Thursday, Santemtor ?9. 19f P TORRANCE PRISI paq> p.y " ' 'mabiUt for Sal* AotomobiUi for Sal* 200 A tmobliM for S«t» 300 Autemebil for AutomobHM for Sal*_ 200 4uUrr.ebiUi for Salo 200 Automobile* for Salt 200 Automobilts for Salo Ml OPERATION SELL-OUT * FULL SWING \ On All 1960 FORD demonstrators and Executive Cars! GIGANTIC DISCOUNTS SAVE up to $1000 and MORE TREMENDOUS SAVINGS Full Factory New Car Warranty on Every Executive Car and Demonstrator F 1960 Ford Starliner 1960 Ford Galoxie Club Sedan- ' 1960 Ford Starliner Hardtop -> ' BOB WELLS is mighty proud o? his 1960 Ford Starliner. and rightly so! It's the Here's JERRY MANN with his 19«iO Ford Galaxie Club Sedan. It has been driven ultimate in style, comfort and convenience. Equipped with This Is DICK WANGERIEjN with his 1960 Ford Starliner 2-Door Hardtop. Ford- Cruisomatic trans­ only 4200 miles. Fully equipped cruisomatic. power steering, power brakes, omatic. V-8. power steering, back up lights and clock, nadded <hsh and visors, mission, Thunderbird engine, power steering, power brakes, push button radio, padded dash and visors, hack up lights and clock, push button radio, masicaire magicaire heater, padded dash and visors, back up lights and white walls ... in ever-popular corinthian white. 5000 actual miles. Like all clock, curb guard neater, while walls, lovely diamond lustre aquamarine finish. JERRY MANN of Vol's demonstrators, it carries a complete new car factory warante*. Jus-t body moulding and white wall tires, this beauty with 5000 actual miles is sure will offer you hundreds of dollars in extra to pleane savings on this beautiful, fully like brand new in every respect except the price. You'll save many hundreds J any price-conscious buyer. Let BOB WELLS take you for a demonstra­ guaranteed executive car now. (Walteria) now! (Walterii) tion ride this weekend. 'Walteria) 1960 Ford Starliner 1960 Ford G^'axie Club Sedan 1960 Ford Ranch Waoon- I ROY OEISER wants all his Palos Verdes neighbors to accept his invitation to Here's RAY CHRISTIANSON beside his 1980 Ford Galaxie Club Sedan. In JOHN WILLIAMS has meticulously cared tor this low mileage 1960 Ford Ranch come in this weekend to see and drive his beautiful Yosemite Yellow .Starliner. striking montecarlo red and corinthinn white tutone. equipped with cruisomatic, Wagon, This popular I960 model and it's still show roorn fresh. Fordomatic transmission. V-8, push is a fully equipped low mileage demonstrator with power steering, power brakes, push button radio, maqicaire heater, nadded dash button radio, magicairc heater, white walls. it'c an ideal family car. Fully Pordomatic, power steering, push button radio, maglcaire heater and many and visors, back up lights and clock, deluxe interior, white walls and wheel other extras. Drives guaranteed, naturally, and specially priced now at Vel's Ford to save you like a dream, and priced during Vel's executive and dem­ covers, it's a whale of a value. fiOOd actual miles. RAY CHRISTIANSON will many extra hundreds of