All-Round Development of People of JK Modi Govt's

All-Round Development of People of JK Modi Govt's

!## "$&"%%%& '"%$ !&" " !&& $% "!* "! ("# !& #! !! $! %& *%"%!* $'&""%& $%"!*"'$& (!$ )!% '$"#! !(!&"$)$ JAMMU, SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 2021 VOL. 37 | NO.168 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] | | Price : Rs. 2.00 All-round development of people of COVID-19: Jammu and Kashmir reports 671 cases, 8 deaths +8. 38 +=273< .3@3=398 &2/ ?66/>38 0?<>2/< =+3. >2+> 9?> 90 J-K Modi govt's top priority: Shah &2/ 9@/<87/8> 98 <3.+C 38 >/=> </=?6>= +@+36+,6/ 09<7/.>2+> 8/A:9=3>3@/-+=/=90 =+7:6/=2+@/,//8>/=>/.+= 1+83=/><+3838109<>2/7/7,/<=7+5 89@/69<98+@3<?="( $3$)&'1+ 381:<9:/<=3>>381+<<+81/7/8>=09< 8/1+>3@/>366 >2?8/ 0<97+77?.3@3=398+8. 0<97 &366.+>/ :/<=98=2+@/,//8 >2/7+8.:<[email protected]/;?3:7/8>+8. +=273<.3@3=3982+@/,//8</:9<>/. 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