EVENT The hero immediately performs a character acti- The hero resets the lieutenant’s life point marker vation with Batgirl. They only carry out a ranged back to its initial value. attack with the following exceptions: OR - Batgirl does not necessarily need a line of sight to the defender. Alfred immediately performs a movement. - The defender must be within a maximum dis- tance of 3 areas from Batgirl. SPECIAL EVENT - During the Create the Dice Pool step, the attack The hero immediately performs a character acti- characteristic of the hero is 1 black die with reroll vation with Alfred. They only carry out their First + I yellow die. Movement Step. OR Batgirl immediately performs a movement. 8 BGCC_Versus_Booklet_EN.indb 8 13/12/2018 14:20:12 000 SPECIAL EVENT BATMAN (THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS) The hero immediately performs a character acti- NO LIMITS vation with Batgirl. They only carry out their First Movement Step. Batman immediately performs a movement and several attacks, injuring himself.
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