dollars. See JOHN WILLIAMS today! (Torrance) onstrator car clearance unbelievably low. (Torrance) appreciate the opportunity to show you his car this weekend! (Torrance* NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED TIJESE CARS MUST BE SOLD NOW Save as much as $39 per mo. on PAYMENTS ALONE! - 2 GIANT LOCATIONS - - 2 GIANT LOCATIONS - 1420 Cobrillo Avenue Torrance 's 101 Hwy. at Hawthorne Blvd. Walteria FA 8-5014 FA 8-8488 Open Eveninqs and Sundays Ford Open Evenings and Sundays Open Season FOR BARA*»N HUNTERS BOB KEEPER PON TURPIN MOTORS ECONOMYCORNER $50 A"ovi- O«P COST PLYMOUTH VAHANT FIAT On AM New I960 '56 METROPOLITAN Hardtop ...........$ 695 '59 Peuqot IMdlo, 7 tone finish, «tir> tnlft Fronomy plut. Thlt Httlt tern ITS HERE! V58 Triumph 4 door t«dan Ovordrlvt. radio, ON DISPLAY! won't w»lt, better hurryl whlt« *ld* wall*, light gray. Sharp AMERICAN RAMBLERS '59 FIAT "1200" Sedan $1295 Inddt and out 1961 PLYMOUTH and VALIANT 1961 Roadster TR-3 die. heater, Heater, whltt tide wall*. 4 »M«d orlglrtnl on* owner car* Italv'a flfMtt quality car. $1395 transmission, Skymlst blu* with Over 30 mllei per aallon. King of the Road King of the Compacts black top Plus All '58 KFNAULT Dauoliinc .......... .......... ........$ 895 Used Car Trades at Near Wholesale Hurry! A Few '60's Left Big Discounts g*lr* there. Don't put off looking. Thl« won't la»t. '.W OLDSMOBILC N < Door Hardtop. lo«d«d S49S Dowr $1495 M THIRD Lo«d«d ........ ...... I3»S Down PRICES BELOW FACTORY COST 'S7 PLYMOUTH Hurdtoa. loadsd . ........... $1f 5 Down DON TURPIN MOTORS ECONOMY CORNPR _ M SDSFl Hurdtop. Loaded .. I1»5 Down "Garden* D**l»r" 'M OLDSMOBII E 4-Door Hardtop Poll Pow«r |1»S Down USED CAR SPECIALS 161st St. & Vermont '« MERfUffY Hardtop. Oni owner . SI SO Down fSR OLDS Siinrr RB Hoi. Cpe. CIIQQ 'HT MKRC. Montrlflir 4 rlr. Auto '56 PONTIAC 4-Door $ 695 '13 CHRV. 0*1 Air ?-DMr. Good transportation S »5 Down Auto. pwr. strrr.. R&H. VI l««l H&H. pwr. stcrr. w.s.w. Hydramatte, radio, hMter. olmcnln* 7-tone flnlth. DA 9-1184 FA 1-0434 w.a.w. Perfect condition. Chrck this price, you'll find "Gardena Otatar* '53 Open Fve«. & Sunday Trucks you can't beat ill_______ 161st St. & Vermont BUICK Social $ 295 'M CHEVROt ST l*lckiiP. I ong hcrt SW Down 'BO CHEV. Corvnir 700 « * klunk«r v«i, too »««ld RteJIo, h»«t»«r, ntw FROM Anlo trans, R&H, w.s.w $1899 '58 PLYMOUTH Sub. 2-dr. DA 9-1184 FA 1-0434 Stotion Waqons '___Just like new Wgn. Strl. trans. R*H. w.s w. Open Evas, and Sunday % '52 POMTIAC HarHtem Couoe * 295 Pontiac '60 '.55 POffD » pa»*ano*r loaded Si so Down Perfect condition. uv FO* LISS '$7 PORD Ranrh Waoon FoMomatic %?9,S Dowp Certainly not a ero«« country lob ni/» Very cisan '37 FORD Ctry. Squire W«n. FROM ie»" a daltv for odd lor>». Bonneville '.« PLYMOUTH Motion Waqon Automatic SI *B7 Hardtoo SO Down 4-dr., 9 pass, w.w., Big engln*, hvdromatie, r»ow*r auto trans. Auto.. R&H. w.s.w. Only a $8919 FORD '59 >ta«rlng, tl^ctric windows & %tt\i ___ R&H. power steering. German TAUNUS DON TIIBWM MOTORS Prtmlum tlrts, bio radio t htat |(A7A.M P^ f^w us clean as this. Orieinal finish. tr GortffOU*. Sacrifice ch«ap. Ntw 57 DK SOTO H.T. Coupe New rebuilt motor. economy >-door. vtrdrty*. Fiat Volvo Alffl Romeo Lancia car auarantM * **rvlc». Also Authorind Rambler Headquarter! miiea«e Catalina ltdan. Auto trans.. R&H. w.s.w., $1199 '55 DODGrf Coronet 4-Dr. Soles and Service 15019 S. Western Gardena Power steering. Must see to ^appreciate. Auto trans. RAH. w.s.w. $499 946 North Avalon TE 5-6685 DA 4.4941 , FA 1-1327 '57 DODGE Cust Royal H.T. Original finish. $ AuID trans., R&H w.s.w.'s, p. '56 FORD ^fon P.U. Wilminqton Open Pv«n. & Sunday Chevrolet FOJ?D 1954~"VICTORIA 199 '54 Bel Air steering. Red Ik white, original & clean. Auto, heater. Perfect cond $899 '2599 t?* down *r W1 »*r m*, '59 $75 Dn. or $59 Mo. PArlnmnttc. oower *teerint. radio Hardtoo h*«ter t7«> Hnwn LARK BOB BFAVER PONTIAC BOB BEAVER PONTIAC ATTENTION 93 I Pacific BOB KEEPER Ply mouth-Valiant Hardtop coupe. Ovardrlvt, Coast Hwy. $ 888 Pacific Coast Hwy. radio, h*«t«r, 14,172 original mll'Hi, Hermosa_____FR^ 4 3444 $ whlt« wnllt, «tc r,u/»rnntp»d for OS Q2521 501 Hnwthorne Blvd.. Howthorne OR 8-4956 Hermosa FR 4-0931 «n<> y«nr A »t»«l SWAP 199 29? S4 AUMIN HFAI FY tlOO. After < $25 Dn. or $37 Mo. Palnfln* and e*rp»nt«»rlnfl work for Take Over Payments down or II * oer mo. P m. or weekend*, call Tnke Over Payments down payment en new or u**d tur in l*W Pontiac Vitta t door with Boh Beaver Pontiac re To Place Your Torrance Press full oownr Mvdramatle, lt!M CHRVHOi ft ! Air OR UfAVit PONTIAC radio, BOB RFAVFR PONTIAC hardtrw SEE TED JONES ANYTIMF heater Sold hrand tvn* l»Aw*r«1ld*, radla. tM r»»C»flC OtNMt new hv ui lu*t 888 Pac. Cst Hwv. 'SI HWV. II Pacific Coa»t Hwy., Hermrxa a f*w 88fl Pflrifir Coa^t Hwy. T BIRO. Full power. IquHy and neater No down favmenH a* f* mot. ago. Call finance man take Payments. Classified Ad Call DA 5-1515 t»«.»0 4-4*11 F* 4-6*11 ag*r PR Hermoso FR 4 6911 Mn f! ,, »er month. Call finance Man- .., rp DA 4-7771 - DA 4 07A4 ater f* 4-3*44. FRANK R::MAN PONTIAC CENTER-WILMINGTON A-4tt^v«»-m . Reiman Right Used Cars at Sacrifice Prices Tt 5-31 *\ .................$1195 *57 M^^^fi'v... ...........$1349 Tt 5-9933 Super 88 4-Door Sedan. Mydramatlc, radio. h«at«r, Star Chief Custom Catalina Hardtop. Radio, heat­ Montclair 2-Deor Hardtop. Radio, heater, power oower «tttrlng and brakes, factory air conditioning, er, hydramatic, power steering and brakes. tteering and braket, Mercomatic, other extrai. 56Pantiac................$749 '59 Chevrolet... .........$1895 '55 r.hevralet $849 4-Door Sedan. Radio, heater, hydramatic. Real nice 4-Door Station Waqon, 6-cylinder Automatic, radio, Bet Air 4-Door Sedan. Radio, heater, power tHer- car. heater, whitewall*. Miflnite blue finish. ing and braVei. MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM HIGHEST TRADE ALLOWANCES EASIEST TERMS 24 hr. Classified Ad Service Call Anytime DA 5-1515.
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